Psychics and mediums are individuals with the unique ability to receive and pass on information that cannot be explained or accounted for. The term “psyche” refers to the human soul, and both psychics and clairvoyants possess extraordinary abilities. However, the key difference lies in how they perceive and interpret hidden information. Clairvoyants have the ability to see hidden or lost objects, while psychics rely on their extra-sensory perception (ESP) when giving readings.
Choosing between a clairvoyant and a psychic depends on what type of information you seek. If you prefer detailed visual insights, a clairvoyant might be the better choice. However, it is important to understand the subtle differences between psychics, mediums, and clairvoyants to make informed decisions regarding the ways in which you seek their guidance.
A clairvoyant is someone who has the ability to see beyond the physical realm, using their psychic abilities to visualize energy, typically using the third eye. They can predict the future, communicate with spirits, and just see things. All mediums are also psychic as they can receive and perceive information, but not all psychics are mediums.
Psychics use a tool to interpret signs, while clairvoyants do not need a tool and receive images or flashes in their head. Understanding the differences between psychics, mediums, and clairvoyants can help individuals make informed decisions about their spiritual journey.
📹 The REAL Difference Between Psychics & Mediums!
Ever wondered what sets psychics apart from mediums? Matt Fraser explains! Visit for online readings …
What does clairsentience mean?
Clairsentience, derived from the French words “clair” and “sentience”, means “clear feeling”. It involves a person’s ability to tap into others’ emotional energy and receive a clear psychic message. This is more complex than just recognizing when someone is upset, which can be discerned through body language, tone of voice, and overall physical energy. Clairsentient individuals can sense emotion even when it isn’t expressed, and construct a clear understanding of a person or situation without these cues.
For example, a clairsentient person might feel a sense of familiarity and become overwhelmed with emotion when hugging, shaking, or being in the same room with someone, even if they’re meeting them for the first time. This intuitive intuition allows the clairsentient to perceive what someone is going through privately, though they would otherwise have no knowledge of their circumstances.
Being clairsentient means understanding the spiritual and intuitive messages behind feelings, rather than just seeing them as coincidental or abstract. For example, if you’re a natural at understanding and empathizing with others’ emotions, even when they don’t express them explicitly, or if you tend to feel overwhelmed in large crowds, these could be signs of clairsentience.
What does being a psychic mean?
A psychic is defined by the Britannica Dictionary as a person with unusual mental abilities, such as the ability to predict the future, know others’ thoughts, or receive messages from the deceased.
What is the ability of clairvoyance?
Clairvoyance is the ability to see distant events and objects using a sixth sense, while dowsing involves locating water using a dowsing rod. Dermo-optical perception is the ability to perceive unusual sensory stimuli through the skin. Dream telepathy allows for telepathic communication through dreams. Precognition, including psychic premonitions, is the ability to perceive or gain knowledge about future events without using induction or deduction from known facts.
Psychometry or psychoscopy is the ability to obtain information about a person or an object by touch. Remote viewing, telesthesia, or remote sensing is the ability to see a distant or unseen target using extrasensory perception. Retrocognition or postcognition is the ability to supernaturally perceive past events. Telepathy is the ability to transmit or receive thoughts supernaturally.
Various sources have explored the concept of parapsychology, including books on astral dynamics, astral dynamics, and parapsychology. Some notable works include “After Death: How People Around the World Map the Journey After Life” by James Randi, “Precognition” by Gilles-Maurice de Schryver, “ESP and Psychokinesis: A Philosophical Examination” by Stephen E. Braude, and “Parapsychology: a Concise Empathy History” by John Beloff.
In conclusion, parapsychology encompasses various abilities such asclairvoyance, dowsing, dermo-optical perception, dream telepathy, precognition, psychometry, remote viewing, retrocognition, postcognition, and telepathy. These abilities have been studied extensively in various fields, including medicine, parapsychology, and the search for life after death.
What powers does a psychic have?
Clairvoyance is the ability to see distant events and objects using a sixth sense, while dowsing involves locating water using a dowsing rod. Dermo-optical perception is the ability to perceive unusual sensory stimuli through the skin. Dream telepathy allows for telepathic communication through dreams. Precognition, including psychic premonitions, is the ability to perceive or gain knowledge about future events without using induction or deduction from known facts.
Psychometry or psychoscopy is the ability to obtain information about a person or an object by touch. Remote viewing, telesthesia, or remote sensing is the ability to see a distant or unseen target using extrasensory perception. Retrocognition or postcognition is the ability to supernaturally perceive past events. Telepathy is the ability to transmit or receive thoughts supernaturally.
Various sources have explored the concept of parapsychology, including books on astral dynamics, astral dynamics, and parapsychology. Some notable works include “After Death: How People Around the World Map the Journey After Life” by James Randi, “Precognition” by Gilles-Maurice de Schryver, “ESP and Psychokinesis: A Philosophical Examination” by Stephen E. Braude, and “Parapsychology: a Concise Empathy History” by John Beloff.
In conclusion, parapsychology encompasses various abilities such asclairvoyance, dowsing, dermo-optical perception, dream telepathy, precognition, psychometry, remote viewing, retrocognition, postcognition, and telepathy. These abilities have been studied extensively in various fields, including medicine, parapsychology, and the search for life after death.
What is a psychic?
A psychic is a person who claims to use parapsychological powers, such as extrasensory perception (ESP), to identify information hidden from the normal senses or perform acts inexplicable by natural laws. Despite many people believing in psychic abilities, the scientific consensus is that there is no proof of their existence and describes the practice as pseudoscience. Psychics can be seen in various roles, including theatrical performers, psychic detectives, and psychic archaeology and surgery.
Famous psychics include Edgar Cayce, Ingo Swann, Peter Hurkos, Janet Lee, Miss Cleo, John Edward, Sylvia Browne, and Tyler Henry. Critics attribute psychic powers to intentional trickery or self-delusion. In 1988, the U. S. National Academy of Sciences concluded that there is no scientific justification for the existence of parapsychological phenomena. A study attempted to repeat parapsychological experiments that appeared to support the existence of precognition but failed to produce significant effects, thus denying the existence of psychic ability.
What’s the difference between an esper and a psychic?
An esper, often rooted in science fiction or paranormal contexts, possesses innate psychic abilities, often focusing on mental powers. A psychic claims supernatural abilities like extrasensory perception or communication. An esper character has a superpowered physiology that allows them to wield Psionics, not to be confused with a psychic. Psionics are also known as Psyker in Warhammer 40k.
What is an example of a clairvoyance?
Clairvoyance is a magical intuition that allows individuals to predict future outcomes, read someone’s mind, or communicate with dead people. It is a mysterious ability that can be attributed to the French prefix clair, meaning “clear”, and voir, meaning “to see”. Clairvoyance is a mysterious ability to perceive things that are not present to the senses, a concept that has been explored in various fields.
Who is the strongest esper?
In Mob Psycho 100, a world filled with powerful espers, humans with psychic powers, is revealed. These powers manifest at birth or later in life, usually occurring when a person has reached a heightened emotional state. While Mob is considered the strongest esper in the anime, several noteworthy characters possess outstanding strengths. One such character is Koyama, a former member of the upper echelon of Claw called Scar. Koyama is a ruthless individual who believes that the strongest should rule and uses brutal methods to enforce this philosophy.
He was sent by the organization to retrieve Mob, and while carrying out the mission, his powers were revealed. These characters have a significant role in the events that transpire, and their abilities are a testament to the power of the espers in the anime.
What types of clairvoyance are there?
Clairvoyance is a paranormal ability to see distant people and events, divided into three classes: precognition, retrocognition, and remote viewing. It has been claimed in various cultures throughout history, with stories of individuals seeing distant objects common in pagan religions. Clairvoyance is often used in prophecy, particularly when future events are predicted. This ability has been attributed to a higher power rather than the person performing it, and has been a part of various religions, particularly in pagan oracles.
What is the sixth sense ability?
Extrasensory perception (ESP), also known as a sixth sense or cryptaesthesia, is a paranormal ability that involves receiving information not gained through physical senses but sensed with the mind. It was first introduced by Duke University botanist J. B. Rhine to denote psychic abilities such as intuition, telepathy, psychometry, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, empathy, and their trans-temporal operation as precognition or retrocognition.
Second sight is an alleged form of ESP, where a person perceives information in the form of vision about future events before they happen or about things or events at remote locations. There is no evidence that second sight exists, and reports of second sight are known only from anecdotes. Second sight and ESP are classified as pseudosciences.
What does it mean if someone is clairvoyant?
Clairvoyant is an adjective meaning “clear-seeing” or “knowing beyond the range of ordinary perception”. It originated in French and became a firmly established term in English in the 19th century. Today, it is most often applied to someone with ESP, an unexplainable ability to know or perceive things that others cannot. The term is also used as a noun for a person with this ability.
Clairvoyant sleuths, such as Crystal Palace (Kassius Nelson), help other spirits with cases that have gone as cold as their bodies underground. They have been featured in various media, such as Live From the Other Side with Tyler Henry, Live From the Other Side with Tyler Henry, and the family seeking religious counsel from clairvoyants who claimed that more than 200 demons controlled their Carolina Street home. The fill-in for the clairvoyant’s former classmate was the clairvoyant’s former classmate.
In summary, clairvoyant refers to the ability to see beyond ordinary perception and is often used in the context of ESP. Clairvoyant sleuths have been featured in various media, such as Netflix’s Live From the Other Side with Tyler Henry and the family’s search for religious advice from clairvoyants.
📹 Psychic, Intuitive or Medium: Which One Are You?
You already know that you’re a highly intuitive person, but have you ever wondered what category you fit best into? The three …
I love this! I am both psychic and medium and well I may not be famous yet! I do enjoy giving readings thru tarot as well, I been this way my whole life! Thank you for sharing this for confused people! when I drink and do readings I feel everything! it opens me up to emotions I do not normaly use or feel! it allows me to connect better because I KNOW how I am with emotions and feelings. wine allows me to be a better reader
Hello Matt, your article popped up in my timeline and I just want to say thank you for breaking it down of the difference between Psychic and Medium. I resenate more toward the Psychic abilities. I don’t have the ability to communicate with passed over loved ones. Spirits and (or ghosts) do make themselves known to me in different ways and I have become accustomed to it, I am a psychic Empath. I have seen, heard, sensed and felt the unimaginable. I also have the gift of premonitions, (dream visions and sixth sense). 2 of the premonitions came to pass already and it was disheartening to know I was helpless to stop it. I appreciate you breaking it down for a better understanding. According to my mom, I always had the ability of spiritual gifts that she told me someday I would understand what they were, my gifts started coming into awareness around 2003. Again, thank you, this helped me a lot.🙏
Every time I look at a clock lately, it seems I always glace at the time at 11:11 or the time is my birthday 9:23. I feel like that is a sign. Also because I have had several major miracles recently. One of which was I was driving late at night on the Thruway and I hit a deer. My car was totaled and I walked away without a scratch. I had the cart less than a year but was only upside down on my loan for less than a thousand. At the time that may have been a million because I was coming off of employment and have a great new job, but I was behind on several bills including my rent. I got an unexpected refund check in the mail that covered all of it. I know I have a team of guardian angels working on overtime for me.
Hmmm…. So our (late) mom did not have eyes on the back of her head….she was psychic 😂 Actually, mom did have abilities. I’m interested in whether or not our pets are really mediums. I’ve had several cats that would sit and stare at nothing, become talkative at nothing, play with nothing…etc. I have a cat now, that plays and talks to my late father.
Speaking of which, I had a breakup recently, I went to see different psychics and mediums, they gave me opposite readings. Some of them say my ex is not the right person, some of them say my ex is the right person. Some of them say my ex is the right person, when I told them there were some issues between us, they say my ex is not the right person. I’m super confused. If the information comes from the same source, why would I get some inconsistent and opposite readings by different psychics/mediums? Dear Matt, Could you help me understand this, please? Thank you very much!
I resonate deeply with being an intuitive empath- clairsentient and claircog along with being a crystal starseed child, and infj 😉 haha I practice as a lightworker – energy transmuter. At the end of the day we are all born with these capabilities, it depends on how open and accepting we are of them and how much focus we put in on developing and honing in these skills. In the ancient days of Lemuria and Atlantis- we were all use higher dimensions of our minds and emotions. Light always darlings xx
I relate most to a medium and intuitive, I can feel someone’s emotions and how their life is, I know if they’re being genuine or not and sometimes they aren’t themselves because a heavy weight is on them like a not so welcoming spirit I can sense them both and sometimes get voices in my head from them. One if my friends found this old necklace that was blessed by a passed relative, she wore this necklace in the past when she was younger while playing the Ouija board and the second she picked it up she got a scratch on her arm, as time passed it got worse. I soon found out the necklace was cursed or a spirit has attached themselves to this necklace, they didn’t want to be disturbed so I suggested to my friend to put it away, or somewhere it will not be touched because I’m a bit inexperienced with being a medium, I didn’t know how to deal with the situation. She did out the necklace away and felt better after she did so. I do get many voices in my head all different and unique, some violent, some not. I’m looking to find more about this position and I need learn more about this situation, I’ve questioned my sanity many times and feel like if I talked to a phycologist they will diagnose me with schizophrenia or some other disorder as I see things as well.
I knew i was intuitive and empathetic and i come from a family line of psychics/mediums but im not or atleast dont think im one. My great aunt use to suffer alot as a medium she barely slept because she had premonitions more than not and it terrified her. Ive had a few myself but they havent continued as such. I remember when i was 12 years old one day at school i had to gasp for breath and i was sitting in class and i had excruciating chest pains i had to put my hands to it for pressure to soothe the pain which resulted in the teacher calling the paramedics they found nothing i couldnt explain it and then my nose bleed like crazy. 2hours later mum told the family that my grandfather had a stroke and a heart attack and his hand was on his chest the whole time and his carer mentioned his nose bleed a short while after and lots of it. If only i knew the message at that time but i can assure you i was very scared for my life and i dont think I want to experience that again. He passed away 3 days later. I remember that day vividly. I dont know what it all means though xxx
We all have these abilities and I would add websiteers and healers to the list. We each have all these abilities in varying degrees, and can be developed through consciously practicing and raising our energetic vibration. I help people to feel the energies for themselves everyday. It’s empowering others to become the best version of themselves. Thank you for your website as I see you doing the same in very relatable ways 🙏. You don’t have to be famously recognized to make a difference in the quality of other’s lives. Be well✨
I am an empathic, clairsentient intuitive with a heart for healing others and encouraging them to find their gifts and cultivate them! I have been told I have the ability of mediumship by different people, but I am scared of it! I’m so sensitive I’m scared to delve more into that as I don’t want to see anything…lol Not that mediumship is bad or negative. I think it’s just where I’m at on my path. Maybe I’ll get there one day. Thank you for this article! Really helpful and informative! =)
I dont know if I am able to see the future but I started having infrequent visions since 2016 and disappeared between 2017-2018. It came back once I started meditating and trying to heal around August to October 2019. Most visions I see just flash really clearly in my minds eye whether I close my eyes or not. These visions are mostly symbolic sometimes I see people who I have never met before and I also saw a spirit animal which is a brown snake looking back at me during in one of meditation. The meditation I do is simple breathing exercises and mindfulness since I’m a beginner. I think I might be a medium and an intuitive I can sense energies from people and I’m also an empath. I just started opening up to this path and possibility.
I can see, feel, hear spirits, smell, see their apparitions, I can see energy orbs with my naked eyes and actually see my guardian angel and hear my sweetie. I have sooooo much spirit energy swarming around me on a daily basis in my home. At the beginning when my house was built, there was always something here from the original house that was on the property probably or spirt just follows me because I’m capable of seeing and feeling and hearing. We actually had more of a demonic situation for a while and i learned to try to keep it at bay by ignoring and only speaking with positive spirit.I have to do a protection prayer on a daily basis, if I don’t then the negative picks up. I have recorded and got confirmation of it.But I also have article surveillance throughout my house to verify things are actually going on and I have so much footage of all of the spirit energy.?They swarm around me the moment I come into the room. To me it’s amazing I’m sure it’s scary to many. My other psychic friend Brent Atwater who I worked with she is such a beautiful soul as well just like you, was even saying that I’ve actually become too comfortable with this during are 5 + hour reading. I just really want to enhance this gift. What I find amazing is that alot of the spirit energy always seems on come through the mirrors that I have throughout my house and then leave the same way. I heard people say mirrors can be portals. I believe spirit can come through anyway they choose, I don’t think it necessarily has to take a mirror.
Could I ask a question? So I am an Intuitive Empath. Yet I do hold also Psychic capabilities. I have one of the psychic senses of being Clairsentience. I have done readings for people. Photo readings and have been able to do accurate readings. I’ve also recently started picking up certain words, and being able to sense spirits around them or could pick up who have passed. I don’t communicate with those who have crossed over. I can not see spirits but I do sense them around. When I do readings and connect to peoples energy, the stronger the connection, the more accurate the reading. Where would you say that fits in? Is that all part of of Medium work?
My dreams always become a reality like 9/11 terrorist attacks and first paranormal experience was when o was 8 years old at my childhood house and was a very terrified one and rest is History in my very extraneous life now my grandma who was also a Psychic medium always tell my mom that I’m a very special person that i was born indigo kid with Psychic and medium abilities too she also said that i came from the past that my soul is a very old one she said that in my another lives because God give to me the opportunity to live few lives already in the past i was also a Psychic person too with the ability to connect with the death she said to me one day that most of people who born in my Zodiac sing Cancer are very special are very intuitive probably because we are so sensitive and very emotional too she said that in my others lives i was Cancer too. Nice article very true have a beautiful weekend!!!!!
I am a empath and intuitive as well and I am drawn to crystals i meditate with them. I have also had weird interactions with two people that were dear to me. I was told on several occasions intuitively to do certain things with them an then they died at the time i was not spiritually aware the way I am now. Can u please do a article or direct me to articles about intuitives an empaths 😊
How about me? I always dream about like a warning future events? Or every around 3am I wake up because it’s like someone talking to me or calling my name? So I put my birth stone Amethyst and white stone near my bed and it stop happening! Also I’m quite sensitive to a certain pink stone! I feel sick by being near it or touching it! The other stone I’m good only the pink one? Also sometimes people who pass away always visit me in my dreams! Like nearing there Death anniversary or their Birthday!
I’ve had prophetic Dreams, received messages from people who died, and predicted the death of someone. I also tend to feel what people I form bonds with feel (I felt when my dog died, though we were thousands of kms apart). I also found cats and dogs usually approach me in public (I love all animals and plants). So what does that make me?
I don’t think I’m any of these, but I get this deep feeling in me and I get sad and I feel like something bad is going to happen even if it isn’t in my state. I can see spirits and sometimes hear them whispering but I can’t always make out what they are saying, i know for sure I’m not psychic, but maybe I’m an intuitive medium??? If that’s possible, I’m fairly new to this, I’ve been able to do it all my life, but just recently researched it, any information would help me😁❤️
Hi I’ve been working with spirit for a lot of years . Now but tonight. I was at group of people learning all about blending with the spirit realms the medium that was in charge asked me to get up and give a message .so I did I just want to tell you she stoped me giving a message mid way me tuning in she also said I was working physically and not using my clairvoyantly but to be a good medium you uses all senses so am asking you what you feel I felt so mad at the time because I work in churches and in and around the halls but I felt sorry for the up and coming mediums took this as a lesson to me not to put the mediums down with all my love and light xxxx
So I had an interesting experience the other day. My buddy and I are flaggers, and we were on opposite ends on the road about 30 feet away from each other. Over the radio we decided to pass the time by flipping a coin. I had the coin, and he would guess what it was. About 90% of the time he got it right. I’ve been told that experiences like this could be a sign that you are a psychic or a medium. Is that true?
Hello i have a question, Can a medium website spirit energy? Example: I chanted spiritual mantras and within days the person bothering me fell to the floor, choking on a chicken bone. Moreover before that incident I saw a goldfish shimmering shadow. Had a dream about kali, and then a very odd phone call that was all static on the phone but I felt it was Kali. The day the phone call came thru this lady choked. I’m curious because more frequently I have had abilities to access images and say things like “I see a chicken.” And the person was like my friend invited me over last week to see her new chicken. Let alone that’s odd because people don’t own chickens here. So I was spot on but I’m unsure is I’m a medium or something more
Idk if I am a psychic but when I broke up with my gf I dreamed of a snake attacking me and in that morning we broke up. Than this year I was going to travel for personal development but I had a strong feeling that it wasn’t going to happen when I booked the flight I had that feeling of disbelief. This happened before the pandemia. And a couple of days ago it was canceled cuz of the pandemic . I was correct after all. I also has feelings that also came true. I’ve been having alot of snake dreams which is weird. I have a feelings that I can predict some strong events of the future only if it’s involving my life.
nice clip. Seems I’m all 3, tho not so strong in all. More like it comes or doesn’t, not allways under control sadly. But if looking at my abilities in total to see what matches me most, then it prolly might be medium,seeing,orbs,ghosts, shadow people,even double times. About future it comes in my mind or doesn’t, so that’s not fully under control.Sensing is strong, feeling people around me, online or near me, if they are good or bad, like best to evoid, or try to talk with. When speaking to those people it feels like I know them my whole life feeling, even if I’ve never met them before.Anyways, hope I helped a little to answer the question at the clip.thank you for the clip.
When i am about to enter the stage of sleep i can hear (Most of the time) a male voice. I have gotten so many clues from whatever this thing is if it anything at all. like: .He is a male .He is American .this spirt has no legs (As i have seen his figure in a hotel in Los Vegas) .I had only started to hear and see figures after my holiday to California and when i got back to Australia i have been followed by this identity. .i heard the name George or John .May have Green eyes Does this make me psychic or just Psycho? Because people call me a witch at school and i don’t know to be proud or to be ashamed because i don’t actually know what i am 😟
I get dreams where I slip into other people’s bodies from around the world. Usually, people who are in danger. I get a lifetime of memories of that person within the dream but most of the memories are gone the next day are gone and all that’s left is what I experienced from there perspective. I have died several times in these dreams an experienced standing over a grave as a ghost. Help?
One time I had back to back episodes of a person that had passed on but he came to me like he was normal but after staying for so long he started to decompose right before my eyes and he would not ever leave me alone. He wanted to still be with me but finally one night it happened again and I just decided to talk to him. I told him that he has to leave me alone and cross over. I never had any other incidents from that point on about him. Does this mean anything I should be aware of ?
I might be psychic, but if so I need to develop it because I’m not always right. It seems to happen to me quite accidentally. I’m much better at reading energy and knowing things without knowing how. I’m very intuitive and empathic. Once I felt extremely heavy at work and I kept thinking of the Columbine High School shooting, then later when I went to church, our pastor announced that there had been a school shooting earlier that day. About 8 years ago, I once had a “shamanic journey”-like (seeing in/with my mind) experience with beings I saw as demons, it was terrifying, I had a panic attack. I think I have the potential for all, but my strength by far is as an intuitive/empath. I need to develop these gifts, and I’m looking forward to it. I’m at a much more empowered state of my life right now, and have a lot more understanding and openness and curiosity to explore what this means for me. I keep feeling, for some odd reason, like I’d be really good at reading Tarot cards, even though I know almost nothing about how that works.
i would like to speak with you my first experience as a child about ten or just before it, i heard a man calling me by name three times despite nobody being in the house, going walking on mid or first floor of granny’s house i felt that the frame which was like a door way without the door on the small narrow corridor just outside the dining room door i felt as though a man and woman were standing one at the door of the photog dark room at left side of corridor just as you walk through the door frame on hallway corridor and the man at the middle bedroom door