Hermione Granger has cast a list of spells throughout the series of 7 Books and 8 Movies in Alphabetical Order. Some spells require specific knowledge, such as Accio, the summoning spell, while others, like Protego, cast a magical forcefield around the user, repelling spells. Stupefy is a powerful spell that stuns an opponent, rendering them unconscious. The list includes all known Harry Potter spells A to Z, with clear incantations, as seen or heard in the wizarding world.
The top five spells used in the series were Accio, Expecto Patronum, Stupefy, Expelliarmus, and Avada Kedavra. Some spells, like Accio and Silencio, produced no visible intermediate effect or made loud noises when cast. The first spell Harry learned likely was “Wingardium Leviosa”, the spell of lifting objects.
In the series, every spell is cast only once, with the Dangling Jinx being a spell created by Severus Snape during his Hogwarts years. Harry finds him in Snape’s old Potions schoolbooks and decides to use it. The list includes spells from the games, Cursed Child, and other sources.
📹 Has Harry Potter Cast A Spell On YOU?
With the new Harry Potter series is coming out, and the popularity of both the new video game, as well as witchcraft and Wicca as …
What is Harry Potter’s favorite spell?
Harry, a wizard, was known for his signature spell, Expelliarmus, which ultimately defeated Voldemort. However, he also had a talent for the Patronus charm, which was taught by Lupin. By his fifth year, Harry was so proficient at casting the Patronus charm that he saved his cousin Dudley’s life, impressed the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, and began teaching his fellow students how to cast it when they formed the DA. This impressive feat was proclaimed by Madam Bones.
Did Ron cast Avada Kedavra?
The Killing Curse is not confirmed to be Ron’s attempt to kill Voldemort’s snake, Nagini, with Avada Kedavra. In the movies, Ron is seen firing a green spell at the snake, which resembles the Curse. Harry had instructed Ron, Hermione, and Neville to kill Nagini before Voldemort could be defeated. The snake was attacking Ron and Hermione, giving Ron more reason to see it dead. Although Ron’s spell had no effect, it is likely due to defensive magic protecting Nagini, not a failure on Ron’s part.
What spell killed Voldemort?
Harry Potter’s signature spell, the Disarming Charm, was instrumental in defeating Lord Voldemort during the Battle of Hogwarts. The Elder Wand recognized Harry as its master, strengthening the Disarming Charm. Harry’s powerful spell, indicated by the scarlet jet of light, caused opponents’ wands to fly high out of their hands, resulting in Voldemort’s Killing Curse backfiring onto himself.
What spell killed Bellatrix?
In the final movie, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt. 2, Molly uses a spell that freezes Bella, likely Petrificus Totalus, and then shatters her entire body into pieces, possibly expelliarmus, bombarda, or stupefy. This change from the book is likely due to the theatrical effect of Bella being frozen in one second and then shattered in the next. Molly, a pure-blood witch from the Prewett family, is known for her siblings Gideon and Fabian Prewett, who were killed by Death Eaters in the First Wizarding World.
What spell was cast on Harry?
The Killing Curse, a spell in Avada Kedavra, is regarded as the epitome of malevolence. The spell can be cast on an individual and rapidly result in their demise via a green light beam. The parents of Harry Potter were victims of this malevolent spell, yet the Boy Who Lived, also known as Harry, managed to evade its effects on two occasions.
How many spells does Harry cast in each film?
The list of films with a total cast of spells includes the following: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Half-Blood Prince, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1, and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2.
What spell beat Voldemort?
Expelliarmus, or the Disarming Charm, is a spell that drives out a weapon, often a wand, and is often seen in duels. Harry, a skilled combatant, was deeply enamored with the spell and used it to defeat Lord Voldemort. Professor Snape, a former follower of Voldemort, taught Harry the spell during Professor Lockhart’s Duelling Club. Despite initially struggling with the Summoning Charm, Harry quickly developed an aptitude for Expelliarmus, which allowed him to use it in challenging situations.
Within months of learning it, Harry used it to retrieve Riddle’s diary from Malfoy and disarm Lockhart. He spent the final hours of the second year practicing Expelliarmus, becoming very good in the process. This relationship between Harry and Expelliarmus has both positive and negative aspects.
What are the 7 types of spells in Harry Potter?
Casting spells is a crucial skill for all witches and wizards, as it allows them to perform various magic tasks. In the Harry Potter universe, there are seven types of spells: charms, curses, transfigurations, healing spells, jinxes, hexes, and counter-spells. Each type has its own properties and purposes, all able to be cast with a single wand.
A charm, or enchantment, gives an object or organism new properties, such as levitate or affect appearance or emotions. When cast with the intent of lasting within a person or object, the receiver becomes bewitched. Dark charms, or curses, can cause immense pain or even death. Despite their potential, charms can be harmless and even helpful for wizards, making them essential for mastery of magic.
What spell killed Harry?
Avada Kedavra is one of the three Unforgivable Curses, outlawed under wizarding law, which kills victims instantly and painlessly with a blinding flash of green light. Harry Potter is the only known survivor, protected by Lily Potter’s sacrifice. The spell rebounded upon Lord Voldemort, leaving a victim’s body unmarked and their final expression frozen on their face. This can confuse Muggles who discover anyone killed this way, as seen in the case of the Riddle family.
Does Harry Potter cast any spells?
The first successful spell of the fictional character Harry Potter is “Rictusempra,” although he is more notable for two other significant charms: the Disarming Charm “Expelliarmus” and the Patronus Charm “Expecto Patronum.” In the film Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, the character Harry Potter is initially taught the Expelliarmus spell. However, this spell is never used again in the film series due to its uncast effects.
Can Hagrid cast spells?
Despite his possession of magical abilities, Hagrid is prohibited from utilizing them following his expulsion from Hogwarts. Nevertheless, he is known to occasionally contravene the established regulations with the assistance of his distinctive pink umbrella, thereby exhibiting his capacity to utilize magical abilities.
📹 Every Single Spell in Harry Potter (A-Z) – Over 300 Spells!
Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today we’re discussing spells. In fact, we’re going to be discussing EVERY known spell in the …
I used to like the first two books as a kid but found them too hard to read from then on so didn’t read anymore. I did like the first two movies but always found it disturbing. When I was at a camp we were cautioned on seeing Chamber of Secrets, but somehow we went anyway (I had already seen it, but as a kid you really have no choice on things so I had to watch again). I think they said you had to be over 13, but we weren’t. That says it all really, when it’s for that age range. Yet, they have heaps of Harry Potter stuff for sale in toy sections in shops. I did see the following two movies, but I found myself feeling very disturbed and uncomfortable by it. I didn’t watch any more of the series as they made me feel terrible. So much murder, blood, spells, evil and demonic looking things it made me feel like rubbish.
Actually there is a Charismatik Witchcraft also . I used to be in it unaware …. till Jesus Christ set me free. I used to command and speak and feel even a break thru when I had the feeling its done what I wandet . I used to be a Witch came into the Charismatik Church and I loved it because there was not a big diffrence. At Times I even knew where to find Money. ….Because I commandet the Earth to set it free. All in the Name of JESUS 😢 It was at that Time fun ……I thought I was a born again Christian . Actually I sufferd bad Side Effects but that I thought was only the Devil attacking me. Because I learned it that Way…… I also spoke in Tounges. And I knew about everything for instance your Past your future ect. Horrible when I think about it. Many People was fascinated by it. So sad . We need to be carefull .
Harry Potter is definitely demonic. I used to be a big Harry Potter fan as a kid and before I was saved, I even went to the last book release and it was packed to the end of the store at a grocery store selling the book. I realized Harry Potter was demonic after I got saved and was unblinded by God. I even had a very demonic Harry Potter dream with snakes, coffins, and sadistic Satanic looking Voldemort that you could tell was even more evil than in the books. It was like a trailer for an extra film in my head best I can describe it. It reminded me of an Edgar Allan Poe poem. Harry Potter is definitely a portal to the demonic and satanic and it’s disgusting.
I read Harry Potter when I was a teenager. I was a fan, and I wasn’t a Christian yet during that time. Then I have this professor (a Christian) who told me that Harry Potter makes witchcraft look cute—- this made me so curious about what other things I’ve been doing wrong. I disposed all my 7 Harry Potter books. When I got saved 2 years after, it became clear to me that HP is promoting witchcraft. Some people might say it has morals in the story such as friendship, sacrifice, forgiveness etc, BUT it is still in the name of witchcraft. I praise the Lord for opening my eyes. Now, I pray for other Christians who still promote Harry Potter.
Totally agree! I was the guitar player in a church I used to attend. One day during rehearsal the worship leader started talking about how good the Harry Potter movie was he watched the night before. I told basically the same thing you just said in your article. That witchcraft is an abomination to God, and we can’t take pleasure in what God hates, ect. He got so mad at me, started yelling at me and called me legalistic, and basically lost it! A year later he was arrested for selling pharmaceuticals on line illegally, a got sent to prison!
Thank you gentlemen, I appreciate your research into these topics. This was most informative, as I never read Rowling’s books. I tried perusal the series of movies with Daniel what’isname in them when they were shown on TV years after the cinematic release, but I found them boring, and fast forwarded through them all to get a synopsis of the story. I’m very grateful that the Lord saved me at nine years old and gripped my heart with His beauty, truth and power, otherwise I might have been seduced by Rowling’s work. My narcissist mother was daily trying to mold me into a narcissist like herself, but the Holy Spirit foiled those destructive plans. Narcissism and witchcraft go hand in hand, as far as my understanding goes; both are addicted to power and control, and thrive on drama and conflict.🇦🇺
There are 2 VERY important things that came to mind for me regarding the “Lightning Bolt Mark” on Harry Potter’s face. The Third Reich, or Nazi Germany, abbreviated the SS (which stands for SchutzStaffel) with 2 lighting bolts just like Harry Potter’s mark, and David Bowie’s Alladin Sane album cover where he has an S, or Lighting Bolt, painted his face just like the Harry Potter mark. Now, keep in mind that the Nazis came first, then David Bowie who himself admired the Nazis as portrayed in his persona the “White Duke”, and then came Harry Potter. Satan works by transmitting subliminal messages and planting himself in people’s minds without them being aware. I believe this Lightning Bolt or “S” is a way for Satan to glorify himself. The “S” or Lightning Bolt standing for Satan or Serpent. He is the Serpent of Old. . . . And yes, also because he was cast from Heaven as lightning just like YaHuWsHua (Jesus) says in the Gospels. . . . I paused the article to write this comment. I just noticed you mentioned the Nazis. Good. : )
I remember 20 years ago working at UPS seeing all those hundreds of thousands of Harry Potter books coming through the building and I always knew they would be nothing but trouble! They were so popular that when they had a kids Jeopardy on TV one of the subjects was Harry Potter. Being a Christian I refused to read the books or even see the Movies. I know J.K. Rowling is a billionaire but she didn’t make money off of me.
I remember in second grade we watched the first Harry Potter movie in class (rated PG). My teacher said if anyone isn’t allowed to watch this you can go to the library.. I was the only one to get up and leave. I was embarrassed at the time but looking back I’m so glad my parents protected me from hollywood evil. ❤
Thank you for this. In May 2017, my 8 year old niece asked me about Harry Potter. I told her that potions, spells, witches and warlocks were of the devil. She later told my sister of our conversation, and I have not seen my niece since that moment. She said that I was challenging her parenting. Not only has she kept her from me, but my husband, children and now grandchild. My niece contacted me some years ago and asked me to come to her lunch at school. My sister was notified and we were banned from her school.I can’t imagine what my niece is going through. It is truly horrible. We are her only family in this City where we live. Please pray for her, my sister and our family. We are truly heartbroken. Thank you.❤
I was indoctrinated and completely sold out to Harry Potter by the time that I was 8 years old. My grandmother bought my very first HP book when I was a year old and inscribed it to me. She read them to me nightly as a child until I could read on my own, by 4/5. I read every book, watched every movie. And when I was 10, I hoped and hoped that my letter would come in the mail from Hogwarts. They are absolutely after children, and I was hooked. I have a tattoo on my body that I chose at 18 years old to get, of the “Deathly Hallows” symbol from the series. I can’t express how much I regret that decision. But, Praise God! He drew me to himself almost 2 years ago and I trusted and believed on Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I see this permanent symbol on this body and am filled with hope of my resurrected body to come where it will be without spot or blemish and I praise God for the hope of that day! Please continue to pray for the lost, such as we all have been, especially for children who have been introduced to these evils without knowledge of who is behind it. Thank you for your ministry!
So I recently did an interview with Doreen Virtue on Harry Potter, C. S Lewis, JRR Tolkien and the rise of witchcraft in the church. I was looking for the interview where JK Rowlings said that she was pretty much dictating when she was writing but I could only find when she talks about when she first envisioned Harry Potter. I was wondering if you have a link to where she is talking about pretty much websiteing when she wrote?
to recognize a witchcraft control or harm spell, and exercise the power of Christ against it would change decisions, behaviors, health, paths, protections/safety, and even extend earthly existences … witchcraft pride + hate and poisons are the bane of the ‘god of this world’, satan. the prayer of a righteous person rebukes the castings and returns to sender — ‘with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, you are to deliver such a one to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus. Your boasting is not good.’ 1 Cor. 5:4-6
I saw the pope on Easter. I got the article him, and everyone in the Vatican, singing to Lucifer, saying that he is the creator and the bearer of life. The Catholic popes and everyone up high are Satanists that’s not to say every Catholic is a Satanist but the ones at the top know that they’re praying to Satan. Even that smoke that they flag around that shit that’s a to open demons doorways but that’s a whole Nother story
The Nazis were Jesuits ⚠️ So was the O.S.S. (Bill Donovan) who brought the Nazi’s from “Camp King”(MK Ultra origins )ect back over to U.S. (“Operation paperclip” 📎) after the German Army surrendered. That “O.S.S.” in 1947 became our “CIA”😌 who … Jesuits and Nazi Germany – Wikipedia en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jesuits_and_Nazi_Germany
I USED to be into harry potter, but lately i feel like leaving it in the past as just a fantasy book movie series. That i watched or read while growing up. I then after some time after the fantastic beast movies in theaters i knew it was time to move on and away from the harry potter franchise complely since it was just a fictional story that my sister and i liked in the past. Although i know its going to take some time with my sister to learn to toss the franchise away, Especially hearing of a reboot tv series i clearly was not interested anymore and i found more interest in building my relationship with god again.
I just got done perusal the 10hr they sold their souls for rock and roll. It was mind blowing. The links between Aleister Crowley and the others bleeds over into EVERYTHING meant to keep us away from the One True God! I’m astonished at the compromise of Christians. They watch secular TV, movies and listen to the music. Majority of it promotes and glorifies SIN. Sin that God hates!! I don’t get it. And Christians who are still struggling with anxiety, depression and whatnot wonder why?!?! A few weeks ago, I was at a home Bible study and I could swear I heard the kids playing a article game and it sounded like machine guns! 🤦♀️ Also, our Bible teacher a while back had mentioned he and his wife watched Vampire diaries. I left that night perplexed. I just became a Christian July 2021 and I have already come to know these things are NOT honoring our Lord. Christian liberty is leaning towards a lack of obedience! Now this same Bible teacher had some personal issues and went to a discipleship program for a YEAR. To leave your wife and two young kids for that long makes you wonder what issues they were. And he was teaching our Bible study!!! I’m struggling so hard trying to find a church like blessed hope chapel. I’m in central Florida area if anyone knows of one!!!😂
There is no way to justify books and movies with ungodly content (magic, vampirism, sadism, sex etc.). It is one thing to own it – to say that I love it and I am going to keep doing it no matter what God says. It’s another thing to deceive yourself and others into thinking that reading books like this is spiritually harmless. Twilight, Harry Potter and their contemporaries birthed a never before seen, astronomical domination of paranormal fiction/fantasy/magical realism etc. in popular culture today. Adolescent, paranormal fiction includes scenes that far surpass any of the content in HP or Twilight. Adult paranormal fiction has no filters. After you read these books, the books you move onto are progressively darker. I know people who’d never read a vampire book in their lives before Twilight, but now all they read is paranormal romance. The same with HP. Books like Twilight and HP are morally gray; they are set in an atheistic world. Reading, perusal and meditating on this will effect your moral outlook on some cognitive level. They desensitize you to behaviors the Lord calls abominations. Even if you never go on to practice magic, you will turn a blind eye to those who do. I would venture to say, that following religious texts, HP is the most read book in history. This happened during our lives and look at the world around us. This should make you wonder.
I have 3 grand-kids, their mom and mom family are active witches, my 9 year old has told me she practices spells but she told me she does good spells, I read her some verses and told her no magic is good. I am praying for my grand-kids as witch craft so popular, they are exposed at school, friends, and sadly at their own home.
i had a few talks with my formerly harry potter obsessed 13 yr old after i saw your previous expose about harry potter! I was so proud of him, he handed all his books and everything he owned harry potter themed – put it all in a box and handed it over to me. Praise God. Thank you Pastor Joe and Pastor Chad!
Wow! today i’ve been having a debate with my group in Uni as we are doing a 45 minute presentation on contemporary western paganism. I tried convincing them that its founded by Satanism but they didn’t want to hear it. They told me they didn’t find it in any of the books they read from the library. They also argued its not just new age but also wicca and others that came into the west But somehow i went on your website, came across this article and you showed that even Wicca was inspired by Aleister Crowley! Insane. Thanks for your research and please pray for my college. Its Christian but there’s people here who do not like looking at stuff like this because they think its all ‘conspiracy theories’. The Culture has influenced our Christian community into hiding away into subjects like this. Please pray! 🙂
Thank you! Great points on “it’s just fiction; it’s just fantasy.” We have Jesus’ answer to ‘it’s just fantasy.’ “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery’; 28 but I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart” (Matthew 5:27-28, NASB). There is no such thing as “Christian magic.” There is no such thing as “Christian witchcraft.” That’s playing the harlot. Magic and witchcraft are abominations and detestable practices for which God destroyed nations. It amazes me that we are even having to say these things, but it is a sign of the times. Tattoos are of these practices, too. Like Yoga, which is a religious practice, the physical is the spiritual. It is forbidden for those who love God to “cut themselves” and put “punctured pictures/images” into their flesh (punctured images into the flesh is forbidden as cutting/gashes/incisions – it is a process of destruction, not healing). It’s reached about 1/3 of people worldwide have a tattoo nowadays. I’m amazed at how many Christians think it’s just fine to do what the Bible forbids. (They can still humble themselves and repent – like I know some have.) One pastor actually said that “God only said it once.” Even if that were the case, did it somehow accidentally fell out of God’s mouth??
I tried to tell other adults (both teachers) about the dangers of reading these books…they looked at me like I had 2 heads. This was years ago when the first book came out. Witchcraft is sorcery, and vice versa. I did watch the first movie to see what all the who-whaa was about. If you know what to look for it’s plain to see. Thank you for warning of so many dangers out there. Paganism/Wicca use to go on about there way and leave the Christians alone…now they are after us & our children. Please do a article on Satancon in Phoenix and Boston if God leads you! ❤
When Harry Potter books first came out, I was shocked that many “Christian parents” in our homeschool cooperative were allowing their children to read their books. I never understood how this was encouraged in the name of “literature that promotes reading.” Its so obviously evil. I still don’t get it.
I was not drawn in until I was 20 sadly I fell for it and got addicted for a long time. I am free from it now and I am grateful this is why I refuse to play their article gamesw o fany kind. They have Quidditch on a game at one point I cant’ remember what console if it’s stll out. This is not harmless fun folks!
I watched HP, Bewitched and I repented because know how wrong and dangerous they are now. It must be a spell! We watch witchcraft being done right in front of our eyes, but enjoy it and actually defend perusal it. More eyes and hearts need to hear this message. HOSANNA to the King of Kings, Jesus Christ!
I grew up when Bewitched was popular back in the late 60’s and 70’s. I was Samantha every Halloween from 1st grade to 5th grade. I would go to bed dreaming I had Samantha’s nose twitching magic. I didn’t realize how detrimental this one show had on my thinking. People need to listen and keep your children away. I am a Christian and repented of my foolishness. What we put before our eyes matter.
Witchcraft is all around us and God judges our hearts. If at your schools and so forth are doing ungodly things and you don’t participate then you’re not guilty because you hate it and stand on the word of God. You may be witnessing to something but if you’re not leaving a door open then you’re good. I’ve been surrounded by gay stuff and witchcraft since I was a toddler and I know that sort of thing is a lie. I don’t give it merit; we have demons doing us like he did Jesus and not all of is listen. Keep your Armour on is what I say and don’t give in at all.
My sister and my nephew’s and her live in boyfriend living in sin since there not married all love the Harry Potter franchise the magic sorcery and witchcraft that God calls an abomination. They have all the books movies and even the article games. It’s sad she sees nothing wrong with it and thinks it’s all make believe not real and she doesn’t even care about the word of God at all it breaks my heart and she even allowed my nephew’s to watch John wick which is a bloody violent movie with killing and they were fascinated with it. I had no idea that Harry Potter was connected to alister Crowley everything always leads back to this wicked and evil man who hated God. All these people need God and Jesus Christ the one true God and not to be endorsing satan and his wickedness. Thank you brother Chad for exposing this series topic I will be sharing this with my mom. May God continue to bless you at good fight ministries and all our brothers and sisters in Christ.
I have a 70 year old friend who has a leadership position in her church. She has watched all the HP movies that have come out. She watched the first one years ago in to vet it to see if it was suitable for a Christian audience. Each movie that has come out has gotten darker, and more occultic. Now she assembles HP themed 3D puzzles! I tried to warn her years ago and she’d get very defensive. Our friendship is now over because the oppression has changed her behavior. A side note: Bethel Church of Redding, CA refers to its Bible School, Bible School of Supernatural Ministry (BSSM) as Hogwarts. My former pastors no longer speak to me as they have seen my comments on Facebook exposing Bethel Church and Bill Johnson! What an upside down world we are in!
Harry Potter game and movies… it shows you that most people aren’t in the SPIRIT and don’t believe witchcraft is actually REAL! Exodus 22:18 – Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. Leviticus 19:26 – Ye shall not … use enchantment, nor observe times. Leviticus 20:27 – A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them.
Brothers Grimm and other stories collectors should have noticed… and ever since there have been scribes and the printing press (reproduction) we have even had the machinations of magic and demons in writing, passed down from people to people who practice them successfully and we know the Bible already mentions these people in Moses and also in Enoch it is reported who introduced and practiced all magic and taught, this activity is not only popular since today…
Just a reminder that the beast/anti-christ is already here (the papacy/pope, of which a sunday law will be its mark), as well as the second beast/false prophet (the USA and apostate protestantism) and that the futeristic theology of the antichrist is a diversion crrated by the Jesuits, which have enacted the contra-reformation to such a point where the pope isn’t even called anti-christ anymore, although the first reformers did point him out based on the book of Daniel and Revelation. Highly recommend the series ‘total onslaught’ by Walter Veith for more information:)
i can watch a movie and not support the agendas that are in them i have never read a harry potter book barely watched a movie of it but i love the rides at universal studios orlando they are movies just like star wars they will always be controversial to people now there are people who sat out to actually do witch craft but i dont think a normal person would set to do such a thing also ive been a Christian for a while and have never done witchcraft