Dasha Bhukti is a system in Vedic astrology that divides an individual’s life into major and minor planetary periods. The major period, known as “Dasha”, is when a specific planet has influence. Within the major period, sub-periods, called “Bhukti”, show the changing dominance of different planets at different stages of life. Dasa is a planetary cycle that starts based on the placement of the Moon in a star at the time of birth.
The Vimshottari Dasha is the most important Dasa of Vedic astrology, which is a 120-year cycle based on the maximum number of Dasha levels. Each Maha Dasha (main period) is broken into four sub-levels or Bhuktis: Antar Dasha, Pratyantar Dasha, Sookshma Dasha, and Vimshottari Dasha.
Dasha is a large pattern of experiences in life that are likely to occur across sizable periods. The smallest unit of time inside a Dasha is Bhukti, the minor planetary period. The activities signified by the planets will fructify only during the major period.
Dasha, bhukti, and anatara account for 85 percentage of any event to trigger, while the balance 15 percentage is through the major planetary transits of the time. The Dasa system divides an individual’s life into major periods (Mahadashas) and sub-periods (Bhuktis) based on the position of the Moon at birth. The total number of Dasa bhukti or sub periods are planetary transitions that indicate good or bad effects according to their placements by moon sign (rasi).
In summary, Dasha Bhukti is a system in Vedic astrology that divides an individual’s life into major periods (Mahadashas) and sub-periods (Bhuktis) based on the position of the Moon at birth. The system aims to predict specific events rather than just trends, providing an overview of each period and its impact on the individual’s life.
📹 Dasha Bhukti analysis
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