In the first part of the puzzle, you must find four different combinations of three numbers to select letters from Kaia’s murmurings. To do this, visit the Resistance HQpage and click on each of the scraps of paper and notes in front of Kaia. For each notice, three phrases should be provided.
Anchor Management is an interesting multi-duty weapon that can attack, defend, and heal all at once. There are two types of Mystic Mushrooms: ones that do things to your pet (such as heal them or give them stat boosts) and ones that simply act as food.
In the game, there are two types of Mystic Mushrooms: ones that do things to your pet (such as heal them or give them stat boosts) and ones that simply act as food. To solve the puzzle, replace the text in text1,2,3.txt with copy pastes from your murmer.
To get the fourth location in Neopia, head back to the Forgotten Graveyard and find lock pieces scattered throughout the field. Click on all of them before going back to The Clearing and completing the puzzle.
The Wraith Assassin has a countdown for 8 seconds, and if you don’t finish the round before the countdown is over, the Wraith Assassin will attack one of your pets. The Daily Neopets is a fan site with over 1000 pages of game guides, articles, avatar solutions, plot help, and more.
To help the Jetsam, go to Taelia’s Brewing Center and click on the scroll. Make potions for each of the pets to make potions. Go into the menu and select strategies and tell everyone not to use the burst gauge.
Is there a way to turn off their mystic artes or do I have to set them on defend and manually command them what to use?
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