Vedic Astrology uses Avasthas as a predictive tool to determine the strength and natural state of a planet. There are five avasthas: Bal Awastha, Kumar Awastha, Yuva Awastha, Vriddha Awastha, and Mritya Awastha. Bal, Vriddha, and Mruta planets give less results, while Mrita means dead.
Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra (BPHS) is an ancient book on Vedic astrology that calculates the age of planets based on their degree within a particular Rashi. Vriddha and Mrita avastas usually indicate results towards the end of a transit or dasa/antar dasa period. Planets are not literally dead; those in Baala avastha (odd signs 0-6), Kumar avastha (odd signs 6-12), and Bāl-Avasthā (child below teens) indicate growth and progress.
In most cases, planets lose their power of exaltation in the 6th, 8th, and 12th houses of the chart. However, weakly placed planets can still have significant impact. Each awastha represents the strength of the planet within a sign, with each having 6 degrees within a sign.
Bāl-Avasthā indicates growth and progress, while Bāl-Avasthā indicates a planet’s weakening in the 4th house. For example, Saturn in the 4th house could cause an emotional crisis at the age of 36.
To get the avastha of planets from Jhora, it is important to consider the planet’s significance and natural state.
📹 Class – 386 // Avasthas of planets – BPHS – The Avasthas : (Baala, Kumara, Yuva, Vridha and Mrityu)
Avasthas of planets – As per Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra – The Avasthas : (Baala, Kumara, Yuva, Vridha and Mrityu) for both Odd …
What are the inauspicious planets in Vedic astrology?
Jupiter, Moon, and Venus are considered auspicious for the Scorpio Ascendant, as they are the lords of the fifth and ninth houses respectively. However, Saturn, Mercury, and Venus are not considered auspicious for this ascendant. Venus becomes Markesha when lord of the seventh and twelfth house, while Mercury becomes Marak when lord of the eighth and eleventh house. Saturn, being the lord of the third and fourth house, gives inauspicious results. Mars is neutral.
The Sagittarius Ascendant is considered auspicious for this ascendant, as the mooltrikon rashi of Mars, Aries, lies in the fifth house. Sun is the lord of fortune, and Mercury is considered auspicious for the tenth house. However, it may also work as marak when placed with malefic planets. Venus, the lord of the eleventh house and enemy of Jupiter, gives unfavourable results. Mercury can form Kendradhipati dosha in conjunction with Mars.
In the Capricorn Ascendant, Venus becomes auspicious, and Mercury is the lord of the ninth house. Mars, the lord of the eleventh house, can be a badhakesh for this ascendant. Sun is neutral in the eighth house, and Jupiter, the lord of the third and twelfth house, gives auspicious results.
What is the rarest planet conjunction in astrology?
Great conjunctions occur every 20 years when Jupiter overtakes Saturn in its orbit, making them the rarest of the conjunctions between naked-eye planets. The spacing between the planets varies, with most events being 0. 5 to 1. 3 degrees (30 to 78 arcminutes, or 1 to 2. 5 times the width of a full moon). Very close conjunctions occur less frequently, with separations of less than 10 arcminutes only happening four times since 1200, most recently in 2020.
Great conjunctions have attracted significant attention as omens in the past, with topics discussed by pre-scientific and transitional astronomer-astrologers, scholastic thinkers, and authors such as Dante, Lope de Vega, and Shakespeare. This interest in conjunctions can be traced back to translations of Arabic texts, particularly Albumasar’s book on conjunctions. In the past, great conjunctions were discussed by pre-scientific and transitional astronomer-astrologers, scholastic thinkers, and authors like Dante, Lope de Vega, and Shakespeare.
What is the exchange of debilitated planets?
The debilitated planet is associated with its exaltation sign’s lord, who is in Kendra from Lagna or the Moon. The planet in question, which is in a state of debilitation, exchanges houses with the exaltation sign’s lord.
What is cancellation of debilitation of a planet?
In accordance with Rule 4, a planet’s debilitation is negated if it is in conjunction with or aspected by the planet ruling its exaltation sign. For example, the Sun is debilitated in Libra, while Saturn, the planet ruling Aries, is its exaltation sign.
What is the rarest natal chart?
The Grand Cross is a rare aspect observed in natal charts. It can be classified into three distinct types, each with a specific meaning for individuals born under its influence.
What happens when planets are in retrograde Vedic astrology?
Vakri grahas, or retrograde planets, can have significant effects on a person’s life and consciousness. When planets are retrograde, their power to do good or bad is enhanced, with benefic planets becoming more benevolent and malefic planets becoming more malevolent. However, the Vakragati, or exaltation, is equal to exaltation, and if a planet joins a Vakri graha, its strength is reduced by half.
A retrograde planet at birth affects a person greatly by its qualities, with the most advanced planet having the most impact. Debilitated and retrograde planets, such as Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter, can become more helpful in various ways, while natural malefics, like Mars and Saturn, become more helpful. Retrograde Jupiter gives results of the bhava it occupied at birth, while the rest give the results of the bhava in which they began retrograding.
Prior to assuming retrograde motion and direct motion, planets appear stationary. For example, Saturn remains retrograde for 140 days and stationary for 5 days before and after, Jupiter for 120 days, Venus for 42 days, and Mercury for 24 days and stationary for one day before and after. Retrograde planets influence the primary structure of human consciousness and its relationship with human life.
Vakri grahas can also confer unexpected results, such as Saturn, the friendly and functionally benefic yogakaraka for Taurus Lagna, delayed the appointment in service of a native who was experiencing the good effects of Jupiter dasa.
What are evil planets in astrology?
The astrology of astrologers involves analyzing planetary aspects, including natural benefics like the full Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter, which are considered productive for good results, and those by natural malefics like the Sun, Mars, and Saturn, which are considered evil. Natural benefics with evil bhavas, such as combust or defeated in planetary war, become tainted and prove contra-productive. On the other hand, natural malefics with auspicious bhavas, acting as yogakarakas, tend to produce good results.
Astrologists must note all planetary positions, conjunctions, and aspects, which collectively form the basis for predictions. In Hindu astrology, three systems are followed: Parashari, Jaimini, and Tajika, with Indian astrologers favoring the Parashari System.
Which planet is responsible for death in astrology?
Saturn and Rahu are the Mrityu-karakas or significators of death in Hindu astrology. Maraka refers to the planets that cause death at the end of a particular life-span, causing accidents, ill-health, poverty, and misery during their dasha or antra-dasha. Each lagna has a fixed maraka or marakas, with the two luminaries, Sun and Moon, and the lord of the 9th house generally not becoming marakas.
Primary determinants of death include malefic planets occupying the 2nd and 7th houses and associated with their lords. Secondary determinants include benefic planets in association with lords of the 2nd and 7th house, benefic planets in association with lords of the 3rd and 8th house, or the lord of the 3rd or 8th associating with the lord of the 2nd or 7th house. Tertiary determinants include Saturn associating with any of the aforementioned marakas, the lord of the 6th or 8th associated with a maraka, and the least powerful planet in the horoscope.
The results of good and bad karmas collected by man between intervals of birth become known in this birth, and the aggregate of man’s karma shape are comprehended with the aid of Jyotisha. The Amsayu method is used to determine the possible span of life if the Lagna is vested with strength, the Pindayu method for the Sun, and the Nisargayu method for the Moon.
Longevity is determined on the strength of the horoscope in its entirety and the dasa of planets. Diseases alone are not the cause of all deaths, but diseases resulting from bad karmas cannot be cured. The grant of term of life depends on Bhagya (luck), and a person not blessed with good health does not enjoy to any extent their granted term of life.
What are the benefits of retrograde planets?
Saturn retrograde occurs annually for about four and a half months, governing discipline, responsibility, and long-term goals. This period calls for reviewing and restructuring work, authority, and personal boundaries, as well as dealing with past issues and reassessing long-term plans. The outer planets, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, spend nearly half of each year in retrograde, often influencing societal and generational shifts. Uranus retrograde prompts rethinking innovation and sudden changes, while Neptune retrograde encourages introspection on dreams and spirituality, clarifying self-deception and adjusting visions.
Pluto retrograde focuses on power and deep transformation, allowing for understanding profound changes and personal power dynamics. Planetary retrogrades offer opportunities for reflection and growth, allowing for reevaluation and realignment. Understanding each retrograde’s influence helps navigate these periods, turning potential disruptions into valuable lessons and opportunities for personal development.
What is the most powerful conjunction in astrology?
A planet in a very close conjunction to the Sun is considered Cazimi, meaning “in the heart” of the Sun. Venus is in a conjunction with the Sun with an orb of less than ~0. 28°. If a planet is moderately close to the Sun, the specific orb limit may depend on the planet. A conjunction occurs every month during the New Moon. In the past, Great Conjunctions between Jupiter and Saturn have attracted significant attention as celestial omens. This interest can be traced back to Arabic translations in Europe, such as Albumasar’s book on conjunctions.
Astronomers, including scholastic thinkers like Roger Bacon and Pierre D’Ailly, discussed these omens during the late Middle Ages and Renaissance. Omens were also mentioned in popular literary writings by authors like Dante and Shakespeare.
What does it mean when a planet is debilitated?
The revised edition of Debilitated Planets Part 2 (November 2021) discusses the weakening of planets, such as Venus, Mars, and Mercury, and their benefic or malefic effects. Debilitation is a measure of a planet’s weakness and unease of operation, not its functional nature in a horoscope. Vedic astrology provides guidelines to determine the functional nature of various planets in a horoscope. The book discusses benefic and malefic effects of these debilitated planets in each house of horoscope, along with relevant examples from horoscopes.
Vedic Astrologer and Spiritual Researcher Himanshu Shangari has written numerous books, including Nakshatras, Pitra Dosh, Kaal Sarp Yog, Important Yogas in Vedic Astrology, Gemstones, Retrograde Planets, Exalted Planets, Debilitated Planets, Heaven and Hell Within, Match Making, and Manglik Dosh. His practical and easy-to-understand approach is complemented by relevant examples from various spheres.
📹 If a planet has only one degree in the horoscope, what does it mean?
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