Chakras, or vortexes of electromagnetic energy, play a crucial role in our emotional well-being. They are vortexes that give and receive energy, but emotional wounds and trauma can block them, preventing them from delivering life force to the body. The root chakra, located at the base of the spine, is most closely associated with anger. However, imbalances in other chakras, such as the Throat or Heart chakras, can also contribute to negative mental health.
Chakra polarity is a concept that plays out in real life, with the second and sixth chakras representing our emotions. For example, a negative thought pattern can block the flow of energy in the solar plexus chakra, which is associated with self-esteem and self-worth. Understanding and aligning your energy with astrology and the chakra system can transform negative thinking and unlock your potential.
A blocked and unbalanced solar plexus chakra is probably the harshest imbalance related to anxiety. Chakras circulate praana in the body, and the quality of thoughts affects each chakra in a positive or negative way. Each chakra has a shadow emotion associated with it, such as fear, guilt, shame, grief, and lies.
Healing negative thoughts and feelings with meditation and yoga can free your mind of negativity and forge a deeper connection with yourself. A healthy Third Eye Chakra shows up as keen intuition, insight, imagination, good memory, and seeing the big picture. Understanding the nature of vibration and the chakra system allows for a quick and simple way to understand different relationship dynamics.
📹 “Once You Unlock The CHAKRAS, Reality Is Yours” (Ancient Method)
Joe Dispenza shares one of the key ways Dispenza suggests realigning the chakras, or energy centers in the body, is through …
What causes negativity in mind?
Negativity is often a result of depression, insecurity, illness, life events, personality problems, and substance abuse. It can become a habit through frequent criticism, cynical thoughts, and denial, creating neural pathways that encourage sadness. This can distort the truth and make it difficult to break the negative cycle. However, most habits can be broken, and it takes 21 days to break a habit. Negativity can manifest in various ways, including a general distrust of people and their motives.
How to control negative thoughts in astrology?
The astrological remedies for negative thoughts include the avoidance of past mistakes, the concentration on the present, and the pursuit of assistance from a reputable astrologer. Negative thoughts have the potential to engender feelings of despair. However, addressing these issues can facilitate the overcoming of challenges.
What chakra is lack of empathy?
The green chakra symbolizes our interconnection with our hearts and others, whereas the blue chakra oversees the regulation of communication, self-expression, and veracity. An imbalance in the heart chakra may result in feelings of loneliness, a fear of intimacy, and a lack of empathy. The throat chakra, associated with the color blue, represents our connection to our own truth and to the truth of others.
Which chakra is blocked by guilt?
The sacral chakra, located above the base of the spine, represents pleasure, desire, creativity, sexuality, procreation, and well-being. Its color is orange. Blocking this chakra can lead to compulsive behavior, emotional issues, and sexual guilt. The solar plexus chakra, located near the navel, is associated with anger, joy, laughter, and personal power. Its color is yellow. Blocking this chakra may result in a lack of direction, frustration, anger, or victimization.
The heart chakra, the center of love, brings compassion, peace, and harmony. Its color is green. Blocking this chakra may manifest as immune system, heart, or lung issues or a lack of compassion, inhumanity, or unethical behavior.
What are the negative emotions of the chakras?
Chakras are a system of chakras that correspond to different emotions, such as fear, guilt, shame, grief, lies, illusion, and attachment. These emotions can be released through specific asanas. The first chakra, located at the base of the spine, is associated with survival and foundation, while the second chakra, below the navel, is related to sexuality and creativity. Leg-engaging and hip-opening postures can help release trapped energy in these areas, while back-bending, shoulder-opening, and twists can enhance these energy states. By incorporating these techniques into our daily practice, we can better manage and release our emotional pain.
Which planet is responsible for negative thoughts?
Astrology reveals the planets Saturn, Moon, and Mercury, which are associated with negative thoughts and overthinking. Saturn, the planet of discipline and sorrow, is often linked to hard work and structure. However, a negative birth chart can lead to fear, anxiety, and pessimism, causing individuals to focus on negative aspects of life. The Moon, the planet of emotions and mind, governs our emotions, instincts, and mental state. A weak Moon can cause emotional instability, mood swings, and a tendency to dwell on negative thoughts. Unbalanced Moon energy can lead to overthinking and lack of mental peace.
What is a negative chakra?
Negative Chakra is a powerful technique in Ninjutsu and Genjutsu, enhancing the power of techniques. Some users can use pure Negative Chakra to perform powerful techniques and sense negative emotions. The concept of merging Negative and Positive Chakra was inspired by “Fear” from “Nura: Rise of the Yōkai Clan” and “Dou” from History’s Strongest Disciple Kenichi. Users can change the color based on negative emotions.
Which chakra makes you mentally strong?
The Manipura or Solar Plexus Chakra is linked to confidence, personal power, and self-esteem. An imbalance can lead to feelings of powerlessness, low self-esteem, and lack of motivation. A balanced solar plexus chakra empowers individuals to feel assertive and in control of their lives. The Anahata or Heart Chakra, the center of compassion, love, and emotional well-being, can lead to feelings of resentment, loneliness, and inability to give or receive love.
A balanced heart chakra fosters harmonious relationships, emotional healing, and empathy. The Vishuddha or Throat Chakra governs self-expression, communication, and authenticity. An imbalanced throat chakra can result in difficulties in self-expression, lack of clarity, and fear of speaking up.
Which chakra is hatred?
An imbalance in the heart chakra can lead to symptoms such as jealousy, grudges, grief, hatred, unworthiness, fear of betrayal, and physical heart problems. To address this, gratitude practices can be beneficial, such as deep breathing, visualization of gratitude slideshows, and keeping a gratitude journal. Heart opening and back bending yoga postures, such as Ustrasana, Natarajasana, Gomukhasana, Purvottanasana, Bhujangasana, Urdhva-Mukha Svanasana, and Raja Kapotasana, can help balance the heart chakra. These practices can help improve overall well-being and reduce the risk of heart problems.
Which chakra imbalance causes negative thoughts?
The heart chakra is linked to compassion, trust, passion, and love, and imbalances can lead to anger, anxiety, jealousy, fear, and moodiness. Overactive heart chakras can cause high blood pressure, heart palpitations, and heart problems. The throat chakra, represented by blue and ether, controls the neck, mouth, and tongue, and is linked to self-expression, communication, and confidence. Balancing the throat chakra helps regulate hormone flow and promote positive inner thoughts.
The third eye, represented by indigo, is set between the eyebrows and controls intellect, intuition, wisdom, and spiritual power. Balancing these chakras can help maintain a healthy balance in one’s life.
Which chakra is self hate?
The Solar Plexus blockage is typified by an inability to overcome fear and anxiety, a sense of being adrift, and issues pertaining to self-esteem. The symptoms include a tendency to seek control over others and situations.
📹 Remove ALL Negative Energy, Chakra Balance: Purify & Release Negative Emotions
#removeallnegativeenergy #chakrabalance #chakrahealingmusic Manifest Miracles, Calm The Mind, Remove All Negative …
If you’re reading this comment, it’s too late, you’ve already been immensely blessed with an abundance of love, wealth, luck, health, joy, and whatever else your heart desires!! I’m so proud of you for surviving everything you’ve been through. This is your sign to go after what your heart most desires for the highest good, it’s your time.
Right now, there are people all over the world who are just like you. They’re either lonely, they’re missing somebody, they’re depressed, they’re hurt, they’re scarred from the past, they’re having personal issues no one knows about, they have secrets you wouldn’t believe. They wish, they dream and they hope. And right now, they are sitting here reading these words, and I’m writing this for you so you dont feel alone anymore. Always remember, don’t be depressed about the past, don’t worry about the future, and just focus on today. 🖤
I came here tonight because I am in a tough spot in my life currently. I turned this sound on I closed my eyes and I started crying. I went through an abusive breakup, I lost my car, I have no place to stay, i am suffering the consequences of my poor decisions I’ve made in the past and the worst of all is I lost one of the only persons I could talk to without judgement and that was my father. All this happened in the span of 2 years which is awful. Tonight I was feeling very lonely and depressed but a little voice in me told me that everything is going to be alright. I don’t need a man or nice things to be happy, all I need is to love myself and have faith. The universe is always perusal and listening. There will be good days and there will be bad days, just push through it and be positive. Sacrifices and major losses have to happen in order for growth and success to come. Believe it, tell yourself it, and FEEL IT. These are something’s I tell myself to keep going and I hope whoever is reading this, that it touches you in the way it did me. Thank you so much for reading
I know my comment is easily lost here, but if you’re reading this, it’s no coincidence. Be sure, gain strength! Even if you are going through something very difficult in your life. Believe that everything will work out! This is just a phase, hang on! I know we don’t know each other, but I believe in you! Rest assured that God is always on your side! 😃
The problems you’re facing won’t last forever, no matter how bad they might seem. If you ever feel lost or hopeless, just remember: the night is always darkest before the sunrise.You’re going to get through this. I know you will. Now, get some rest. You’ve earned it, and you deserve it. Peace be with you, my friend. 💖
If you are reading this, I want to tell you that everything will be fine. You are incredible, you are unique, you can face anything in your life, you have the strength within yourself to overcome any obstacle, loss or situation. You are not alone, you are loved, you have the right to feel bad and good, you have the right to feel. Be blessed by these positive vibes and live your life to the fullest. I am sending my love to the universe so that I can reach you.❤❤
If you’re reading this, it’s no coincidence—you’ve already been blessed beyond measure with love, wealth, luck, health, joy, and everything your heart could ever dream of. I’m incredibly proud of you for surviving all the challenges you’ve faced. This is your sign to chase after what your soul truly longs for, to pursue the highest good. It’s your time—go after it with all your heart.
if you’re reading this, I’m happy you’re alive. I’m happy that we all get to experience this life together. it gets hard. it makes you question your purpose. you may even think that the world is better off without you. but you just seen my comment for a reason. this is your sign to keep pushing, because i know you were looking for one. your existence matters. keep going on your journey. it doesn’t end here❤️
Dear fellow soul, you will get through it! You have more potential within you than you might think right now. Always remember that you are infinitely loved, accepted & supported by the universe. All you have to do is to listen to your heart & your intuitions! Go & take some rest now, because you deserve it! I send to you many blessings & tranquil vibrations, I hope that they will reach to you. 💙
Starting my 2023 off right! 2022 was an extremely difficult year for me. I spent all of New Year’s Eve reflecting on it & planning for how I want 2023 to be better. I got up this morning & started putting my plans into action. I cleaned my space & put this music on right before I smudged my space. I’m taking some deep breaths & feeling better already! I release everything that no longer serves me to make space for things that do! May 2023 be better for all of us. Sending love & light to everyone for posting such beautiful comments! Thank you & have a great new year!
Wishing everyone an amazing nights rest. Proud of you all for continuing to push through everyday day, day in and day out. You all deserve the best. This is your sign that all will be even better than it was before. Let go of anything holding you back cause it’s time for new blessings to come in. 🙏🏽
This is what we hear when we die, what we feel as our souls leave our mortal bodies, we travel through the clouds on hearing the voices we know of our loved ones calling, they beckon us and the closer we are to our final breath the louder the voices become. Then there we are! Sheer joy, the smell of every flower ever bloomed. The voices on earth now grew silent, that light gone as a new light carried me to a higher plane that no one knows of until we die. No more fears or worries, bliss takes its place. We are young again…reborn a new way… Amen
Accountability to a higher power, god, karma is KEY to success in life. Oftentimes people are so focused on ego based realities they get lost in doing things for themselves rather than co-creating realities with the most high. Sending this message to do what you love and wishing that you manifest your best life based on what the universe wants for you. 💜 Heart-Based Manifestation YouTuber
Right on time. My mother told at the table today that she didn’t want me to come to Thanksgiving with the family when she called and asked me to come. Just because my sister and I got into it and she said I can leave. I am releasing the need to have my immediate family. I don’t need anyone who doesn’t need me. I love me. I am all I need.
Eu perdi meu emprego, tive que trancar minha faculdade faltando 1 ano para terminar, comecei a ter diversas crises de ansiedade e pânico, não sei quantas vezes já chorei durante essa pandemia, mas estou aqui feliz por ler os comentários positivos. Se você ler isso no futuro, acredite tudo pode melhorar, não desiste não, tem muita gente torcendo pelo seu bem e desejando que você seja bem sucedido nos seus sonhos e metas. VOCÊ CONSEGUE!
To who ever is reading this, i really do hope you strive in positivity! You matter! You are somebody! Remember who you are and know your worth. I dont know anybody here but you are loved even if its a dark place your in just Remember you are loved. Now breathe amd let go of all your problems and start the new day as positive as you can. I love you guys. May my words give you a positive outlook❤️
I’m struggling with life’s problems, the usual, financial, legal, addictions, family… you know, all the struggles that everyone is having. But I thank God and Jesus every day for what I do have, and I am trying to be positive. This music is helping me turn off some of the worry in my head and concentrate on how to improve myself and faith in God.
I love listening to this. It makes me feel Angelic 👼 I feel a joy, peace and happiness come over me. I can just see myself in a setting with my Team of Guides being embraced. Like a little town of beautiful homes (The Princess Bride type of town) 🏡🏡🏡 🕯️ 🥖 and Guides everywhere. Beings like the beautiful creatures in The Abyss 🧚🏻♀️ This is my go to for bedtime and meditation. 🧘🏻 It’s just amazing. May peace and love be with you all ❤
Hi Star 🌟 this is awesome 😎 🙏gratitude 🙏it so in touch with the healing 🦋of our chakra 🌈 Whoever is reading this I send you hugs 🤗 compassion peace 🕊love as you are really awesome 😎 We can celebrate our life, or we can live it in sorrow 🙁 it’s a choice we have . With Jason we have that chance to give his guidance 🧘♀️in us all his love ❣️his prayers ✝️we can be survivors 🦁with positive faith ✝️ Have a wonderful Thursday love❣️ and light 🏮🦄🦉🦅🦋🦘💌💌
I started coming to this page recently in the mornings when my family and I prepare for work and school. It has helped me relax more, meditate better, focus on getting rid of negativity and distractions around me/in my life, and just overall build a better version of me. On different days it affects me differently depending on what I maybe facing at the moment. But, overall it has been a blessing to find this page🙏🏽!! It helps my family as well. Just always remember that there’s a higher source so beautiful, loving, and powerful enough to help you get through it all. Trust and believe. Don’t ever fight battles alone. The universe is always here with us all. No matter what, God will be there🙏🏽
You really do grow through what you go through, just know that this too shall pass…The tough times have not come to stay but they have come to pass and your test shall be your testimony. However cliché these sayings may be they really are true ‘what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger’ and ‘there is light at the end of the tunnel’ and let me tell you something, the end of the tunnel may be a lot closer than you think. You are love & you are loved❤️
I love the music and the vibrations of love and positive in all the comments below. The world should stop and read these beautiful messages. I get the sense like I was almost brought here to read and gain hope from the things people say. The music is just a beautiful background for what our emotions are trying to express when we hear this and reflect our lives, this moment that will never be again, so make it utter best. Love Nathaniel Sterling.
I have been going through the most heart ache this morning that i just could’nt get myself together. My mind has been on a 1,000 and then this happen i went to this meditation and found myself so relax that i fell into a deep sleep and iall i can remember was laughing so hard that my heart started to flutter. Thank you to the person that made this because this just brightened up my day
Goodmorning, goodnight. Stay alive in this fight. Breath.. let it out, your here with me! God is here in all of us. Close your eyes. The colors you see are normal. Pic a color and focus. Shine with that color. Now grab your heart and hold on tight remember we are still in this fight. Open your eyes, your ready! Stay focused on that color. Your beautiful remember! You won my angel! We are all angels! Just listen!
To the woman I loved with all my heart. And I wrong thank you for the second chance at friendship. Thank you for expecting me for who I am. And still loving me. When I know I don’t deserve it. Today is my first time listening to this because of her. I will be listening to this everyday from this day forward. You brought me out of my darkness. And you are showing me the way to the light. I love you always morgan k. For always being there for me. And to Jason I thank you for this. It can change your whole perspective on life with the music. And everyone’s positive and caring comments. I am starting a whole new chapter on life. Thank you all.
I just left a place where the vibrations where very low. I prayed for all of us to receive inner strength and peace. On my way home I cried while praying and by time I got home I was calm. I went on this app and turn straight to this. Thank you for allowing us to enlighten our souls and calm our spirits to these wonderful frequencies. All goodness and blessings to follow. Abundance of Peace Love Blessings Good Health & Laughter in our life ❤
La gente que lea esto que sepa que tanto yo como todos hemos pasado por alguna época de agobio, estrés o crisis, pero quiero que sepas seas quien seas que ningun ser humano es perfecto, si no consigues algo porque no te da tiempo no te tortures, simplemente no podemos cambiar el tiempo, y si quereis un consejo personal para el agobio de estudios, solo os digo que si no avanzais no se os quita el agobio, asi que siempre palante y talante. ÁNIMO!
My grand mother is ill . She is in pain . I am in the hospital. It’s really heartbreaking to see your most loved one in such pain and discomfort. I just hope she gets well soon . I am just trying to relax myself by listening to this . A long way ahead in the morning, not sure what is in store for me, for her or for our family . But I will keep moving and won’t loose hope on her . Hope everyone stays safe
Ive been singing all day” I can see clearly now the rain is gone….” Loving life an all who are in it! I wana say a huge thank you to our creator all our ancestors an my angles that walk beside me. Thank you for blessing me yet another day! Thank you for assisting me I’m skating as fast as I can to bringing my family home an cup home! Its been a long time coming, i wouldn’t change a thing because I wouldn’t be who I am at this very moment! What a ride! Thankfully I was lucky enough to have a kick butt driver an leader to help guide me along the way! For you my dear I greatly appreciate! An have come to appreciate an respect you even more. My love for you runs deep an stretches from infinity an beyond! I am so pumped to take these next few steps, mommas gotta mean slap shot. Thank you for always believing in me! You always told me keep my head up an don’t look down, that will be the min. You get knocked down. Head up, skates laced an ready to kill it ALEXANDRA OVECHKIEN SYLE!
I have to attend My Beautiful Friends Celebration of Lofe 23rd Sept at 1pm UK x im in such turmoil over her sad unexpected Passing I so need to try n get some sleep x my head n heart are in pieces x I havent taken care of my mind body or spirit since I learned of her passing 2 weeks ago via not eating not sleeping etc x I so hope this beautiful music will help and after tomorrow I can begin to take more care of myself x I pray for Everybody Everywhere who is sadly in pain in any shape or form will heal n x Love n light to One & All x
IN my life, when I have lost “loved ones”, it was always a hurt in my heart that in time it slowly went away, But,, when I lost the “one you I loved” it has hurt me to the core of my soul” I have found inner peace and tranquillity in meditation, I have even felt the presence of my husband soul in my aura, may inner peace be with you all !!
Thank you very much for making this excellent heavenly music available to us. It would be superfluous to talk about the author of this wonder, but it is necessary to thank the talent of the hands that execute it for the pleasure of our sense of hearing and for the enjoyment of the scope of our emotional apparatus.
I pray to God all of those which such kind hearts, words, thoughts and Spirits–Souls, Be Blessed. I am going through such a long, grueling journey in the wilderness and am blinded by the darkness all around me. Often, the only light is the light inside me and it flickers… I’m so tired… If I make it through, it will only be by and through the grace of GOD, The Great and Holy Hashem. I pray for you all, for all you need, and that you can be the difference in the world, whatever great or small but no less significant than another, that you were sent here to be. May HIS will be done, that we may be free. In the name of The Holy Meschiach I pray, even Yeshewah, Amen. 😇 🙏❤️🕊️
I was going through another anxiety attack… the third one since last night and it stopped me at 14 mins… I’m still trying to stay focused on the task at hand and bring in positivity buy there’s too much going on in my back and shoulders to release it all right now. But it’s time to stick to my resolution of meditating twice a day now… and I thought I was doing good this year….
I deserve to have all of my wounds cleansed, especially those that have been the most bothersome. I’ve had flakes of skin that have fallen on the upper parts of my face and tearing mostly from my left eye and pressure in my lower forehead that had been more annoying when I’d been tearing and reddish discoloration near my eyes and on my cheeks. All of these wounds that have held me back in life deserve to be eradicated from me and I shall have a new life free from them not long from now.
I am very close to yet another countless rock bottom. I sleep in my car right now and, just have nothing. I don’t mean material things my sanity is almost gone. I cry nightly; I’m crying typing this Yet, I somehow dredge up hope and, despite everything being so F’d up for so long I will break free from this and, when I do I will be super human strong. Life is friggin tough man but, there is nothing that will stop me permanent. I listen to this to sleep a lot and, it might be helping me to find this strength to push through. Anyone going through similar pain keep fighting and, I will fight with you!
I am releasing a hard breakup that occur last year in 2023 . I can say we can get through the rough ass moments n still get up on your feet again . ” i release very strong pain, i release every moment of action with just being with that person. I release Tears that i never felt before !! For 2024 ‘ Make me a better human being, 777 i want to have money, abundance, Wealth, my health being on point . Feeding my family as a protector ❤
I keep seeing the number 5, looks like the universe connected me to this article and The article length is 5 hours long . Trying to reach my goals and sometimes when I feel like I’m not getting anywhere I get really down and depressed but I know that the universe is testing me to see if I am worthy. Now that the universe connected me to this article fellow souls that leave comments have me feeling safe and sound I feel secure seeing comments saying everything will be ok. I am sure everyone will reach their goals I love all of my fellow souls, let’s keep on pushing.
i need help to end my addiction with opiates, i have so many open wounds on my body from drug use, like 8/10. need them to close up more before i can do rehab, but they are not healing normally, my name is Sarah from New Jersy, please send love n light, n positive thoughts as i try to go in within next 9 days. Sending it right back to all of you. love!!!Light!!
It’s article like these that keeps my mind clear and calm. It’s like a whole new world where I’m free from it all. I’m free from capitalism, communism, conservatives, consumerism. EVERYTHING that’s bad here in the earth world. It’s like we have the freedom to make our own choices and not live up to the norm and peer pressure.
I’ve going through really hard time rn especially when i found out that my bf who i used to love sm has cheated on me with a pretty girl i felt so worthless i was depressed and i cried sm i put on this sound and i tried to relax but couldn’t help but remember all of the memories and how perfect was he at the beginning i cried my eyes out and i am still trying to heal i hope i feel better soon cuz ik that i don’t deserve this as if i treated him so good i loved him so badly and i would’ve gave him everything he wanted but ended up with a broken heart that hurted me cuz he could’ve just broke up with me normally but no he cheated like- cheated 💔 but ye i hope everyone’s fine and doing well hope if i read this one day I’d be happy and moved on- love you future self u are doing so well ❤️🩹
I feel as though I have been blanketed by negative energy and a low vibrational frequency for most of my life. I’m 21. I am stepping more into myself as I age and I want to change. I do not know where to start but I’m hoping if I can raise my vibration, I can learn to trust the universe and harness the energy to manifest. I want to attract a fulfilling career. I want to be a better person. I want to fall in love. If anyone is reading this, do you have any advice?