CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has sparked numerous conspiracy theories, including fears of creating black holes, opening portals to other dimensions, and even causing earthquakes. Social media posts have claimed that the LHC is set to open “wormholes” and that it is activating during the April 8 solar eclipse. Clara Nellist, a CERN particle physicist, took to TikTok to dispel these theories.
The LHC is about to start smashing protons together at unprecedented energy levels in its quest to reveal more secrets about the Higgs boson. Social media posts claim a particle collider at a European nuclear research laboratory can create black holes with the potential to swallow Earth or create cataclysmic effects. Old footage of an opening ceremony is being wrongly attributed to CERN to push a groundless conspiracy theory about the European nuclear research center.
The findings emerged from data collected by researchers working at the LHC, which is the world’s largest and highest-energy particle collider. The LHC is built by the European Organization for Nuclear Research and is the world’s most powerful particle accelerator. Conspiracy theories run rampant around the LHC, including time-traveling birds trying to sabotage the machine.
In conclusion, the LHC is a complex and controversial experiment that has sparked numerous conspiracy theories, including the possibility of creating black holes, opening portals to other dimensions, and causing earthquakes.
📹 Scientists Announce a Puzzling Discovery At The Large Hadron Collider
The Higgs boson is considered to be the cornerstone of the Standard Model of particle physics. Its discovery in 2012 created …
📹 Is There Really a Chance that the Large Hadron Collider Could Destroy the Planet?
The Big Bang Machine: Will man’s insatiable thirst for knowledge end up destroying the world? For similar stories, see: The …
As a lay person this was so excellently explained that I could follow what was explained.. Thank you… As Neil de Grasse had mentioned.. to promote interest in Science.. it’s important to make it easy to explain complex science concepts ( for non scientists) so that the average person’s understanding is enhanced and helps stoke the interest in science. This person has done a marvelous job here.
Even in seemingly chaotic systems like a flowing river, there are still patterns and structures that emerge. For example, vortices and eddies form because the flow of water is governed by physical laws that produce these patterns. And the Fibonacci sequence, with its spiral shapes, is a great example of how patterns emerge even in apparently random processes. It’s really amazing to think that even something as simple as the flow of water can give rise to such complex and beautiful patterns and also patterns from the sea of the universe on nature and our physical world.
The way I see this, the Higgs boson pops in so to speak at high energy events, it more or less decays when the energy isn’t there to sustain or lengthen it. Think of it like a bullet hitting a large solid steel piece of metal that doesn’t move. But in this case the metal would essentially heal itself, like nothing happened. I think once we get into even greater energy collisions I think the Higgs boson will stick around a little longer with more “waves”. Basically I think the energy release is more or less hitting something unknown.
Ever noticed how the realm of physics, from which the concept stems, never seem to consider the observer might be CAUSING the results? As I recall, the multiverse & supersymmetry models had differing predictions for the Higgs. 1 said it had to be 140 GeV & the other said 115 GeV. Atlas & CMS both came in with an anomaly at 126 GeV. Somehow this was declared a triumph yet the science I learned said if you predict something & it doesn’t show up you go back to finding a new hypothesis. Now we have explanations for Higgs decay involving “hypothetical particles yet to be observed” as if this is a rational explanation. To me it sounds more like the kind of magic a medium would use – “the ghost will talk to us through ectoplasm – you can’t see it or know it is there but that’s how ghosts work!” I guess when you make up magic because your basic theory doesn’t produce the right results, (Inflation, Dark Matter, Dark Energy anyone?) it’s not much of a leap to relying on yet another “hypothetical particles yet to be observed” – DM anyone? No wonder Fauci got away with claiming he is ‘the science’ – everyone seems WAY too eager to ignore actual scientific method!
I feel like the analogy breaks down when you get to the Higgs Boson itself. If the Higgs Boson is a “wave” created in the Higgs field it shouldn’t be a particle or decay into other particles. It should also show up more frequently if we accelerated heavy particles without actually needing the collision. It almost seems like the Higgs Boson is a bubble formed in the field and new particles are made by compressing residual energy in the collapse of the bubble. Like some kind lf quantum cavitation.
Measurements with advanced computing while integrating new theoretical physics such as Distance Time Theory would have a beneficial impact especially regarding the human body’s relationship with observed/non observed particles as it pertains both to Earth physics and to laws outside of its atmosphere(s).
Cylindrical reflection surface causes rapid vibration of the Higgs field oscillation causing the self immolation should angle it more kinda like a shallow suppressor baffle to force the wave to propagate along the direction of atomic fragmentation to examine the reoccurrence of multiple Higgs resonance
To me, a European citizen moderately interested in science, this sounds like a commercial. And I feel these folks want to see a particle in everything, because LHC. “If the only tool you’ve got is a hammer, everything just has to be a nail” comes to mind. I want the European parliament to assess what went into this, what came out and what we can realistically expect in terms of practical applications. “But it’s science!”. Yeah, right. I’m all for that. But this is really expensive science, there is a lot to be investigated and there’s only one pool of money. Do we need more of the same? How much of the LHC budget goes into securing funds for more of this? Isn’t this very article a testament of the monster this has become?
they are likely going to find that the amount of energy put into the collision affects the higgs decay rate. My guess this is why they are upping the power for the next batch of expierments. Personally I think they altered time somehow with the 2018 runs. Alot of people agree, something more happened.
The cited press release says they have 3.4 standard deviations, less than the usual 5 standard deviations required to avoid getting excited about hallucinations caused by luck. The right next step is to wait for them to get more data and either get to 5 standard deviations or for things to regress to the mean and the hallucination goes away.
The Higgs Boson may not be the “God” particle we would have anticipated it to be, yet we also haven’t been able to quantify the photon either. The tachyon, not to mention weakly interacting massive particles (dark, non-Baryonic matter) is still teasingly beyond our scope. Sodium-22 gives us a glimpse at electron/positron collisions and the inherent power and energy with which we can extrapolate into future fusion reactors (mEv potentials from said reactions could hypothetically provide inexhaustible energy from modicum amounts of matter).
If you ask me, I think they’re playing with fire with this science. There’s always a chance something can go wrong. Murphy’s law seems to kick in when you least expect it. I understand that these are some of the most brilliant minds on the planet but slamming different protons or electrons together at nearly the speed of light is inherently dangerous.
As long as we don’t excepted the fact that there is no beginning and no end and all is infinity as no limit in small,no limit in large,we the human will not fully understand physics and that’s the barrier we face and if we except that smaller things exist than atoms in the realms of their own law of physical properties we will turn in circles
I was seriously disappointed they didn’t talk about what the decay process was, and what made it significant. It was just a “hey we found new shot, just believe us” article. There have been multiple 3+ sigma deviations that were false positives. This just seems like more CERN PR to get funding for a bigger collider. Seeing too many of these types of articles by CERN itself, as well as “gullible” pop science sites.
Idk how I got here… But I watched and paid attention to this article. The whole time, I kept FEELING a voice in my head tell me “they don’t know how to observe it yet”. Like…is there rapid decay? Or can they only actually OBSERVE it for a minute amount of time 🤔 And I also feel the voice saying, “they know they can only observe it for so long…but they are seeking how to observe it further” I believe this is where the “other dimension” stuff comes into play. They have to observe it from a different standpoint(dimension). It’s like trying to observe our planet/solar system/galaxy. How can u fully observe it, if you’re smack dab in the middle of it 🧠 Thus…the mission is to observe it from a parallel standpoint! Again…idk how I got here! I was perusal car articles on YouTube, and “Large Hadron Collider” went thru my head…then went thru my article suggestions. I started perusal the article, and instantly came up with my thesis before it ended! Very strange. Today’s date is 12/12/2023
so LHC is like a particle extractor of sorts and to rip HB particles from the field takes so much energy but due to our limited technology it only lasts for a short period whereas photons dont even require something like the LHC because theyre massless? does that mean photons are common during collisions? also, if we create a better device than the LHC, does that mean we’ll begin to manipulate the higgs field as we can rip more particles from it and if so, what does that mean? we can start forming our own elements as long as the energy exists?
So it seems to my ignorant opinion that the objective context of Time the universe exists in is accurate to the most infinitely small details of energy (change). While being infinite enough that billions of years are sustained in trillionth of second measures. There must be a “pool” of reality for these quantum effects to operate within. You can’t have waves without a water to sustain the energy. Excellent presentation of how complex the fabric of reality is.
So the particles are broken down to the point where they become a trait of matter? Higgs is the right frequency to measure the aspects of atoms? Oh btw, they should try the partical accelerator except collide the particles inside a bose Einstein condensate. The higgs half life will be preceived for longer study
Occam’s razor is the problem-solving principle that recommends searching for explanations constructed with the smallest possible set of elements. It is also known as the principle of parsimony or the law of parsimony. This philosophical razor advocates that when presented with competing hypotheses about the same prediction, one should prefer the one that requires the fewest assumptions. Thought Experiment: What if the standard model is intentionally wrong..
A websiteed source described how CERN is being used in support of a parallel agenda, in an attempt to break through what amounts to a quarrantine to prevent current prevailing corrupt influence — who manage a limited outlook in terms of disclosed technologies and awareness and a need for limitation, crises and warmaking to achieve this — from escaping this planet or solar system to wreak havoc beyond. What we are experiencing is said to be extremely unusual with regard to the societies of human-like and other beings that exist in our galaxy and elsewhere in our arbitrary and compartmentalized nature in a lower compulsive version of ourselves as currently maintained primarily through fear-based group oriented behavior and identification in place of the value and infinite potential of individual perspective .
If you can prove a theory, everything around it falls apart like a house of cards. The collisions in the LHC of subatomic particles at faster than the speed of light EXPLAIN itself through the equivalence principle, why heavy particles are created BUT they can only live for a very short time, which is ALSO dependent on the reference frame. By the way, string theory has around 11 dimensions, which because of the fifth dimension crumbles, as the 1.0 experiment has proven a long time ago.
Imagination – Process of Pure Creation The process of creation starts with thought – an idea, conception, visualization. Everything you see was once someone’s idea. Nothing exists in your world that did not first exist as pure thought. This is true of the universe as well. Thought is the first level of creation. Next comes the word. Everything you say is a thought expressed. It is creative and sends forth creative energy into the universe. Words are more dynamic (thus, some might say more creative) than thought, because words are a different level of vibration from thought. They disrupt (change, alter, affect) the universe with greater impact. Words are the second level of creation. Next comes action. Actions are words moving. Words are thoughts expressed. Thoughts are ideas formed. Ideas are energies come together. Energies are forces released. Forces are elements existent. Elements are particles of God, portions of ALL, the stuff of everything. The beginning is God. The end is action. Action is God creating – or God experienced. Conversation With God – The Holy Trinity You are a tree-fold being. You consist of body, mind, and spirit. You could also call these the physical, the non-physical, and the meta-physical. This is the Holy Trinity, and it has been called by many names. That which you are, I am. I am manifested as Three-In-One. Some of your theologians have called this Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Your psychiatrists have recognized the triumvirate and called it conscious, subconscious, and super-conscious.
My question is, how was the lifespan of the famed particle captured, if it lived for 1.6 * 10^-22 seconds?? it means than the particle lived about 625 quintillion times smaller than 1 second. that is an extraordinarily short of amount of time. the lifespan of that particle is is about 8.3 quintillion times faster than the speed of light if the speed of light were to circle earth.
I think that what the collider shows is that “space” or any one point in it contains many more particles than we believe. Photons have zero mass, are affected by a myriad of particles, gravity ect. Yet can hold together as one across the reaches of the universe. Gravity holds the universe together? Hmm. Gravity holds us here on earth keeps everything going around it’s “core” everything spins right? How does a 100 mile wide comet leave the Kuiper Belt. Gravity. So if gravity is so powerful that it can pull an object from so far away toward itself, then why does the comet not get swallowed up by the sun. One reason could be the radial motion of the sun. We cannot observe the motion as we are tied to it. At what time of day does our side of the earth face the direction in space that the sun is traveling? At what time of year do we cross in front of the direction the sun is traveling? Or when we are trailing behind? Does the solar system compress in front and trail behind? Or is the solar system fluctuating similar to magnetic pole changes? Or the tilt of the sun. And a big assumption is that all the particles emanate from two nucleus colliding. How can you tell if they come from two atoms or adjacent particles or energy affected by the collision? That we can build this “machine” at all is remarkable but to understand exactly what we are looking at will take much more understanding than we do now. And that’s assuming our theories are correct.
Rewrite physics? With word salad science fiction, with animated pixels? if they were actually knocking these particles together and around from 2015-2018, it explains alot. Like why the google core engine updates needed consecutive updates. As if being saturated with radio waves to control a prison planet. Am I the onnly one aware of these side effects on our affects?
Are we back to the ether in effect but Michelson Morley was just too crude an experiment assuming particles were entirely separate to the ether and not a particular manifestation of it? It does seem odd when enormous money is setting up experiments to see what is happening but then total surprise and resistance when the results do not match the blind assumptions.
Einstein’s theory of relativity tells us that the speed of light is constant, but it’s possible that this might not be entirely true. Some physicists have proposed that the speed of light might be variable, depending on things like the density of the medium it’s traveling through or the curvature of space-time
If scientist believe that space and time (space/time) was created when the universe was created, would it not be logical that when you approach the “borders” of our universe/existence the scientific principles particular to this universe could/would/might weaken, alter, or even fail the closer you get to the edge?
We’ve known the hits boson wasn’t right for a long time. Really old news to be honest. They’re just slowly admitting it so they don’t feel so bad. saying things like “oh here’s some more proof that may be to the contrary”. It’s like yeah you guys had that proof it probably was wrong, pretty early on you just didn’t want to let go of this $10 billion-spent idea all at once. This has been their plan since they realized it was wrong. “Well we’ll slowly say it” By the way, if you guys don’t think what I’m saying is true, I understand. It takes a lot of sifting to really find the evidence of what I’m saying. I noticed it when I heard a lot of really good physicists mentioning how they weren’t super happy with the way it was presented and I had to do a lot of digging to understand what exactly it was that they meant. It’s accessible information though.
Here is one for you. This guy is talking about a swimming pool. We all know that waves occur on the surface of water. OK, let’s say you have a 2000 foot deep pool. You quietly sink to the 1000 foot depth. Then suddenly, you clap your hands together as hard as you can. There are no bubbles, there are no visible waves near your hands. No water is missing. Then ask yourself: are there invisible waves inside the water? The answer is, of course, yes, but how do you know? By the way this invisible force can move fish around. But how does it raise up a fish as it passes by? The water cannot be compressed. No more water is below the fish pushing it up and no more water is above pushing it back down.
So they didnt find out exactly what they were looking, instead requestet that needs to make 4x times bigger and more expensive LHC collider to make this theory work. What if there is no big bang or beginning as it proves more and more from James Webb telescope that there are big differences in time from what we though that it was beginning, but there are much older bigger galaxies and objects in time out there, that we couldnt even imagine. And how long it tool to them to form like that compared with what we thought of age of cosmoss.
I’m sorry, but maybe my scientific understanding is askew. The electron has mass because it interacts with the Higgs field? My conclusion from the statement would have been, the electron is proven to have mass because it interacts with the Higgs field. The former statement suggests the Higgs field gives the electron mass through interaction. My statement suggests the electron has mass and thus affects the Higgs field. I think my statement is more logical because you can take an electron out of a Higgs field and it will still have mass.
It goes far beyond that what I can understand. I have one question though. These particles are measured with components made by human hand and therefore subject to physical processes which are rough compared to what they are measuring. Such as measuring the width of a hair with a meterstick. How can the outcome be so precise. Or does the outcome only exists in models and animations, are scientists sure that something that exists only x time -10^22 isn’t a glitch of an electron somewhere in a processor?
Blake’s remark from The Marriage of Heaven and Hell (1790-93). It is to see all things through the narrow chinks of our caverns, because we take as gospel truth the doctrine of scientific materialism that nature is purely physical. That starts to unravel once we realise that our conscious impressions can’t be divided from objective viewing, as if the former were a deluded epiphenomenon. Rather, the issue is how accurate and inclusive any take on the world is – a take that can diversify and expand as the imagination deepens and grows. ‘A fool sees not the same tree that a wise man sees,’ Blake wrote, and then he tempts us further: ‘If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, Infinite.’ This is no psychedelic hope or dreamy aspiration. Blake is a philosopher and artist. He understands how perception works, theoretically and practically. And there are ways to open ourselves up and escape the cavern. The Prophet: On Death by Kahlil Gibran Then Almitra spoke, saying, We would ask now of Death. And he said: You would know the secret of death. But how shall you find it unless you seek it in the heart of life? The owl whose night-bound eyes are blind unto the day cannot unveil the mystery of light. If you would indeed behold the spirit of death, open your heart wide unto the body of life. For life and death are one, even as the river and the sea are one. In the depth of your hopes and desires lies your silent knowledge of the beyond; And like seeds dreaming beneath the snow your heart dreams of spring.
String Theory was not a waste of time. Geometry is the key to Math and Physics. What if we describe subatomic particles as spatial curvature, instead of trying to describe General Relativity as being mediated by particles? Quantum Entangled Twisted Tubules: “A theory that you can’t explain to a bartender is probably no damn good.” Ernest Rutherford The following is meant to be a generalized framework for an extension of Kaluza-Klein Theory. Does it agree with the “Twistor Theory” of Roger Penrose? During the early history of mankind, the twisting of fibers was used to produce thread, and this thread was used to produce fabrics. The twist of the thread is locked up within these fabrics. Is matter made up of twisted 3D-4D structures which store spatial curvature that we describe as “particles”? Are the twist cycles the “quanta” of Quantum Mechanics? When we draw a sine wave on a blackboard, we are representing spatial curvature. Does a photon transfer spatial curvature from one location to another? Wrap a piece of wire around a pencil and it can produce a 3D coil of wire, much like a spring. When viewed from the side it can look like a two-dimensional sine wave. You could coil the wire with either a right-hand twist, or with a left-hand twist. Could Planck’s Constant be proportional to the twist cycles. A photon with a higher frequency has more energy. ( E=hf, More spatial curvature as the frequency increases = more Energy ). What if gluons are actually made up of these twisted tubes which become entangled with other tubes to produce quarks.
Did you know that there is no inherent illumination or luminosity in photons? “Light,” as such, cannot be found there. Photons are, perhaps, ‘packets’ of energy which have the properties of both spread-out waves and localized particles. Photons only take on the appearance of being luminous as they arise within consciousness, in our mind’s eye. It may be that photons are spread-out energy potentials that fill the immensity of space, and only take on the appearance of being a localized discrete particle of “light” when we become aware of them in consciousness, in this actualized awareness we call mind. Thus, you are the light of the kosmos. This “light” is only arising in us. The world outside of a mind is perfectly ‘dark,’ or empty, unactualized in any way. Of course, what else could it be? What would perceive it as illuminated, or as any “thing”? All of our thoughts are the activity of consciousness, modulations of that consciousness, incarnations within that pure consciousness, rays shining from inside that consciousness. We are agents of that consciousness, emerging from within that consciousness. All there is to experience is the knowing of it, and that knowing is God’s own Self in us, living in us, the source of our life, the energy of consciousness itself. We could say that God lives in us, since consciousness seems to have become localized in this particular body-mind. Or we could say that we live in God, since all that we perceive arises in that consciousness, including our body-mind.
I always wonder why science and particularly physics are made so far out and difficult to grasp. Even the initial concepts are hard to grasp and if you try to understand it deeper it just keeps on splitting up infinitely. If the motivation is to find a common ground on which everything rests ( god-particle) why is it hardly communicable?
Absolutely! the universe is like a flowing river, with time and space flowing together. This flow creates ripples in the form of gravity waves, and these ripples could have effects on the behavior of particles like muons. This could explain the muon g-2 anomaly, and it could also mean that our understanding of the speed of light and the nature of time might need to be revised.
Let’s start here. In the beginning, that which Is is all there was, and there was nothing else. So in the beginning, that which Is is all there was, and there was nothing else. Yet All That Is could not know itself – because All That Is is all there was, and there was nothing else. And so, All That Is…was not. For in the absence of something else, All That Is, is not. This is the great Is/Not Is to which mystics have referred from the beginning of time. Now All That Is knew it was all there was – but this was not enough, for it could only know its utter magnificence conceptually, not experiencially. Yet the experience of itself is that for which it longed, for it wanted to know what it felt like to be so magnificent. Still, this was impossible, because the very term “magnificent” is a relative term. All That Is could not know what it felt like to be magnificent unless that which is not showed up. In the absence of that which is not, that which IS, is not. Do you understand this? The one thing that All That Is knew is that there was nothing else. And so it could, and would, never know Itself from a reference point outside of Itself. Such a point did not exist. Only one reference point existed, and that was the single place within. The “Is-Not Is.” The Am-Not Am. Still, the All of Everything chose to know Itself experiencially. This energy – this pure, unseen, unheard, unobserved, and therefore unknown-by-anyone-else energy – chose to experience Itself as the utter magnificence It was.
That’s about the worst explanation of the Higgs Boson that I’ve ever heard. Higgs has energy when empty but not when full, and to empty it you have to give it energy. Motion is the act of giving energy to the Higgs where you were, then regaining this energy from the Higgs where you are now. Velocity is maintained when you don’t have extra energy to give to the Higgs in front of you, so they keep stealing the payoff from the Higgs behind you, pulling you forward in a kind of Higgs energy vacuum.
So the Higgs field is not the ‘disproven’ aether, and it’s different than the structure of space? And the proton which spins for a theorized 4x the life of our universe isn’t as fundamental as the Higgs boson which exists for a trillionth of a billionth of a second after destroying something else? Also mass is Higgs bosons interacting with the Higgs field… got it I definitely understand mass and energy now.
Calling it the God particle is an incredible exaggeration. It gives the impression it’s responsible for all mass. It’s not. It’s responsible only for the masses of elementary particles. Almost all the mass of atomic matter, really very close to 100%, comes from the energies of the interactions between the quarks & gluons in nucleons (protons & neutrons), “swirling” about @ relativistic speeds. The Higgs field is also not responsible for neutrino masses, & since we don’t even know whatever kinds of dark matter exist (if any), we also can’t say it’s responsible for that mass either. The article title just repeats the nickname, but the physicists who coined it years ago seem to have had an instinct for click bait, intentionally or not. It’s important, it’s required by the Standard Model, but “God” particle was always more than a bit of a stretch.
Albert Einstein � “I didn’t arrive at my understanding of the fundamental laws of the universe through my rational mind.” “Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. Matter is spirit reduced to point of visibility. There is no matter.” “Time and space are not conditions in which we live, but modes by which we think. Physical concepts are free creations of the human mind, and are not, however it may seem, determined by the external world.” “Time does not exist – we invented it. Time is what the clock says. The distinction between the past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.” “I think 99 times and find nothing. I stop thinking, swim in silence, and the truth comes to me.” “The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery. There comes a leap in consciousness, call it intuition or what you will, the solution comes to you and you don’t know how or why.” “A human being experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” “Our separation from each other is an optical illusion.” “When something vibrates, the electrons of the entire universe resonate with it.
Scientists need stop smashing atoms to find particles, that just gives us the parts of the atom not how they work together. Instead, they need to find a way to study the atom as a whole, whether directly or indirectly so they can not only find new particles more efficiently but get a better understanding how the atomic system functions as a whole.
Imagine a bunch of stuff they’ve been sitting on will be released to try and win back some who have lost trust in science and authority over the last few years. I hope this version at least uses more exacting ‘scientific ‘ language instead of having major unknown components or aspects being named black, dark etc and then base their theories on them but present it as ‘fact’ instead of a testable idea that fails many tests.
IMHO, this article is NOT an accurate representation of the results reported in the CERN Press Release in a crucial way. The press release is about the first detections of the rare decay into a Z-boson and a photon, and the 3.4 sigma appears to be a significance level for detection of this rare type of decay. The figure 6.6% appears in the press release as the frequency of a different decay mode, and not what this article claims. I believe this was simply a misunderstanding by the article maker.
Lost me at math of subscripts, greek letters, and subscript exponents, but I use subscripts to define any variable as a considered label, and a non-mathematical changer. If I wanted a Subscript called Bₐₗₗₒₒₙₛ, I can make it equal x, y, z, t, r, theta, pi, e. Really we need to move past graphical math, because 3 Dimensional Calculators are still 2D Screens, with no depth, and extremely unintuitive.
“Tiny bubbles, in the wine, make me feel happy, make me feel fine! Tiny bubbles, make me warm all over, with the feeling that I’m gonna love you ‘til the end of time!” “Tiny Bubbles” — Leon Pober (Don Ho or Dean Martin or perhaps 40 or 50 other “hit” versions, choose your poison, this is NOT an exact science!)… And on the subject of “exact sciences,” I think we all know that you could just be making all of this up out of whole cloth (you’re probably on a first name basis with anyone equipped to gainsay you!), but we’re mostly drinking the “kool-aid,” at least around here! Glad “string theory” seems to be history in any case, I never did get any of that! Not, mind you, that I “get” very much of THIS, but it seems to be a great deal more elegant and fun… And in any event (horizon), your marvelous explanatory commentary and incredible graphics should quite justifiably assure groceries and tenure for all involved! Don’t stop on my account! Wasn’t it “Sylvester the Cat” who was so famous for his not infrequently opining, “Uhh, thoundth s’lodgsical!”…? BTW: Whose idea was it to put the Wicca in charge of the encyclopedia? Oh well, at least they read books instead of burning them… — Namaste, Glenn
My interesting story about when the Mandela Effect started.(Believe me if you want. Its EXACTLY what happened to me. I woke up & then there were 2 timelines) I was browsing thru youtube back in 2015 and perusal this CERN article about how they are going to test to see if they can send a particle MERE MOMENTS before it launched to interacted with itself in the large hadron collider. I remember reading that, that experiment will take place the following day. I, being a hard watcher/studier of space/time travel/experimentations, I said “CERN is going to fuck up the world dude! You cant interact with something and expect the timeline not to be affected.” Literally the following afternoon or following day after they launched it and did it (it was successful btw look it up) Literally the follow day, the world changed “Mandela Effect” everybody remembered TWO different timelines. I strongly believe CERN’s experiment was successful & had ripple effects on time. Even something as insignificant as small a particle interacting with itself caused so much damage with time.
Time to keep our lamps full and wait on the Bridegroom. Time to abide in our Heavenly Father that HE may abide in us. Time to share the gospel of the Kingdom of GOD & be a disciple of Jesus Christ. To be baptized by the Comforter the Holy Spirit.. Time to wait on HIM. Time to trust, lean, seek HIS wisdom, understanding, knowledge. Time to love unconditionally, forgive, & repent of all our sins…,.
Hearing this is so innovative and exciting in the same breath I’ve heard there are particals we have never seen before reminds me of this old wives tale. The Higgs potential has the worrisome feature that it might become metastable at energies above 100 (billion) gigaelectronvolts (GeV). This could mean that the universe could undergo catastrophic vacuum decay, with a bubble of the true vacuum expanding at the speed of light. This could happen at any time and we wouldn’t see it coming.” j/k. That was a quote from ~Stephen Hawking.
After CERN’s experiment in sept 2015, i found myself on a parallel version of earth a few months later in February 2016. Everything is similar here yet definitely not the same. i thnk CERN is causing souls to transfer to parallel earths. My home earth was not located in the Orion Arm of the galaxy. it was at the edge of Sagitarius Arm. Geography is different here, anatomy and many other things have bizarrely changed. others i’ve met have also quantum-shifted here.
I wonder if this is the answer to the question “Where is everybody?” Maybe curiosity, more often than not, ends up killing the cat? Scientists never say it’s IMPOSSIBLE that we could creat a black hole that is problematic .. or worse .. They simply say it’s unlikely. Yet they also admit that there is so much we still don’t know. They are wiling to risk the whole of Humanity for additional knowledge. It’s usually the unknown unknowns you need to worry about. Maybe we need to start voting before allowing these experiments to be conducted?
I believe we didn’t destroy anything but change the frequency of which everything in our universe was on. When altered it and what is happening now is the universes are collapsing in on us deleting the others which will continue until all parallel universes and high parallel universes are collapsed into one then boom 💥 it explodes into multiple parallel and higher parallel universes bring back order but the in-between is gonna get ridiculous and very very painful. I believe that’s why so many remembered things and events have changed and why some people are here and some are just a memory.
A fun quote of my professor who helped design parts of the lhc: the member states asked if the lhc could create a black hole and asked the scientists to debate whether it can or not and prove it, so the top scientists came together at a conference and just said ‘no’, because it’s such an obvious and easy answer.
I think this will help uncover some data for us that might be incomprehensible at the moment. However, I believe that in order to be a higher desinity being, we have the answers by going within. We know so little about ourselves. In particular, our pineal and how to access it and how to use it once we do. Plant medicine gives us an experience that defies science. Some can astralplane/astralproject. We don’t have to understand it, we have to experience it. It’s like describing how a strawberry tastes to someone who never had one until they do. 🙏
Nice overview of a science project for science deprived viewers. The story of how Monkey man who is mostly interested in food, sex and death gets curious about the nature of things and invents machines to help him understand the universe. When he’s done and knows everything, he can go back to food, sex and death full time.
Informative and well put together, overall this is very good. There are some problems. This clickbait title is only loosely addressed in the article (by percentage of run-time). Reference to “god particle” without any more mention into the origin of that moniker is an attention grab. Give your lay audience more credit.
Neurons and atoms are like the nuts and bolts of our universe. I really have to wonder if they know what to expect or what could go wrong, I know it’s highly controlled and monitored heavily. But smashing those things together is a scary thought because it’s more less trying to rip holes in our existence to discover more of these neurons and atoms or something else. But trying to mimic the way a blackhole works is impossible since they don’t nearly have the energy needed to do that. Doesn’t mean that it’s not extremely unstable. I just don’t think this is something we should mess with. We haven’t explored the entirety of our oceans, space and haven’t discover everything here. It just doesn’t make sense. So you’re telling me we can’t cure cancer which is something that can happen within ourselves but we can create mini blackholes. Does nobody not see the problem with that? This is technology that we know something about.. We don’t know about the other stuff that has been invented and hidden since this.
So did everyone else catch that part where around 14:30 they said that it could never be used for a weapon and then he was saying that it couldn’t go fast enough to create an explosion that and then he went on to say that they were never able to get it to go as fast as they needed or weren’t able to create enough antimatter for the explosion admitting to them trying to use it as a weapon .. Sorry for spelling errors in being a little poorly said but yeah
This is an interesting read for you. We are in a matrix, that means there’s a hard drive to hold the data to our reality. Now through the experiment in showing water holds memory I believe I know where the hard drive is. In the experiment a listening device was used to record the electromagnetic field coming from the water to later reconstruct the DNA that was once in the water, this told me electromagnetic fields holds information so could earth magnetic field be the hard drive to our reality? I found my answer seeing magnetic frequencies shooting off SpaceX rockets at the earth magnetic field. CERN also was creating these magnetic frequencies, there’s footage of a big blue spiral over Norway. Now at the basics of our reality, it is the same as computer code in strings of ones and zeros, so theses frequencies are made from the powerful magnets being turned into a combination of positive and negative states and theses positive and negative states is the ones and zeros in computer code. Now the entire history of the earth right down to the positions of atoms is stored in the earth field, that is a hell of a lot of data so I don’t believe that there’s an infinite amount of parallel universes because there would need to be an infinite amount of storage. I believe there are other realms in the frequency domain, I believe Nibiru is in a different frequency range to us, I believe ghosts, spirits and even aliens are in the different frequency range to us but I don’t believe that there’s an infinite amount of parallel universes with an infinite number of me.
Odd part about this project were opening ceremonies. People who claim there’s no God Creator has Hindu god statue on their front entrance. Had a half naked pagan dance, acting central person was man in a horned wolf costume and was worshiped. While world leaders watched. When they succeeded splitting atom. Something unexpected and unexplainable happened. Some sort portal was opened and unusual “ghost like objects” were seen. Like a door between spiritual and realty.
In order to create a singularity (a black hole) a collider would have to have the energy to compress a mass the size of 4 solar masses to a 10 mile diameter (or the earth to the size of a dime, but still wouldn’t be anywhere near the mass to sustain it). The biggest collider is astronomically microscopic compared to the titanic forces and mass required. People who worry of such things are not aware of the immense forces involved to cause stellar forces to drop out of our dimensions we call the universe. Just sayin……
Time to keep our lamps full and wait on the Bridegroom. Time to abide in our Heavenly Father that HE may abide in us. Time to share the gospel of the Kingdom of GOD & be a disciple of Jesus Christ. To be baptized by the Comforter the Holy Spirit.. Time to wait on HIM. Time to trust, lean, seek HIS wisdom, understanding, knowledge. Time to love unconditionally, forgive, & repent of all our sins…xz
The more info and data along with the age of the machine eventually robs most people of what they choose to remember. And replaces it with the most convenient and current input and if lucky something from way back when is remembered, possibly triggered by an event similar to or having similarities to the origi al input of data. This TRIGGERING a memory! Sometimes accurate, sometimes not so much. Logically, any age person, is going to remember something recent over something ancient!. Along with the events themselves, sometimes just the basic details of the event seem”CHANGED”
you know I used to have faith and scientists meaning I really found their theories interesting and how certain things work but whenever they started paying attention to outside this planet I lost interest I know there’s life out there there’s life here we don’t even know about and if I would spend as much money and yes I say as much money and time and research and the looking for stuff on this planet that people say isn’t real then we would have a better understanding looking for things in space and how the world was created is a smoke screen for what’s really on this planet and why it was created and what it really means and there’s no stopping them at this point but there is a handful of the Next Generation that will hopefully understand what this message means
:20 You had me until the term “big bang”. Science based on an illogical assumption can only be flawed. I would love to see the mathematical support of a theory that supposes a “big bang” of condensed nothing comes about and results in an expanding sphere of space and matter within a vacuum. Tell me more about the expanding event horizon from a big bang resulting in a static vacuum state. I’m sure it’s a great story.
In the early morning of 9/11/2001 (at the age of 18) I jumped off a 2 story porch. Breaking my wrist in two places &, fracturing my heel. Up to this point, I lived my life as an atheist. I converted to Christianity that night. When I woke up the first tower was already hit. I watch the towers come down. Then I went to the hospital, to get fixed up. The cast went from my left hand to my shoulder &, I had to use crutches. My first testimony of GOD’s love for me. It takes place shortly after 9/11/01. I was invited to a keg party, by my friends. A quick back story. When we had keg parties &, the police broke them up. They did it in force, with around a dozen officers, chasing us around. The spot this one was at, had never been busted. How you get to it was tricky. You had to walk through a playground to a small section of woods. That led you to a field, longer than a football field in length. At the other end you have woods with around a dozen paths to take. Then walk down the path a ways in. Cross over a bridge to a spot next to a large hill. As I’m walking in, 4 of my good friends are walking out. They tell me to go on back there. They’re going to get beer or something. I get back there. One of my best friends is there, with his gf & my ex gf. Some kid is hitting on her. There are around 20 kids, I didn’t know. When things start getting scary weird. The kid hitting on my ex, is called over to his crew. They start saying things like, let’s fuck him up, Get em, ect ect. While my ex tells me to come sit &, she sits on my lap.
seems to be me they should be able to smash a few pieces of bread together, make sure the people alive here now on this planet or plane are fed and then move on to the bang.. you know i think this could have been accomplished by now… 1954 you said right.. ? all the world advancing and working together to accomplish goals that affect most of us..or just smash expensive ideas for 50 years derrrrr
…21For although they knew God, they neither glorified Him as God nor gave thanks to Him, but they became futile in their thinking and darkened in their foolish hearts. 22Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools, 23and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images of mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.…
It’s called a cyclotron. It is indeed very big but it isn’t the first. It does something very cool and please don’t misunderstand me – I mean, I think opening a magic door into Spooksville, Fantasia or AGoodTimeWasHadByAllVille, or even hell for that matter would be very cool, because it would mean we saw even more than we hoped we might. I’m a little more cynical I’m afraid. We’re probably just gonna see pictures of tiny things bumping into each other and bouncing all about. God, please prove me very,very wrong. People here just don’t like to go anywhere without a leader. As a result, there seem to too few leader-types around. Hey! Maybe there’s a magic door to Leadersville! Wouldn’t that be swell? Just think of all the places people could be led!
Answer, don’t be ridiculous .There are many people who don’t want to be evaporated at work, some of our greatest minds are on the job, if you are concerned find out what’s going on because history and present day has told us that ignorance breeds fear. Much love and peace to my global family —–Tracie Hall from Sunbury vic Australia xxxooo.
“Pay no attention to the darkness behind the screen”. ‘Lean not unto our own understanding. In all our ways acknowledge Him, He will direct our paths. ‘-Proverbs 3:5-6 NOT lean unto your own nano sized human brain to “figure it all out”. There is an infallible truth in this verse & entire Bible! Our “needing to know” things? We have no idea what “forces” we’ve opened & r continuing to open!!! Diddling around w crap we can NEVER put back inside the box?! You may have intelligence but zip for common sense. Check out this prophetic Bible verse Ephesians 6:12 KJV. ‘For we wrestle not against flesh & blood. But against principalities, against the powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world. Against spiritual wickedness in high places’. Romans 5:8, John 3:16, Psalm 91
So what was the last catastrophic event that affected the entire world? I would say the 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan every article that ive seen of the tsunami it’s like every boat that use an engine or electricity stopped working ??? there was 1 article that was taken far out in the ocean I guess it was near the epicenter because the wave was small compared to what they usually create
It did! Those tiny particles traveling at nearly light speed which were far to small to maintain existence traveled back in time and combined with dark matter along the way becoming the size of an asteroid. It traveled back 65 million years and killed the dinosaurs. This is an alternative timeline. On the original timeline humans existed with dinosaurs but had to wage war and wanted to save all of humanity so they built a accelerator and did the same thing on that timeline.
Not in itself, but possibly if the forces manifest from its operation are harnessed and utilised incorrectly. I don’t believe it is purely a particle smasher as advanced physics clearly understands ‘particle physics’ is an approximation of nature and not its true composition. It is more likely a device to unlock the harmonic frequencies of natures fundamental constituents. Like a spark gap in a tesla coil couples the characteristics of the wave front to function in the correct manner for ionisation of the local atmospheres gasses/composition. Just like the great pyramid uses the subterranean aquifer and crystallographic properties to couple the characteristics of the wave front to that of the Earth and ionospheres electrostatic, electrodynamic wave coupling characteristics.
Your GOD is not my GOD. Your people are not my people. Your world is not my world. I spy, I see and hear, from a different dimension and my SOUL is separated by my WILL, not to be tainted, to avoid HELL. When I was lost I transgressed; but now I have found the GOD within before the world I knew expired. Not too late to change course or continue to follow the damned and condemned. The last Truth is to save my SOUL. One by one we make our choice to live in GOD’s WORLD and not man’s…
God is so Holy one lie gets us the death sentence. He loves us so much he sent his son, Jesus, to live a sinless life, give his life on the cross and rise again on the third day to pay our penalty and anyone that believes on Jesus and say it out loud gets the free gift of everlasting life with him in heaven.