Chakra tuning forks are small metal forks that produce a specific sound frequency that resonates with each of the seven chakras. These forks are designed to adjust the energy flow of the body’s seven main chakras, promoting balance and healing. Each fork corresponds to a specific chakra and emits a frequency that resonates with it.
There are two types of tuning forks: weighted and unweighted. Weighted tuning forks have weights, while crystal tuning forks are valued for their clear, resonant tones and aesthetic appeal. Techniques for using tuning forks involve holding the fork by its stem and adjusting the frequency of sound emitted.
The set of seven tuning forks includes the first root/muladhara (Earth Day) for 194.18 Hz, the second sacral/svadhisthana (Synodic Moon) for 210.42 Hz, the third solar Plexus/Manipura (Sun) for 126.22 Hz, the fourth heart/anahata (Earth Year) for 136.10 Hz, and the fifth Throat/Vishuddha (Mercury) for 141.27 Hz.
By using tuning forks, one can balance their chakras, reduce stress and anxiety, enhance meditation and mindfulness, and boost their energy levels. The set includes nine unweighted tuning forks, each marked by the frequency of sound emitted and the corresponding chakra.
The guide provides a comprehensive guide to help users get started with their 7 Chakra Healing Tuning Fork Set, including therapy tuning forks tuned to planetary frequencies determined by Hans Cousto and full chakra sets for professionals.
📹 How to Use Chakra Tuning Forks | History and Benefits
What can you use chakra tuning forks for? How can it benefit your life? They can help …. • Tune the natural cycles of the body …
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