The most popular theory is that Florida students who survived the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting and are now advocating changes to gun laws are just “crisis actors”. This claim originated from the 2012 massacre in Newtown, Connecticut, where Adam Lanza fatally shot his mother before murdering 20 students and six staff members. A number of fringe figures have accused the victims’ parents of being actors in a hoax. Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones has been ordered to liquidate his personal assets as he owes $1.5 billion for his false claims that the Sandy Hook massacre was a government hoax.
A jury in Connecticut decided that the right-wing conspiracy theorist should pay an extra $US45.2 million ($65.4 million) in punitive damages to the parents of a six-year-old boy who was killed in the Sandy Hook Elementary School. Jones, who for years said the 2012 Sandy Hook shooting was a government hoax, now faces financial ruin. The victims’ families have endured relentless online abuse, stalking, and personal threats since the shooting.
A Connecticut jury has heard closing arguments in conspiracy theorist Alex Jones’ defamation trial over his calling the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting a government hoax. The list of victims continues to grow, with one man, Gene Rosen, who found six children and a first responder, among his potential vice-presidential prospects. Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has confirmed that among his potential vice-presidential prospects is New York Jets owner Gene Rosen.
The parents of the young Sandy Hook victims appear in HBO’s heart-wrenching documentary “The Truth vs. Alex Jones”, which chronicles host’s false claims about the Sandy Hook massacre.
📹 Conspiracy theorists targeted Sandy Hook families. He fought back
After a tragedy like Sandy Hook, survivors and family members find themselves on the receiving end of online harassment.
📹 On Sandy Hook Conspiracy Theorists
Not a dissection, not a refutation, not a debunking. More like a pissed-off rant. So if you think you might like that sort of thing .
That’s why they five people like Obama a Nobel Peace Prize. After what he did, I would refuse that prize even if I were Gandhi. Our biggest problem is the apathy and ignorance of the masses. People like Steve Shives who can’t think critically are great for the corrupt government. An eye for an eye only makes the whole world blind.
>>”We saw Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold walking around the cafeteria in Columbine,” Point of fact: the *only* reason we got to see that footage was because it was leaked by a relative, and it was almost a year after the event IIRC. Officials (and relatives of some of the victims) were unhappy when this occurred.
Wow! I’ve been fighting on the Apollo landings hoax front for the past couple of months and it’s been frustrating as hell. Even though this was an emotional rant, you hit the nail on the head again and again and again. You’re a very articulate guy and you’d probably be a good speech writer. Anyway, when you mentioned the CT believers’ incompetence, the Dunning-Kruger effect came to mind as well as Hanlon’s Razor. If your not familiar with Hanlon’s Razor, check it out. I think its spot on for a lot of these CT’s and there’s an element of humor in it too. But I must say, your article has been a true catharsis for me because my head was ready to explode from all the hoaxtard bullshit. Thanks
I am a parent–not an asshole. Information saves lives. Columbine parents insisted that 30,000 pages of documentation be made public on their tragedy; the contrast with Newtown is startling. We do not have adequate information about the Sandy Hook crime. There are multiple gunshots audible in the 911 calls, for example, after the alleged 9:40 a.m. “final shot.” The CSP’s own audio expert hired to analyze the shots, Paul Ginsberg, recorded a very loud clear shot at 9:46:54 a.m. Both Ginsberg’s original analysis and a version amended by CSP investigator Alison Peters (which omits this shot) are included in the CSP’s final report on Sandy Hook. Ginsberg told the Hartford Courant he had signed a confidentiality agreement and could not speak about the late shot. That shot is clear as a bell, as are many other late shots. Anyone can listen to these–they are in the 911 call audio provided by the CSP itself. Multiple weapons, clearly firing in response to one another. I don’t give a damn about gun control at the moment; I want to know why Stephen Sedensky lied about what happened at Sandy Hook. It is not going too far to say that children’s lives in future depend on a thorough and accurate investigation of all crimes committed against children.
>>”What was he’s reason to do the interview? Do the American public need to see a parent interviewed, to understand what has happen?” …but, of course, if no parents were shown being interviewed, you’d be questioning *that* situation, right? (just as when people question not being shown evidence such as security tapes, etc.)
>>”You made a point about evidence concerning whether Sand Hook was a government conspiracy. That’s a political point.” No, it’s a logical point, not a political one. >>”This is a stupid conversation.” Which describes at least 95% of the conversations on YouTube, and (from available evidence) 100% of the ones you’re involved in.
Awesome rant, *****. I can’t tell you how refreshing it is to hear someone finally voice – clearly, rationally, and with genuine emotion – what I’ve been feeling for so long. These people are red numbers on our nation’s balance sheet. They are a detriment to the advancement of our society and culture. And they’re an affront to the people who have died and the families and friends who grieve them.
Due to an accident at my work we needed to call in a biohazard clean up crew. Being in Massachusetts, we called in a company called Aftermath, located in Connecticut. I got to talking with the guys, discussing the difficulty of their jobs. The awful things that they had seen. By far and away all of them agreed that their worst assignment was at Sandy Hook. These men saw what no one should see. They know what took place. No conspiracy.
The Steve Shives Cointel playbook: Use a straw man. Find or create a seeming element of your opponent’s argument which you can easily knock down to make yourself look good and the opponent to look bad. Either make up an issue you may safely imply exists based on your interpretation of the opponent/opponent arguments/situation, or select the weakest aspect of the weakest charges. Amplify their significance and destroy them in a way which appears to debunk all the charges, real and fabricated alike, while actually avoiding discussion of the real issues. Sidetrack opponents with name calling and ridicule. This is also known as the primary ‘attack the messenger’ ploy, though other methods qualify as variants of that approach. Associate opponents with unpopular titles such as ‘kooks’, ‘right-wing’, ‘liberal’, ‘left-wing’, ‘terrorists’, ‘conspiracy buffs’, ‘radicals’, ‘militia’, ‘racists’, ‘religious fanatics’, ‘sexual deviates’, and so forth. This makes others shrink from support out of fear of gaining the same label, and you avoid dealing with issues. Emotionalize, Antagonize, and Goad Opponents. If you can’t do anything else, chide and taunt your opponents and draw them into emotional responses which will tend to make them look foolish and overly motivated, and generally render their material somewhat less coherent. Not only will you avoid discussing the issues in the first instance, but even if their emotional response addresses the issue, you can further avoid the issues by then focusing on how ‘sensitive they are to criticism.
Having studied conspiracy theories and the conspiracy theorists themselves, there are many people who have a difficult time with chaos have a need to compartmentalize the situation. People need things to make sense. Your extreme hatred is inappropriate as is your demeaning verbiage. Prior to attacking, maybe you should understand that psychology goes into life as well as science. Your complete and utter hate, made your entire point was disgraceful.
Great article, Steve!! On a forum like YouTube where the most asinine ideas flourish and get ceaselessly reverberated in that hollow sphere underneath the tin foil hats of the worlds most dangerously deluded lunatics, it’s difficult to express how refreshing it is to stumble across somebody at random and find out that they possess the (all too rare) capacity for critical thinking and who values intellectual honesty above almost everything else. Keep up the great work, Steve! -Evan
Then you stand out from the rest; I have viewed the documentary and found it more or less filled with the same bias as the media is. Skepticism requires not only the questioning of one story but the questioning of all. The media and the various YouTube websites have agendas, what makes them any different? They present their footage with additional narrative and often times out of context. Secondly, if it is privately owned, why can the government reduce views? That is just as much of a breach.
I used to be into these conspiracies. Just gobbled up all these kinds of articles. After a couple years of delving into psychology, science, and critical thinking, perusal these same articles again just makes me falepalm. But it’s a lesson in how easily the mind can be deluded when you dont use critical thinking or understand the mind.
I’m barely 5 minutes in and find myself thinking, “This gentleman’s brainwashing is complete”. This man knows exactly how many fingers O’Brien is holding up. He alone has the answers. Tomorrow I will enjoy the rest of the article, but for now I must sleep. I just wanted to leave a note to say that it is a pleasure to chance upon a man who is so completely sincere in his contempt for his fellow man. I imagine you are wrong about nothing. Such a treat awaits me in the morrow!
You know, instead of making fun of people who ask the tough questions, you should be thanking them. If it was not for people going against authority and/or the consensus Catholic Priests would still be molesting children by the thousands, Veterans would still be denied/delayed treatment due to management incompetence and bonuses, the people of California would still be drinking polluted water, cigarettes would still be considered harmless, the Vietnam war would have drug on even longer and thousands of innocent people would still be in prison for crimes they did not commit. Our government is FAR from perfect and sadly heading in the wrong direction (more incarcerated, in debt and divided by the day). If you are fine with the Patriot Act stripping you of your civil liberties, legalization of propaganda on US citizens and the cessation of the First Amendment, then congratulations you have just embraced the same values as Nazi Germany.
I live in Connecticut, rather close to Newtown. 2 days after the attack, I drove by that school. There is no fucking way that a shooting didn’t happen. People who don’t believe this are hellfucks with no soul. This was a horrible thing to happen. Have respect to these 6 AND 7 YEARS OLDS. Who DIED because of a fucking loony. Thank you for reading my rant. #SandyHook
The thing is, I used to be like those people. When 9/11 happened, after a few hours of perusal it on the news, I did say “I think this was the US government”. My only defence was I was 14 at the time and not yet a true skeptic/critical thinker. I had a natural mistrust of authority and wouldn’t have put anything past the government. I still to this day wouldn’t put it past them that they knew “something” was going to happen but deliberately held back on doing anything about it – and I’m all but convinced that they used the event to justify going after people they wanted to go after (Afghanistan/Iraq) rather than who they SHOULD have gone after (Saudi Arabia), but all this horseshit about there being explosives planted in the buildings and a “controlled demolition”….I mean for fucks sake, even at 14 I could see that that was fucking retarded. I’m actually embarrassed today at how fucking ignorant I was.back then. I did have the reaction Steve despises, and for that I’m pretty ashamed.
>>”Its amazing to me how people with no graphic design skills can claim so confidently that these were not doctored photos.” It’s amazing to me how other people with no graphic design skills can claim so confidently that the photos WERE doctored. Given that “the photos were doctored” is an affirmative claim, the burden of proof would be upon those claiming the photos were doctored.
Notice the only “decent human response” to such things, according to this person is to merely accept without question what is being said happened as gospel truth! If you don’t just accept what you see in the media as fact then you aren’t a “decent human being” according to him. Only unquestioning, unthinking, sheep are “decent humans” according to him. WoW!
Answer to question #1: I doubt that wv9mm can do as you ask. I’ve seen the article and just posted a response to wv9mm including links for 2 articles showing Robbie (not Todd) Parker “gearing up” (as wv9mm refers to it) for a tv interview about the killing of his daughter. The 1st article is 11:43 but the part with Parker ends at 2:39. The 2nd article is 5:29 and is entirely him for a longer, fuller copy of his interview. I don’t recall seeing any tears, but we do see him smiling, laughing, etc.
man, don’t be too hard on them, it’s not their fault that they’re in dead end jobs, have small to none social life, nobody’s showing them any respect, nobody appreaciates them, because they’re unimportant. and it’s understandable, that depression from their poor life choices crystalizes into this need for attention, need to be right, to belong. Being part of this “elite” group of people that knows the TRUTH is all they got, why do you want to take that away from them?
It saddens me to know that we are not a single people. The lives that seem to all share that spark are not so similar as we hoped. I can’t help but think of the organized deceivers when hearing you speak on this topic. if you’re not simply a deceiver posing as one of us, then you might want to clean up your approach. Remove the anger-fueled language and take this more seriously than you do. I can debate for countless hours, exhibiting what you refer to as “ghoulish” behavior and still not convey any anger. Where is your discernment of the irony here? Can you not understand how the violent tone of your statements and their broadness should be reflecting back at you like the “shooter” you believe killed those people? Are there not ANY decent conspiracy theorists? And, if there are doesn’t your wide brush paint them as well? This is serious, and way beyond petty arguments over theories. This is not just what you think, but rather what others think as well. Combined, you might think there could be fairness. But, you will then claim it’s unfair to question the existence of the event in any way. What recourse do we have then, sir? In all honesty, have you considered the anguish and suffering of those labeled conspiracy theorist? That label doesn’t fade as the events of Newtown will. The unfairness of what you’re doing is so clear, regardless of your motivations or legitimacy. Try asking yourself if all of us are mean and uncaring individuals. I give, and give and show appreciation. I don’t want anything in return except to be allowed to have my own thoughts and not feel hated for having them.
It’s simple, you leave unanswered questions on big events/ tragedy etc then people are going to ask those questions and then wonder why ‘the people in the know’ are sidestepping these questions or ignoring these questions, not just from the ‘average joe’s’ but from journalists, surley all these cases deserve to be looked into 100% for the sake of the victims.
I’m not going to go into any kind of discussion about what happened, or throw around any theories. I just want to ask one thing … Why didn’t the parents demand to see their children’s bodies? As someone who has lost a child I am still horrified by that. I don’t doubt that people were killed or anything like that. That just bothers the shit out of me.
Every time a house is bought or sold it is entered into a database that is used by real estate agents all over the country. Anyone who knows anything about real estate knows that. So again, where are all these actors today? And how is it that all of the people of the town aren’t talking to each other figuring out that these supposed kids who were all over the national news didn’t actually go to their school? How did the teachers not figure this out?
Jim fetzer used facts and destroyed the claims that this was a real event. I was skeptical and thought it was ludicrous as well that it was a false flag but the truth can withstand investigation and this cant . I cant be a “coincidence theorist” on this one. But good job getting people all riled up. I do agree there are some crackpot theories though.
A simple hypothesis: If the official story of the event that happened back in 2001 is true, then surely it must cover my question about the one colom that remains standing upright after the north tower has collapsed…(or peeled away like a banana as you can see in some of the articles on the collapse of this particular building) The spire or colom was taller than building 7. It was previously connected to its neighbouring coloms as well as floors it was supposed to keep up. For one colom to stay upright, nothing can be attached to its sides….. Because if a floor would have been left attached. it would have become unbalanced and bend over. Not only that, but if the top 20 floors come down to crush the rest of the building, due to planedamage, fire and gravity, then you would expect that it would have crushed this colom too, like it did its neighbouring coloms and the floors…. Think about it…… So, for those who believe the official story, pls give me some info on where to find the answer on how this was possible according to the official story. Surely if it is true, then this must be explained somewhere, right? On some webpage somewhere perhaps? Btw, here is a good clear picture of the colom…… You can see it is a bunch of coloms a bit lower down, but one is sticking out a lot taller…… right? And one more thing to add: if you drive your car in reverse with the door open and slam it into a streetpost, the door wont just fall off.
No, the entire town didn’t have to be in on it… but the entire town would have figured out that their town was all of a sudden swarmed by actors pretending to have children at their elementary school to cover up a shooting that never happened. And where did these actors live during this time? Did 26 families all of a sudden buy houses a few days before the shooting so they could make it look like they lived there then moved out? I guess no one noticed that either.
After 9/11 we became acclimated to the idea of threat of terror. One of the reasons 9/11 was so effective is because we were previously complacent to the threat. Once we got used to the idea it stopped scaring us so much. Besides, none of those were public or very close to the public. An actual thwarted hijacking attempt would have been plenty. If someone tries to beat you and gets away your reaction is roughly the same as if they successfully beat you. Not the same if they only plan to beat you
When a cop questions a suspect and finds that they are lying, the next step in logic is to theorize as to why that person might be lying. And once a theory is formed, the next step is to test the theory to see if it can be proven right or wrong. That is not possible until an actual theory is formed, and thus the absence of a reasonable theory makes his suspicion absolutely useless. As is yours.
I don’t know. To be honest, most conspiracy theorists I’ve encountered ultimately seem to share a lot of my concerns about government. Truth to tell, my only real ‘problem’ with CT’ers is that I see them as wasting time focusing on whatever conspiracy they’re concerned about. Let’s skip all of the BS and work together to *fix* the real problems.
Oh and Shivvie, in your article at around 6:00 – 6:50, open mouth and insert foot. You are demanding WE provide YOU with proof to answer YOUR questions. The very thing you’re criticizing a conspiracy theorist of doing. Short answer to your question; You’re mad and demanding we submit to you our evidence and the internet is off limits.
Problem for the “Conspirators’ ” ended up being that after several attacks by marked and unmarked IAF jets attacking the Liberty with napalm and cannon fire then two Israeli gun boats torpedoing then blowing a huge hole in her side and yet more thousands of rounds of heavy machine gun/cannon fire the damn ship would not sink… There by leaving eye-witnesses along with undisputable evidence of a joint US/Israeli crime against everything civlized people stand for.. Hope this helps !!
“If a story is illogical, you can simply point out the illogic. You don’t have to propose an alternative story” Sure, you don’t have to propose an alternate theory to point out the illogic of a story. But as I said, if you are going to assert a positive belief that the story is false, you must by definition have a positive belief that an alternate story is true. You can not rationally have a positive belief in no story. Did I lose you?
I never said it is illogical to see flaws in a claim when there is no alternative claim. I said it is illogical to have a positive belief that a claim is false, when there is no possible logical alternative. Saying “I don’t know” is not a positive belief that a claim is false, and you are not claiming “I don’t know”.
Here’s what I think their logic is when they just say “the internet” or “look it up yourself” when one demands a source, and that is that in their limited mental capacity, if there is any, they’re hoping that you just take their word for it and believe them because you probably won’t find what they want you to find.
I’m sorry, but are you suggesting that I deny the legitimacy of the buildings collapsing and thousands of people dying? Actually, you’re wrong if you are, because I DON’T deny that, people did die, the event is SUPERBLY tragic, I think even more tragic, because we went after the wrong people, and the perpetrators of the crime got more than they could have asked for, everything they wanted and then some, it’s even more tragic to me because of how it set the tone for this era of corporate law.
>>”A good rule of thumb to live by is to always view your govt & media as guilty until proven innocent. ” Depends on the source and the subject. For example, when a politician says the economy is on an upturn, I view that with the deepest suspicion. However, when professional experts investigate something, I tend to defer to their expertise, especially in contrast to random Internet speculation.
I agree with your sentiments. But, it is fair to refuse to accept answers if there is good reason to do so. It’s also fair to claim (the potential for) a conspiracy if legitimate questions remain and lead to the potential for such. It is logical to say “I don’t know, I’m not convinced by the explanation provided to me, I believe that we may not be being told the truth / I believe further investigation is needed”.
2. This does not qualify as a hole in the official story. It is most easily explained as a paper error. What I find amazing about this being used as evidence is the fact that it is nothing more then words on your computer screen, yet you are willing to accept it at face value, meanwhile interviews from family members are scrutinized right down to the semantics behind every single word.
“Not a dissection, not a refutation, not a debunking. More like a pissed-off rant. So if you think you might like that sort of thing . . . Here ya go.” That’s from the article’s description. You’d probably have noticed if CTs weren’t such awful researchers. And if you’re stupid enough to think the “crying” argument means anything, Idk what to tell you. Crying doesn’t always make sense. When I lost a good friend to drugs, I was so shocked I couldn’t cry. But I bawled when my hamster died.
There is nothing wrong with asking questions. The problem is when you refuse to accept the answers. Even worse is when you claim that because your questions were not answered, that it must be conspiracy. An unanswered question is just that, an unanswered question. To suggest otherwise is a logical contradiction, that would literally be saying “I don’t know, therefore I do know”. And no, you don’t need to have the answers, just a rational case. Examples like that above are all we get from them.
Why wouldn’t Op. Northwoods have scared you? How old were you when you learned about it, when did you learn about it for the first time, and what did you learn about it when first learning of it? If it was past history and, therefore, terminated/blocked by JFK, then no one needed to be fightened of this particular plot since it then wasn’t going to be carried out. People could, however, be worried about having a military command that comes up with such plots for it’s roguish, even treason.
If you really want to know what happened, why wouldn’t it be logical to confront the parents ? What better way to show that you have the strength of your convictions ? The reason you or no one else would do it ? 1) You would be afraid of getting your ass kicked 2) Because there is a part of you that knows this actually happened.
Big government could never lead to an Oligarchy, economics just doesn’t bend that way. At least not in a democracy. Actually, big government is the only reason we aren’t further along that road, because it’s slowed the progress of accumulated advantage in our capitalist system. As to it leading to a dictatorship, not definitively. A dictatorship can be installed in any system given the right factors for setting it up. All it requires is a strong military and semi charismatic leader.
Conspiracy is a real word. Conspiracies happen in real life. Humans are perfectly capable of conspiring, and some of them do. Corruption is also a real word, and is something that happens in real life. Truth is hard to find in the chaos that comes after tragic things happen, and it’s easy to get emotional about it. People do take advantage of situations like that, some of them want attention, or money, and some of them even see it as an opportunity to push new policies that usually compromise the rights and freedoms of normal people. When you’re done ranting, and you have finally blown off all your steam, and you’re responses are no longer emotionally driven, and you have a clear mind, take a look at the facts.
The existence of a rich class has never been a sign of a healthy economy. Every economy on the planet has a rich class, including the so called communism economies. The only thing a wealthy class is evidence of is accumulated advantage or ruthless politicking or both. I’m not saying there aren’t people who make big money off of good ideas in the right climate, but the vast majority of America’s “oligarchy” inherited most of the wealth or position.
>>”As for making guns, it can surely be done in the US. One of my uncles in Quebec used to make his own hunting rifles and didn’t need large machinery for this.” I would assume the same thing, but I would assume the number of people capable of crafting one or more functional, reliable guns is far less than the number of people who currently own guns (or could.) In my personal experience, good metalworkers with the right tools aren’t rare, but they’re a distinct minority.
they are really bad for that. Ive asked 9/11 people to prove shit and i get “Uh…well…umm…” as the answer. I agree with everything you said. Hell, Mark Bingham’s OWN MOTHER has even speculated that he might have forgotten that he was talking to his Mom for whatever reason. Maybe because of the damn situation he suddenly found himself in? But no, that makes sense. Conspiracy theorists make my brain hurt. Not because I’m stupid but because THEYRE stupid and its unbelievable. Is there a right way to act when your child/loved one is murdered? Is there like a book or something? If so, I’d love to read it. As far as I’m concerned, there is no “right” way to act when you lose someone you care about. Especially in something like 9/11 or Sandy Hook.
From what I understand, Steve-o, a critical thinker is supposed to be a person who takes evidence, seeks sources, and formulates a conclusion based on the evidence and sources they find. Isn’t that what a PROPER conspiracy theorist does? They see something curious that doesn’t fit, they look at it, then they go digging. Only a hackjob nut would make evidence FIT the theory. That isn’t how it’s supposed to work. The theory is supposed to change with the evidence, NOT the other way around.
It was not the laughter of joy. It was a release, an emotion uncontrolled, when my mind was numb. I was relating a personal loss. I never expected to be called names and shown disrespect. I’m sure that the Parker interview did not happen immediately after he heard of his child’s death and it wasn’t knee slapping laughter. It wasn’t much more than a fleeting chuckle that lasted for a few seconds. Please don’t respond. It was not easy for me to tell my story and I don’t need your insults.
I must say my response tends toward pity rather than contempt (though they certainly piss me off). The deep sense of confusion and desire that there be order, that there be a plan, a structure, a reason for terrible things happening is something the roots of which I can see. If there’s A PLAN it can’t just happen at any time, to them, to their loved ones.
I don’t see what’s wrong with asking questions, if and when there are reasons to do so. That’s what investigators do, don’t they? That’s how we discover information that has been attempted to have been covered up. I don’t quite understand how the conspiracy theorists are to be expected to come up with all of the answers. They don’t have access or authority to perform legitimate studies. All they can do, largely, is guess work and ask questions. Seems reasonable to do that.
I respectfully disagree. I think what we need is a bigger government. One with a substantially higher degree of citizen involvement. I’m of the opinion that capitalism, in it’s purest form, simply doesn’t work. All evidence suggests that it always devolves into an oligarchy without an overarching influence keeping the field level and fighting against accumulated advantage. I agree, it’s time to work towards fixing it, and I think the first step is pulling financial support from politics.
There is no burden on me to explain away what you call “irrational occurrences”. That is simply you not understanding every detail of the official story. There is no such requirement for a person to know everything about an event to rationally justify belief that it occurred. I already explained how we judge whether a belief is rationally justified. If you disagree then explain what is wrong with my argument.
Well said Steve. The most well known of ‘conspiracy theorists’ are Alex I’m not really gay I just like taking my shirt off and displaying my muscles’ Jones and Glenn ‘I really should take my meds or they will take me away’ Beck. Just those two names illustrate how nuts the ‘conspiracy theorists’ really are. Keep up the article output plenty of us enjoy and appreciate it. 👍🇬🇧
Agreed. Also, these people, like Alex Jones, for instance live far away from CT and its easy to dismiss things where you have no direct personal connection. I don’t want to excuse this behavior, but in an age where you can select any media “news source” you like, its easy to create your own version of reality.
You are correct, belief itself is not a choice. But the approach you take in handling that belief is. People who are genuinely interested in finding the truth risk being wrong. That is because that is necessary for proving it right. If I made a prediction that “you will have an opportunity present itself to you”… that could never be proven right or wrong. Now if I said that it will be a job offer at 5pm tomorrow… I took a risk, and I may be right or wrong. Take a risk, present a theory.
scotty walker isn’t his real name and he was arrested for calling and harassing the people who were in charge of the autopsies. he wouldn’t leave them alone and you should now that if you harass somebody on the phone you will be arrested. he didn’t expose anything at all and all that he did was ask them questions in a very mean way and also disguised his voice.
I think there is a simple answer to all your questions. New York, Connecticut, and Boston are actually all elaborate movie sets. Only actors live in these “cities”. Hell, makes as much sense as anything these CONspiracy theorists put out there. I would challenge them to knock on the doors of the parents and tell them there kids were never killed. I would also encourage them to tape it and put it on YouTube 🙂
I never claimed that the official story is true. No human being can ever know what is true. What we can do however, is ensure that our beliefs are rationally justified. To use that we measure how extraordinary the claim is and measure it to the level of evidence provided. The claim that a suicidal maniac shot up a school full of children… not very extraordinary. The evidence… an entire town griving, funerals etc… far beyond sufficient. Belief rationally justified. Now let’s hear yours.
“There is a difference between saying, “I don’t know how the universe originated,” and saying, “I don’t know if the creation story is true.”” And you aren’t saying either. You are saying explicitly that “creationism” is false. That automatically translates into a positive belief that there is an alternative explanation for the origins of the universe while simultaneously not having an alternative explanation. So you have a positive belief in something you don’t have.
“I gave you mine, and I’m waiting on your reply” And I’m waiting on yours. I asked you to provide 3 holes to discuss. If you don’t want to pick three then I will, but don’t come along later and claim that I picked the 3 weakest ones and you have better ones. Give me your 3 best. If none of your 3 biggest holes actually means anything then it makes no difference how many you have. And again, if you don’t understand that please google “shotgun argumentation”.
Your holes don’t stump me. I am simply not going to waste my time explaining away the holes to someone who doesn’t understand the logic he uses to analyze those holes in the first place. If you want me to address your holes I will be glad to, make it worth my while. Sign up to a REAL debate site and challenge me. 3 rounds, 8000 characters per round, site members to vote on the winner. At least then I know someone will read and pay attention to what I have to say, plus it will be an easy victory
I’m not into any conspiracy theories myself, but have a thing to say about you. You make yourself a conspiracy theorist too! You are a conspiracy theorist against conspiracy theorists! :)) No, really… in your articles you are always attaching the conspiracy theorists on all topics, which makes you to be a conspiracy theorist. You believe that ALL conspiracy theories are wrong, how could that be?!? There are thousands of them out there, how can you be certain that not even one COULD be true!?? Just thinking scientifically, as there is no way for you, as an individual, to be able to completely prove or disprove any of the events… there is always uncertainty to some level and therefore you cannot be so certain about what you talk.
Please hit “Show the comment” 2X, read my post and try again. I already explained the very simple 2 step process that every human being goes through to when accepting a claim. Do you agree with that process? Yes or No? If no, explain. If yes, then how do you question whether a claim makes sense without basing your reasoning on the claim? If your mother told you she went shopping, you would you accept her claim right? How can you do that without using the claim itself?
“Think of me as Adam Lanza’s defense attorney. I don’t have to explain shit about what really happened. All I have to do is show the holes in your story” No, that’s not entirely correct. Sure you could try that strategy, but if your “holes” do not lead to any realistic alternative possibility then it may not matter, because that may not be enough to make the jury’s doubts about the case reasonable. And I would know.
>>”One either blindly trusts one’s govt & media, which requires ZERO personal research. Or one automatically distrusts one’s govt & media… ” False dichotomy. It’s not simply a choice of these two extremes. >>” Or one automatically distrusts one’s govt & media (based on their history), which requires constant research & fact-checking.” You’ve just contradicted yourself. If one AUTOMATICALLY distrusts someone/something, there is, by definition, no fact-checking involved.
The father’s name is Robbie Parker, not Todd; not according to articles and web pages I’ve listened to and read, as well as two web searches performed a minute or so ago. The article people say show him “gearing up”, readying for tv interview, does show him behaving in this manner. F.e., watch?v=8_b9hh2lp3I watch?v=oMINqFGNr-w As for making guns, it can surely be done in the US. One of my uncles in Quebec, Canada used to make his own hunting rifles and didn’t need large marchinery for this.
Of course it’s easier, but what is the fun in that ? And none of these little “relocated” kids aren’t going to let it slip to a new classmate or that classmates parents that she was actually from Sandy Hook ? Cause little kids are really great at keeping huge secrets and sticking to stories right ????
Hearing you rant about these things makes me feel good. Thanks. Problem is, the people who really need to hear it won’t, even if they watch it. Part of the problem is too many of us have let our friends post conspiracies on social media without consequence. Friends don’t let friends post conspiracies. If we all start ridiculing them, mocking them, shame them, all the time – people will stop thinking it’s so cool to post them. Yeah, I know. All the cool people are into conspiracies. It’s the hip thing to do if you go to Burning Man. I’m a bad boy for daring to stand against The Cool People. Nice to hear someone else rant on my own favorite 3 stupidities – chem-trails, HAARP, and crop circles. Okay, let’s be real – it would kinda be cool if crop circles really were communication of some kind for ET. But then again, it might also be the most terrifying experience in the entirety of human history.
The USS Maine evidently wasn’t an accident, but since you believe that it was, you must therefore have proof, so present it. David Swanson has a PhD and has written the book entitled, “War Is a Lie”, which is true. In it, he refers to the true history of how the Korean War was started. As for whether or not Washington had succeeded in decoding the Japanese communications, refer to Robert Stinnett, a WW II vet. who spent years researching the Pearl Harbor attack and obtained docs from the USN.
Welcome to How to Deal with a Conspiracy Theorist 101! Just say “Watergate” and nothing else. If they are too stupid to understand your point that government/corporations/people in general are absolutely pathetic when it comes to covering even relatively small insignificant things up, then that’s they’re fault. At least you tried.
I did counter your responses. It was your responses to those that were worthless. I stopped because I could see that would get no where. What made them worthless is a fundamental disagreement between us on what process a person goes through in determining what to accept as real, and how we apply it to SH. Until we agree on that, anything else is a waste of time.
The only thing stumping me is how to get through to someone who doesn’t live in reality. I am sure you don’t think I live in reality. So tell me, if you think I am just dodging your points because I can’t answer them which somehow indicates that I am wrong then how do you suggest that two people who have two different versions of reality debate whether a particular event was real? Hint: We can’t until we agree on how to determine what real is. It’s not that difficult.
I didn’t. You still don’t understand, I think on purpose. My philosophy is that you can not claim a story is false with no possible alternative explanation that fits into reality. Because such possibilities are generally endless we don’t bother coming up with one in every day situations, but that doesn’t mean we can’t. In this case you can’t. Specifically because you are showing *evidence* to make your case. Evidence requires a possible story for it to have meaning.
thank you for this. thank you. every word. the scientific method really hit home. the thing is, much as i hate the flat earth theories, there’s been people attempting to “prove” their claims. like these BS other conspiracy theorists just sit their questioning, terrorizing, and harassing without ACTUALLY providing evidence
Exactly. You trust your mother because that trust has been earned through real life. That is the same trust that every rational person has in accepting that the stories we here on the news, particularly the ones which every single media outlet around the world is covering and every single one agrees actually happened… is true. And that trust comes from our extensive experience with human nature. What you believe defies human nature. Which is why the burden is on you.
I don’t know what to believe for certain, but I am open-minded to what Conspiracy Theorists have to say. I remember Alex Jones saying that Cell phones in 2001 weren’t capable of connecting a call from an airplane in flight to someone on the ground. He then said only a satellite phone would be capable of doing that. And if that’s true, that could mean something was possibly off about that event.
Wow Dude Great rant ! My Heart Bleeds for any parent that has a Child Murdered, I couldn’t imagine something happening to my Son ! It makes me sick just the thought of it ! But if I was one of those fathers on that dreaded day NO POLICE TAPE OR FUCKING OFFICIAL WOULD HAVE STOPPED ME FROM at the very least “”””TRYING”””” TO CHARGE INTO THAT SCHOOL LIKE A FUCKING MAD “PITBULL” TO GET TO MY SON !!!!! Im a big guy and I know I would have gotten very close if not threw the doors before 10 fuckin cops tackled me or whatever the fuck they would have had to have done to get me to stop but 10 AT THE VERY LEAST. The pure Love for my Son and the pure terror of that sitituation would’ve been the driving force of my reaction . I’m looking at this from Your side and CT side . Steve I pray TO GOD IN HEAVEN “”YOUR RIGHT”” !!!!! Yes I pray to a God now shred me if you must but its who I am and I could careless about wtf you think about me or anybody else for that matter . I think your finger nails are long and weird but wtf do I know and it matters zero . But none the less Im commenting on this topic cause I can and I loved your Rant . I hope your right dude .
The evidence you are questioning. Just because you don’t see a tear on someones eye does not give you any justification to toss the article out the window and claim it is not evidence of a family member who lost a loved one. Everything about the OS lines up with reality even if the body language of someone who just their child and is now grieving on national television is not what you would expect (as if you would know).
>>”You think if the govt was responsible, they will publish a rebuttal? ……… Also, the govt’s “investigative” commission & its publications HAVE been peer-reviewed by these independent scientists…and they say it’s bullshit.” So help me understand… have these scientists published anything or not? First you say they wouldn’t dare do that, then later you say they’ve peer-reviewed NIST and refuted it. How do you know this, if they haven’t published any of their analysis?
Then if that is what you believe you seem much different than NoScreenName. If you find the questions to be gripping, I suggest searching for the site Snopes, they have a page addressing the questions raised in that article. The entire reason I even know of the documentary is because I watched it and, at one point, believed it; but as I said, skepticism is far more than questioning one story. I did research of my own and found myself disbelieving much of what that cannel said…
Fantastic article! You leave no doubt where you stand, your passion is electrifying and you aren’t afraid to call the lunatics out. I applaud you. Generally, your articles have something like a 90% approval rating, so I’m surprised by the number of thumbs down. I wonder if the crazy people now think that you have become part of the “cover-up”. (I wouldn’t put it past them.)
Christ. I do hope people are reading this, so they can see the absolute nonsense I am dealing with. And what does it do for you to show that I can not prove the official story when you yourself just stated that proving the official story is impossible? It is impossible to show me a married bachelor. So should I gloat when I challenge you to do so and you can’t?
Well then, how would they lower view count if they don’t? Please do tell. It would be as simple as flagging one of those articles for copyright infringement; companies have gone after articles, even if there isn’t any instance of copyright infringement. It would be as simple as that, they could say that some clip from the article was being abused and the sheep wouldn’t even notice.
If that is the case then I can simply find holes in the tsunami that hit Japan and the Tornadoes in Oklahoma. I could find holes in every story that evidence has ever been presented. But where would that get me? In the real world… no where. So tell me, do you care about getting somewhere in the real world?