Atmakaraka is the planet with the highest degree in your birth chart, representing the soul’s essence and a key factor in understanding one’s life path. In Hindu astrology, Atmakaraka is the significator of the soul’s desire, derived from the Sanskrit words atma-‘soul’ and karaka-‘significator’. The planet with the highest degree, ignoring signs, is the Sun.
In Vedic Astrology, Atmakaraka is determined by calculating the planet with the best ranges in one’s start chart. This planet indicates the soul’s cause and represents the qualities and lessons a person needs to achieve their goals. According to the Vedic philosophy, a soul is reborn because it has unfinished desires that were left behind.
Atmakaraka is often referred to as the “King of Planets” due to its unique and powerful influence on an individual’s soul and life journey. The natural Atmakaraka is the Sun or Surya, symbolizing identity, power, authority, ego, and the true self. However, to understand your life’s purpose and the lessons your soul needs to learn, use our Free Atmakaraka Calculator.
Your Atmakaraka planet signifies who you truly are at the core of your being and reveals the path your soul is destined to walk in this life. By understanding your Atmakaraka planet’s placement in your birth chart, you can explore its impact on relationships, career, and spiritual growth.
📹 What is Atmakaraka in Vedic Astrology? A deeper understanding
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Who is Atmakaraka in astrology?
Karakas in astrology are significators that determine the influence of a planet on a person or thing. The Atmakaraka, the soul significator, governs the subject of a horoscope. The Rasi (Zodiac sign) and Nakshatra (lunar mansion) in which the Atmakaraka is placed play a crucial role in reading a subject’s nature from their chart. Planets in this system include Ravi (English Sun), Chandra (Moon), Kuja (Mars), Budha (Mercury), Guru (Jupiter), Sukra (Venus), and Sani (Saturn).
How to activate Atmakaraka planet?
If Mercury and Venus are both in a 24-degree angle, they will both become your atmakarak planet, which symbolizes your overall character.
What is the role of Amatyakaraka?
In astrological tradition, the amatyakaraka planet is regarded as a minister to the atmakaraka, providing guidance on career paths and the attainment of success. The document examines the impact of planetary influences on career trajectories, emphasizing the role of Amatyakaraka planets in shaping success.
What is my Amatyakaraka in astrology?
In astrological terminology, the Amatyakaraka planet is the second-highest degree in a person’s natal chart. The term is derived from the Sanskrit words “Amatya,” meaning minister or counselor, and “Karaka,” meaning significator.
Is the sun the Atmakaraka?
In its capacity as Atmakaraka, the Sun confers upon the native a sense of empowerment, esteem, and influence, while simultaneously instilling a sense of humility and requiring them to suppress their ego. In regard to one’s profession, the moon, as amatyakaraka, serves as a determining factor.
Is Amatya Karaka the Moon?
As the moon assumes the role of a matyakaraka, it determines the chosen profession. Given that the moon represents the human mind, one may reasonably expect a career in such fields as philosophy, psychology, or spiritual healing. In addition, the Moon represents women, which suggests that a career in women’s products may also prove beneficial.
What if sun is Atmakaraka?
In its capacity as Atmakaraka, the Sun confers upon the native a sense of empowerment, esteem, and influence, while simultaneously instilling a sense of humility and requiring them to suppress their ego. In regard to one’s profession, the moon, as amatyakaraka, serves as a determining factor.
What if Atmakaraka is moon?
A native with Atmakaraka Moon is distinguished by their high level of emotional intelligence, capacity for emotional connection, and intuitive nature. They are nurturing, intuitive, and imaginative, exhibiting a depth of emotional insight and a capacity for empathic understanding that evokes the image of a mother.
Which chart is the Atmakaraka in?
The strength of Atmakaraka is analyzed in all varga charts, including the dasamsha chart for Prince William’s future career indications. The lagna lord and Atmakaraka are placed in the 12th house, which contradicts William’s position as the heir apparent of the British monarchy. This suggests that the timing of his birth may not be precise. The lagna lord and Atmakaraka in the 12th house in Dasamsha show rejection of William’s future role as a monarch. However, William is showing no sign of rejecting his royal duties and appears well-adjusted publicly.
If William’s birth time is moved by 4 minutes to 8:59p. m., Rahu Saturn and Jupiter come into the lagna of the dasamsha, adding strength to the Atmakaraka. This would be a powerful indication of William’s strength as the future King of England. The future will determine whether William will give up his royal duties or embrace them.
The dashas and Bhuktis of the Atmakaraka planet can give profound experiences and life lessons. William was born in the Saturn bhukti of Rahu Dasha, indicating that soul lessons started at birth. The two most important events in his life are directly connected to Saturn Bhukti in Jupiter Dasha. The Atmakaraka Saturn gave William the most important lessons in its Bhukti, changing his perception of life forever.
What is the dasha of Atmakaraka?
The vimshottari mahadasha underscores the significance of the dasha of atmakaraka for spiritual cleansing, indicating that even a planet’s elevated position can bestow materialistic advantages, yet also necessitates arduous learning and realization.
Which Karaka is for wealth?
Dhana yogas are astrological combinations or yogas for wealth and prosperity, which are more fruitful if both the lagna and its lord are strong and there are no Arista yogas present. Jupiter is one of the natural Dhana-karakas, providing lifelong prosperity and financial stability. According to the Parasari School of Hindu astrology, the lord of the 2nd house or bhava, counted from the lagna (birth ascendant), and the 11th bhava are concerned with earning and accumulation of wealth.
The other bhavas to be reckoned with are the 5th and the 9th bhavas, known as the abodes of Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth. The inter-relationship of these wealth-giving bhavas and their respective lords ensures wealth and prosperity. Planets simultaneously owning two wealth-giving bhavas become the prime indicators of wealth. The strongest indicator is the one that owns both the 2nd and the 11th bhavas, followed by the ones who own the 5th or the 9th.
Dhana yogas depend on the lord of the 2nd who determines wealth, while the 11th is the house of gains. Dhana yogas arise when the lords of the 1st, 2nd, 5th, 9th, and 11th bhavas mutually associating, but only when the yogas happen to connect with the lagna that more significant results are seen.
📹 Atmakaraka Through houses in Vedic Astrology (soul’s true guidance)
This video is on understanding your Atmakaraka in the horoscope which is a planet with the highest degree, whether you use a 7 …
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