Currently, there are four classes of mercenaries: Tank (warrior), Healer (cleric), Melee DPS (rogue), and Caster DPS (wizard). These classes are constantly being tweaked to ensure their viability as an alternative. Blocking spells is essential for tanks due to the harmonious line of spells. A tank must force a healer merc to cast quick direct heals as much as possible, then the merc will use instant heal spells. Above a certain level, your healer merc can rez you. If you need a rez, one option is to get a healer merc if you don’t have one.
There are four types of mercs to choose from: Healing, Tanking, Rogue or a Wizard mercs. Healing mercs heal and tanking mercs tank pretty simplistic. The Rogue merc does melee damage, while the Wizard merc will do magic. Healer mercs are terribad and should be educated about “blocking” certain lines of spells.
Mercenaries are NPCs for hire that aid adventurers in their heroic endeavors. Their levels and abilities scale appropriately, and they think and act like heroes. Spell blocking is essential, especially when using a Healer Merc, especially when using just one Healer Merc. The biggest difference between Apprentice and Journeyman Mercs is that their use of Rank I vs Rank II spells and abilities, respectively.
Mercenaries (aka “mercs”) are NPCs for hire, taking up a group slot and require in-game currency to pay them. By blocking the first three spells (Complete Heal, Promised Recuperation, and Devout Elixir) on yourself and your pets, the Cleric Merc will cast more powerful spells. Moloing is short for mercenary soloing, which consists of forming a group only with one’s mercenary companion and going forth to kill mobs or complete quests.
📹 EVERQUEST – What is IHCmerc? What can it do for you and how to use it
This tutorial shows you how to setup and use IHCmerc. IHC merc is an add on that works with the Redguides Very Vanilla MQ2.
How does Merc magic find work?
The relationship between Magic Find and Mercenaries is uncomplicated. To illustrate, if one possesses 300 MF and the mercenary has 150 MF, the Magic Find is multiplied by the former’s value, resulting in an effective MF on the killing blow of 450.
What is the root spell in Everquest?
Root is a spell that impairs movement and is primarily used for crowd control and root-DoTing. It immobilizes its target for a short time and is used for various abilities such as cleric, druid, enchanter, necromancer, Paladin, ranger, shakeman, and wizard. The root effect can be boosted by Grasping Roots, targeted AE+ DD, Enchanter, Necromancer, Paladin, Ranger, Shaman, and Wizard. Snare is another detrimental spell that reduces its target’s movement rate by a percentage. The root effect is particularly useful when an add enters a fight or when casting DoTs on a non-summoning monster while it is rooted.
How do you use memorized spells?
Players need to equip a staff to cast a spell, which costs FP and is represented by the blue bar under the health bar. They can allocate flask charges to the Flask of Cerulean Tears to recover FP without resting at a Site of Grace. To increase Flask charges, players can find Golden Seeds in Elden Ring. The damage done by spells is scaled from the player’s Intelligence, while the number of spells they can use and memorize is determined by their Mind stat. Upgrading their staff can increase the damage of their spells, with some powerful Elden Ring staffs offering bonuses to specific spell types.
What is the most popular race in EverQuest?
The most popular races in the game are Wood Elves (22. 9), followed by High Elves (15. 1) and Humans (11. 7). The least popular races are Ogres (0. 7), Trolls (1. 4), and Iksars (2. 6). Female players are more likely to want to be Wood Elves than male players. The most popular class is the Druid (15. 5), followed by the Enchanter (10. 2) and the Cleric (8. 9). The least popular class is the Shadow Knight (2. 2), Monk (3. 9), and Rogue (4. 3).
How do you dismiss Merc in Everquest?
Suspending a mercenary is a simple and convenient way to temporarily hide them until you are ready to summon them again. To suspend a mercenary, click on the red button under their name in the Mercenary tab of your Character sheet (press C). To summon them again, click on the green button.
If your character is inactive, their mercenary will automatically suspend to prevent them from draining your coin. If you manually suspend the mercenary, the suspend timer is 1 minute. Each time you summon or resume your mercenary, you will pay the upkeep.
You can set specific behaviors for your mercenary to automatically carry out using the drop-down arrows next to your name in the behaviors window. These behaviors can be directed at anyone you group with or set to None, making them passive.
In summary, suspending a mercenary is a convenient and convenient way to temporarily hide them until you are ready to summon them again.
How to get more merc slots eq?
The quest involves crafting various items, including a Great Feast, Shreddergut Booze, Mercenary Tableware, Rugged Blades, Durable Bows, Custom-Fit Armor, Prowler Pelt, Plated Filament, and Simple Sewing Needle. Players must hail Cook Yates, Quartermaster Quinn, Mercenary Captain Cecille, and Craft a Mercenary Signet Ring. Cook Yates receives the Great Feast, Shreddergut Booze, and Mercenary Tableware, while Quartermaster Quinn receives Rugged Blades, Durable Bows, and Custom-Fit Armor.
Mercenary Captain Cecille receives a Mercenary Signet Ring, which is awarded the first Level of the Hero’s Barracks AA, which grants an extra Merc Slot. Players must complete the quest three more times to obtain all levels of this AA.
Mercs behave and perform based on four player-controlled options, with one being blocked spells for Healer Mercs. Players must gather items from various vendors to complete the quest. The first level of the Hero’s Barracks AA grants an extra Merc Slot, and players must complete the quest three more times to obtain all levels.
How to see blocked spells in eq?
The “EQ Button” allows players to block spells and pets. This feature opens a window where players can view their blocked buffs. To remove a blocked buff, right-click the buff icon and select “Remove this buff”. While there are no actual cheats or secrets for playing EQ, players may not know how to use certain items. Topical questions are addressed in this page, and if you have a question or answer, please share it.
How to get merc gear eq?
Mercenary gear is sold for Marks of Valor, which are rewarded from doing Heroic Adventures. The equipment has been simplified and improved, with all existing pieces of mercenary equipment now being ‘Faded’ items that can be converted to newer equivalent level and archetype items. Vendors selling mercenary equipment now sell the newer items. There are now four archetypes of mercenary equipment corresponding to each of the four mercenary types: Defender, Soother, Assassin, and Sorcerer.
Mercenary equipment slots have been changed from head, chest, primary, and secondary to ear, neck, shoulder, and waist to correct a bug that would cause melee DPS and tank mercenaries to become less effective when wielding primary/secondary equipment. Two new sets of mercenary equipment have been created for Empires of Kunark, one can be purchased for Sathir Trade Gems in Lceanium, while the other set can be obtained as rare drops from basepop and rare creatures.
Level 100+ mercenaries have had their base stats improved, with increased total HP and evasion of tank mercenaries, healer mercenaries, melee damage mercenaries, and spell damage mercenaries. Healer and damage caster mercenaries will now update their target when casting spells, and an innate defensive effect has been added to Journeyman mercenaries.
Mercenaries have been simplified, with no longer Tiers of mercenaries, only Apprentice and Journeyman ranks. To use Journeyman mercenaries, players must have an all-access account, including temporary all access gained through using Krono.
What is the best merc in eq?
The cleric merc is the most suitable choice for magicians, monks, and necromancers due to its superior healing abilities and HP buffs. At lower levels, a warrior merc may be suitable for extra damage, but low-level magicians rarely need much help. Monks, on the other hand, are more suitable due to their hard hitting, tanking, and survival skills. However, low- to mid-level monks with survival-enhancing equipment may consider using a warrior to gain extra DPS while covering defensive and healing needs. Monks can also solo without the merc for full experience gain.
Necromancers, on the other hand, often use warrior mercs as a second pet to attack the mob from behind while kiting. This can increase DPS but reduce the necromancer’s experience per kill. This is particularly useful for speeding up the completion of faction quests that require a certain number of kills. Overall, the cleric merc is a versatile and effective choice for various situations in the game.
How to block merc spells in eq?
The /blockspell command allows users to block and unblock spells using chat commands. This feature is useful for creating hotkeys for quick spell blocking or for those who prefer using chat commands. To use this feature, users need to know the spell-id, a numeric value representing the spell. There is no comprehensive list of spell-ids, so users can access them online. To access a list of spell-ids, visit lucy. allakhazam. com/.
What is the strongest pet class in EverQuest?
Mages have the strongest pets at every tier, with Necro pets at 49 and 59 being particularly impressive. However, they are almost nothing without their pets, as they cannot control targets while nuking them. If the pet dies, the mage cannot root, snare, mez, slow, feign death, self heal, gating, or resummon. Despite this, mages are the easiest to solo with, as it’s mainly brute force of the beefy pet tanking alongside you.
The author tends to lean towards either BL or Necro, and then beef up their pets to bridge the gap in pet strength between them and Mage pets. Necro and BL have utility and self-survivability, as they can do almost anything in this game, but mostly in a selfish version. They can succor themselves but not a group, tap heal themselves but not heal the group, and feign death to save themselves when everyone else is dying.
Mages are more enjoyable when boxing, as they are easier to be effective with as a box compared to other classes that require more focus. Boxed mages may not be as good as main-playing mages, but they can reach 80-90 of the raw damage potential at least.
📹 EverQuest 2024: What Heals to Block for the Current expansion to keep your mercenary healer snappy.
You may not need to block the acquittal line. Not sure if Cleric Mercenaries actually use those. Also, there are other spells you can …
CM99games. You need to understand the difference between boxxing and botting. ANY program that allows for automatic gameplay without physical input is against the rules. You will get banned. There are programs that broadcast keystrokes, such as ISBoxer, which is not a botting program. Many multi-boxers use ISboxer, but none of it is automated, as you still need to press a key to cause a character to perform certain actions. The program you are using is automated and will cause yourself and others who use it to be banned.