The death date calculator is a useful tool for predicting an individual’s life span and death. It helps in understanding the position of the Sun with other planets, which can help predict death. The Sun’s position in the natal chart gives insight into how the individual will die. Predicting death in clear words is not recommended as it can break down the will power of the family or patient. Ashtakavarga, according to Brihatparasara Horashastra, is a system that predicts and determines an individual’s life and longevity based on energies emanated from different planetary positions.
Vedic astrology offers various tools and techniques for timing the death, including the ayurdhaya method for specific horoscopes. Tertiary determinants of death include Saturn associated with marakas, the lord of the 6th or 8th associated with a maraka, and the least powerful planet in the horoscope. Transit influences are a popular dasha system in Vedic Astrology, used by many astrologers to determine the results and timing of a particular activity.
In Vedic Astrology, death is always signified by Pluto, Scorpio, and the 8th house. Grave and funerals are matters of the Moon, Cancer, and the 4th house. To predict your death year, input your date of birth and gender, and consider the transit influences of the Sun, Mars, and Jupiter.
Primary directions involve moving points or planets in the chart by symbolic degrees. When significant points such as the Sun are placed in the natal chart, they can help predict death.
📹 Marakas: Dashas Predicting Death: Conor Clapton
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Which house in astrology is for death?
Astrology can help individuals navigate their journey through death and psychedelic re-ignition, allowing them to face the unthinkable head-on. The eighth house, which hosts signs and planets, can indicate a journey through literal and metaphorical death. The reward is a spiritual return to the world of the living, allowing individuals to face the unthinkable head-on. When in the presence of sickness, danger, or the nearing loss of a loved one, it is important to look out for planets currently hitting the eighth house, such as Saturn, the planet of finality, and Pluto, the archetype of death and rebirth.
Saturn, the planet of responsibility, will guide individuals on how to take care of themselves and ensure they don’t ignore their physical or emotional needs. Pluto may lead to larger conversations about ancestry and spiritual baggage, resulting in a longer, more psychedelic process.
Which planet is associated with death?
Planetary symbolism in astrology involves the concept of planets, which were once thought to consist of fixed stars and moving objects. The Ancient Greeks, who learned from the Babylonians, believed that the night sky consisted of five visible planets, including Earth, the Sun, and Moon. The Ancients included the Sun and Moon as the Sacred 7 Luminaires/7 Heavens, making a total of seven planets.
These planets were considered gods by ancient astrologers and were named their 7 days of the week after them. Modern astrologers view the planets as basic drives or urges in the subconscious, or energy flow regulators representing dimensions of experience. They express themselves with different qualities in the 12 signs of the zodiac and in the 12 houses, and are related to each other in the form of aspects.
In summary, planets in astrology have different meanings from their astronomical understanding. Ancient astrologers believed that the planets represented the will of deities and their direct influence on human affairs. Today, astrologists continue to interpret these planets as gods.
How to calculate time of death in Vedic astrology?
In the Brihat Jataka, Varahamihira explains that death occurs in places similar to the rasi occupied by the lord of the navamsa, in which birth falls. The time of death is identified by the unrisen number of navamsas in the birth. If the birth lord aspects it, the time must be doubled; aspected by benefics, the time will be trebled.
Narayanan Nambutiri, the author of Prasna Marga, states that the total bindus (before reduction) in Saturn’s Ashtakavarga from the lagna to the sign occupied by Saturn and from the sign occupied by Saturn to the lagna indicates the age when the native will be attacked by disease or misfortune. The total of these figures also indicates the age of troubles. If the end or beginning of a malefic dasha coincides with the age represented by these three figures, then death may take place.
To determine the time of death, multiply the Sodya Pinda of Saturn by the bindus in the 8th house from Saturn in his own Ashtakavarga, divide the product by 27. When Saturn transits the nakshatra represented by the remainder or trinal nakshatra, then death may take place. Multiply the bindus in the sign occupied by Jupiter or the Sun in Saturn’s Ashtakavarga by Saturn’s Sodya Pinda and divide the product by 12, the remainder will be the sign transited by Jupiter or the Sun respectively at the time of death.
Which tithi is good for death?
In traditional belief systems, Amavasya days, or new moon days, are regarded as auspicious for undertaking various activities. In some cases, even death on these days is considered auspicious.
How to predict your death age?
The key predictors of life expectancy are age and gender. Furthermore, height and weight are significant factors, with obesity being a prevalent issue in the USA. While family history is not a factor that can be controlled, other factors such as blood pressure, stress, exercise, diet, and seatbelt use can also impact longevity.
Which nakshatra is bad for death?
The following Nakshatras are not conducive to the occurrence of death: The following Nakshatras are not conducive to the occurrence of death: Rohini, Dhanishta, Satabisham, Purvabhadra, Revati, Mrigasira, Punarvasu, Uttara, Chitta, Visakha, Uttarashada, Magha, and days with “Vaara Dosh.”
What are the signs of approaching death in Hinduism?
Astrologer Pandit Jaygovind Shastri explains that the human body has seven chakras, including Sahasrara (the crown chakra), Ajna (the third-eye chakra), Vishuddha (the throat chakra), Anahata (the heart chakra), Manipura (the solar plexus chakra), Svadhisthana (the sacral chakra), and Muladhara (the root chakra). As the time of death approaches, activities in the navel chakra start first, as it begins to disintegrate. This is the central point of the body where the formation of the body begins at birth.
As the time of death approaches, a person starts receiving various signs indicating that the time to relinquish the body is nearing. The most prominent sign when death is near is that a person’s nose becomes invisible. With birth, every individual brings several lines in their palm, which are inscribed by Brahma, indicating a person’s lifespan. Palmistry claims that these lines change periodically, and when one is seriously ill, the lines become faint. The Samudra Shastra states that as death approaches, the lines on the palm become indistinct and so light that they are barely visible.
Various signs and omens associated with death have been mentioned in scriptures like the Garuda Purana, Surya Aruna Samvada, Samudra Shastra, and Kapalik Samhita. Jyotish Shastra Pandit Jayagovind mentions that when a person is about to embark on the journey to the afterlife, their ancestors and departed souls are excited, preparing for the arrival of a new member in their world. Consequently, those nearing death often sense the presence of shadows around them, often witnessing their ancestors and deceased individuals. Sometimes, this realization becomes so profound that it induces fear.
Dream Interpretation indicates forthcoming events, as both Surya Aruna Samvada and Dream Interpretation suggest that when death approaches, a person begins to have ominous dreams. A person may witness themselves riding a donkey in their dream, signifying the journey, or seeing deceased individuals or ancestors in a dream. It is said that a shadow always accompanies a person, and if people notice their shadows around them, they also leave.
Garuda Purana states that when death is imminent, even a person sitting close by might not be visible. At such times, the messengers of Yama become visible, instilling fear in the person. As long as breath exists, life persists, and the moment breath ceases, the person is declared dead. Breath flows in a straight manner from birth till death, but when a person’s death nears, their breath starts flowing upwards or in reverse.
- If a person cannot determine directions even after seeing the planets, feels restless, their death occurs within six months.
- If blue flies suddenly surround a person, their life is left with only a month.
- If birds like vultures, crows, or pigeons perch on someone’s head, their life is left with only a month.
- If a person’s body suddenly turns pale or yellow, with red marks visible, their life will end within six months.
- If a person’s shadow disappears from fire, oil, ghee, or a mirror, they have less than six months to live.
- If a person’s left hand twitches continuously for a week, all their limbs start trembling, and their soles dry up, their life will end within six months.
- If a person doesn’t see Dhruva (Polaris) or the sun and moon are eclipsed by Rahu, and all directions appear to be spinning, their life won’t exceed six months.
- If a person sees the sun and moon surrounded by Rahu and feels surrounded by complete darkness, their life will end within six months.
- A person who doesn’t hear the fearful sounds of hunters behind deer, does not see the Saptarishi stars in the sky, and can’t see the light of fire, their life ends within six months.
What is the death symbol in astrology?
The Death card is associated with the fixed-water sign of Scorpio and its ruling planet, Pluto. It is depicted in various tarot decks, including the Mythic tarot deck, the Sun and Moon tarot deck, and the Star Spinner tarot deck. In the Mythic deck, Death is represented by Hades, while in the Sun and Moon deck, it is a woman bathed in fire with wings. In the Star Spinner deck, Death is Nyx holding her child, Thanatos.
What is the strongest predictor of longevity?
Lisa Underland from the Children’s Hospital at Montefiore in New York found that mobility, strength, and balance are the best predictors of a long and healthy life, rather than weight loss. The study involved older women who participated in a long-running study. Underland explains that the media, society, and medical circles often talk about weight loss, which can negatively impact the health of the elderly.
How to check death dosha?
Pitra Dosha is a planetary placement in an individual’s horoscope that can indicate the presence of certain obstacles or hurdles in their life. These can be Rahu, the Moon, or the Sun in the 9th house, or Ketu in the 4th house. If these obstacles persist, it may be due to past karma affecting the present and future. To determine if Pitru Dosha is the cause, use the Pitru Dosha calculator. This tool analyzes a person’s birth chart or kundli and identifies if Pitru Dosha exists.
It is designed by astrology experts to provide clarity on Pitru Dosha and family karma. The Pitru Dosha calculator is an easy-to-use tool that helps individuals discover if Pitru Dosha exists in their horoscopes.
Can you predict death in Vedic astrology?
In astrology, human life is referred to as “Ayurdhaya,” and the moment of death is believed to be predetermined at the moment of birth. This concept makes it impossible for ordinary people to predict the course of a person’s life.
📹 Predicting Death by Saturn’s Transit(Phaladeepika 13.18)
This is our weekly stream translating and explaining the 14th-century Indian/Vedic astrology classic: Phaladipika. Vic’s Website: …
Poor Connor Clapton was the victim of negligent adults. Who in their right mind leaves a 6 x 4 window open in a 53rd floor apartment with a 4 year old running around??? My question is, what if the dasha predicting system in this article applies to my KP chart, not my regular birth chart? In my KP chart due to cusps, my 1st and 2nd house are both in Leo, in regular chart 1st is Leo, 2nd is Virgo. Wondering because I’m currently running my Sun dasha, Mars is in my 7th house
Goodness, I remember reading about this in the paper. I was with my grandfather and cousins (summer 1991) and we were staying in a hotel in Houston and I read this while having breakfast in the hotel restaurant. . I didn’t even realize Eric and Patti split up and he had a child with another woman. I remember Tears in Heaven and it was released the following summer.
I have Moon in Gemini (Punarvasu Nakshatra). My Moon nakshatra’s lord is Jupiter. Now, I am in a Saturn mahadasha/Rahu antaradasha until april 27th. I have libra ascendant. Saturn is in the 3rd house in Sagittarius and Rahu is 5th house in Aquarius. So, Saturn and Rahu are 3 places from itself. Maybe it’s because of that it has been a harsh period. After april 27th I will start Jupiter bkuti. Jupiter is with Mars in the 8th house. So, Saturn is 6 places from Jupiter (not auspicious).
I think it depends also on many other factors for example d30 chart has to be checked and a lot of other things transits etc. plus the calculation of Elements as well which is Never mentioned. I like your website Joni but I think it’s completely ignorant to make an assumptions that just because he ran a subdasha which is placed 8th from the main dasha is just one factor. You can put some people in a fear this way. I repeat zillion other things has to be checked.
Great interpretation Joni, thanks. With my little knowledge in Astrology, I think first we need to determine life span of the chart (person ). Ex :balaarishta (death during childhood ), if baalarishta presence then only these quincox 6 & 8) will end that person, same way if life span is till middle or old age. In case of mass deaths due to the natural calamities mundane charts for that place is predominent than the individual chart which faced the death. Please correct me.