Jupiter and Venus are natural benefics in astrology, while the auspiciousness of the Moon and Mercury depends on the planets in conjunction with them. Mars is the lord of the ascendant and eighth house in Aries ascendant, and aries is considered a Mooltrikona sign of Mars. The nine planets in astrology are the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu.
Astrological timing, also known as electional astrology, is the art of selecting auspicious moments for significant events or decisions in one’s life. Each planet in an astrological birth chart expresses itself differently based on the zodiac sign they are located in. The seven classical planets, the Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Venus, represent the basic human drives of every individual.
In Vedic astrology, there is no single planet responsible for major turnaround, as it depends on the natives’ chart. Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, and Moon are natural benefic planets in Vedic Astrology, while Mars, Saturn, Rahu, and Jupiter are the most beneficent planets.
The sun represents identity, the moon is emotions, Mercury is communication, Venus is values, Mars is motivation, and Jupiter is the most beneficent planet. Jupiter oversees higher knowledge, wisdom, and fortune, making this an auspicious day for most people.
In summary, astrology recognizes 10 ruling planets that hold significant influence over the zodiac signs and have distinct astrological meanings. Each planet is associated with a zodiac sign, and each planet influences personality, emotions, and life events.
📹 Benefic and Malefic Planets for the 12 Rising Signs -Vedic Astrology – With Timestamps
The 12 Ascendant Signs and their Positive and Difficult Planets. Vedic Astrology To contact Himanshu for a personal reading: …
Which planet is luxury in astrology?
Venus, also known as Shukra, is a planet that symbolizes charm, beauty, happiness, luxury, romance, love, physical attraction, creativity, and aesthetics. It holds influence over various aspects of life and is often considered the Lord of Happiness. If placed in one’s horoscope positively, it can lead to a life filled with happiness and opulence. However, when placed with the malefic planet, it may exhibit adverse effects. Vedic astrology offers ways to please Venus and transform its negative impact into a positive one.
Worship Goddess Laxmi, an incarnation of Goddess Laxmi, in Hindu scriptures, to attract positive qualities associated with Venus, such as grace, charm, and generosity. Chanting the Laxmi mantra or observing fasts on Fridays can help. Adopting a diamond gemstone, one of the navratna, can open the door to a positive Venus influence in one’s horoscope. Grooming oneself, updating style and preferences, and considering a makeover can attract the opposite gender. Wearing white clothes, using fragrances, using the Shukra Yantra, and wearing a 6 Mukhi Rudraksha can also help increase the power of Venus and bring greater harmony and positivity into one’s life.
In summary, Vedic astrology offers various ways to please Venus and transform its negative impact into a positive one. By following these practices, individuals can improve their relationships, find true love, and maintain happiness in their lives.
Which planet brings money?
Dhana yogas are astrological combinations or yogas for wealth and prosperity, which are more fruitful if both the lagna and its lord are strong and there are no Arista yogas present. Jupiter is one of the natural Dhana-karakas, providing lifelong prosperity and financial stability. According to the Parasari School of Hindu astrology, the lord of the 2nd house or bhava, counted from the lagna (birth ascendant), and the 11th bhava are concerned with earning and accumulation of wealth.
The other bhavas to be reckoned with are the 5th and the 9th bhavas, known as the abodes of Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth. The inter-relationship of these wealth-giving bhavas and their respective lords ensures wealth and prosperity. Planets simultaneously owning two wealth-giving bhavas become the prime indicators of wealth. The strongest indicator is the one that owns both the 2nd and the 11th bhavas, followed by the ones who own the 5th or the 9th.
Dhana yogas depend on the lord of the 2nd who determines wealth, while the 11th is the house of gains. Dhana yogas arise when the lords of the 1st, 2nd, 5th, 9th, and 11th bhavas mutually associating, but only when the yogas happen to connect with the lagna that more significant results are seen.
Which planet gives long life?
The malefic planets in the 2nd and 12th houses can cause death, with the 7th house lord becoming a stronger maraka if it owns a trika-bhava (the 6th, 8th, or 12th house counted from the lagna). Malefic planets acquire the power to kill when associated with the 8th, 2nd, or 7th house or their lords. The dashas of the marakas can bring about death, and the lord of 12th and planet in the 12th bring about death when all else has failed.
Satan is the prime effective maraka to cause death when it is malefic and associated with planets causing death or with the lord of the 3rd or 11th house. Saturn situated in the 6th house prolongs life, and death can occur in the dasha of a weak benefic planet occupying the 8th house or the lord of the lagna can give yoga and kill the native.
The Amsayurdaya method is used for calculating longevity, while the Naisargika Ayurdaya method is required for strong Moons. The 8th house from the lagna is the house of longevity, and the 12th house counted from the 3rd and 8th houses are the marakasthanas (death-inflicting houses). The lords of the 2nd and 7th are designated as the principal Marakas (inflictors of death or killers).
Maraka means the one that causes death at the end of a life-span or causes ill-health. For Aries lagna, Venus is the maraka, while Mars, Moon, Mercury, and Mars are the marakas for Taurus lagna, Gemini lagna, Cancer and Leo lagnas, Venus for Virgo lagna, Mars for Libra lagna, Scorpio lagna, Venus and Saturn for Sagittarius lagna, Mars, Moon, and Jupiter for Capricorn lagna, Sun, Mars, and Jupiter for Aquarius lagna, and Mercury and Saturn for Pisces lagna.
A Maraka does not kill in its own antra-dasha in the dasa of a benefic planet but does so in its antra-dasha the dasha of a malefic. Death generally occurs during the antra-dasha of the lords of the trikabhavas in the dasha of a maraka.
What are the lucky planets in astrology?
Jupiter, the “greater benefic” in ancient astrologers, is associated with expansion, good fortune, wisdom, and positivity. Named after the King of the Gods, Jupiter’s exuberant presence often signifies opportunities, luck, and a benevolent outlook, promoting overall well-being and optimism. It has a deep association with philosophy, higher learning, and long-distance travel, illuminating themes related to intellectual expansion.
However, Jupiter’s strong suit is moderation, as it abides by the “go big or go home” philosophy, which means it can favor excess, indulgence, and hedonistic tendencies. It is nearly impossible for Jupiter to practice self-restraint, making it the last one at the casino or bar. People with strong Jupiterian tendencies, especially those with Sagittarius or Pisces in their birth chart, may need to work extra hard to establish internal and external boundaries.
Unlike the “personal planets” (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars), Jupiter is considered a social planet, influencing broader societal trends and collective experiences. Its 12-year orbit means it spends approximately one year in each zodiac sign, defining the Zeitgeist of that year. As of May 25, Jupiter shifted into Gemini, an air sign associated with communication, connections, and adaptability, marking an increase in social interactions, quick-moving curiosity, and accelerated exchange of ideas.
Which planet makes you millionaire?
In astrological tradition, Jupiter is regarded as a benevolent planet, associated with auspicious qualities such as fortune, abundance, and prosperity. A well-placed Jupiter in one’s birth chart is believed to be a favorable indicator for financial growth and wealth accumulation.
Which planet gives lots of wealth?
Dhana yogas are astrological combinations or yogas for wealth and prosperity, which are more fruitful if both the lagna and its lord are strong and there are no Arista yogas present. Jupiter is one of the natural Dhana-karakas, providing lifelong prosperity and financial stability. According to the Parasari School of Hindu astrology, the lord of the 2nd house or bhava, counted from the lagna (birth ascendant), and the 11th bhava are concerned with earning and accumulation of wealth.
The other bhavas to be reckoned with are the 5th and the 9th bhavas, known as the abodes of Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth. The inter-relationship of these wealth-giving bhavas and their respective lords ensures wealth and prosperity. Planets simultaneously owning two wealth-giving bhavas become the prime indicators of wealth. The strongest indicator is the one that owns both the 2nd and the 11th bhavas, followed by the ones who own the 5th or the 9th.
Dhana yogas depend on the lord of the 2nd who determines wealth, while the 11th is the house of gains. Dhana yogas arise when the lords of the 1st, 2nd, 5th, 9th, and 11th bhavas mutually associating, but only when the yogas happen to connect with the lagna that more significant results are seen.
Which planet is responsible for cold and cough?
The moon, which affects various aspects of life, is often associated with Saturn and can cause issues like dry cough, diabetes, and vomiting when aligned with the planet. Astrology, an ancient Greek tradition, helps people understand their health, personalities, and make predictions about the future. A happy, fit, and prosperous life requires maintaining good health, as health issues disrupt the entire life cycle and hinder studies, work, and earning. A physician without knowledge of astrology has no right to call themselves a physician.
Which planet is most powerful in astrology?
The Sun, a symbol of the conscious ego, self, power, pride, authority, creativity, spontaneity, health, and vitality, is considered the “life force” in astrology. It has been worshipped since Mesopotamian Religion and is associated with the heart, circulatory system, and thymus. The Sun also plays a crucial role in vitamin D production, aiding the body’s immune system and bone health. In Ayurveda, it governs life-force, pitta, stomach, bones, and eyes.
In modern astrology, the Sun is the primary native ruler of the fifth house, traditionally in the ninth house. The Sun sign is composed of 30 degrees (0-29) and is associated with Sunday. In Dante Alighieri’s music, the Sun is associated with the liberal art of music. In Chinese astrology, the Sun represents Yang, the active, assertive masculine life principle.
Which are auspicious planets?
The astrology of astrologers involves analyzing planetary aspects, including natural benefics like the full Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter, which are considered productive for good results, and those by natural malefics like the Sun, Mars, and Saturn, which are considered evil. Natural benefics with evil bhavas, such as combust or defeated in planetary war, become tainted and prove contra-productive. On the other hand, natural malefics with auspicious bhavas, acting as yogakarakas, tend to produce good results.
Astrologists must note all planetary positions, conjunctions, and aspects, which collectively form the basis for predictions. In Hindu astrology, three systems are followed: Parashari, Jaimini, and Tajika, with Indian astrologers favoring the Parashari System.
Which planet is responsible for good luck?
Jupiter, the planet of luck, represents wisdom, expansion, and spirituality. To honor this planet, one should chant the mantra “Om Brihaspataye Namaha” and wear pure food on Thursdays. Worship Lord Vishnu. Mars, a malefic planet, can bring severe challenges. Wear a Red Coral gemstone and observe fasts on Tuesdays. Saturn, the lord of karma, signifies responsibility, discipline, and structure. Practice philanthropy by donating food, clothing, and money to the less fortunate.
Mercury governs communication, intellect, and wit. Wear an emerald gemstone and enhance communication skills. Venus, the planet of love, presides over romance, pleasure, and luxury. Surround yourself with beauty, creativity, and romantic relationships. Wear a diamond to appease Venus. Rahu and Ketu, shadowy planets, can cause severe troubles in life. To please them, one should chant the mantras “Om Ram Rahave Namaha” and “Om Kem Ket Ketve Namaha” with gemstones like Hessonite and Lehsunia. Worship Maa Durga to appease Rahu and Lord Ganesha to placate Ketu. These practices are suggested by Vedic Astrology, but individual implementation depends on their perception.
Which planet is responsible for enjoying life?
The Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu are all planetary influences that can shape an individual’s career, self-worth, leadership abilities, relationships, energy levels, communication skills, intelligence, learning ability, wealth, luck, love life, creativity, discipline, responsibility, and spiritual growth. Understanding these influences can help individuals navigate positive transformations and shape a future in alignment with their highest potential.
Doshas, such as Manglik dosha, Bhakoot dosha, or Nadi dosha, may be present in a birth chart, and some can have severe effects that require immediate attention. Astrologers can suggest remedies or measures to balance astrological influences and address any negative aspects. To learn more about astrology, numerology, and Tarot, sign up for The Open Mind Astro Summit 2023.
📹 The most Important planet in Astrology | Your Most Powerful Planet in Horoscope Revealed
This Video explains the most important planet in your horoscope which shall always support you and give you good results.
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