The chakra system and Akashic Records are powerful tools for healing and transformation. By understanding the relationship between these two systems and exploring and healing energetic blocks within your Akashic Record, you can unlock the power of healing. The root chakra is the basis of life, and a person cannot live without it functioning. The third eye breathing or Aja Chakra, also known as Aja Chakra, opens doors to higher consciousness and a world beyond physicalness.
The Akashic Records are an ancient concept that hold a vibrational archive of each soul and its journey, containing both collective and individual information for the entire history of the universe. This includes past, present, and future events. The soul star chakra, located above the crown chakra, is the gateway to the Akashic field and where many believe your “records” are stored.
The Solar Plexus is more than just an energy center; it’s the battleground where self-worth, abundance, and personal power are won or lost. The data from your Akashic records ascends from your higher self, down into your body through the Crown Chakra, and is then distributed and balanced.
The chakras are shaped like funnels, with the first (root) chakra pointing downward toward the earth and the crown (seventh) chakra pointing upward. We work with the Akashic Records to get to the root cause of an issue by identifying root causes through the Heart Chakra in Level B.
The 8th chakra, also known as the Soul Star Chakra, is read during Soul Star Readings, a type of Akashic Reading that is one of the most popular. The Akashic Records, also known as “The Book of Life” or “God’s Book of Remembrance”, can be equated to the universe’s super-computer system.
📹 Tapping Into The Akashic (Space) Intelligence | Simple Process 3 Times A Day | Sadhguru
If one can Get support from Akashic (Space) intelligence, he will have a blessed life. Ever wondered why some people seem to …
Who is the god of Manipur Chakra?
The Yoginis, including Chakra Deity Athi Devi, Manipura, Vishnu, Varahi, Anahata, Rudra, Vaishnavi, Vishuddha, Jivatma, Kaumari, Ajna, Paramatma, and Maheshvari, are intimately connected with one another.
Can anyone read Akashic record?
Linda Howe, a spiritual master and healer, has developed the Pathway Prayer Process, an infallible method for accessing the Records, which were previously accessible only to a select few.
How to see Akashic Records?
Dr. Linda Howe, a leading international expert in using the Akashic Records for personal empowerment and transformation, has made her Pathway Prayer Process© freely available to the world community. This sacred prayer lifts individuals to a divine level of consciousness, opening doors to the Records, where they can access their “soul blueprint” and learn about their destiny. This process is the first to bring conscious, reliable access to the Records.
Who first mentioned Akashic Records?
The term “akasha” was introduced to theosophy by Helena Blavatsky, who referred to it as a life force and “indestructible tablets of the astral light” recording both the past and future of human thought and action. Alfred Percy Sinnett further disseminated the notion of an akashic record in his book Esoteric Buddhism, citing Henry Steel Olcott’s A Buddhist Catechism. Olcott argued that Buddha taught two eternal things: “Akasa” and “Nirvana”, which states that everything has come out of Akasa in obedience to a law of motion inherent in it and passes away.
C. W. Leadbeater’s Clairvoyance further associated the term with the idea, identifying the akashic records as something a clairvoyant could read. Alice A. Bailey also wrote in her book The Light of the Soul on The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali – Book 3 – Union Achieved and Its Results.
Can anyone learn Akashic Records?
The Akashic Record can be observed with clarity through the practice of deep meditation. However, it may require a significant investment of time to achieve the requisite depth of meditation necessary to perceive it.
What chakra holds abandonment?
The Heart Chakra, located at the heart center, is concerned with love, compassion, acceptance, and trust. It can be affected by overwhelming rejection and betrayal, leading to feelings of isolation, emotional coldness, and difficulty with forgiveness. The Throat Chakra, located at the throat, serves communication, inspiration, expression, and faith. It can be disrupted by being yelled at, lied to, and overly criticized, leading to shyness or fear of speaking up. Open the heart and throat to express without fear.
What is the power of the Akashic Records?
The Akashic Records are a spiritual library that contains information about the world, including past and present events. Spiritual teacher Sandra Anne Taylor provides an introductory guide to this philosophy, teaching readers about the Akashic Records, how to access them, how to travel the eternal timeline to investigate the past, present, and potential future, how past lives influence us today, how to use the Akashic Records to find purpose, expand talents, and find greater success and joy in life, and how to program future events within the records of this life and in lifetimes to come.
Which chakra is karma stored?
Karma is primarily associated with the mooladhar chakra, which is regarded as the fundamental chakra. If the mooladhar chakra is functioning optimally, one can progress to the other three significant chakras: mooladhar, swadhistan, and manipooragam.
What chakra is trauma stored in?
The root chakra is the energy center most related to traumatic experiences and memories. All seven chakras store traumatic and difficult memories that correspond to their unique life themes and emotional lessons. Trauma is any unforgettable, deep-seated memory whose impressions become engraved in the body, transforming into imprints and irrational conclusions about life and others. The reason for these impressions seems almost unerasable is that in those moments, the stable and familiar picture of life was severely disrupted and shaken in unexpected ways. Unprepared, the body and mind became frozen, and the person sank into a state of powerlessness.
Some difficult memories can be described more specifically as root chakra traumas. These experiences are directly related to physical dangers, life-threatening situations, and upheavals, resulting in profound insecurity. Physical traumas may involve serious diseases, chronic conditions, exposure to great danger, deaths of people around us, near-death experiences, violent attacks or physical abuse, facing natural disasters, wars, and terror attacks, and physical shocks during birth or during birth. This range of experiences can lead us to conclude that it is not safe to be embodied.
What happens when manipura chakra opens?
The chakras, or seven wheels of energy, are located from the crown of the head to the base of the spine. The third chakra, manipura, or the solar plexus chakra, is the body’s energy powerhouse. When spinning properly, it allows energy to flow. However, if blocked, it can lead to feelings of powerlessness, stagnation, or anger. The navel chakra, also known as the solar plexus chakra, is associated with fire and is located at the navel. The name “manipura” means “lustrous gem of the city” and is associated with the color yellow, indicating its connection to fire and the sun.
What is the Manipura Chakra good for?
The Manipura Chakra, the seat of the digestive fire, regulates the function of the digestive organs, controlling energy and maintaining equilibrium in bodily processes. The presence of obstructions can result in a range of complications, including digestive disorders, circulatory issues, diabetes, and liver-related concerns.
📹 Opening the 8th Chakra – Preparation for Accessing the Akashic Records
The 8th Chakra holds all your past life information and karmic residue. This exercise will not only provide greater access the …
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