Magic Cushion is a therapeutic hoof packing solution that helps relieve hoof heat and sore hooves, keeping horses comfortable during competition and daily activities. It contains pine rosin, turpentine, natural leather fiber, and iodine to reduce the temperature in an overheated hoof. The sticky material is packed into the sole of a horse’s shod or shoe, providing fast, soothing relief for overworked hooves.
Absorbine Hooflex Magic Cushion hoof packing is a popular method for providing relief from soreness, bruises, or other hoof-related discomfort. To pack the hoof sole with Magic Cushion, cover it to a depth of ½ inch, especially for barefoot horses. Cover the sole with paper or plastic, then cover the entire hoof and sole with self-adhering wrap or hoof boot. Reapply every 24-48 hours until condition improves.
Magic Cushion is medicated to assist in the prevention of thrush and soft soles usually associated with hoof packing materials. Thoroughly clean all areas of the frog and sole using a hoof pick and a stiff brush, and use disposable gloves to apply enough product.
In summary, Magic Cushion is a popular and effective way to pack hoofs for horses, providing fast, soothing relief for overworked hooves. It is recommended to cover the sole with paper or plastic, then cover the entire hoof and sole with self-adhering wrap or hoof boot.
📹 Magic Cushion – How It Works, How to Apply It & How Magic Cushion Hoof Packing Helps Your Horse
Learn all about how Magic Cushion helps relieve hoof heat and sore hooves to keep your horse feeling comfortable during …
📹 How To Apply Hooflex Magic Cushion
A step-by-step guide to pack a hoof with the therapeutic hoof packing Magic Cushion. This how-to shows packing the hoof then …
Why do people make comments that she already covered. Maybe they should watch the article. She said to clean the hoof, it needs direct contact; she said to not use diapers; etc. And she said it’s for horses with sore, tender feet from over exertion, etc. Horses worked on hard surfaces who have tender feet, or some will get sore if they end up on gravel, or just a lot of work. Some horse even just trimming, will be sore the first day or two. Those horses we used pine tar and oakum and a pad under the shoe and they wouldn’t get sore but if you didn’t — they’d be sore from one to several days. Pine tar has antiseptic properties and used properly with the oakum, it help keep frogs in good shape with good pressure to prevent contracted heels. It also prevented excessive drying from sandy dry conditions, shavings, sandy rings, etc. we used fresh cut pine sawdust which had lots of the pine oils still in the shavings — one it smelled good, shined coats, but I think the horses feet were better than in today’s kiln dried bagged shavings. I would imagine this new product along with some other tricks your vet can help you with in using foam panel boards to relieve pressure for horses with laminitis. Not sure about that with the Absorbine product but we used similar home made products in decades past. It’s like people, some can go day after day walking and running. Others can’t take a few hours that their feet don’t get sore. Best of luck with this, as with any animal you care for, you hate to see them in pain and when it’s their feet.