Blood magic is a powerful and ancient form of sorcery that involves the use of blood as a powerful source of magical energy. It is considered one of the most potent substances in magical practices, symbolizing life and water. Blood magic can be practiced in Minecraft with a mod that mixes magic with action and gore, allowing players to collect blood for rituals, create blood altars, and perform rituals, sacrifices, summoning, alchemy, and spell creation with Life Essence.
Collecting blood for blood magic rituals is not equivalent to ritual sacrifice. Blood magic is a form of sorcery that requires the sacrifice of living beings to function. Blood magic is an ancient and dangerous form of magic that uses blood as a binding agent between one’s physical earthly self and the energy of the supernatural. Blood magic can be used to cast spells, enchantments, and curses through blood itself.
Blood magic is simple in its ability to control blood, but it is not weak. Blood mages can inscribe ritual circles as sentences to evoke meaning and effect. Genus is the connection between a person’s living blood and their fundamental nature, and while magicians argue over the precise nature of this connection, blood magic remains an important aspect of the supernatural.
In summary, blood magic is a powerful and ancient form of sorcery that involves the use of blood as a powerful source of magical energy. It is a complex and challenging practice that requires careful consideration and ethical considerations.
📹 What is Blood Magic?
What is Blood Magic in the world of Ice and Fire, and how does it work? Is a king’s blood really all that powerful? We got a couple …
What is an example of blood magic?
Moon blood is a substance that is frequently employed in the preparation of love and fidelity spells. One such spell involves the burial of moon blood on the property of the individual in question, with the aim of inspiring infatuation in that person. Another spell involves the application of moon blood to the shoes of the individual in question, with the intention of ensuring that they always return home.
What is the end goal of Blood Magic?
“Veiling” is a defense method used by blood mages to obscure their opponent’s sight and distort noises. This defense is best used with blood that has already been spilled from a fallen body, as it would take quantities larger than could be easily drawn from one victim. To stay safe from blood magic, one must either disable the mage, dodge the spell, or prevent it from hitting them. Disabling the mage depends on the combat style, while dodging spells works mostly for projectile-type fighting methods, particularly “drilling” attacks. If all else fails, a barrier method can be used, such as placing another element like ice or earth between you and the enemy blood magician.
To prevent a blood mage from draining your blood from a wound, avoid getting open wounds or cover the wound with a substance that blood can’t seep through, such as leather or plastic. Wooden, cosmic, dragonfire, or ceramic shields work well against blood magic, and any kind of leather armor can weaken the effects of a magical spell or cancel them entirely.
If the spell is lethal, one can use a suicide tactic by poisoning themselves. This allows the magician to draw blood from the victim, leading to a terminal illness caused by parasites infecting veins, capillaries, and arteries, making them regret draining the blood for healing purposes.
What is the power of blood magic?
Blood magic is a powerful technique that reflects the nature of the person from whom the blood comes, including their lineage, faith, history, and temperament. Blood magic can draw on the physical nature of the source, such as a lineaged individual’s blood, which contains the magic of that realm. It is also used in rituals associated with the intrinsic nature of different lineages, such as the Twilight Masquerade. Blood magic techniques are most relevant when creating personal magic that affects participants, and in rituals affecting groups of people, blood from each person is often combined during the ritual.
Abstract magic, such as enchanting resources, is harder to accomplish with blood magic unless a connection is made between the blood present in the ritual and the blood spilled to gain or work the resource. Blood magic excels at curses, fueling the power of the magic with the desire for vengeance in the giver’s heart.
What is blood powers?
The practice of hemokinesis, or blood manipulation, encompasses the control and manipulation of blood for a variety of purposes, including the generation of weapons, maneuvering, and enhancement.
Who is the god of blood magic?
Nitäl, the God of Blood, is an avatar of destruction and woe from a bygone world. He was imprisoned beyond the limits of Creation by unknown forces, but the Blood God managed to corrupt the denizens with promises of power. Nitäl began teaching mortals blood magic, leading to the cultist Balaphon infusing himself with foul energies from hundreds of sacrifices, separating his essence into three powerful forms.
Balaphon’s followers became the first Onoqui, leading many gods to condemn Nitäl and his influences. Vash, responsible for the ley-network, helped keep Nitäl’s influence at bay, while Nyubar employed guardian spirits to reinforce mortal morals and discourage dark arts.
While Nitäl’s influence on the world had weakened, his followers grew powerful enough to act on their own. Vash’eth became tainted with blood magic, including a dragon who took up the sickening craft. Nitäl was secretly freed by Statute, but he continued to destroy regions and cities, causing a massive rift in the ley-network and fearing the destruction that Nitäl might bring upon the world.
Can Blood Magic heal?
Blood magic is a powerful tool that can be used for personal and professional purposes. It can be used to heal, burn infections, and sustain oneself or others. At higher levels, blood mages can sustain themselves, compress blood, draw power from blood, and use blood that isn’t their own. Blood magic is taught at the Athenaeum of Quills and Blood, and can be used as healers or combat mages. Multimages with access to blood magic can extend the range of their touch spells by getting a target to touch their blood.
Aarde’s Touch, for example, channels the warmth of blood to create a small fire at one’s fingertips without burning. However, it saps heat from the body and may leave one feeling chilly if used too long.
Is Blood Magic evil?
Blood magic is associated with demons, mind control, and megalomania, which are strongly associated with evil. This association leads to blood magic being associated with evil. This is evident in various Dragon Age games such as Origins, II, Inquisition, The Stolen Throne, The Calling, Asunder, The Masked Empire, Last Flight, Hard in Hightown, and Tevinter Nights. The stigma surrounding blood magic is a significant issue in the gaming community.
What can you do with blood magic?
Blood Magic has two spell systems: Spell Table and Unbound Crystal, and more advanced spells using multiple blocks connected together. These spells can perform various actions like putting out fires, causing rain and lightning, or freezing water. Thaumcraft 4 is integrated into this mod, requiring installation. The Sanguine Helmet, an item with enhanced properties from blood and thaumaturgy, is included.
By binding an entity to the Goggles of Revealing and using the Ritual of Binding, the helmet can give a stronger magical force. It also allows seeing Aura Nodes and gleaning magical properties of objects. Additionally, it raises the goggle’s discount in Vis from 5 to 6.
Is blood magic the most powerful?
Blood magic is an ancient and powerful form of magic that predates modern word-based magic through incantations. It is considered more powerful than most due to the esoteric nature of blood. Users with blood magic can cast powerful spells due to their inherent power in their blood. Blood magic is an important component in rituals, spells, and supernatural aspects. Due to the supernatural properties of the user’s blood, they can inherit specific magical blood-based powers, such as blood manipulation.
Users can use different blood types to perform different forms of spells, including blood arts, blood energy manipulation, blood generation, property manipulation, blood sense, and blood transcendency.
I hope this video can help you understand how to use blood magic in your craft, please be aware it is highly binding so make sure …
Interestingly 3 people with kings blood: viserys, rhaego, and drogo are are killed in close proximity to her 3 dragon eggs before they hatch. With the gold and white one being directly referenced before viserys is killed. Its also the first egg to hatch. Then rhaego is the second to die in the tent where her eggs are kept (rhaegal hatches second). Finally drogo (closest in nature to a king) is killed after blood magic is used on him. Drogon hatches last and its stated the power/sound of egg cracking “shakes the world” immediately being referenced to as the strongest. The colour schemes seem to fit too with viserion being white and gold like viserys when drogo poured molten gold over his head. Green and bronze for rhaego, with the blood magic that took his life using a bronze sacrifice knife, though we didn’t see much of rhaego so i think the green is significant the dragons future. Red and black are fitting for drogo, hes often associated with black, red could be the blood magic that ended him.
Maybe the whole “King’s Blood” thing is more about the belief of the practitioner than of the actual status of the sacrifice. Because the mage believes it’s more powerful, it becomes so due to that belief. Think of it increasing their focus. The Targaryens became kings due to conquest. The same is true for Robert Baratheon. Robb was proclaimed king by the northerners. Stannis only really has his army and relationship with Robert. Could the Varys’ quote “Power resides where men believe it does” be more than about politics? Does the number of followers or “believers” in a king make the blood more powerful. If so, what about a religious leader like the High Sparrow? He’s a king of sorts. He has followers and wields tremendous political power.
I always figured blood magic can be broken down in to simply: There are things out there, existing on a plane above ours, and they want something from you. And they will give you something in return if you appease them. What it is they want or what they will give you is not always clear tho, even among experienced mages. And you can accidentally make a bargain without even knowing it. (I honestly believe Daenarys accidentally cast such a spell when burning Drogo on a pyre)
Lord Varys said so himself. “Power resides where men believe it resides.” Kings Blood is powerful because everyone believes the King has all the power. The larger the number of people and the harder they believe in the power of their King the more powerful the blood magic is. This is why Khal Drogo’s death was powerful enough to wake dragons. At the moment of his death tens of thousands of Dothraki were riding the Khal Drogo choo choo.
I don’t think the Dothraki truly despise blood magic when looked at in that way. Culturally rituals for events are very significant, like at Danny’s wedding. They did say it isn’t a dothraki wedding without some blood spilled. It seems they despise blood magic used as a weapon, or direct manipulation of life. They don’t see evocations and large amounts of bloodshed followed by victory celebrations as blood magic.
The thing with Magic involving sacrifice is that the sacrifices willingness can effect the outcome. An unwilling sacrifice would create powerful curses, while a willing one can create an unbreakable protection. The thing about a good Magic system is that it should be, at its core, morally neutral, with every aspect of it being capable of being used for good or ill.
I always thought it was about how important they are to you. The reason the sacrifice of nissa nissa was so powerful was because of the importance of her to azor ahai, Thats why kings blood is so powerful. Because of the idea it comes from a king, not necessarily the actual blood. You just think its someone super important which does in reality make it a great sacrifice( because everyone believes so) so the sacrifice is more powerful
watching this i had a lightbulb moment about the Targaeryens and their sibling marriages. We associate inbreeding with being bad because of disease. Heck, there is a prominent belief its what caused Targ madness. But if their magical blood makes them LESS prone to disease, there is not much risk of inbreeding for them! in fact, incest marriages would potentially make them healthier because it doesnt dilute that property. If that is true, that would put all the Targ incest madness theories to rest and would make the “madness through dragon dreams” much more important. It would highlight the corrupting influence of power and believed noble causes. This would also mean by conforming to Westerosi standards, they made themselves more vulnerable, the misunderstanding due to culture adding to all the already lost knowledge that plagued the Targs in their diaspora
Perhaps the king’s blood theory really relates to the concept of sacrificing a powerful person, or someone near to that person, so Drogo, as a leader, qualifies for this purpose. After all they sacrifice the Year Kings in I think Pentos, and that man is an upper class person of some rank, right? Stannis is a leader, if not a king really. Craster might have some relation to the Starks of old, but he’s not really a leader, so his king’s blood is worth about average.
My Theory on Valeria’s Destruction. The Blood and Fire Mages became complacent, even careless in their work over the centuries, and the power and energy within the volcano was no longer controlled or controllable. It got out. But it wasnt the volcano but was something in the volcano. A demigod perhaps whose power and energy was being taken and suppressed that finally was freed and destroyed Valeria.
I mean, it’s also fraudulent. The leeches Melisandre burned likely had nothing to do with the deaths of the 3 kings. She likely saw their deaths in the flames and then set up that scenario as a way to convince others that her blood magic was real, leading to convincing Stannis to want to burn Edric Storm.
I’d argue that Daenerys eating the horse’s heart was more “consuming the flesh” than blood magic. It’s because those rituals seldom involve blood itself. It’s the flesh and organs (usually hearts, lungs, brains, etc.) that holds the power the consumer is trying to get, not the blood. Otherwise, they would have given her a cup, glass, or goblet of blood to drink. Even Cannibalistic practices consume the flesh of their victims in order to get whatever powers or properties that person held. For horses, biologically speaking, hearts are one of the most important organs, with race winning horses having much larger hearts than the average. So a nomadic people depending on horses to survive, yes, a horse hear would contain very potent magic… just not blood magic. Now, sacrifices that involve blood, like the ones to the weirwood trees in the stories, or the real-life examples, like the story of Exodus (Hebrews painting their doorways in sheep’s blood so the angel of death passed over their houses when looking for first born to slaughter.) or the sacrificial practices of people like the Incas, you could call that blood magic. The difference is here the blood is what’s important, where in Daenerys’s example, it was the flesh.
Robert, I must say you are my absolute favorite ASOIAF website.. I love your style, and the quality speaks for itself. I think what I like most of all is your unique perspective… As with the Tower of Joy, Howland Reed and Ashara Dayne… Thank you so very much for all the brilliant work you put into In Deep Geek! 😊😊😊
Ever we learned of the Anogrion from Viserys and then when Amanda came out with her article about lava being petrified fire magic, I’ve been constantly thinking about how and why lava is a magical source and I came up with a theory that if you personify the planet like some do now, as “mother earth” then the molten lava would be the lifes “blood” of the planet. Because we know the earth’s center is molten and lava flows through the whole planet sorta like blood flows through our veins, then by in using lava and actual blood sacrifice, you’re not just using a human’s life force you’re also using the “blood” of “mother earth” to perform magic in a symbolic way…and we already saw George personify Westeros in the House of The Undying vision that Dany had of the ‘beautiful woman being ravaged by 5 little men’….
If Shireen is sacrificed to bring back Jon, he’ll be disgusted with whoever does this and any philosophy they hold. BTW it could be Val or some other Free Folk person who kills Shireen, maybe as a mercy killing. Val, for one, thinks it is the only decent thing to do with a diseased child, who, although pitiable, will die soonish and might spread the infection as far as the Free Folk know.
i think King blood power comes form the people that believe in the king, kind of like if everyone just throw a log on the fire, the more the people the higher the fire. I think this is why Melisandre first shadow was able to work, due to Robert just die and many of the people would believe that Stannis should be king. Then when there are 5 kings and the power of the belief of the Common people would be split, her kings blood magic was not strong anymore.
Great vid as always IDG. GRRM’s magical system is quite fascinating and well done ; blood magic in particular. I always found it somewhat curious “blood magic” does seem to be given its own distinction / category, as to me many of the Planetos magics do seem rooted or sourced by blood. Fire magic seems to be with R’hllorist and surely Valyrian magical practices. Perhaps was not always the case but the current Weirwoods / Old gods certainly have a blood component (potentially caused by corruption at some point). The Warlocks and shadow-binders seem to as well. Among other examples etc. Blood seems to be at the heart of a lot of Planetos magic and all certainly has a cost. That cost and subsequent result seems to be affected by numerous factors. The sacrificed / sacrificer personal relation & closeness seems to factor in. Could also be a collective element, the collective view of a monarch’s significance for example. Though “king’s blood” i always found a bit of a messy concept especially with lines ending & usurpation etc. The collective view significance and more obvious impacts of sacrificing a monarch surely have influence. But i personally believe “king’s blood” could be a concept misconstrued over many millennia. I think the real sacrificial impact in this concept may be actual “magical blood” involvement. Many of the ancient mythical kings (known & unknown) were likely magic users imo. Being magical would have set them apart, attract masses to rally around them and be raised to a monarch.
I’m going to be the “I haven’t finished the article yet” guy just because I’m so interested in this topic. I want to hear what our boy has to say but I’m too antsy to just sit and listen so I’m going to type for a minute: I’m of the opinion that all “magic” in “A Song of Ice and Fire” is psychic power manifesting. see through the eyes of a wolf? psychic power. seeing far-away people, places, and times through a tree? psychic power. using a charm to obfuscate your appearance? psychic power. change your face? psychic power. control a dragon? psychic power. insert yourself into people’s dreams? psychic power. create a gust of wind that can slit throats? ~~The Forbidden Planet~~ psychic power. there are others I’m forgetting my point is that, in this story, belief is pretty clearly an influence on the magnitude of your abilities, right? just like with anything else in life, the more confident you are in yourself and others are in you, the more successful you’ll be at trying something. I think the reason king’s blood is so effective, especially when you’re doing something like a public sacrifice, is because everyone believes it has power. that psychic energy must add up, whether it’s in the form of actual measurable power or simply via collective will, the very real importance and value of a king’s blood is going to affect people’s beliefs no matter what. even if you don’t like the king personally, or you don’t like his policies, or even if you think he’s illegitimate, he’s still the king.
King’s Blood isn’t tied to the political machinations of some feudal system. Rather it is tied to high valyrian dragonlord blood. The three headed dragon is of the rider, the dragon and their proto ancestor that guides dragons to high valyrian blood. If you could easily ride a dragon because of your blood (which the bartheons do have targeyon blood) then you have king’s blood. I imagine that working with blood with raw magical potential allows for more powerful spells to be cast
“Power resides where men believe it resides”… And a large mesh of believers on one person or bloodline creates a shatter point of events, all tracing back to that one person that through others beliefs can move thousands. Their sacrifice, through magical bargain or not will break the fault lines in the shatter point. I believed that whatever powers reside outside of their comprehension also put their trust into those shatterpoint ppl.
I would say, any form of blood is magical, and spilling blood always infuses the one who spills it with some of the essence of those the blood is drawn from. If you go by GOT traditions, then becoming kings and queens means you spilled a lot of blood of a lot of people who also accumulated a lot of blood on their side, further compressing the magic in once own blood. But it’s also inherited by your children, who can further accumulate the magic in their blood … not like your siblings has any needs of it when they are dead, so you can get the throne. The question would be if what you gather is “power” or some sort of curse that can be websiteed by communicating with the souls inside as blood “magic” Another guess would be that, fire has the ability to draw this magic from blood and releasing it into the world, making it easier to use for mages. Maybe by cleansing from its curse like aspect, transforming it in something raw, more natural.
Drogo’s life is saved in a technical sense only. Only his physical shell was saved, but nothing of him that made him a Dothraki, a khal, a husband, a LIVING person, so Dany sacrifices him..he is her last sacrifice and her first real one. It’s not a real sacrifice unless you give something up. She has already sacrificed her brother (her past) (by abandoning the idea that he will ever get beyond himself enough to learn to offer respect to Drogo and the Dothraki,) she has already sacrificed her child (her future, a future) (by letting the ritual to “save” Drogo take place, she really did know at some level that the horse would not do it) but relieving Drogo of the pale imitation of life is the first time she takes full responsibility and real risks. In that moment, she is freeing him and not thinking about how she might be treated by his angry blood riders. She gives up her safety in a brutal culture that is not even hers. Only later does she remember the stirrings in the eggs and figures out how to hatch them in fire – and blood.
I slways thought kings blood is a mistranslation from valyrian blood. Or maybe noble valyrian blood. We only hear it claimed in westeros, where for 300 years valyrian and royal were synonymous. And it is probably just a way to guess best who has magic in his blood, and it would make sense that magical blood is a stronger sacrifice than non magical (or less magical, if you go by the odea that life itself is magic)..but since humans can’t see magical potential they tried to come up with signifiers that are often tied to those who have it.. Kingsblood in westeros, vslyrian features in varysses case, greendreams with jojen, strength with the dothraki and so on..
I wonder why Blood Magic is so often (always?) viewed as a dark and terrible thing in fantasy fiction (Dragon Age, Ice and Fire, Avatar: Last Airbender). There are many examples of horrible things Blood Magic can accomplish, but I’d like to think Doctors would be able to use Blood Magic in very useful and positive ways. I’m not talking dramatic defying the laws of nature with life and death stuff, but, rather, I imagine there would be MANY useful Medicinal applications for a Magic that can manipulate the properties of Blood.
Personally i think GRRM likes to keep magic mysterious because he doesn’t understand it. By that i mean,he doesn’t understand the serl world inspiration for it. He addmited to not undrstanding Gandalfs death and rebirth, calling it cheap, and thrt he would hrve just killed off Gandalf. Gandalfs death was about Gandalf overcoming his fears and doubt about the war against Sauron. The heavens revived him as the White Wizard,leader of the forces of Light and emmissery of the hnavens. To cast spells that work you need to believe without any doubt that it can come true. The fact that GRRM calls Gandalfs death scene cheap,shows how little he both understands and respects the inspiration behind it. Magic and religion are only in his books to make it a fantasy, not because he believes in it Like Tolkien did.
What powers magic is sacrifice. A sacrifice is greater the more meaningful it is to the person performing it (much like the Faceless Men’s flexible pricing structure). The power of kings’ blood follows entirely from those first principles, without kings actually needing to possess any intrinsic magic. If you’re a leader and you willingly shed your own blood or kill a close family member for a spell, that’s a much greater sacrifice than some underling with no say in the matter. Alternatively, you could go to war in order to sacrifice a rival king – less personal, but the God of Death will certainly get his due from the war. The point is, killing a king is never something anyone does _lightly_. Even if you look at cases of distant descendants of kings (say, the theory that Varys is a Blackfyre and he was castrated for a blood magic ritual) – potential kings have power too, there are plenty of examples of unlikely claimants being used as pawns in royal power struggles. And that power makes their sacrifice significant too, albeit less so. Someone might have used that Blackfyre boy to start a new rebellion in Westeros, but a sorcerer chose to use him for a spell instead. Arnolf Karstark has a distant trace of king’s blood, but he’s also an important political hostage – which of those facts is more magically powerful should Stannis choose to burn him?
What happened during the blood magic ritual that Dany interfered with is blindingly obvious, yet no one states what I am about to state: What happened to Dany during this ‘blood magic ritual’ is that the Horse’s lifeforce energy did, indeed, go into Drogo, which is why he was alive, but apparently ‘brain dead.’ He has the lifeforce, of a horse, and Drogo, the conscious entity, was dead, since his lifeforce energy was likely snuffed out during this, or overcame with the lifeforce of the horse. Either way, he was ‘comatose’ because he literally had the horse lifeforce within him. Since a horse’s lifeforce is not sufficient for a human, he is just in a comatose state Regarding the dragon eggs ‘quickening’ and Dany’s baby born dead with stink of corruption and worms; The Life-force of a baby is so powerful that it powered three baby dragon eggs, which is how they quickened. And the deadness of the dragon eggs transferred to Dany’s baby, which is why it was born as if it were dead for years, scaly, with grave worms, etc. The definition of quickening makes this blindingly obvious; the lifeforce energy of Dany’s unborn child went into the dragon eggs, thus quickening them. Mirri didn’t do this on purpose; she was literally just going to transfer the horse’s lifeforce essence into Drogo, but Dany came in and interfered. Also, the dragons being born had nothing to do with ‘reawakening magic’; in the world. Burning Mirri had nothing to do with hatching the eggs; the eggs were already quickened, so the heat is what prompted the dragons to hatch out of their eggs; this was just a normal, biological process at this point, with the difference being that dragon eggs likely need more heat than what would be considered ‘normal’ for eggs of that size.
I don’t think Daenerys eating a horse heart has anything to do with blood magic. As you mentioned it, Dothraki do not believe in that. It has more similarities with the practice of cannibalism in primitive societies, where by eating a strong and brave soldier it was thought to bring you his strength and courage. Here, Dothraki worship horses that they regard as very powerful animals. Daenerys eat one of their hearts would bring strength to her son to be. Simply that.
I think the king’s blood is generally meant for Old Valerian blood, but in instances where that is not a factor, or less of a factor as all blood stems from the first men, etc, perhaps blood of someone of lesser breeding, such as Khals, have the power of their blood derived from how many follow them. Love, adoration, and the power they have garnered through their lives etc being some kind of factor in elevating the magical properties in the blood? But I think any blood, or in more powerful magic, any life can pay the fee for magic, but Valerian blood just has a much more powerful effect.
Valyrians used a lot of blood magic and they also required a lot of slaves. Those slaves were specifically referenced to be used in the 14 flames. The center of which is where they worked their spells and I believe referenced to be where dragons come from. Magic requires blood, I don’t think this specifically means they have to be willing nor do they have to be important. Dragons are living representation of blood and fire. They are living and fire made flesh(blood). It’s also said that ALL Valyrian magic was related to blood magic. My theory is that Valyrian blood combined with blood sacrifices and fireworms led to the creation of dragons and with dragons more blood was acquired and more magic done. Even look at how white walkers are created with blood sacrifices. I think and it’s just a theory but Targaryen blood and why it’s so important is because it’s the last trace of Valyrian blood magic, literally the last of the dragonblood. It makes even more sense when you consider that not all Valyrians were dragon lords. The first riders might have the very first sacrifices which is why their dragons hatched and were bonded. Targaryens were dragon riders even if the least of them. I think that Targaryens stillbirths are a form of blood sacrifice for dragons to continue to hatch.
It kinda bugs me that GRRM doesnt want us to be able to understand magic, i don’t mind having to do tons of extra research and even buy an extra book or two of his, in fact id prefer it that way. I know it sounds probably dumb and/or contradictory, but I like magic systems that are deeply complex and able to be broken down into basically science of a sorts. Ive actually always loved article games that had complex rituals and the like that make you actually have to take notes and not just follow given directions. I’ll give an example, even if it is a fairly simple one (just goes to show how rare truly complex magic systems are implemented): in Oblivion, there is a ritual to create black soul gems, you have to find one of either 3 or 4 altars in the overworld. Once every 7 or 8 days (from the day of the week you start the game) these altars begin to glow for a short time during the night. If you can get your hands on a reasonably rare item called a Grand Soul Gem, you can place that gem inside the altar (during that short window of time once a week) and then cast the Soul Trap spell on it, once cast it will convert the Grand Soul Gem into one of the rarer items in the game called a Black Soul Gem. Now to my knowledge, there IS a quest somewhere that will run you through the ritual once, with quest text and NPCs giving you general info on where to go and what to do, but with the massive scope of Oblivion, you’re not super likely to run into it. At the same time though, you never need to actually do the quest to even perform the ritual, if you just stumble onto the info (im thinking it can be found in an in game book) and thus know what to do, you can just go do it.
I mean in this context id assume that kings blood just means that your of a higher status in the sense that if your like prince targaryian, i think his and calisis blood would actually help alot just because of who they are as people they have the spirit of rulers they are smarter than most and theyve come from a strong bloodline, vs like actual king joffery i dont think his blood would yeild the same results or like ludd whitehill vs lord lanisster lord lanasters blood would be stronger and more potent, spirits and higher powers can sense the way someones soul is the better the spul the more and better the power you get, plus i also feel like it depends what your trying to do with it as well a dirtier soul might be better for an evil feat
O gosh, this is really so nested up with eugenics that it should have no place in modern culture. GRRM’s worldview seems so Wagnerian that I’ve lost interest in his storyline. I remember that afternoon we were taken to see Bergen-Belsen when I was seventeen. It changed me as a person. I wonder how few Americans will share such a character-forming experience and despair.
Is it known how much more George has in store for the book series, has he said a book “limit” or estimation? Would be fun if you made a article about it (if you havent already) talking about it and what things that happened in the TV Series that might not, or maybe even probably wont happen 🙂 THanks for an amazing website! If I wasnt poor and a student I would happily support you better on Patreon
Seems to me like it’s the strength of one’s belief thst influences the potency of blood magic. The problem is that we might draw different conclusions based on show or books, but I still think Stannis is the perfect example of this either way. Stannis may not die in the battle of Wonterfell, but he isn’t going to be king, so whether books or show, there were seemingly successful acts of blood magic empowered on the basis of the use of king’s blood, but Stannis was no true king. Either the power of king’s blood is nonsense and is just a little extra hocus pocus to ensure the success of the ritual, or the idea of blood magic itself is garbage, which makes the idea of practicing such a thing even more egregiously offensive than it already is. As far as the sacrifice if Shareen is concerned. While I’d love for it not to happen, I’m pretty sure it will, although I’d like it to go down in a way in which Stannis is less culpable. It’s kind of uncertain imo if Stannis was consciously aware of his involvement in the shadow baby murder of Renly even if he did order it to happen, so perhaps he will ask the red witch to perform hee magics to grant him victory at any cost, she steals his daughter in the night and burns her alive while Stannis is asleep, and he wakes up to fond her dead and some of his men abandoning him. This would make him responsible without necessarily making him soecificqlly guilty of willingly murdering his daughter for power. It can be something he regrets due to the unintended consequences and causes him turn away from the use of magic and would make for an interesting internal conflict for him going into battle.
He must not have had Kings blood. He killed everything he lived and lost everything including his life. So either her magic, his blood or both were useless. They couldn’t even make his sword ignite without fuel, but that male priest/zombie could and they only successfully took out Renly. What a waste or just really bad writing…
It started out pretty OP. But it fell off pretty hard. A drop of blood from a bastard of Robert is capable of murdering his brother. But burning his own daughter who would have at least the same amount of kings blood, lead to an instant defeat agains Ramsay, a character who we really wanted dead…. Yeah it’s stupid.
If martin would only let me write the continuation for the game of thrones. Ill include the water, earth and metal magic. Even the power to summon not just shaddow servants but creatures as well. Theres so much potential in the story. Martin just ran out of imagination for his novels as it lacks some of the needed parts