Bethel Church, a controversial megachurch in Redding, California, has denied promoting New Age occultism through the use of “Destiny Cards”, which critics have compared to tarot cards. A former leader at Bethel Church has responded to criticisms, stating that witches are not biblical and go against God’s Word. As followers of Christ, we should not endorse the idea that witches are “cool”. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is poured out on believers to have God’s power to be His witnesses.
Church authorities and secular governments viewed witchcraft as a heretical and dangerous threat to Christianity and social order. Bill Johnson, the Senior Leader of Bethel Church, is a fifth-generation pastor with a rich heritage in the Holy Spirit. The event and its main speaker, Bill Johnson, are increasing awareness of the controversial church throughout the continent.
Witches Go To Bethel is an article about a woman who is an active practitioner of witchcraft and her friend who visited the church. Bethel Church claims to be a special place where miracles happen every day, yet when a coven of witches went there, she was given support for her writing job at a witchcraft blog called “Witches and Pagans”, supposedly coming directly from God.
Witchcraft is now present in churches that label themselves “Christian”. Pastor Hoggard presents proof that witchcraft is now present in churches that label themselves “Christian”. One of the basic principles is that using sorcery, magic, and mediums as a means for revelation is antithetical to the Christian worldview.
📹 Bethel Church Practices Kabbalah Magic!!! PROOF!!!
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Does Bethel Church believe in speaking in tongues?
The initial physical evidence of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit is “speaking in tongues,” as experienced on Pentecost and referenced in Acts and the Epistles.
Does Bethel believe in rapture?
The future prophecy posits that all deceased believers will be resurrected from their graves and reunited with the Lord in the air, while those who are alive will be transported to the same destination, where they will dwell perpetually in the Lord’s presence.
What is so special about Bethel?
Bethel was a significant religious center during the time of the Bible, with the Ark of the Covenant being kept there under the care of Phinehas, grandson of Aaron. The Ark was mentioned in 1 Samuel 4:3, and in 1 Samuel 7:16, the prophet Samuel made a yearly circuit of Bethel, Gilgal, and Mizpah to judge Israel. In I Samuel 10:3, Samuel instructed Saul to visit the “Hill of God” in Bethel, where he would meet a group of prophets with a psaltery, tabret, pipe, and harp. It is believed that there was a Philistine garrison there at the time. Bethel is mentioned again in 1 Samuel 13:2 and 2 Samuel 30:27.
What Bible does the Bethel Church use?
Since 1982, the Sacred Scriptures Bethel Edition has been the standard Bible used in all Assemblies of Yahweh worship services and publications. The congregation’s reading of passages, such as Isaiah 42:8, provides a unified voice and an inspiring moment. Sacred Name supporters often cite passages where Yahweh is found in the original Hebrew texts, found approximately 7, 000 times in the Hebrew Scriptures. Although some claim the pronunciation was lost or unknown, most authoritative reference works today support the view that Yahweh was known and is the most accurate spelling in the English language.
Does Bethel believe Jesus is God?
Jesus Christ is considered God incarnate, fully God and fully man, born of the virgin Mary through the Holy Spirit. He lived a sinless life, was crucified, arose from the dead, and ascended to heaven as our High Priest and Advocate. Jesus Christ’s atoning death and resurrection are the only grounds for salvation. The Holy Spirit glorifies Jesus Christ, convicting the world of guilt, regenerating sinners, and indwelling believers for Christ-like living and service. He convicts the world of its guilt, regenerates sinners, and equips believers for Christ-like living and service.
Does Bethel Church believe in the Trinity?
God is a one-essenced entity that exists simultaneously in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The essence of God is bound up in these persons equally, and their distinct roles are bound up in their respective persons. This concept of God’s existence and function as a Trinity is central to this belief.
The Father is the functional head of the Trinity, giving life and redeeming all creation. He is the source of the Spirit, the outpouring of God, and the elector and predestinator of His creation. The Son is the image of the invisible God and the agent and reason for Creation. In Jesus Christ, God incarnated His Essence through the Person of Jesus, becoming one substance with man. This eternal God Son functions in one substance with two natures in the form of man, remaining fully God and fully human while maintaining the complete character and nature of the Triune God.
The Holy Spirit is eternal, serving as the functional presence of God in the world. It is identified in terms of the other persons and is the revealer and encouragement of God. The Holy Spirit indwells each believer and proceeds from both God the Father and God the Son “eternally” without any dividing or change in God’s nature. He is holy and serves as the breath of God.
What is the Bethel Church controversy?
The school’s claims of prophetic and miraculous abilities were questioned after the predicted resurrection of “Baby Olive” and the prediction of Donald Trump’s reelection and eight-year term in office. The school also made questionable claims about the appearance of gold dust from Heaven, the shekinah glory of God, and angel feathers in services. Students are assigned tasks to find strangers in Redding to encourage and pray for, often seeking people in wheelchairs and crutches in grocery stores and parking lots.
They are banned from prophesying to tourists around the Sundial Bridge and have been kicked out of local stores. They also engage in “treasure hunts”, believing God gives them clues to match people they are to find and encourage. The 2008 lawsuit over attempted faith healing also raised concerns.
Does Bethel University support LGBTQ?
Same-sex attraction and gender dysphoria are not sins and should be valued and respected. The university condemns any malice directed towards these individuals and encourages civility and respect in all interactions. However, improper behaviors can disrupt the commitment to a Biblical sexual identity and personal holiness. The university will not permit cross-dressing or actions that intentionally discord with birth gender. Students who violate community standards regarding sexual expression will be treated lovingly and redemptively.
The university may dismiss a student who continues to show disrespect for policies related to sexuality after counseling. Students who continue to promote, advocate, or behave contrary to this commitment may face dismissal.
What are Bethel Church beliefs?
It is our conviction that God’s grace, salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, and the restoration of fellowship with God are made possible by repentance, belief, and the acceptance of Jesus as Savior and Lord.
Does Bethel believe that Jesus is God?
Jesus Christ is considered God incarnate, fully God and fully man, born of the virgin Mary through the Holy Spirit. He lived a sinless life, was crucified, arose from the dead, and ascended to heaven as our High Priest and Advocate. Jesus Christ’s atoning death and resurrection are the only grounds for salvation. The Holy Spirit glorifies Jesus Christ, convicting the world of guilt, regenerating sinners, and indwelling believers for Christ-like living and service. He convicts the world of its guilt, regenerates sinners, and equips believers for Christ-like living and service.
Does the Bible say not to go to Bethel?
The text warns against worshipping at pagan altars in Bethel, visiting shrines in Gilgal, or visiting Beersheba, as the people of Gilgal will be exiled, and Bethel will be reduced to nothing. It advises not to waste time visiting these sites, as Gilgal is present and gone, and Bethel is only showy. The text also warns against seeking Bethel or entering Gilgal, as Gilgal will likely go into captivity, and Bethel will eventually be destroyed.
📹 Bill Johnson Center Stage for Bethel Witchcraft Spell! Reprobate foolishness!
This practice at Bethel is just an example of the occult and spirit of witchcraft that is practiced by Bethel and promoted at their …
I used to be in the occult; and you’re right the devil has a born again experience. For me what it looked and felt like was actually shockingly powerful. I was a Pagan. I had moments of tears for the “divine mother/maiden” 🤢 where I felt so attuned to all the earth and nature around me. I never had that before I was a Pagan. Praise King Yeshua He led me out of the darkness nearly 2 years ago! I took out all my piercings and got rid of all the skulls and stupid divination stuff like Tarot decks, spell books etc. Just as in Ezekiel: God took a heart of stone and turned it to human flesh and I’ve wept sorely over who I was and what I put Him through. I still am ashamed, but praise God for His mercy! 🕊💕
Hi Spencer, I am a women Pastor. I never intended to have my own church, but I was going to preach. Since perusal Third Adam I understand now why I can never preach to a congregation, but only work with women. Thank you for this. It is very eye opening. I am from South Africa.. not much preaching about false doctrine etc.
Most American Christians have never read thru the whole Bible, frankly most people now rarely even read the word anymore. Just go to church and follow along on the screen. They don’t even realize the songs aren’t even scripturally sound. I think the songs should reiterate the truths found in the Word!!!
I grew up in this type of church, prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, speak life…all that stuff. I remember always desperately desiring God but could not get to Him, despite any effort. Until 10 years of searching, the scales came off and I was born of Him and finally understood and obeyed the Gospel. You’re right, this is the occult, and needs to be avoided.
I see posts on facebook all the time that say things like “God is going to make your prosper, claim it” and hundreds of so called christians commenting “amen, i claim it”……It always gave me a weird vibe, it never sits well with me and now i understand why. years ago before i got saved i was a full blown spell casting witch and thats exactly what spells are. trying to put specific energy out into the universe to get back what you want. Im still a pretty newbie christian so sometimes I dont catch on to things right away, so im thankful for these articles you do, they really help me!! i might not have ever realized that this stuff is basically the exact same thing i was doing when i was practicing witchcraft.
After Christ delivered me I knew very little about him, just enough to pray for him to have mercy on me. I thought I was a Christian Witch. I’d been raised in a Masonic family. I don’t drive so I walked to every Church within walking distance, and I left them just as quick. I didn’t know the Bible, but I knew very well what I was set free from and had no intention of going back to it. I knew the Enemy so much better than Christ, but praise the Lord, now I know more about my Saviour than I ever knew about his Enemy. It seems that Satan is difficult to recognize when he comes to Church, that’s what he counts on. That’s what the Masons have known for a very long time. They see us long before we see them, if we aren’t standing, having done all to stand.
Even when people refer to boats/ships and cars and other vehicles as “her/she”, “she’s a beauty”, etc, it is a tradition that goes way back that relates to the idea of a female goddess guiding and protecting them on the journey! After all, old sail boats even had female goddesses carved on the front.
I was married to a “born again” believer who was deceived by this garbage. She believed all we had to do was speak our desires and god would manifest them. She believed I was an answer to her writing what she deserved. When I refused to drive 2 hours to attend the church she had attended, we found a Bible based Baptist church and her reality was upended. After one service, she confronted the pastor because his message contradicted everything she believed. I had to leave her as I had survived 5 strokes, causing extreme anxiety. She needed more emotionally than I was able to give, so I had to leave her. She filed for divorce over 2 years ago, and as far as I know, we are divorced, but I have yet to receive court documentation. I pray for her as I realize she was misled in a name it and claim it style church and fully believed God would bless her because she deserved it.
The book of Revelation was the first book of the Bible I read. I was terrified but fascinated at the same time. Mystery Babylon has been in the back recesses of my mind since the 6th grade. “Who or what is this?” I would think to myself. I’m 48 now and for the last 20+ years, the Lord has been slowly showing me. A few times I got a little too close to it and PRAISE GOD, He corrected me. She is literally everywhere now and NOT hiding.
Her information sounds exactly like law of attraction. I was steered into that movement by reading neville goddard. His work uses scripture. That led Me to believe….he had some knowledge that the church didn’t interpret correctly so therefore they are loosing out. I had constant signs and wonder follow me…so I was hooked!!!! I thought this is it! Somehow God opened my eyes and I realized I opened doors to unclean spirits. I trashed everything! Then the attacks began. But, I kept saying if I’m being attacked then I am headed in the right direction which is Jesus. Anything else is demonic.
You are spot on here Spencer! Well done. Kabbalism was able to slither it’s way into main line Orthodox Judaism through Hasidism. At first, in the 18th and 19th centuries, the Orthodox vehemently rejected the Hasidic teaching that anyone could know God (ver- sus the Orthodox tenet that only the learned Rabbis could interpret the Word) and give advice and know God, but kabalism was absorbed into the doctrine of Hasidism which popularized the mystic teachings. As Hasidism grew, it began to meld with the Orthodox, adopting some of their ways and giving the Or- thodox much of its teachings and symbols. Kabbalah means, “to hand down” or “that which has been received” from the verb “kibel”.There is also no question that Kabbalah is an alternative form of religion. Today, progressives use Judaism just like progressives use Christianity … to their own self centered purposes! Ironically, they think they can hasten the Messiah’s coming. I wonder why their spirit guides didn’t tell them about Yeshua? (Yeshua means salvation or my salvation, etc.) in Hebrew and it is in their scriptures. Why?? because they use it as a cuss word “Yeshu” to hide the Messiah from the Jewish people. They still recognize the Torah over the Talmud as the written word of God. But, the leaders insist on oral tradition. The adversary (satan) knows what Jesus said Matthew 23: 39 “For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.” This relates directly to the Psalm about the Messiah: 118 O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: because his mercy endureth for ever.
I was backslidden terribly, feeling very depressed, and used to follow Charels Capps, no one could tell me any diffrent, and started listening to Reverend Ike. Much like law of attraction, much like Nevall Godard, and believing in the god in me, while following his instructions, on visualation before I went to sleep, I had the strangest dream ive ever had, I dropped it all, and turned to the Lord, repented, and make sure to spend time in my bible everyday. Thank God for Robert Breaker and Mr. Smith, I have learned so much, and have been attending Northport Baptist church here in Fl.
I’ve known this for years. Thank you for informing and warning with these articles. My heart is broken over the current state of the church. So much error, so much cold heartedness, deception everywhere. Where can I worship and have fellowship with the remnant? Every church I visit is full of lies or has a cold dead heart. There is no sound local church fellowship where I live and it grieves me. I miss having a church family. I miss praying with other believers and serving. I try to warn others but they have no love for the truth. It is not good to walk alone but … I don’t see any other way right now. Pray for all of us who are isolated.
I’m sure Spencer would agree with this statement, though I have not heard him say it directly (still pretty new to his website though): In light of the Bible, “white magic” is the same as black magic, and both are totally against the Lord God and His Word, and is clearly condemned in the Bible. People think “white magic” is not as bad – but is just as occultic as black magic and just as much under the influence of Satan. Stay far, far away from the occult, even if someone puts a pretty bow on it and calls it “Christian” (it’s still demonic!).
Your preaching the truth. By God’s grace I was saved out of the new age last year. I did witchcraft, I worshipped the divine feminine, practiced manifesting, etc. I am very familiar with that world so when I started reading things about word of faith, prosperity gospel and churches like bethel church, I was blown away because it sounded exactly like the things I was believing and practicing in the new age and occult for many years. I couldn’t believe it but yes, it’s in the church. I pray people will wake up. Satan truly is the author of all of them and he’s fooling christians too.
Amen, my family and I were deeply involved in this, practiced this diligently. by the grace of God my ears were opened to their preaching. preaching that deviated from the words of Jesus, departed from the teaching of Christ. Fortunately I had some knowledge of the Word of God, the Holy Spirit guided me in the error we had fallen into. I will not dwell here on all the demonic stuff I have seen in the church at that time. I believe that God has protected us enormously but also learned something during that period. We as a family have repented of it, asked God’s forgiveness and put it behind us. remarkable how then your eyes open to much more error and abuse in the churches, things Spencer covers in his articles, Spencer i really appreciate you. be encouraged. Oh and some said now that you leave us you will lose your faith, haha, the opposite is true. Re-testing everything we had learned against the Word of God has rectified so much and our faith is stronger than ever. Yes doctrine matters! We serve God and preach Jesus together with a congregation that values the Word of God and has it as a foundation. Spencer thanks for the work you put into these articles. Greetings from the Netherlands.
Thank you Spencer for this article. I was just perusal an interview on another website, the woman that was being interviewed started saying the the Holy Spirit was a woman and I was taken aback by that and knew it was wrong. I turned on your article right after that one but received a phone call just as you started, so I pushed the space bar to stop temporarily. When I returned and pushed the space bar again your article was moved all the way to the 17 minute time towards the end. I restarted your article and heard you say, “the Holy Spirit is a man” and It totally confirmed what I had been thinking earlier. Your website is a blessing, keep up the good work.
I noticed in the last couple of years so many gospel singers all saying “decree and declare” or “speak it into existence” it was like they all got a memo and started Mentoning it at the same time and have stuck with it, but I didn’t think anything of it because they mentioned Jesus and everything else sounded OK but now seeing that isn’t really biblical I’m angry that they’ve slipped this “decree and declare” nonsense into worship as of its normal or biblical. 😠 You’re right when you say doctrine matters. I also realize I need to be more biblically literate. Dedicate as much time if not more to learning God’s word as Satan’s children spend learning falsehoods.
I went to a friend’s church for a couple months. They’re pentecostal but I’ve been in that environment before. We were In a prayer time and the pastor’s MIL knew I was in a financial bind. She came up behind me and said “Say it, Hope…tell God you need more money. SAY IT!” I was unable to speak, I felt so uncomfortable. I’m not gonna just do something because it’s commanded. I whispered “I can’t.” I walked out feeling empty and never went back.
I had a dream a couple of years ago. That I went into a bethel church and I started saying if you don’t repent of your wicked ways, Gods Wrath will come upon you. I remember saying repent, Repent, repent. Then this group of people had to escort me out because of what I was saying. Bethel church and Hillsong is very evil and so much people are still in these churches, listening to these songs and sermons.
Brother Spencer, your Third Adam movies, Justin Peters’ Clouds without Water Series, and many others helped me to find my way again. I mistakenly got into a WoF/H&W church when I was about 30 y/o. This was several years ago while I was going through divorce from an abusive marriage. By God’s Grace, He gave me the strength to leave that horrible marriage b/c I would have likely ended up dead otherwise. That said, I was very broken by the marriage. When I started going to a new church after the divorce, I guess I was an easier target for the devil. I thought I was just learning new things in my faith from a more adult perspective. I had stopped going to church while I was married as you can imagine. So, I was rediscovering my faith, but I was learning new ways to practice it. I thought I was growing in the Lord. That’s what I wanted to do; however, I was learning that I need to speak things over myself and others as part of that. Eventually, I realized after years that something was wrong. You see, I have had migraines since I was a teenager. I was prayed over many times for healing. I prayed repeatedly for healing. Healing never came. In these churches, you are told that you will be healed if only you have enough faith. I now know it doesn’t work like that, but I thought I was doing something wrong for a long time. I actually quit going to church for years because of the hurt and confusion caused by these false teachings. The people in the church were very kind, but they were misguided, too.
Growing up in the 90’s, this stuff is what i heard constantly at “church”. I remember perusal keneth copland and jesse duplantis at church as well. These blab it and grab it teachings will mess you up. I lived decieved for most of my life. Thankfully God got ahold of my life in the last few years and saved me. I am in a good bible teaching church now. Unfortunately my parents and sister are still caught in this.
Excellent article!! Just a suggestion. When you play articles that have the closed captioning option, please turn it on. The bethel article with Jen Johnson is really difficult to hear. That article offers CC, so if you turn it on when you show it, that makes it easier for people to know what their saying. Great work! May God use this and your other articles to open blind eyes!!
Thanks Spencer I’ve just in the last 10 months come out of Pentecost charasmatic renewal after listening to Justin Peters John Mcarther Vodie Bachham and your self and number of other Biblical teachings realising and questioning my own salvation. I thank God for these people and finding a church that teaches solid biblical principles.
When we pray we are to pray for God’s will and for Father God to show is the right way not to ask for what we want. Asking Father God’s will. And for him to show us truth which is what I been doing and now iv found this website. Father has lead me here to awakime totally. In the name of Jesus I ask that God keep me on right path.
This is the whole incantation methodology of the prosperity gospel in a different dressing. They use scripture but turn it into an incantation that you must “declare” or “decree” as if the power is in the particular phrase rather than in God. The New Thought movement is the modern origin of the prosperity gospel and it has nothing to do with Christianity. Our thoughts or words don’t shape reality. God can do that, but not us.
Missionary Spencer My wife and I both enjoy listening to you. Thank you for being a watchman on the wall. We really appreciate you and the time it takes to research as well as the time you spend in prayer. We really liked and agree with your content on Bethel Church Practices Kabbalah Magic! We agree it should be called out! Praying our words are gracious and seasoned with salt (Col 4:6) when we say we were concerned about the delivery. Our words need to give grace to those who hear (Eph 4:29), especially when you are trying to reach someone who unknowingly is caught up in this. We are praying for you. We are praying that you will ask God to reveal anything that is not fully pleasing to Him. We love you brother.
Spence…I cannot express the importance nor the gravity of what you are pleading for true servants of the living God to understand. Words fail me…but I’ll try. Recently I was sent a article of an Independent Baptist Minister who was critiquing your documentary 3rd Adam. Frankly, he’s clueless of the clear and present danger. I came to saving grace at 18 years of age, out of the drug infested, psychedelic, demonic hippie generation. I battled the menagerie of religious, denominational leaven for over 30 years. For the last 15 or so years God has led me to understand EXACTLY what you are pleading with believers to see. Witchcraft and Occultism is being propagated right from the pulpit…in the name of our Lord. For the last decade or more, my wife and I have battled to keep a young man, my son, from the damage these churches have wrought in his mind. For a period of 5 or so years it was day to day wondering if I would get “the call”. His very sanity and life hung in the balance. All from a young man who wanted to serve God right out of high school. He made the decision to chart his life for God yet was thrown to the wolves in these churches. He wasnt whoring around, drinking, nor drugs, yet he ended up in a mental hospital…all from “going to church”. The most insidious lies are packaged in a beautiful box of truth tied with a ribbon and bow of “feel good”. I have been reluctant to speak of this publicly because the battle still rages. Jesus said to be cast into the sea with a stone around the neck would be better than to face the judgement of offending a little innocent one.
I always wondered why I felt so uneasy when being forced as a child to listen to this type of music and made to go to their concerts and made to go to their churches and I always hated it and felt so uneasy I remember crying once as an adult when I was in a church,and I think I know why now it wasn’t the holy spirit it was something else and it had made me feel so sick I cudnt take it I was emotionally drained after stepping thru the doors smh
Ephesians 6:12,13 12 because we have a struggle, not against blood and flesh, but against the governments, against the authorities, against the world rulers of this darkness, against the wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places. 13 For this reason take up the complete suit of armor from God, so that you may be able to resist in the wicked day and, after you have accomplished everything, to stand firm..
I believe you that that is kabbalistic and occultism. I feel like you need to help retrain brains though since this is such mainstream thought now. You’re good at making the cases but how do we do things correctly? How do you properly pray for healing? How do you worship God? How do you address these real issues that bethel is trying to resolve the wrong way. I feel like that transition from identification articles to training would be a nice touch.
God bless you, my brother in Christ! I love the way that God uses you in exposing alot of the things happening in the world and in the church that goes over most believers’ heads. Your articles have been truly eye-opening and confirming in many ways! However, I think we all should be aware of the fact that it is not necessarily witchcraft when someone, in faith, speaks blessings into the atmosphere. It is a biblical truth that God created us as speaking spirits, as we are made in His image. But as you stated in the beginning of this article, Satan perverts and tries to imitate the works of God along with the spiritual laws God created. The way to know the difference from when people are using it in a demonic way or when they are having faith in the Word of God is if what they’re speaking comes from their spirit and aligns with God’s Word or if what they’re speaking is their own will and isn’t biblical. I get my truth from the King James version of the bible and found these scriptures to edify and help you in your study of these things; *Proverbs 18:21- “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.” *2 Corinthians 4:13- “We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak;” *Romans 4:17- “(As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations,) before him whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were.
Spencer, you should do some research and expose “Shekinah glory” – the term that so many professing Christians use comes straight from the Talmud and other unbelieving Jewish sources. I did some research recently and realized it did not come from the Bible at all, but was a concept created by apostate Jews that deny that the Messiah would come in the flesh, and that is is like a gnostic manifestation separate from God because He is too holy to directly have contact with mankind – and some of their writings basically present this as a feminine counterpart to God, trying to equate it with the Holy Spirit.
Acts chapter 19 comes to my memory. There was sorcerers that were doing incantations in the name of Jesus in order for possessed people to be freed from the demons. It didn’t work. I did some research on incantations and spells. It’s a formula of words. Either in a ritual a song a sentence, etc. The point is whatever it is you say you have to believe it. You have to believe that those words have power. That’s when I realized that those sorcerers were no different then these modern day preachers. They were doing it in the name of Jesus. It’s the same thing. God help us all.
Haha I love the way you get “so exited” when you get “wind up” about all of this. 😂. I will call it righteous anger! 😁 Anyways, yes, I have been brought up in a household with all occult etc etc in SA (haven’t partake as such – God saved me at the age of 5 and I was protected by Him) so when I watched your 3rd Adam it just resonated with me…. Though those years ago, it wasn’t as much in churches as it is right now. It’s taken over. I am so grateful I am in a Bible base church for sure! Thanks for this. I must though add…. Regardless of all I know about the occult etc and know that that word is wrong, I actually never knew the true meaning of abracadabra. So I’ve learnt again today! Thanks for this Spencer! Keep spreading truth! God bless 💓🙏🏻
And what did our Lord say “in that day many shall say onto Me Lord Lord” and He replies “I don’t know you depart from Me” Wake up you people these heretics worship another Jesus, preach another gospel and experience another spirit. They are not of us, do not let them in your house. Says the inspired Word of God
I think and FEEL that “name it and claim it” or “speaking thing’s into existence” makes an individual turn from God……..Because if these are not met, the individual begins to BLAME God that these thing’s are not manifesting. And in turn causes distress…….and then blame of yourself and your faith. “What did I do wrong” kind of mindset. Very disturbing.
Spencer you are 100% spot on. Thank you for speaking the truth. What people don’t understand is that it’s true that magic works, e.g. the law of attraction. However they don’t realize that it’s the oldest temptation in the book. You open the door to hell by practicing magic. It comes from pride, arrogance and the lie of thinking you can replace God, because you are walking in Satan’s footsteps.
What do you think about the Apostolic church? I used to go there but have left because of false doctrine. We used to “declare” things out into the “atmosphere ” but it was more scripture than anything else but I always felt something just wasn’t right. They also say that Acts 2:38 is the “plan of salvation” and if you don’t speak in tongues you have not received the “indwelling” of the Holy Ghost. I started to really dig into scripture and do not agree with their doctrine now. I’m so glad I “tested the spirits” and studied it out. Thank you for these articles. They help clarify a lot of confusion going on.
I love Spencer’s Smith and agree with many things he says. But this one makes no sense. He goes and picks the ignorance of a girl and compares with what Jen Johnson (not Bill’s daughter) and makes it seem that she’s doing the same thing? How do you ignore the words Jesus spoke, not only to the apostles but to all that would believe in His Name? Is His Name not all powerful today to cure? How do you go beyond and deny the words of our Lord: Luke 10:19 i have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. Matthew 21:21 Jesus replied, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and it will be done. There are more examples where Jesus even rebuked the disciples for their lack of faith or complimented their faith like the case of the centurion. That brought His Word of healing to His Son.
Spenser is condemning the body of Christ by attacking Bethel; Jesus himself said that you can speak to a mountain to be thrown into the sea and it will happen if you believe, but Spenser doesn’t seem to know that. Also Moses was told to speak to a rock. Nothing is impossible for those who believe Jesus said.
Hi, I’m not agrre with the part of speaking words, it’s magic, of course the ennemy use it as magic but because God use it first and there is power in words and the ennemy know that. Our Father alloow us to speak and propheties for things to happen into our life, in His will. The law of attraction took a lot from the bible but transform it for the dark kingdom, and ther is nothing bad “declaring healing” in the name of Jesus, because this is what He want for us. “Again he said unto me, Prophesy upon these bones, and say unto them, O ye dry bones, hear the word of the LORD.” EZECHIEL 37.4 “even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were.” ROMANS 4.17
Matthew 12:36 But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment Our words have consequences not power. People will answer for every word they speak and punished for speaking evil. Our words do not have power. We are not God. We can use our words to cause arguments/contentions or to speak wholesome and with wisdom. If we use our words to offend our brother it can be very difficult to win him back so be responsible. The fool’s words call for punishment/strokes. The poor use better wording than the rich because they know there will be consequences and they could end up with no job and therefore no food but if he speaks with intreaties he can have employment and food, a place to live and benefits from speaking wisely. But the rich don’t have to be worried about it so much. They can speak rough and rude to those under them. They can bribe. So our words can bring satisfying life here or cause destruction and deep heartache. People can tattle and wound, bring revenge and shaming or they can show mercy, long suffering, kindness and forgiveness. Our words have responsibilities and consequences but not power. We cannot be like God. Our words have consequences and not power see Proverbs 18.
The Bible says “life and death is in the tongue”. I do believe our words and thoughts have influence over our reality. Speaking Gods words is a sword. Sword of the spirit. But, that power comes from Holy Spirit and it is only because of our faith and relationship through Jesus Christ that we are able to walk in power and authority against darkness. It isn’t power that can be used to attract worldly fleshly desires. That is coming from a different source of power. The counterfeit. Gods plan is so much bigger and greater than we could plan or imagine for ourselves. I’m so grateful for things that I asked for and didn’t receive and blessed for all God has given me that I didn’t know I wanted or needed. It’s dangerous for a person to get everything they wanted and unsatisfying. It also comes with incredible bondage because that person is taking responsibility for everything that happens in their life according to their thoughts and actions. The enemy has a field day causing chaos with this type of belief.
I cannot believe what I hear… I always knew things are going to get bad… Our Jesus was bruised and battered. It feels like my brain is going to rot… just listening to this nonsence these people are preaching and teaching. It makes me feel sick. Thank you Spencer for what you do. Blessings for you and your family.
Hello, Spencer!!! I love your articles. I don’t like the spirit realm and will NOT mess with it!!!! I knew about how evil this world was since I was 5 years old. I didn’t exactly know what it was back then, but I knew it wasn’t good. I could literally SEE things that other people couldn’t. I could go by an abandoned house and tell you if it was haunted or not because I could SEE the spirits moving around in it!!! Almost every house I’ve lived in growing up and beyond has spirits in them. I would say about ONLY 3 out of the many I’ve lived in was haunted. One house I lived in, threw my then 4-year-old son down the stairs, got in the fridge and broke eggs on the floor or spilled Kool-Aid all over. I would even see shadows all around. No one believes me about the spirit world and how evil it is. God gave me that discernment. It’s actually scary sometimes. I even knew that house in Amityville was haunted BEFORE the book and the movie came out!!!! My grandma lived down the road from that house. We used to have to go by that house to go to grandmas’ house. I would cry to my mom that we need to go a different way, but she would always say this was the only way to get there. What did I know??? I was ONLY 5!!!!! I loathe the spirit world!!!! I hate having my spirits radar make me cringe when the spirits are lurking around!!! The house I am in NOW is haunted!!! I am stuck here. My husband doesn’t believe that this house is haunted because I didn’t “feel” anything when we looked at it. I tried to tell him that’s not how spirits work.
Kayelee Sabey 0 seconds ago Some of them would explain that they can direct their prayers into the universe because God made a ‘layer’ of one and zeros or something that is supposed to respond to your your prayer to change time. That’s why they need a lot of people AGREEING with them. What is the Real Matrix in the Bible. Is it just the earths atmosphere.
Very informative. Used to be very much into the Bethel and Hillsong movement. I have stopped listening to most of the mainstream “Christian” music on the radio. My eyes have been opened. These people are so sneaky and sly with what they are doing it’s so easy to get caught up in it- just like the devil. Wow.
Well my dad always taught me if we speak positive and hang with positive people that we would hey positive outcomes in life. If you speak negatively all the time that’s what comes to you. I personally think it is a fine line with all of the stuff in the world. Not being rude but poop in = poop out good in = good out. If you hang with bad people that will be your direction in life unless you change that. So the laws of attraction do work but God has to be a part the head of that that we want in life and we need to have a personal relationship with him. In life we are gonna go one way or the other. That’s even so when it comes to God. Either we are on God’s side or Satan’s. God isn’t in the middle. We have to personally choose. In the world tho if we think and do positive things usually we will have positive outcomes.
Luke 10:19-21 King James Version 19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. 20 Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven. 21 In that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit, and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes: even so, Father; for so it seemed good in thy sight. ••• I try to remember these verses. A reminder as to why Christ took my sins to the Cross and shed His precious blood, when it should have been me for as all humanity, I was born a sinner.
You can be very sure that i got the picture Spencer, not because I am good or wise, but because God in His migthy grace teach me how to separate the spirits. I have a very clear vision of the truth and the way, because my plan is to reach Heaven when my time is up on earth. Good servants like you and several others, has bin given the task to warn these fallen people, who destroy so many souls worldwide. I f they dont listen, you dont have their blood on your hands, because you are using your time and life to warn these wolves. God is my creator, Jesus are my savior, The Holy Spirit are my keeper and helper every single day, what can I need beside that, NOTHING. God bless you and give you the power to speak out against these wolves……
Acts 19:1-6 KJV … And it came to pass, that, while Apollos was at Corinth, Paul having passed through the upper coasts a came to Ephesus: and finding certain disciples, He said unto them, Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed? And they said unto him, We have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost. And he said unto them, Unto what then were ye baptized? And they said, Unto John’s baptism. Then said Paul, John verily baptized with the baptism of repentance, saying unto the people, that they should believe on him which should come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus. When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. And when Paul had laid his hands upon them, the Holy Ghost came on them; and they spake with tongues, and prophesied
They act like they’re too advanced for the bible & so everything they say & do is 99.999% new age. They focus on miracles, angels, & the spiritual realm 24/7 but I kid u not the name of Jesus comes up 0.1% of the time & they don’t know what he taught bc all they want to hear is fleshly feel good stuff & magical encounters. Imagine a church u feel bad @ sharing a scripture. Are they saved? By what?
This kind of articles make me so sad. Are we call to love ? Or, to talk against our brothers in Christ? Are we call to judge? It’s so sad to see the body of Christ so divided. Attacking and Ripping our brothers in Christ with harsh words. Where is this verse stands for?”By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.” John 13:35 KJV The way you all speak about bethel and other ministers is like you all hate them. Why?
It’s difficult to give credence to Spencer Smith’s message because he does not reference the many scriptures that support the declare it and believe it doctrine, and put them in the context he believes is the truth. I started to watch the third Adam but it just seems to be more of the same, no scripture teaching but lots of horribly weird music so I couldn’t justify spending 3 precious hours perusal that.
God spoke the universe into existence. 6:00 ..our thoughts, our beliefs, our words create our reality? “Ye shall be as gods…” “And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:” This poor deceived woman bought the lie of Satan hook line and sinker. So did Bethel, and every other elevation worship deceiver. Come quickly LORD Jesus!
Truly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and thrown into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will come to pass, it will be done for him. Mark 11:23. Is this speaking things into existence? Isn’t that what prayer is? Declaring in faith? Sorry Spencer but you’re missing a key point. Who the source of your faith is on. God or satan.
Spencer, I don’t know if you respond to these – but how do you compare this concept of positive attraction with Christ’s words in Mark 11:22-24? I’m very against the new age and versions of the occult trying to infiltrate the church – but doesn’t Jesus say that “whoever says to this mountain, “Be uprooted and thrown into the sea,”, and does not doubt in his heart, but *believes that what he says will come to pass*, it will be done for him?! I don’t think Jesus is teaching us the occult – rather I do think he is affirming the power of our words when we have faith IN GOD (not ourselves our our own power). Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits. But we are those who submit to the Spirit of God and put our faith in God. Therefore, Jesus tells us what to do (verse 24), pray with true biblically rooted and submitted faith to God.
I believe a lot of people are hungry for the Lord and they get stuck in these places and this had hurt me throughout my life so I can attest personally. This seeps into churches with the best intentions but if there is not proper leadership then Satan snakes in. When you do not know the word of God, and you go into this life and go to college or even are hungry for the Lord but you’re searching around on the internet for your information on you get fed all this different ideas that tell you that something you are believing in is not true because this comes from this a long time ago and this predates that in history therefore you are mistaken in what you have believed. This is why it is so scary and how the devil works…. People look at certain people and certain things and they let their guard down because they think that they aren’t in danger… Because quite possibly the people that are giving them their information are deceived themselves.
Is there a difference between saying “I declare cancer is leaving this place in Jesus name.” & “God we pray for healing in this people and we ask you to take away the cancer.” ??? I feel like people get the declaring confused with actual prayer. Prayer seems to always be about asking God for something.
I reckon I have lived a very sheltered life. Or, probably God has protected me from this mess. I have never like this type music. I can see now how the SB church I went to years ago was already getting into this stuff. The youth would sing repetitive lyrics over and over until sometimes I sat down and looking through the hymnal or Bible. The work you do is very important. Keep it up!
What if God doesn’t heal you of cancer? Would you doubt that he loves you? Or maybe think he is punishing you for something? Believe me when I say I have questioned God quite a few times. I think we all have. He desires a relationship with you and not tradition. He never promised health, wealth and material possessions. Just look at the Apostles. He promised he would never leave us or forsake us. He will be with us on the mountain and also in the valley. God wants you to confess your sins and trust in him alone to save you. That is your soul. This world is fading fast. Don’t strive for things out of greed or pride. Let go of your anger. Pray for these things. Pray for spiritual discernment. So you can help others out of bondage.
So.. don’t pray to God for people to be healed? You didn’t qualify your disagreement.. why not pray for people with sickness.. is that what you are saying? You didn’t say anything to counter what they were doing.. I’m not a follower of bethel church at all, they have done things that are ungodly.. but I’m just wondering about your comment about healing..
That’s why I went back to Greek Orthodox church bc everything is Bible Bible Bible not adding what I want. Every service is the Bible. People dont understand bc it’s on Greek or Russian but it’s only the Bible. We are Orthodox meaning being the first church of Jesus Christ that Paul created and is still exactly the same. We don’t change for the times or to appease hollyweird. We stay the same. My mom was Baptist and dad Greek orthodox and I found many good Baptist Churches too so please don’t get me wrong. I go sometimes too. But some of these nondenominational churches really scare me. They’re too much. And we aren’t Catholic like so many lump us in. There was a split called the great schism of the 1500s over church doctrine. Mainly over the infallibility of the papacy. Greeks do not believe the pope is any better than any of us whereas the Catholics believe he is infallible. Only Jesus and God are perfect. Not us. Not any human. But there was a lot of issues over doctrine as well. We are not the same. Not at all.
I am fascinated by this, I started to watch the Bethel Church Revelation Bible study, to coincide with my own church study. I am Southern Baptist, so we are quite strict. Since I have been perusal the article’s I have not seen anything you are describing in your article playing right now. The pastor continuously says, study your bible…learn on your own…don’t take my word for it. Everything he has outlined….my own Southern Baptist Pastor has in his outline of the same passages. I also find it fascinating that this church you seem to be touting as the “devils” church does not have its comments open and does not ask for donations, like you do. The term declare it to be so…is that also not how we are Christians are told “Believe He will heal you and you will be healed”? I think they are just saying it out loud….A teenage writing a song …is not the same as a Pastor leading his church in the message of God I will be praying for you and for Bethel. I think God will sort it all out.
Smh people wanting to be like ‘God’….exactly like their father the devil. I went to a Bible college like this in 1999’ and after graduating in 2001’ it took 13 years for Abba to undo me and call me back to His Word Alone and to read His word for myself sitting at His feet to learn of Him and His ways. I have a article about Serving The Wrong Elohim and how so many of us have created god in our image….and getting delivered from this.
The whole “we can speak things into exisitence” is 10000000% EVIL. We are NOT GOD, we can never, ever be like GOD(in terms of HIS SOVREIGNTY and OMNIPRESENCE AND OMNIPOTENCE) When people say ” we can speak things into existence, and our words have power to create” in addition to “GOD did it, so can we” they are of an anti christ spirit. Whom have we read about who tries to be on the same level as GOD ALMIGHTY and eventually try to overthrow HIM? That prideful old serpent.the devil… Have a blessed day in the LORD everyone and keep reading the WORD, remember GOD will never guide you wrongly. Stay safe out there.
I still have to disagree with you bro Spencer on the Holy Ghost. It is not Satanic to call her for what she is, a female and our true Mother. Its easily proveable by the bible. I would be very willing to have private discussions wif you on this.. You dont have to believe it, its not required of us and its likely better that way. Too much goddess worship in the world. No matter what, the true Spirit always directs worship towards Father and Son, never herself
Out of the heart the mouth speaketh soo when it says satan said this in his heart, would he be declaring it? 😈 “I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.” … and we know how that will end 🔥
For the first time you have introduced a GREY area anomaly; what about Proverbs 18:20-21and the fact that after her “Decree & Declare” She said ” He(Jesus) has overcome, which is Isaiah 53:4-5. I don’t advocate slapping a “Jesus- tag” on everything and anything makes a thing right Matthew24:4-5 yet we judge all things and their true intent by scripture Hebrews 4:12 I agree the new-age is creeping in but a big but… Proverbs 3:5-6. I will pray and judge not by outward appearances John 7:24. Barakha, Shalom🌾🙏🏾
Hey Spencer- I wanted to humbly ask you if you could have a time where you could do some “instructional” articles for those of us who have come out of these places like the NAR and Catholic churches, and have little to go one in terms of things like how to pray. I myself have gotten to the point of the only thing I pray I know is correct is the Lord’s prayer, because it is biblical, and because the whole “name it and claim it” theory is everywhere. How does one pray without evoking the wrong spirit of things, being selfish, or offending God? How exactly does one “Grieve the Holy Spirit” ? I love all your exposing articles, please keep them coming – But it would be a priceless treasure for me if you could also do some instructional articles to have in my arsenal as well… Bless you Brother!
That song sung by Bethal in the article (you have no rival…) proves beyond a doubt to me (even though some may consider it quite doctrinally sound) the words are written according to their OWN beliefs & practices, such as this wicked satanic Kabbalah. Singing the words “you have no rival, you have no equal” while practicing the witchcraft of the law of attraction is the true meaning of the words. It’s like the Mormons saying they have Jesus as their Saviour but WHAT they mean by that & WHO Jesus is, is so far removed from Bible Truth, they are not saved people. I refuse to sing any BethHELL songs.
Interesting your statement on those who say the holy spirit is female. Bethel’s SOZO center follows “The Father Ladder” where they compare the holy spirit to your mother in the godhead… rejected that model because it was foreign to scripture. Folks at Bethel didn’t know and understand the Bible when I was there. Sad.
So, I actually came out of the whole absurd charismatic movement. I used to believe many of these manifestations were of God. I was young and naive. Still, I stand amazed how that God led me out of that pit. While I’m still a continuationist, I’m grateful that God has granted, and is still granting, me discernment. There are still times of confusion, but in those times I find refuge in the atoning work of Jesus Christ. I’ve come to learn that anything that does not glorify Him is not of the Holy Spirit. I don’t understand how I ever thought a man singing secular songs in a supposedly Christian context was a work of the Holy Spirit. Granted I didn’t realize “Break on Through” was a Doors song, since I never heard it before. Literally a song about demonic manifestations during an acid trip. Such foolishness.
I was there for a year. The strange look they gave me when I’d open my bible… I got labeled as legalistic & their teachers told them not to let anybody else share the bible bc it would be too confusing since all they do is meditate & get drunk in the spirit. Honestly I don’t know if any of them are saved bc they don’t know the bible at all.
As Jesus told the religious leaders of his day that they were the blind leading the blind and that they were of their father the devil and so is it this day why? because history repeats itself why? because the devil knows what tricks us and what doesn’t so he uses the same tricks over and over so history repeats itself.
I agree that declaring things into existence is demonic, but declaring the Will of God is not, therefore declaring that cancer is gone in Jesus name is in God’s will in Isaiah 53 the Bible says by his stripes we are healed, not going to be healed or need healing. Are healed, so declaring healing in Jesus name is not witchcraft it is calling the physical to catch up with what has already happened in the Spirit. If you do not understand that then i cannot help you my brother 🙂
“Travels of the Jesuits by John Lockman:” “Cabala, is a Hebrew word, signifying properly Tradition. The Jews are divided into two general sects, the Caraites, who reject all Tradition, with the Talmud, and receive nothing but the Scriptures; and the Rabbinists, or Talmudists, who not only admit the Scriptures, but likewise Tradition, and the Talmud. The latter are also divided into Rabbinists, simply so called, who explain the scriptures according to the natural sense, and into Cabalists, who, in order to discover the hidden, and mysterious sense which god has couched under his divine words, employ Cabala, by which is meant a hidden and mysterious way of explaining the Law, which consists in giving abstruse and singular interpretations of a word, or even to each of the letters which compose it; whence by forming different combinations, such explications are drawn form the scriptures, as appear very different from what they signify naturally. This kind of Cabala is called artificial, to distinguish it from the traditional Cabala, the original of which is thus laid down by Mainmonides. Moses did not only receive the Law from God on Mount Sinai, but also the Explication of the Law. Moses afterwards wrote down the first part of what God delivered to him, and called it simply The Law, or the written Law, of which the three scripture books Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers were formed: But as to the second part, or explication of the law, which god was also said (but falsely) to have delivered to Moses, this latter did commit it to writing, but only delivered it by word of mouth; and this being done from father to son, was called the oral law, or Cabala, which some Rabbis pretend their fathers had received from the prophets, to whom it have been given to Angels.
I have a question. And I know I’m gonna get a lot of hate but I’ll say it anyways, might help someone. We must remember that there is such gifts known as the gift of faith and the gift of prophecy as bestowed by the Holy Spirit. What are those who are so gifted by the Holy Spirit supposed to do with their mouths, shut it up and just be holy? If the word of God in Isaiah 53 tells us that by His stripes we are healed (and the word of the Lord shall not return to Him void until it has accomplished that for which it was sent), then why do we suddenly get paranoid and conclude that speaking or declaring healing over yourself or over your congregation is evil or is witchcraft? If we shut our mouths, aren’t we in essence negating Isaiah 53 and many other prophetic verses in Scripture? Aren’t we then truly giving room to the devil and his cohorts to cast spells of disease and poverty and depression and confusion and demonic oppression and wars and inflation’s or deflations on our nations and communities and churches and families and on our God-given destinies? In the absence of the prophetic, witchcraft thrives too! I’m not saying the article is wrong. Thumbs up to the creator of this website. Sadly, these self-centered soul-ful materialistic declarations do exist in the church today! But I am saying that there is a thin line between witchcraft and the prophetic. And reading the comments below, I see that people are fleeing to the other extreme in paranoia, calling all declaration evil, which is exactly the other thing that the enemy wants.
This is what you get from all of these preachers you see on TV or women pastors who said the phrase… Quote claim your miracle, keep believing in your words you are saying because we curse ourselves with our words and we when we affirm what we are praying for then we are showing that we have faith to move mountains… “Which is taken from the verse in the Bible that talks about having to faith as small as a mustard seed that you can say to this mountain, move out of the way and it will move. It is twisting the scriptures and it is the most confusing and convincing, therefore, it is DECEIVING‼️ THIS IS WHAT THE DEVIL IS SO GREAT AT DOING IS SOUNDING AND LOOKING LIKE FOLLOWER OF CHRIST JESUS BUT THEY ARE RAVENOUS WOLVES ‼️
I agree for the most part. But the Bible does say death and life are on the power of your tongue and you will eat the fruit of it. God is the one who established speaking, that’s how he created the world. Ezekiel spoke to the dry bones. Your salvation involves believing in your heart and confessing or speaking with your mouth that Jesus is Lord. My point is just because the devil imitates something doesn’t make it bad. What’s bad is if you are doing it from the wrong source and motive. We are suppose to declare Gods word over our lives. However if someone believes in new age and the universe and the law of attraction and all that demonic stuff then that’s a problem. There’s no miracle that Jesus or the disciples performs that they didn’t speak. It was through the Holy Spirit. ( don’t forget- the devil imitates what’s true. And twist it.
Bethel’s Bill Johnson’s wife and he was in the local paper last week, she, Bill’s wife is battling cancer. Didn’t sound as if she was healed, but still battling it. You said this was Bill Johnson’s daughter declaring a cancer free zone, 2 years ago…kinda of ironic she, Bill’s wife is battling cancer still! Sad that she may die while they believe in just declaring healing into existence. A worship leader had a 2 year old daughter die and they refused to bury her declaring she’d be raised from the dead. I think after 2 weeks the church gave up and buried her. In local news paper about 1 1/2 years ago. Do a story on that please Spencer. Olive was her name. She is better off in heaven than growing up in Bethel’s witchcraft occult religon. Another failed say it and claim it… rise from the dead baby girl.
She is correct it is Judaism. If you knew anything about Judaism, you would know they might God all the time they have a form of godliness in the end there is destruction that should crush your mind.. they barely believe the Old Testament they use scriptures and let their sages interpret the one scripture. It’s nothing like the Old Testament Saints I assure you that.
Amazing how subtle satan is to wiggle his slimness into the church and into Christian’s minds. I have believed so much that I thought was christianity and proclaiming faith. I thought Declaring healing in the name of Jesus is daughter prays and says I declare and decree in herr prayers and she thinks shes praying to God and being full of faith and coming against Satan..spirutual warfare. Do you have a book that easily outlines what is wrong and what is right? I heard my mega church is associated with Hillsong Church. Christine Caine, Joyce Meyers and Dr. John Maxwell speak often. We also sing the same songs as Bethel and Hillsong. I pray the Lord will will give me wisdom and discernment about this church. I pray for the leaders that they wont be led down the wrong road. I sent my friends your article about Hillsong and they think you are legalistic and should have mercy on the church instead of being happy about tje documentary. I dont agree with them. I am a truth seeker and want God to lead me down the right path. Thank you Jesus you are using technology for your good and to expose the truth!
THE CURE for the problems you speak of is FOUND in Scripture, every single book chapter and verse, every jot and tiddle, should be read time and time again, this is the antidote for false prophets and teachers..W.O.F., decree and declare(which is never used in the context of human abuilities) NAR(false teachers, Johnson, bickle,che ahn, etc) self -appointed apostles. I cannot tell you everything the bible says, but I can hear when people say things it doesn’t say. Just from reading it several times.
In Judaism, when a convert wants to convert, they have a baptism. They go in the water a goy and they come out with a Jewish soul . at that point, they could even marry their sister their daughter, because the old does not exist. The animal soul does not exist anymore.. you know nothing of Judaism not Old Testament saints….smh
So, you don’t believe the Bible when Jesus says to us in Mark 11:22 So Jesus answered and said to them, “Have faith in God. 23 For assuredly, I say to you, whoever SAYS to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he SAYS will be done, he will have whatever he SAYS. You sir, and a lot of others like you will be doing a lot of apologizing before the throne of God to these pastors you are mouthing off against. BEWARE your sharp tongue for you are attacking God’s anointed men.
The Holy Spirit gives power to obey, to live Holy, and purify our hearts, and remember scripture and He makes us born again. The Holy Spirit makes people bear the fruit of the Spirit and convicts of sin. He testifies of Jesus and not money or tithes or prosperity and weirdness. John 15:26 But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me John 16:7-13 7 Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you. 8 And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: 9 Of sin, because they believe not on me; 10 Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more; 11 Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged. Not for entertainment and theatrics. 2 Timothy 3 3 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. John 7:7 The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil