The Grand Northern Conspiracy is a theory that suggests the remaining lords of the Northern Houses are loyal to the Starks and secretly resistant to the rule of the Boltons. They want to see a Stark as King in the North, but most of the Starks are dead or presumed dead. The conspiracy revolves around the idea that the citizens of the North are enraged after Lord Walder Frey and Lord Roose Bolton killed Robb Stark.
The other northern houses are forced to tolerate them for now, but it is possible that Wyman Manderly is leading many of the other houses in a conspiracy to overthrow the Northern Houses. Book readers are holding out hope, mainly in the form of an epic theory outlined by Howland Reed. The Neck is the closest Northern holdfast to the Riverlands where the ‘Great Northern Conspiracy’ points to a pro-Stark uprising, biding its time following the betrayal of the Red Wedding and Ned’s execution.
The Grand Northern Conspiracy has been a topic of discussion among ASOIAF fans on Tumblr, with posts about the theory written by gwynhyfvar. The theory argues that all the northern houses are conspiring to play the Boltons and Stannis against each other to eventually raise the North’s power. The North believes Robb Stark to be the illegitimate son of Lord Eddard Stark, and as a bastard, he is to receive no lands or titles from the North.
📹 “The north remembers”: is there a Grand Northern Conspiracy?
Is there a Grand Northern Conspiracy to restore the Starks to power? Is there a plot in Winterfell against the Boltons? Is Stoneheart …
Why did Sansa betray Jon Snow?
Sansa violated the trust placed in her by Jon by swearing an oath not to reveal what she was about to learn. This act is considered a treasonous offense.
Why is Sansa Queen in the North?
Sansa, the queen of the North, was present at the Battle of Winterfell and was crowned queen in 308 AC. She married Brandon Tallhart in 308 AC and had her first child, Eddard, in 310 AC. After rebuilding the House Umber Last Hearth, she gave the castle to her second son, Prince Rickon Stark. Sansa’s role as warden of the North after Jon Snow’s exile was crucial for the North’s independence.
Why did Sansa want the North to be independent?
Sansa acquired the ability to safeguard herself under the rule of the Iron Throne, recognizing the necessity for the North to pursue its own distinct path. The presence of a sibling on the throne facilitated the attainment of peace through a more peaceful means.
What is the weakest of the 7 kingdoms?
The Riverlands are the most vulnerable of the kingdoms in terms of their geographical position, susceptible to invasion from the Westerlands to the west and the Vale to the east and northeast.
What is the northern most point of Westeros?
The Land of Always Winter lies beyond the haunted forest and into the polar regions, unexplored by the Seven Kingdoms. The land is home to various animals, including deer, eagles, elk, hares, rams, shadowcats, snow bears, and wolves. The land is home to various plants and animals, including chestnuts, ironwoods, oaks, sentinels, soldier pines, and weirwoods. The people living in the land, known as “free folk”, are known as “wildlings” by the Seven Kingdoms. They reside in the hidden valleys of the Frostfangs, including Thenn, surrounded by cave dwellers, Hornfoots, giants, ice-river clans, Nightrunners, and men of the Frozen Shore.
What is the North based on got?
In his work, GRRM claimed to base the North on Scotland. However, upon reflection, it becomes evident that the North shares more similarities with Russia than with any other European country.
Is Sansa the Queen of the North?
Sansa returns to Winterfell and is crowned Queen in the North, a role played by Sophie Turner in the HBO adaptation of Game of Thrones. Turner has also appeared in A Game of Thrones, Little Bird, and Little Dove.
Why didn t Daenerys let the North be independent?
Daenerys was reluctant to concede the North’s autonomy, despite the prospect of forming an alliance with them to vanquish Cersei and solidify her rule over the Iron Throne. She deemed this proposition to be untenable.
Is Sansa now Queen of the North?
Sansa returns to Winterfell and is crowned Queen in the North, a role played by Sophie Turner in the HBO adaptation of Game of Thrones. Turner has also appeared in A Game of Thrones, Little Bird, and Little Dove.
Why is the North so important in Game of Thrones?
The Kingdom of the North, established eight thousand years ago by Bran the Builder, founder of House Stark, is the only region in Westeros with predominantly First Men ethnic makeup and culture, customs, and traditions. The North’s religion, the worship of the Old Gods, is the dominant faith, and the Faith of the Seven introduced by the Andals has found little foothold in the region. Mounted warriors are still an honored and esteemed military asset in the North, and Northmen are known as Northerners or wolves.
The North’s borders are the Sunset Sea to the west and the Shivering Sea to the east, the Wall to the north, and the hills and bogs of the Neck to the south. Greywater Watch and its ruling house, House Reed, are the southernmost noble family owing fealty to Winterfell, while Last Hearth and its ruling House, House Umber, are the northernmost noble family sworn to Winterfell. Beyond Last Hearth, the lands of the Gift are under the control of the politically neutral Night’s Watch and eventually the Wall itself.
Did the North leave the 7 Kingdoms?
The North, also known as the Kingdom of the North, is a realm in Westeros that was once part of the Seven Kingdoms after Aegon’s Conquest. It seceded during the War of the Five Kings under King Robb Stark. After the Red Wedding, it returned to the Iron Throne under House Bolton. After House Stark regained control, the North seceded again under Jon Snow. Snow pledged the North to Queen Daenerys Targaryen in exchange for House Targaryen’s aid during the Great War. After the Last War, Bran Stark allowed the North to become independent again. The map of Westeros shows the North’s location in red.
📹 Radio Westeros E19 – The North Remembers (Grand Northern Conspiracy)
* Intro: Conspiracy or Resistance? * Why the North Remembers * Mormont & Glover: Into the Neck * Reading — Wyman Manderly …
This is the 1st Radio W podcast I’ve ever listened to and I’m seriously blown away! This is easy to listen to, v easy to follow and you don’t over complicate your ‘discoveries’ with really silly theories. It’s like listening to your own mind telling you wot u already knew but forgot to acknowledge…. genius guys, can’t wait to listen to more now. 😊😊😊😊😊
I should note, wills account for variables so they don’t have to be redrafted every time circumstances change. It is quite likely that Rob might have simply removed Sansa from the inheritance but not have mentioned his other siblings because he thinks them dead. Thus he names Jon as his heir, however, in almost every nation that has wills, such would be set aside in favour of unforeseen circumstances such as his Brothers or Arya reappearing.
Just want to say I love this show; no 15-minute run-down, but a long duration examination of Planetos and its great characters. You can only go in-depth when referencing canon and SSM; your website and Preston Jacobs’ website are the best for thorough examination of theories and extrapolation based on clues in the books. Love the show too, but that’s another demon altogether. I loved this episode, The Long Night, and R+L shows especially. Thanks to Radio Westeros and Preston, I’ve dusted off the covers and am re-reading the series starting with Dunc and Egg first. So many new ideas to catch and analyze with each read. Can’t wait for the next episode; I want to know WHAT IS UP WITH HARRENHALL!!! Seriously, I feel a lot hinges on that location and its proximity to the Isle of Faces makes it all the more intriguing. Until then, cheers!
Another great session. Consistent, thorough, entertaining, and fun. With a good balance of both of you. I also like how you work and collaborate with Westeros History. Really great work! Look forward to the next one, and I’ll keep relistening to the old ones. I hope u continue to grow and improve which I’m sure you will, and we all know there’s no limit to potential articles 🙂 Especially with two more books! And I’m praying to the Old and the New that we are going to get TWOW around Christmas! It would be the best holiday ever and celebrations would break out worldwide. Cheers!!
I, too, remember all of it. Wow, what an episode. Thank you. It’s such a stirring subject. Your podcast does it justice. Even the Northmen would agree, I think. You’ve covered so many fine points and made them coherent. Loved the ad. I’d take seconds, lol. Quality readings, too.The scenarios of Robb’s will and King Robert’s last decree have each their own particularities, but what a ‘stark’ contrast in how they are respected after their deaths. Cersei tearing Robert’s up and the loyal fragments of Robb’s banner men in all likelihood not giving up and remembering their king in the north. I could weep. Bravo.💗❄️👏🏻
Great analysis; you are both so thorough. I’m re-reading the series, and I always find something I missed. ASoIaF is such an intriguing story, and I love the show too. I didn’t think HBO would get it right, but so far I think they’ve done it as must justice as they can. Such a complex and rich story can only be told in books.
@00:28:00 – Since “there must always be a Stark at Winterfell”, and since Robb believes all his full siblings except Mrs. Lannister to be dead, is there any conceivable candidate other than Jon? @00:42:00 – Nice reading there Yolkboy @01:03:00 – AHA!! Manderly’s reenactment of the rat story is a parallel to a certain Stark girl who reenacts the verbiage of the crimes of the Tickler and Raff. @01:32:00 (and elsewhere) – One of the most illuminating catches is this whole bit about elder northmen “going off to hunt” – that always struck me as odd – as needing to mean something since it’s repeated, but I didn’t know what – I think you’ve hit on it here. Bakery Advert: LOL …shades of Sweeney Todd … Yolkboy Todd? Finished! Yow – this is a truly thorough, brilliant and insightful gold ine of information – I’m going right back to 00:00:00 to start again. Looking forward to Qyburn and Littlefinger!
Another reason people would find out about fake Arya: she looked like Lyanna. Now assuming many of the lords knew Lyanna, even if they had only met Arya once or twice, they would have probably noticed the similarities and remembered that about Arya if nothing else. Jayne doesn’t look like Lyanna, and that might have been the easiest way for everyone to remember her!
Another great episode, same a always. for the past 2 books the north have become my favorite part of the book. & this storyline along with the mess that is now the nights watch has become my #1 &2. Book: If Rob did make Jon is heir. I wonder what will happen now once word gets to those who was with Rob when they signed his command, when they hear about the murder of Jon at the wall. Wouldn’t that have made Jon King of the North( even though Jon & the watch did not know) not to mention Jon was the brother of the King of the North( cough cough cousin Cough) at the time of the murder. There fore the watch committed treason. Yeah but once again, The north takes no part & doesn’t deal with mess of the kingdom. However, it is the North that takes care of the Watch pretty much. This is why I am soooooooooo much waiting on the books, almost everyone at the wall witnessed the Murder of Jon ( unlike the show where it was done in the dead of night & not witnesses. That we know of yet). Everyone sees & all hell is really going to break loose. The wildings are there & his friends amongst the watch brother. When & if this letter arrives for Jon, that will be just more food for the stew. Not to mention that when they ( the northmen) hear why Jon was leaving, this will be just more mess for the Watch to try to get out of. I think that at this point in the war & with Rob’s death, they don’t care about any vows anymore. The Watch 1 way or another I think will be DONE.Show: There is not letter naming Jon & the north has pretty much bowed down to The Freys & Boltons.
With my Star Wars vigil renewed nicely, returning to Westeros for a veritable feast of content. Knights of Ren and Jedi Knights alike. The mix of despair and intrigue one feels, that even Roose has legally laid claim to Winterfell and is protected by convoluted squatters rights, a corruption of guest right. Calls for an analysis and comparative study of classical guest right as Zeus protected them, Odysseus survived 20 more years, reclaiming his home.
Great episode. Especially about Lady Dustin… In the light of the mysteries of the Tower of Joy, i’m still wondering if Ned really didn’t divulge more to her about the death of her man in a more secret meeting (maybe in front of a weirwood tree). Her hatred for Ned sometimes seems too obvious. It almost seems like a mask. And it seems very unlikely for Ned to have informed Ashara Dayne about her brother, but not have treated Lady Dustin with the same courtesy. When looking to Ashara Dayne we see that there is a big chanche that her suicide was a ploy to protect secrets that are intertwined with the events at ToJ, and if this would be so, why would it be so unlikely to assume that Lady Dustin knows much more about that event from the mouth of Ned Stark himself? Why wouldn’t she have vowed secrecy to him and be playing an act all along, just like Ashara Dayne? It sure seems that her loyalties to the Starks go much further than her grudge towards Ned’s actions concerning the bones of her husband. But it still isn’t that unlikely that her dislike of Eddard has been a ruse from the start.
Antoher faction that deserves some thought is the Wildlings. Even though their plot line is more intertwined with the the Wall, their long fractious relationship with the Starks (hatered sprinkled with respect), their willingness to follow Jon south to uproot the Boltons, and their unknown reaction (possibly violent) to Jon’s stabbing, they could become a major force when deciding Northern rule and seccision. This is espeacially true if Jon is resurrected. Do they see him as a king already? Would a resurreced Jon be a revered semideity to them?
I’m so happy for this article and the GNC is a very intriguing topic for me and I believe it will be the focus of WOW as well as season 6 of the show. Do you think Lady Dustin honestly hates the Starks or was her speech to Theon a mummers farce? Also, are we ever told how old she is? It seems every one at Winterfell at this time is at risk of never leaving with their life (for various reasons)… is she one of the elderly that sacrifices herself to preserve her people?
After listening to both this and the Theon episodes, my question for you is this. Did Roose believe he was getting the real Arya from Tywin? It seems to me he wasn’t sure and headed to Barrowtown to try and make a quiet confirmation. The way Ramsey flayed Theon’s fingers, do you really think Lady Hornwood ate her own?
The most random thoughts always strike me when attending these articles. It seems to me not impossible that Sansa and Tyrions marriage could be continued. A proper North + WesterRock alliance. Robb didn’t know how “decent” tyrion is in comparison to other lions. Sansa already realized in hindsight that he was very kind to her. So random lol
I’d wager “remembering” is a First Man fixation rather than solely a Northern one – especially if the words of House Royce are to be believed. “It was the North, and the North alone that was able to keep the Andals at bay.” The denizens of Crackclaw Point would beg to differ, I’m sure, considering they’re almost assuredly First Men at heart – not susceptible to being conquered by the Andals, but rather married into the rest of the realm. Speaking of the Crackclaw Point, if ‘Nimble’ Dick Crabb is any indication then they ALSO have long memories and a yearning to hold on to old ways since they’re “all good dragon men, up Crackclaw way.” I’d say being de-facto independent for almost two decades because you refuse to recognize any other dynasty because the sister-lover of Aegon the Conqueror said centuries ago that you wouldn’t have to do that is “remembering” – but that’s just me. There’s also the young Weirwood at The Whispers, a sapling symbolic of the lingering – and perhaps renewed – presence of the Old Ways in those unfriendly pine barrens.
hey i love your vidieos…. i thought id share my own little theory… regarding Robs heir … in my opinion his best choice would be… someone of close blood .who is relatively safe … and from the text .. is in catlalyns bad books at the moment … we are led to believe it is jon snow … but i believe this is meant as a shock . when its reviled, i think in terms of shock and awe . the best choice would be lysa arryn…. sounds crazy . har!!! but i think the choice has as many ups as downs, and at the time she was extremly safe … and rob wasnt the smartest fellow … besides the battles … i think sum how littlefinger will take advantade of this situation… but ultimately be undermined by his ward and student … sansa stark … well thats my lil crack pot theory . soz for the spellin and grammer and im probly wrong but i thought id put it out there and once again … love your vids 🙂