A friend of mine is an atheist who practices witchcraft, despite not believing in deities. Most witches were ordinary Christian women who were accused of witchcraft by their neighbors or denounced under torture. Atheists may not believe religious teachings but are quite informed about religion. In the 2019 religious knowledge survey, atheists were among the best-performing groups. Despite being written out of large parts of history, atheists thrived in polytheistic societies of the ancient world, raising considerable doubts about whether humans truly believed in magick.
Religiously “unaffiliated” individuals, including atheists and agnostics, are less likely to believe in witchcraft relative to Christians. Many atheists think that their atheism is the product of rational thinking, using arguments such as “I don’t believe in God, I believe in science”. Wicca, an alternative minority religion whose adherents, regardless of gender, call themselves witches, began in the U.K. in the 1940s.
Witchcraft and witchcraft are part of the same belief system, with “Witchcraft Beliefs around the World: An Exploratory Analysis” released in November by economist Boris Gershman of American University. Witchcraft and “witch” are not mutually exclusive labels, and many people view witchcraft as a way of living peaceful lives and healing others. The witch community is growing, and atheists practicing witchcraft are becoming more common.
A guide discusses the basics of atheistic witchcraft, which is great for beginners or people who have been mistakenly thought they were spiritual.
📹 Ex-Christian Asks TOUGH Questions About GOD!
Jesus #god #christian #atheist #apologetics In this video Frank Turek from @CrossExamined a FORMER Christian presses Dr.
Can you be an atheist pagan?
The term “pagan” is used to describe an individual who does not adhere to the beliefs of a particular deity or deities, yet may hold beliefs in other spiritual entities. This individual may also be referred to as a non-believer, which illustrates that the terms “pagan” and “non-believer” are not mutually exclusive, as they depend on the individual’s personal definition.
How rare is atheism?
The 2023 National Public Opinion Reference Survey indicates that the proportion of adults in the United States who identify as atheists has decreased from 3% in 2014 and 2% in 2007. Pew Research Center surveys indicate that atheists in the United States are predominantly male and relatively young. Specifically, 64% of atheists are men, and 71% are 49 or younger, compared to 52% of all U. S. adults.
Can you go to AA as an atheist?
AA and NA are open to individuals of all religious and non-religious backgrounds, as long as they desire to stop drinking or using. Alternative groups, such as 12-step alternative groups, local support groups, student groups, private group therapy, or alumni group meetings, are also available. If these groups don’t work, try another one. The key is to continue trying and reaching out for support. The Salad Bar of Recovery is a concept that combines the 12-step and non-12-step groups, methods, online meetings, and chats, similar to an industrial-sized salad bar.
The salad bar includes romaine lettuce, carrots, cherry tomatoes, chicken, garbanzo beans, and pasta salad, with the option to leave some items on the plate or try something new if not satisfied. The goal is to reach out and get support, regardless of the type of group you choose.
Is atheist a true religion?
Atheism, despite not being a religion, is protected by similar constitutional rights as religion. However, it is not a religion itself, but rather our beliefs are protected in the same way as others’. Many “interfaith” groups include atheists, but this does not mean atheism is a religious belief. Some self-identifiers use terms like Agnostic, Humanist, Secular, Bright, Freethinker, etc., but it is important to use the term “Atheist” to avoid obscuring atheism or avoiding negative connotations.
The term that binds all of us together should be used. If someone calls themselves a humanist, freethinker, bright, or “cultural Catholic” and lacks belief in a god, they are an atheist. Don’t shy away from the term and embrace it.
Can atheists be Wiccan?
Wicca is a diverse religion with various theological views, including theists, atheists, and agnostics. The deities within Wicca are viewed as forms of ancient, pre-Christian divinities by its practitioners. Early Wiccan groups adhered to the duotheistic worship of a Horned God and a Mother Goddess, believed to be ancient deities worshipped by hunter-gatherers of the Old Stone Age. This theology was derived from Egyptologist Margaret Murray’s claims about the witch-cult, who claimed that the cult had venerated a Horned God at the time of the Early Modern witch trials and centuries before. Gardner embraced this duotheistic structure, which remains the underlying theological basis to his Gardnerian tradition.
The Horned God is associated with animals, the natural world, the afterlife, and is often viewed as an ideal role model for men. The Mother Goddess is associated with life, fertility, and springtime, and is described as an ideal role model for women. Wicca’s duotheism has been compared to the Taoist system of yin and yang. The names of these deities were kept secret within the tradition, although in 1964, they were publicly revealed to be Cernunnos and Aradia.
Can you be spiritual and be an atheist?
An atheist views god as an energy, not a personal, anthropomorphic deity. They believe that existence is made up of both energy and matter, and all of existence is energy. An atheist can understand a spiritual notion of god as energy, but not as a being, as a being would imply individuality. By understanding spirit as energy, the animating force of the universe, an atheist can reconcile a spiritual life with a rational philosophy.
The beauty of science lies in its ability to explore the unknown and test questions using the scientific method, allowing for empirical knowledge about something. This approach allows for a more balanced understanding of the universe and the universe itself.
What do Muslims think of atheists?
Muslims are not allowed to change their religion or become atheists, as they are often seen as essential for morality in the Arab world. Religious attitudes have become more conservative since the 1980s, but atheism is tolerated if it is not conspicuous. A worldwide support network for ex-Muslims has existed since 2007. Some commentators believe that the number of undeclared atheists in the Arab world is substantial. The increasing number of ex-Muslim communities in the Western world that adhere to no religion has been well documented.
Data from the General Social Survey in the United States shows that 32% of those raised Muslim no longer embrace Islam in adulthood, and 18% hold no religious identification. About half of the 4. 2 million persons from Muslim backgrounds in Germany no longer embrace Islam in adulthood. Atheism is often considered acceptable within Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism in India.
What is the sin of atheism?
The Catholic Church’s Catechism identifies atheism as a violation of the First Commandment and a sin against the virtue of religion. It acknowledges that atheism may be motivated by virtuous or moral considerations and encourages Catholics to focus on their own role in encouraging atheism. The Psalms describe those who assert that “there is no God” as “foolish” and “corrupt”. Francis Bacon criticized attitudes towards atheism as contrary to wisdom and moral gravity, and associated them with fearing government or public affairs. He also noted that superficial knowledge of philosophy can lead to atheism, while more knowledge can lead to religion.
Do atheists believe in angels?
Being an atheist doesn’t necessarily indicate a person’s political views, attitudes towards LGBT rights, gun control, abortion, or other issues. In principle, an atheist could believe in fairies, but this often leads to unbelief in other supernatural entities. Most atheists don’t believe in Satan, demons, angels, karma, heaven, or hell. Agnosticism and gnosticism are different concepts, and it is possible to be both an atheist and an agnostic. An agnostic atheist doesn’t believe in gods but doesn’t claim to know that no gods exist.
This is the same for theism, where it’s possible to be an agnostic theist who believes in God but doesn’t claim to know God exists. In practice, most believers are gnostic theists, believing in God and claiming to know God exists.
Can religion exist without God?
Nontheistic religions are traditions of thought within a religious context, some aligned with theism, while others do not. Nontheism plays significant roles in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. Some inclusive definitions of religion show that religious practice and belief do not depend on the presence of a god or gods. Paul James and Peter Mandaville distinguish between religion and spirituality, defining it as a relatively-bounded system of beliefs, symbols, and practices that address the nature of existence and live in communion with others and Otherness. The Buddha, for example, believed that devas exist but are still trapped in samsara and not necessarily wiser than humans. He is often portrayed as a teacher of the gods and superior to them.
Is an atheist happier?
The study aims to analyze the psychological well-being of the atheist community in Puerto Rico and Latin America. A sample of 821 participants, including 415 believers and 406 atheists, aged 19 to 85, was selected. The results show a slight average difference in life satisfaction and psychological flourishing between the groups, but not enough to guarantee a better quality of life for either group. Both believers and atheists exhibit high levels of life satisfaction and psychological flourishing.
This study provides empirical evidence to challenge traditional assumptions about religious beliefs’ supremacy over secular convictions and could serve as a basis for future research on non-believers. The findings aim to create social awareness and serve as a basis for future research on the atheist population.
📹 Witchcraft And The Occult | Amy | The Atheist Experience 018
The Atheist Experience 018 for February 15, 1998 with Ray Blevins, Joe Zamecki and John Koontz. Call the show on Sundays …
“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.” Marcus Aurelius
It’s really not complicated.. Provide evidence that the Christian god exists without using the Bible to prove it. It’s like me saying “I am god and you should worship me. Why? Because I wrote a book saying I am.” The logic unfortunately will never make sense, and people like Tony can clearly see that, unlike Christians.
I really enjoyed their respectful discussion. I am non-religious, and some of the main issues that I have with the bible are: contradictions, errors (scribal, numerical), admissions and omissions (not all translations and versions are equal), what I consider atrocities, plagerisms, and the inability to find the biblical claims verifyable without someone trying to hammer that square peg through the round hole.
What is my standard of proof? Very easy. I see and talk to god, have a conversation with this omnipresent omnipotent being. And ideally but not mandatory, record him on my phone and share to the world. Ask him which religion is the real one, ask him to show me a super power or two of his. Put it on youtube. 100% of the world will be Christian. Plain and simple. He has all the time in the world to do this
“There wouldn’t be a new testament if Jesus hadn’t risen” That is a ridiculous assumption of good faith on the part of those who wrote it. The new testament absolutely COULD exist if Jesus hadn’t risen if a number corrupt people decided to lie an say he did to help spread their false faith. Which is what happened. There is not undisputed fact that Jesus existed.
The Bible is based on something someone wrote 2000 years ago and later other people decided which writings were going to be part of that bible. Ask yourself this: -Do humans lie? -Do humans make up stuff? -Can humans have false memories? Everything you believe about Jesus or God is based on something someone, who is prone to the above, wrote 2000 years ago and then some other human filtered.
2:00 “… if someone rises from the dead, I just believe everything the guy says.” This would only apply if there was proof that this person rose from the dead, or if you personally witnessed someone who was proved dead come back to life. Otherwise you are believing hearsay that this event happened. Even if 2,000 people are said to have report it. 1. They are only “said” to have reported it (hearsay) 2. They could all be mistaken or deceived or lying.
Well once someone experiences the Super Natural and sees demons or angels or both or sees people healed right in front of you in The Name of Jesus Christ you would think it would change them but look how many Pharisees saw miracles performed by Jesus and then they said that he was possessed by a demon. The key to coming to God is realizing that we are sinners and fall short of God’s moral law The Ten Commandments. Then our spirit wakes up and we shed our pride and surrender to the truth of JESUS. If we still reject God then we are saying we prefer separation from Him so unbelievers walk willingly to Hell because of their own pride, condemned to eternal death by rejecting the very God who died to take away our sins. The Gospel is so easy to accept and understand that children accept it and believe. Jesus said unless you come to HIM as a little child you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Our own decisions and choices unfortunately choose darkness instead of light due to being born into corrupt sin. Anyone who thinks that they are a good person is so deep in pride and sin that they are dead to spiritual things.
Why would anyone question the Witch of Endor? There are covens of witches today. All the Witch of Endor claimed was to speak to spirits of the dead – nothing beyond what witches today might claim. I think Tony likely conflates witches and wizards with Harry Potter, as opposed to what witches are like in real life. The portrayal of the Witch of Endor in the Bible seems entirely in-line with what is commonly observable about witches historically.
Did the weather man calm a raging storm by speaking to it? Did the weather mean breathe a man who had been dead for 3 days back to life? Did the weather man heal a man plagued with leprosy by touching him? Did the weather man heal a lame man (who had been seen by the entire town to be paralyzed) by simply telling him to “pick up his mat and walk?” I’m curious to know just what event caused this young man to not believe in Jesus anymore. My guess is that something tragic happened in his life where he prayed for God to not let it happen, and it still did. But because God didn’t answer his prayer the way he wanted, that causes him to not believe in God. Unfortunately it’s a sad story, but one all too often repeated. And it all comes from not understanding who God is in the first place. God doesn’t exist to serve us. He will provide Grace and Mercy, but we are to serve Him and serve each other.
How can you believe that some parts of the bible happened but not others? I don’t think it is crazy for someone to not know what it would take. I would hope a powerful and all knowing god would know how to make it evident. Even if god did prove that they exist I would need the god to answer to a lot of immoral stories from the bible. God killing, being ok with owning and beating slaves, the inaccurate science, etc. I feel I hold myself to a higher moral standard than the bible god.
I just don’t get it, because a book, that has many many translations from many different languages. The words had totally different meanings says certain things happen over 2000 years ago that people are supposed to believe it is true. There’s a lot of holy books out there some of them are older than the Old Testament. Why shouldn’t I believe those? They can’t all be right so I can only assume that none of them are
Something that always comes to mind with the whole God hypothesis, is why does an omnipotent God need us to believe in him? When it comes to the people that we know to exist in our lives, there’s never any question or doubt as to whether or not they exist, but with God, supposing he (they) exist and supposing God is all-knowing, then he would know what it would take to convince you without any shadow of a doubt. The fact that many people, myself included, are not convinced he is real, and that we (atheists) are also not convinced Vishnu, Amon-Ra, Ahura Mazda, and any other number of gods are real, means that it isnt an undisputed fact (unlike water boiling at 100 C at SATP). If God existed, as proposed in many of the different religious holy books, he could resolve this issue in a matter of minutes. The fact that he doesn’t leads many atheists to conclude that he probably doesnt exist. As for the God of the Bible, a glaring contradiction are the omnis, omnibenevolent, omnipotent, omnipresent, and all knowing. Given that the hell of the bible is described as a fate worse than death, why would an omnibenevolent, loving God not do everything in his power to convince you he exists. If he knows how to and chooses not to, then he is actually malevolent. If he doesnt know how to convince you then he is not all-knowing. Hell itself is also a problem since this God creates the rules that dictate whether one goes there or not, therefore he’s the one that sends you there, as he could modify any of the rules at any moment so you dont end up there.
thank you for not having a mini live photo of you in the corner or center of what was going on. I liked that you started with an intro and then waited to the end and then made your comments. It makes you seem more mature – like you don’t have to have a little picture of yourself on the screen along with those who you may admire.
Oh is this a great point about the supernatural. 44 yrs ago when I was 17 yrs old, I started reading the Gospels. God would touch my heart but then when I was with friends at parties etc. the demons within me would convince me the Gospels were fairy tales. THEN I had a POWERFUL encounter; i.e. I was tripping my brains out on acid one night when I began to feel the same evil presence that had tormented me yrs earlier when I dabbled in the occult and NO it wasn’t from the LSD I was on. I had done LSD MANY times and knew the difference. I was so terrified I prayed a simple prayer; “God, if you’re real and everything I’m reading in the Gospels is real, please take this away”. For the next 10 minutes I felt a sensation of the LSD I was on draining out of my body through the soles of my feet. In 10 minutes I was stone cold sober and then I fell asleep. That NEVER happens when you’re on blotter acid. NEVER. When I awoke the next morning, I knew that I knew that I knew that God was real and what was I going to do about it. No more excuses. Since there were no more excuses I got real about my sin in terms of what Jesus said about sin. I struggled for the next 6 months to surrender my life to Jesus – I loved drugs, loved fornication and loved being a lead guitarist front man in a band. But 6 months later I did become born again and surrendered my life to Jesus and walked away from the life I knew. That was 43 years ago and my faith is UNSHAKEABLE. I’ve spent over 4 decades studying the scriptures (I have a Master’s in Theology) and am more convinced than ever.
To be a Christian you have no choice but to believe in the supernatural, even if you’ve never experienced it personally. No supernatural. No Christianity. In various other religions, there are many stories of supernatural events, and people with supernatural powers, but they’re peripheral. People almost never talk about the powers of Buddha or Patanjali.
Also, my take on whole crucifiction (misspelling intentional): jesus (all powerful) pov: hanging out on a cross, turning off all nerve endings, planning my resurrection route, do i visit mom 1st… talking telepathically with dad n angels, making orders of german beer from the future for returning shindig…
Him having to clarify his point about the weather man is proof he is on a power trip – like the rest of them – to prove he’s right over the power of Jesus. Get over it, God is far smarter than us and there is way too much evidence you have to disprove in a consistent manner before you can be taken seriously.
Don’t worry Tony will come back around… I too was an atheist in college… studies medicine after the fact… 6 years after college I asked God to show himself… within the next 12 months I was presented with indisputable signs of His existence!! From finding a crucifix at the driver side door of my car when I pulled backwards, something that I rarely do, into a random parking spot at a vets office … despite my wife telling me to park elsewhere… days after I prayed to God to help me cope with my Dog’s cancer. Then at a random municipal parking lot finding a balloon in front of my car that said “it’s a boy” … when my wife was only 10 weeks pregnant and we would not find out the sex until 3 months later! I believe in coincidences… but 100 different events have had to fall into place at exact same time for my experience to be coincidences! Pray to God ask for His help, intervention, signs… he is listening now more than ever! He is getting ready to come back!
Yes my brother, you are right. I have been seeking the face of the Lord in this area for the manifestation of his miraculous power during debates, conversation, or encounters with Muslims and atheists in the western world. Some of the hardened ones that have to come to Christ here in Africa have been convinced when they encountered the power of God. I know many Ex- Muslims who have been in tbe church for decades, serving the Lord, against the threat of death from the muslim communities …their unbelief was jettisioned when the Almightiness of Jesus Christ was brought to bear on their terminal diseases, infertility, delieverance from witchcraft and dark powers. I appreciate logical reasoning that characterize western approach to the preaching of the Gospel. As a missionary across West Africa Countries we encounter dark powers, receive threats from witches not come to their ‘ territories’ for our open air evangelistic campaing…we defy such because we know the power of Christ that attends the preaching of the Gospel where we go. We have seen the power of darkness paralysed, witches smitten by the power of the Holy Ghost.On some occassion, demonized and radical Islamists try to shut down our meetings in their localities,they forbade the people from attending our meetings but when the power of God began to move in tbe miraculous, people broke free from their fear and the open air meeting is packed with people seeking Salvation,healing, delieverance from demonic oppression etc. When the Lord allows these to happen, it can help many people to find an ultimate proof to assist their faith in tbe true God.
I too am an ex-Christian who came to his senses, and ironically it was the result of trying to double down on Christianity after doubts arose. There is no going back for me, and I’m stunned to learn that someone could come to the realization that there are no gods – like none of the World’s gods ever existed – and then go back to believing it. It’s akin to knowing there is no Santa Klaus, but then deciding to believe he exists again. This confirms what I’ve suspected for a long time that people believe what they WANT to believe. There is some sort of internal insecurity, some sort of child-like desire to retreat from the harsh realities of life, that causes people to believe things in contradiction to evidence. You believe because you WANT to. And it’s all just a cope for some internal inability to face your mortality and to face the meaninglessness of life. I guess without someone scripting a meaning for you, you can’t make one of your own.
If you are looking for a material, fisical or objective proof, you wont get anywhere, god is outside space and time therefore we cant see, touch or fell it directly, but as an “another dimension beeing” we can feel and see his effects on this plane. And if you want so see the effects, actualy it is at the most obvious place, you just need to search in the rigth place for you. Sorry my poor english, not my mother language.
When you take into account the horrible deaths that the eye witnesses of Christ happily endured it gives you pause. What was their motivation? Was Jesus an insane sociopath like Manson that manipulated them to endure such deaths for a fabricated gospel? Remembering the gospel is good news and undercut Jewish laws.
There is no such thing as an “Ex-Christian”… Rom 11:29 for the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable. Either you are alive in Christ or you are dead in sin. Those alive in Christ can not become dead again nor can the dead become alive without His calling into life, else salvation is based on the whims of fallen man. Lazarus did not call himself out of the grave… this is why such hard core but simple examples of precisely who does the saving is in the Bible.
Tony is the man who wrestled with God. He has a resistance, almost a rebellion towards the Word. A hardened heart. Some people know the word and still sin(fall) and feel bad about it and ashamed of themselves, so they resist the Word to justify what they do cause they can’t leave their sin. But everyone falls short of the glory of God. So don’t hang your head, pray and repent and turn away from sin, become new in the word and walk with God our father in his spirit. Help and love thy neighbor and give praise to our Father above heaven.
Constantly moving goalposts. “Oh Jesus didn’t mean that he really was saying this secret message”. Please. Spare us from the gaslighting and nonsense. You can take any belief system in the world and connect the dots the exact same way. It doesnt make it true, it just means you’re using word salad to make it true to you.
I don’t feel normal being a Christian. I notice a lot of hate towards Christians and struggles that a lot of people I’ve noticed don’t face on the daily. Call it the devil toying with me. I’ve also noticed that god gives me challenges as well. Lastly I know when I get in depth with God and his word I start to feel an enlightened feeling like a powerful, graceful, peaceful energy surging through me.
When someone opposes Christianity, people (especially Christians themselves) sit and listen. When anyone tries to speak at a campus who isn’t LGBTQ or BLM, they yell in the audience and insult everyone and act nefarious and belittle the entire thing and then when proven wrong or stuck they refuse to answer the question and act like children. I love my Christian bothers and sisters – bless you all, much love.
I guess a lot of people miss interpret the bible, Matthew 24:34 actually the Parable of the fig tree was Jesus way of teaching people to remember his teachings. This is also referencing The Great Tribulation which hasn’t happen yet, Jesus was speaking about these people that specific generation would not pass away until all these things take place and to recognize that Jesus timing is near at the door. Yet the circumstances surrounding the fall of Jerusalem in A.D. 70, Christ followers probably felt a great prosecution during the fall of Jerusalem. We must always be ready for his return.
What I finally realized, after I’d been a skeptic for decades, and after I looked into the beliefs of other religions, is that EVERYONE HAS A BOOK! Jews and Christians have no historical support for the miraculous claims in the Bible. Muslims have no support for the miraculous claims of the Quran – a book which, by the way, refutes the death and resurrection of Jesus. Like Tony, I’m an atheist agnostic. I’m agnostic, in that I don’t believe it is currently possible to know one way or the other whether there is actually a creator. I’m an atheist because I see no reason to believe there is one. What causes you and most other Christians to stand on your book as “the one true” book is that you’ve been indoctrinated by your family, your community, and in the U.S., your country, to believe in your book. I finally came to the realization of my own indoctrination in the face of no reasonable evidence. We believe, because everyone around us believes – until and unless we really start examining. And now, on the other side of belief, I am no longer in need of the fire insurance. Thanks!
The inevitable conclusion is that a talking snake seduced a naked rib woman to eat magical fruit from a cursed tree which resulted in arbitrarily defined “sin” being magically passed down through generations, in which our only hope for salvation is through the brutal ritualistic blood sacrifice of an immortal zombie carpenter.
The improvements to our Justice system are the result of an ongoing, truthfully critical examination of our history of unjust laws and amending them to be more fair and honest. Question: When will we finally look with the same, scrupulous honesty and criticality at the supposed claims and verities contained within the Bronze Age document known as the Holy Bible? To continue arguing only by assertion is simply not enough.
An all-knowing god would know what the standard of proof is for every single human being. If he wanted to convince (“save”) humanity, he would prove himself in a way that every single human would not have any doubt about his existence. But I guess humanity is not that important to him, he would rather delegate such an “important” task to imperfect humans…
If you are a person who likes logical and scientific thinking, it is easy to know whether God exists or not. Genesis 1:1 In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth, we need to clarify whether anyone created the universe or not. Observing nature, we know that bird nests are made by birds, and houses are made by humans. If we say that the sun and the earth exist by themselves, it is like denying that bird nests are made by birds, and denying that houses are made by humans. Therefore, they immediately realize that God exists. Think about it. Humans can easily make bird nests, but birds cannot make houses. Because humans are a higher species than birds. Likewise, humans cannot create the sun and the earth, but God can easily create them because God is many times higher than us. Do you understand? So when you are sick, God can easily heal you because God created human beings in the first place, it is important that you pray to God so that God can heal you. Just like when you build a house, when you do not like that house, you can easily destroy it and repair it. Do you understand? Who created God? You are a human so you are not qualified to know who created God because only God knows the inside. If God gives you, you will know. Just like birds or other animals are not qualified to know who gave birth to you because the limits of understanding of each species are different. When God created everything including the sun, moon, animals and plants, God also created the laws that operate them.
Proof means actually showing scientific proof that God/Jesus/Holy ghost are real! Not just reading something in the Bible! If God can do anything,why didn’t write the Bible,so that it wouldn’t be confusing? Saying that God,Jesus and the Holy ghost are 3 in 1 and we can’t understand it,we just accept it by faith is just silly brainwashing!😅
I can relate to this guy. I used to be similar to him in my agnosticism. I just didn’t have faith. Long story short, in the midst of personal things I chose to have faith. As I’ve been walking I’ve come to understand that there are multiple ways to see the world, the mythos(stories used to describe things which are so true they can’t be put into normal words) and the logos(reason, logic, etc). I was too caught up in the logos. And I think that’s where this guy is too. I believe the Bible is historically accurate, I’m not a biblical scholar and so I’m sure there are definitely places where things are 100% not literal, of course not. But I feel for this fellow, because it seems he’s looking, but he’s using the wrong instrument. He’s trying to measure the temperature using a scale.
God is not going to give you signs and wonders when your heart isn’t sincere. The miracle is already there. It says that NATURE itself, the UNIVERSE itself testified to there being a God. It’s not God that hiding from us. It is we who hide from Him. It’s just more CONVENIENT if He weren’t true, and that’s the unfortunate truth. What’s more miraculous than life itself and the universe itself? Or intangible things like Art and Music. What’s the evolutionary purpose of those? And how is it that u can hear music in a language you don’t understand or just plain chords and see art and “something” inside you is uplifted or weighed down?? What is “that” thing? Ppl have more than enough proof The other thing is, interestingly, most people in “3rd world countries” or from that background have no problem believing in the miraculous. You’ve just seen and experienced too much not to believe. Cos u know, a lot of things that go down, ppl’s survival is nothing short of miraculous. I think the more developed and “advanced” we are, the fewer miracles cos, you obviously are self sufficient and don’t need it
What Proof? What Evidence? I’m sorry but…here is my requirements, as a human. 1. Something besides a book and humans telling me “Hey, there’s proof, it’s in the book” That’s it. Really. I understand we could, one of us, debunk things that seem magical in nature that appear in front of us, but even then! Man, it’s something! We currently have NOTHING. This frustrates me greatly, since people are asking for evidence, and we get “well, maybe the real evidence was the friends along the way.”
What an articulate young man, really knows his stuff. You couldn’t defeat him. At least not easily. I just like to ask why a benevolent omnipotent loving God would create say, pathogens. I once saw a TV news report about a US church destroyed by a tornado killing thirty worshippers inside. Outside the church was an overturned car with the bumper sticker, “Jesus saves”.
“I choose to believe the Bible because it’s a reliable collection of historical documents written by eyewitnesses during the lifetime of other eyewitnesses. They report supernatural events that took place in fulfilment of specific prophecies and claim that their writings are divine rather than human in origin.”
Yeah bro. I feel you. We have all messed up and done something wrong. Don’t feel sad, because there is hope. All us humans have sinned. God is real and He Loves You. Jesus is the Son of God he died on the cross for all of our sins, he was buried and he rose again. He is alive forever more. Believe on him and have everlasting life. When I die I will be with him forever. If you don’t believe in him before you die, when you die you will burn in hell forever. Please believe on him before it’s Eternally to late. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him. Jesus the Son of God is the only way to heaven.
I am currently eager to study the word of God and planning to buy my first ever bible owned by me. He challenges the question of whether Jesus is real here and when the question itself is challenged. I had an experience just by reading a book exposing the enemy’s work in the current world. – This also has got a lot to say not just bout the beliefs he got after whatever happened for this man to leave Christianity. The mere fact this man is there in that venue – says a lot of his interest to know- to come up on that mic and ask questions. the moment, I can see how some of the conversations, it seems to me, that it’s not that he didn’t believe but he was lost to know there was enough evidence there is. – he’s lost that’s it. and I hope and pray while perusal that God would give him a callback. regardless of how because that will be the biggest evidence to testify to those challenging questions. Hope he will find his way back. in Jesus’s name.
Let me ask a few questions. 1. What would it take for you not to believe in Jesus? I would guess that would be a very tough question for you to answer. You have spent a lot of time shoring up your beliefs. I doubt that you have spent much time trying to disprove them. 1a. If you wanted me to believe something and you knew what I needed to believe, would you give it to me? Why hasn’t god given me what I need to believe? He would be the only one that would know what I need. 2. Why do you believe in the christian gods? You can call them all one or you can call it a trinity, but it is three distinct gods. Do you wonder why you do not believe in the many other gods? How can you be so certain that you are following and serving the correct gods. 3. I agree with Tony. If anything is shown to be wrong or silly, it was meant as a metaphor or allegorical. Currently, we have a few stories that seemingly disagree with each other, that there was a being called Jesus and that he died on the cross for all of humanity. We have nothing else to support that claim. We have many people who have claimed miracles, but when pressed for evidence, it turns out that there is a logical explanation, or we are horrible people for not taking it on faith. Every other faith-based group says that same thing about their issues.
Bro missed the whole point of why the preacher said “I’d follow a guy that can rise from the dead” the whole reason why him rising from death is mentioned so much is because NOBODY can escape death. It’s literally impossible to do so—until Jesus did. He bypassed the very thing that cannot be defied. I wish people would look beyond their own understanding, it makes perfect sense
The important question to ask is “what is God?” If you know the answer everything else will be easy to answer. If we try to define God as a superbeing that somehow resembles human beings (e.g., like a father, lord or king), with human emotions, with the same human image and likeness, then that would be an insult to God’s infinite greatness, it’s a deep disrespect to the point of mockery. This is probably the reason why people couldn’t agree among themselves if God exists or doesn’t exist, they’re talking about the wrong god/s. It is a well known fact that energy cannot be created or destroyed, It has no beginning and ending, it is present everywhere from a quark to the entire universe and can transform into matter. God is the Sum of Energies/ Experiences/ Everything (SOE) which can be described as the One Energy. Nothing could be greater than that. God is omnipotent – ALL powerful, omniscient – ALL knowing and omnipresent – present everywhere at ALL times. This can only happen if God is all ALL/ EVERYTHING. God cannot possibly be ALL if God can create something separate from God. The universe cannot possibly expand because energy cannot be created. It’s our ability to see farther that expands. I believe this theory of expansion will be proven inacurate. Is it not possible that the reason galaxies move further is because of an unknown force? It’s either our universe has no boundaries or it is contained inside a bigger universe together with an infinite number of universes and so on and so forth.
Frank Turek. Telling lies and skirting questions for years now. For instance, notice how he turns the lie of Jesus not only returning during his current generation, but then goes on to somehow connect Jesus’s words back to Isiah in the OT. No, Frank, you don’t get to do that unless your lying Jesus references Isiah, not you. But this has been Frank’s modus operandi for years now: when caught in a lie just tell another. And he wonders why people are getting fed up with Christianity and dishonest apologists like himself.
Trinitarians first need to prove that God is NOT invisible, eternal, formless, omnipotent, universal and all powerful, before they can prove how God itself had form, was visible, limited to thee (not eternal) died and was born (not eternal) is oft human (has form and is comprehensible and visible and had form). Sorry I can go on.
Its reasonable to not know what your standard of proof is for a book as complex and nuanced as the Bible. It doesn’t necessarily mean you DONT have a standard of proof. It just means that from your perspective, not enough of the Bible has been proven true to warrant belief. And everyone’s standard of proof is different.
Yes, Tony did ask some good questions. Romans 1:20-21 is a good Scripture from this perspective, for me, if we can believe that God simply spoke creation into existence BUT did not speak man into existence and can see that from that man and woman came every person – each absolutely unique like no other. I will pray that Tony can see God from this perspective – then without a shadow of doubt, he can believe in Jesus’ resurrection!
Tony is very wise and is able to face reality. Despite his strong desire for wanting religion to be true, he still is wise enough not to fall for the trap. It takes real character. It’s exactly the opposite of what you’re saying, regarsing the necessity of evidence. He was the person that was a Christian and therefore wanting it to be true.
The boy doesn’t believe because he lacks the Holy Spirit it’s that simple. His questions were not conclusive. When the man asked him what is proof to you he said I don’t know. Then by saying that he means there’s no way for me to believe in it because I don’t have the ability to believe because I don’t know. So why even have the conversation? When I have a difficult time understanding something or believing something I say show me, I need a vision or I need to witness your power in my life. I am conclusive on how my mind works and how I can believe. Jesus for sure exists the question is are you sincere in your heart to actually open yourself to the idea of Him? Or are you waiting for a way to prove He doesn’t exist? I prayed to Jesus when I was 12 years old at a youth retreat and told Jesus to show me He cared about me and that He existed for me. He did, a I never met in my life, that I don’t even know her name to this day, woman came to me and told me what I prayed about and said that I am special to Jesus. She told me who I am to Him. Now throughout my life people of different ages and ethnicities have confirmed that same point, of who I am to Jesus and God. Those people didn’t even know me they didn’t even know each other, I never met them before in my life and somehow they knew this secret of who I am to God. That was from a prayer I prayed years ago. He exists and He’s real. You have to choose to believe. No one can believe for you.
Reading the books of the New Testament, we probably asked ourselves more than once: “Why 2000 years we do not see those miracles that accompanied the Сhurch of Christ in the I century, as described in the New Testament?” Why do the so-called preachers of Christ have to prove that Jesus really existed and atheists boldly deny the historicity or divine origin of Christ? Maybe because the Сhurch of Christ has not existed for 2000 years? The Сhurch does not exist in the form in which it is presented in the books of the New Testament, but there are Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant and other christian sects claiming to be the place of the Church, but they not have the only thing that distinguishes the divine from the human and is characteristic of just the Сhurch of Christ -the reinforcement of the word with signs, that is, miracles (Mark 16:15-20). Therefore, some researchers doubt the historicity of Christ, and some of them are not opposed to declaring him a an ordinary philosopher, teacher. But even if Jesus were an ordinary philosopher, his disciples would be ordinary followers of Jesus. And they would not dare to write about the miracles that not only Jesus, but also his disciples, could perform. If there were the Church in our time as described by the authors of the New Testament books, where miracles are performed, the sick are healed, where prophesied, and the dead are raised, no one would doubt the historicity of Christ. Then there would be the same controversy throughout the world as in the first century – Jesus the Son of God or the false prophet who seduces the world by miracles.
I have met jesus and death last year, when my grandma passed away. He was a very wise man who told me to keep living my life. That is why i turned into a christian now i worship God. I love him without God i would sin and kill but god made me who i am and who i always will be a christian that I love he is best and powerful. God owns me I am nothing but his little slave punish me God for I have sinned punish me please I don’t derseve your forgiveness yet i Beg for your mercy please father, i love you like my own daddy.
What proof would I need? I’d have to experience a measurable phenomenon with my own senses that a) defied any scientific or logical explanation and b) was done with clear purpose and intent. I’ve seen a and b in isolation, but never a single event that includes both. Until I see both, I’ll remain a skeptic. In the words of Agent Molder, “I want to believe.”
There are ridiculously more than 4000 man made religions, which every one of them claims that it’s god is the one true. What makes a religion think that it’s god stands out from the others? Also what makes a religion think there is a god to begin with? If there is, have anyone seen it? How does he look like? If no how does anyone know there is one? The first religion that is able to show me it’s god will gain my belief and following. Until today, no religion was able to do so. Ever.
You believe in a god based on geographical location, surroundings, and culture. Unfortunately Tony realised this and understood the bible is a story no more than Harry Potter is. Belief will never be enough. Imagine a world with all religion that allowed you to choose one when you were an adult. I wonder how long it would last. Indoctrination at the highest level. I wouldn’t label myself an atheist or anything, I just find all religions very farcical.
If he researched evidence of giants and didn’t find anything he didn’t look very hard. Lol. And I can tell you from firsthand experience witches are very real. People do work roots and if your not vigilant in your walk with Christ then your are susceptible to these attacks. And if you don’t have Christ at all and are under attack then I pray for intervention in your life. Edit: this guy has a good vocabulary but it stops there. These questions are simple. These are milk questions. Where the bread at?
Just because you declare “I am God,” doesn’t make it the truth lol. Anyway, not to say that Jesus isn’t God. I am God too! And so are all the people who have had a NDE. Many people have been raised from the dead. Many have died and come back to life. Christians are really hung up on this and declare “OMG he’s God!” But this sort of thing is more spoken about among the rishis and not so well known saints of the world who have psychic powers. There are many mental states such as nirvikalpa samadhi in which people remain in a state of suspended animation and the body ceases to function, but they can come back. Many saints and sages around the world that know the power of the mind have siddhis, or psychic spiritual powers- so things such as walking on water, healing people etc. are possible by many people. Many people claim to be God. Many people have foretold the events of their lives and performed many miracles. Krishna, Buddha, Ramana Maharishi (Shiva) and the different incarnations of them such as Nilkant Varni (Swaminarayan- incarnation of Krishna) and many many others. Buddha’s birth, life, and death were all by prophecy of the great spiritual teacher and Buddha (awakened one) to come and redeem the world. Jesus is one of the many that did this in a different part of the world. Christ comes from Krishna, so I believe that Jesus was one of the many avatars of Krishna. Unfortunately Christians don’t know and don’t want to know about millions of other souls who have demonstrated miracles and God-like powers so they think Jesus is the only God.
Religion is a funny thing. Proof that God exist? Which God? Ask a Hindu about their gods and to them they exist with traditions of proof. Ask a Muslim or a pagan. To each their God(s) exist and there is proof in their beliefs. So are ALL gods real? What defines the Christian god as the only true god? What defines proof for one group doesn’t define for another and vice versa. So who is it correct? I guess that will depend upon which God goggle your viewing your looking through
A book isn’t sufficient proof to put your whole life into the people who made it coulda been insane so that is my stance on that I would never say idk I would say I would have to be there to see what happen and you can’t so I’ll never believe pretty simple there is many many things that are just not true and I think any religions people just fell into the first wave of propaganda of good storytelling with a purpose of getting you to believe in something to fight for your people.
I could be wrong but I have watched a lot of these type of apologist articles and I really dont think many of these guys like Tony in this article were asking questions for salvation but instead to attempt to make other people who beleive misearble like themselves. I think as Christians we assume everyone wants to come to saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and it never occurs to us that while some may want to come to saving knowledge of Jesus there are those who are of their father the devil and only want to sow discord. We christains assume if we just give the person the right answer they are looking for it will change there hearts. Rember the Lord Jesus himself told his apostles if a house rejects them to shake off the dust of their feet as a testamony against them. Titus 3:9 says to avoid debates. I think when the bible says we should be able to give answer about the hope that lies in us, it would mostly be to people who are really asking and seeking not to people who want to debate. I am thankful for apologist and I hope this young man gets saved. However I also am thankful for the question Frank asks them when he says, ” if you could prove God is real would you get saved and believe.” Even when some say yes it is almost always with conditions. I would say use the spirit to discern who are sincere.
If you take the Bible literally there are many contradictions. The Bible is primarily symbolic and once a person understands the symbolism it is about transcendence. Especially the New Testament. When people take it too literally it doesn’t make as much sense. Jesus is an archetype for humanity at its full potential and what we can all aspire to and the devil is an archetype that represents the ego in people. That’s just two examples. The Bible is filled with that kind of symbolism so debating the literacy of the bike is a waist of time.
Coming from an ex-Christian, the entire system of blind faith made by “God” is ridiculous for someone who’s jealous, petty and really needs humans to believe in “him”. If God was that way, he’d show himself to everyone regularly to ensure everyone believed. Not just condemn people for never knowing the right God.
This is what is get me when it comes to be truthful. When the non-Christian bring the text when Jesus Christ clearly said that he will be back before all the things that he’s telling them not happen. Right away the Christians created excuses and excuses, they bring the subject of the 70 ada year, the fall of Jerusalem. It is very clear that Jesus prophecy that he was going to be back before all the things that he described it would ending happen. And that is the real truth on the Bible, and that didn’t happen.
I am a Christian. The young man said He read the Bible. I too have read and studied the Bible and studied it in the spirit put this young man the way he acts and portrays himself makes me see that he did not study the Bible and the spirit otherwise he wouldn’t have the type of questions he has. The man at front he does not seem to have true spiritual understanding as well he knows the Bible but the deeper implications of biblical passages have deeper implications. This leads me to draw one strong conclusion these are Sunday keepers they have last biblical understanding because they are stuck on the New testament without having the foundation of the Old testament therefore they draw wrong conclusions all the time
I like Tony too, He is a Critical, Skeptical and rational thinker. As for me I don’t believe in gods because there is nothing that leads me to believe they exist, in fact all the different religions that man has created lead me to believe that god or gods do not exist. All these different religions also lead me to believe that it is not god who created man but rather man who has created the gods. The religious are Atheist just like me when it comes to all these other gods they don’t believe exist, I just take it one god further. There is just no religion that can prove more than the other that their god exists. Just remember that no matter what religion you belong too that the majority of people on this planet do not believe what you believe and don’t believe your god exist. If god does exist then it is failing miserably. Another problem is that none of these gods are worthy of neither praise nor worship because they are all immoral dictators. Why is that? It’s all just so medieval. P.S. Faith is of no use to me because I care whether my beliefs are true or not. I don’t want to believe, I want to know, and if I can’t know it then I’m not wasting my time with it.
Jesus is NOT God; He never claimed to be God; he said He is the Son Of God, which was blasphemous to the Pharisees, in which He was crucified. God is a Spirit never was He flesh, Jesus came in the flesh, Jesus said God sent Him. I dont understand how people can think that the Most High is His Son. The Oneness Of God In Christ The Doctrine Of God (John 7:16) There is One God, Deut 4:35, Isa 43:10, 44:6, 45:5-6, 18, 22 There is One Mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, 1 Ti 2:5, Ac 2:22 Jesus was “MADE” of a Woman, Ga 4:4 whom God said: “and he shall be to me a Son” Heb 1:5 God Was “MANIFEST” (revealed) “In The Flesh” (the life of Jesus), 1 Ti 3:16 To wit that God was “IN” Christ, 2 Co 5:19 “the father that dwelleth in me” Jn 14:10 Christ Died for our sins, Ro 5:6, 1Co 15:3 God Raised Jesus from the Dead, Ac 4:10 Jesus is in heaven “with” God, Heb 9:24 We are Children & Sons of God, Ro 8:14, Ga 3:26, Ga 4:4-7 We are Brothers & Sisters with Christ Mat 12:50, Mk 3:35, Ro 8:17 Human Created Creeds (Non-Biblical) The concept of God as a Trinity being The concept of One And “THE SAME” God was Totally Human & Totally God (A contradictory concept within itself) The concept God Was “INCARNATED” (“As” Jesus Christ) God Came To Earth “APPEARING AS” a Human infant, then “ACTED AS” or “PRETENDED TO BE” a Son to Himself It was God who Died for our sins Jesus Raised Himself from the Dead Jesus is in heaven “as” God We are Children & Sons of Christ We are Brothers & Sisters with God “Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. 6 Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.” (Proverbs 30:5-6) “But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God” (Hebrews 10:12) The Oneness Of God What Is Oneness? The Oneness of God refers to the “singleness” of God; that there is only one God and that there was no God before him or after him (Isaiah 43:10). Therefore, this singleness status of God never changes. (John 8:29) “And he that sent me is with me: the Father hath not left me alone;” (It is made clear that this man Jesus was not by himself (alone), nor did he send himself, nor was he referring to himself as the Father when Jesus said “he” that sent “me”) (John 14:10) “I speak not of myself: but the father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works” (2 Corinthians 5:19) “To wit that God was “in” Christ; < NOT > God was “incarnated as” the Christ. Now in order for Jesus to be a man (a true human being) he would have had at least two attributes: • He would have been “limited” in some aspects of his life (able to die, suffer, hunger, etc.…); and • He would have had a “human spirit/soul” thus having an independent will to choose whether or not to obey God, as do all humans. Unless we say Jesus only had God’s spirit, in which case Jesus would not have been “totally” human, what happened to his human spirit/soul? Can anyone explain: If (Jesus is totally God) then how is (God totally man)? The totally God-man theory is impossible to explain truthfully. This is because this theory has its own, self-contained contradictory clause built-in; hence to be the “totality” of anything leaves NO ROOM to be anything else! Therefore whatever the one is, the other he is NOT! (Numbers 23:19 (NLT), 23:19(KJV); Hosea 11:9; John 5:37 (NLT), 5:37(KJV)) Bible’s definition of God is not disputed: God is an invisible/all-powerful/immortal spirit. The Bible’s definition of man is not disputed: Man is a visible/not all-powerful/mortal flesh What is true by definition will always remain true unless we start redefining things. For example, 2+2=4. This equation will always remain true. The only way this can ever become false is if we decide to change the definitions of the component parts. The “attributes” of a Spirit A Spirit is regarded as supernatural and is separate from matter. Matter is whatever occupies space and is perceptible to the senses – (man is an example of matter) Jesus confirms this definition to be true: “God is a Spirit” and “a spirit hath not flesh and bones” (John 4:24, Luke 24:39) Supernatural is not explainable by the known forces or laws of nature; specific, of or involving God, ghosts, spirits, etc. The definition of the word spirit does not provide information as to what it looks like. If a spirit is a supernatural being (something not explainable by the known forces of the laws of nature) then it is possible that a spirit can live inside a human being and not have the physical form of a human being. (John 1:18; John 5:37; 1 John 4:12) Therefore, if a spirit is something that is “not explainable by known forces of the laws of nature” that means a spirit can be in anything and anywhere because it is not bound by the laws of nature. This is NOT the “attributes” of a man. * To be a man means to be limited: (lacking in knowledge, prone to mistakes, imperfect, flesh) * To be God means just the opposite: (all powerful/knowledge, immortal, perfect, spirit) Now, by definition, a thing cannot be the opposite of itself. A thing cannot be “limited” and “unlimited” at the same time. The presence of one of these qualities implies the absence of the other. Jesus was either one or the other. He cannot logically be both. Either Jesus COULD sin OR Jesus COULD NOT sin; WHICH IS IT? Note: (Having the “ability” to commit sin (or disobey God) is different than putting that ability you have into practice). If Jesus was NOT “capable” of sinning, he would indeed be totally GOD!!!! If Jesus WAS “capable” of committing sin he would be human (or not “totally” God), because all humans are capable of committing a sin against (or disobeying) God. It is this aspect of Jesus’ total obedience to God (John 8:29-30, Romans 5:19) that was remarkable. God’s plan, even before the foundation of the world, was for Jesus to be our savior and redeemer. (1John 4:14-15; Galatians 4:4-8; 1Peter 1:19-21) If Jesus was “totally” God it would be impossible for God to sin because God has no one to whom he must obey, Jesus would have never “truly” overcome the world as our example of being sinless flesh by surrendered will to another. God’s Spirit (divinity) indwelling the human body of Jesus (humanity) demonstrated two different types of spirits in one body (1Cor 2:11). This is why Jesus said the words he spoke were not his, but that of his Father (God) (John 12:49-50; John 14:24) God was with Christ (Acts 10:38) NOT incarnated as Christ. But why was God in Christ? (2 Cor 5:19-21) The LORD (Isa 42:8 = YHWH = Jehovah) was the God in Christ
Testament of witnesses alone proves his claim was legitimate. He prophesied his foretelling and that what came and was to come. He had enemies but had waged no wars, he was innocent yet killed for treasons and all that was endured by him in our name. Guangwu the Chinese emperor wrote in his scriptures and testament that all the sins of all of man lay on the one Seen and understood from a cosmic event he was shown and validated. ✝️
The evidence for the existence of Giants is overwhelming. I cannot believe he used that as an argument. Skeletons of these have been discovered by your everyday persons from all over the world. They’ve been discussed in books and writings, depicted in arts, and architecture of difference civilizations is made with them in mind or possibly by them specifically.
(JESUS ANSWERED “DO NOT PUT THE LORD YOUR GOD TO THE TEST” Matthew 4:7) How come this? How come that? Why this? Why that? People try to make some people look like a fool. Some are curious but the proof is all in The Word Of God, (If You Believe) The word your looking for is Believe. What you need is Faith in God, Whoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16) If you want proof look around this nature, no man can create that. (GOD SEE’S YOU THIS SECOND READING THIS AND HE KNOWS YOU.)
It’s funny how important it is to identify yourself as this and that instead of just ignoring it all together and go about your own life. Why attend a Christian meeting as an “atheist” or “agnostic” this or that, when all it takes is staying away. Why even bother question anything if you truly don’t care… It only shows that a person who identifies himself as whatever, DOES care. So there is either an agenda OR he or she has a conflict going within. Again, if you really don’t care and reject something, there is no need to put a label on it.
Matthew 16:2-4 KJB He answered and said unto them, When it is evening, ye say, It will be fair weather: for the sky is red. And in the morning, It will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowring. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times? A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas. And he left them, and departed.
Who would even remotely think that a god created everything? The truth is, people of the past had little knowledge of the things they’d seen. It’s 2024, we are a little smarter now, at least I thought..Having people suffer and die from wars on earth ( mostly wars of religion) imagine that. What a wonderful god lmao
Jesus never lied ?? Well, this Jesus asserted and promised THREE TIMES in revelation, chapter 22, that he was ” COMING SSON “, ( quickly ) and the time for this event to happen ” WAS NEAR ” ! Since his return did NOT happen in the promised time, he either LIED or was DELUDED about himself as being the promised Jewish messiah or both ! Christians continue to wait in vain for this happening and have been for 1900+ years !
Sadly, It took a couple of decades to fully realize the negative impact that indoctrination has on a person’s mental ability to reason effectively concerning contradictory, immoral and unethical passages in the Bible. Here is just one verse as a quick example. 2 Thessalonians 2:11- “For this cause God shall send them STRONG DELUSION, that they should BELIEVE A LIE.” God commands “Thou shalt not bear false witness”. Most agree this is generally a reasonable commandment. Yet, the above verse and a few other passages CONFIRM that the god of Christianity/Judaism personally influences people to believe a LIE! It does not matter who this god is targeting. Whether it’s a single type of person or a group of people within a demographic, it is still immoral/unethical to cause anyone to BELIEVE A LIE. It does not matter if the person is characterized as evil, religious, smart, ignorant, rich, poor, heretic, liberal, conservative, a child, an adult, etc. Causing someone to believe a lie is even generally understood as a SIN. Depending on the subject matter of the “lie”, the one causing others to believe a lie can even be held liable in civil court, or convicted of a crime in criminal court. It’s even more interesting that the verse confirms the god Christianity causes people to “BELIEVE A LIE”, in light of the fact that the vast majority of the rioters/protestors at the US Capital on Jan 6th believed “THE BIG LIE” are…. Evangelical Christians. Christians are even encouraged to believe – not based on sufficient evidence – but on “faith”.
I think your conclusion on Tonys points is actually pretty disengenuous to claim Tony does not know what good evidence is yet provide no evidence. Not knowing what proof you would require to prove god exists is the only correct answer. Proof of God is an extranatural and supernatural claim, so the evidence would also need to be. Not knowing what this evidence would need to be is the only real and honest answer in my opinion, since for every claim of a supernatural occurance there are near infinite plausible explainations that are proven to occur. Not knowing what evidence is required doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. And besides, an all knowing God would surely know exactly what evidence would be required to prove his exisence to Tony, right?
I just watched this article and I must say that his response was utter nonsense. Tony was developing what is called “critical thinking” skills. The interesting part was how the commentator tried to reason what is PROOF… and this is the problem that THEISTS have is that they apply a relatists approach to determining what proof is. And that is that proof is based on how you see the world…in short. It’s not a determination based on what is observable… quantitative and VERIFIABLE. This is how reality works. Many of the stories in the Bible have been told by other texts that predate the Bible by centuries. Mankind has been prophesying about a Messiah since the beginning of recorded history. To think that a book written 600 years ago based on events that took place 3k-2k years ago without considering the breadth of human civilizations since recorded history are missing the OBSERVABLE aspect of what proof is and essentially guilty of woeful ignorance.
Is geography any indicator of religious beliefs? If you were born in Africa when the Khoi San were around, or were born in New Zealand or the Pacific Islands you would believe in a specific God. If you were born in the middle East you would have believed in a specific God etc. etc. This looks to me that it is purely geographical. So then we ask the question is it ‘one’ god everyone is describing, and have different beliefs based on their geography? Let’s say the answer is yes. How did we get to where we are today? Majority rules! Britain adopted Christianity and as they conquered many lands, spread their belief of who ‘god’ is. So based on this, our modern day perception of god is perpetuated by the colonisation of the British. Had the Persians conquered, majority of the population would be Islamic. Had the Africans conquered, majority of the population would worship ancestors etc. etc. I forsee us always arguing about the supernatural, all discussing the same subject, just forcing it upon people which causes disagreements. (Not that people won’t disagree independent of religious beliefs, of course they will.)
Jesus wasn’t referring to a time span in normal sense . Read bible KJV. All gospels but one say specifically some standing here that shall not taste of death till they see the kingdom of God. Jesus already said the kingdom of God is WITHIN YOU. He’s referring to the day of pentecost. He’s now king n were his kingdom. He reigns in us by his Holy Spirit. The only reason Jesus mentioned his literal coming in text is cause peter interrupted n opposed his will. Jesus warned them to think spiritual to gain favor at his return. He then finished his kingdom come statement . The transfiguration happened n Jesus again mentions his resurrection power. As far as generation? KJV says God is IN the GENERATION of the righteous. There’s never been a literal time span without the wicked so this involves geneology of the serpent seed vs the woman seed in Genesis. A generation can last as long as the father of a generation n Satan’s still here. Before resurrection all had the serpent seed threw Adam. Jesus called them serpents n GENERATION of vipers. He said their father is the devil. Etc. he said the good seed ate children of kingdom n bad seed are children of the wicked one. Etc. Much idioms in bible n even circumcision represented cutting it away of the sins of flesh bible says. THINK SPIRITUALLY!!! No wonder Jesus got mad at people’s hardness of heart. This is a generation that passes on till the end Jesus says. By the way,the wailing wall still stands n is considered by many Jews to be part of temple.
(The Day) when Allah will say, “O Jesus, Son of Mary, remember My favor upon you and upon your mother when I supported you with the Pure Spirit and you spoke to the people in the cradle and in maturity; and (remember) when I taught you writing and wisdom and the Torah and the Gospel; and when you designed from clay (what was) like the form of a bird with My permission, then you breathed into it, and it became a bird with My permission; and you healed the blind and the leper with My permission; and when you brought forth the dead with My permission; and when I restrained the Children of Israel from (killing) you when you came to them with clear proofs and those who disbelieved among them said, “This is not but obvious magic.” (Surat Al-maeda 110)
Ex-Christian? He was obviously on a path but didn’t arrive at the destination. Luke Ch 8 The parable of the sower…first 3 examples explains someone like this person. Christian “Chritianos” means belonging to Christ. You cannot belong, then not belong. Rom 8:9 If anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ they do not belong to Christ. I hope he finds Him.
Salvation is not based on what one can prove because it’s not tangible for anyone to see it. That’s a word play because you can’t prove that Jesus is not real or their is no heaven or hell. No one can prove it because no one can show you heaven or hell. We’ve never been there. So we can’t come back with a report and give you details. That’s called self evident truth. You have to see it to believe it. The bible says in Hebrew 11.6, “But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Salvation is based on faith, not what see with your eyes. Because if someone showed you Jesus, you still wouldn’t believe it because your belief was based on what someone can show you. And that’s not faith. Then you would need further proof whether or not he’s really Jesus. That’s why it takes faith to believe in Jesus. None of us can go back and relive his crucifixion. There are no photos or article camera to show us proof. When you sit down in a chair, how do know that chair is going to hold you? You don’t! But you still believe the chair will hold you because you took action to sit down in the chair. Your faith caused you to believe something you had no proof. That’s just one example. We all use faith everyday but all of sudden you need proof to believe in God. Why? Good example is when Jesus told one of his disciples Thomas, John 20:24-29 NKJV — Now Thomas, called the Twin, one of the twelve, was not with them when Jesus came.
Can’t find something nor someone that was made up by humanity. The number one thing that had me walk away from Christianity was Jesus Christ sacrificed himself to cleanse all sinners of there sins yet I was sapos to be repentant and blindly worship when a free pass for sins was granted that was the last contradiction I could stand form the Christian community so walk away permanently. Oh and the fact I was forced to attend Sunday school by force do to my age by my religious family members at a impressionable age of 4-5 years old thus taking my choice from me. It should be agents the law to teach Christianity to anyone under 10 years old separation of church and state should have children protection bills written into law that forcing biblical teachings to 4 and 5 years old as abuse not salvation.
What do you gain in doubting, asking the wisest questions, being the best analyst? Why have to die first to then see the truth, when it would already be too late?When the Lord simply said Believe. I don’t understand. Even if you don’t think it’s all true, why not just be on the safe side by Obeying God and Believing? So, even when the end comes, you have nothing to lose. It’s a huge risk ending up in hell with all the wise brain and all… JESUS CHRIST IS LORD.
I’m a Christian and I believe in God, been saved and living the life since I was 14. I never understood how God can send people to hell for simply not believing in his existence. I dont have to try to defend what I don’t understand. The biggest issue I find amongst fellow believers is their willingness to attack and not even acknowledge valid questions. It’s like you beat around the bush-people are saying if god exist where is the proof. It would be much simpler to just say you don’t know instead of saying “well define proof?”😂 There is no solid proof you can provide other than the word your testimony. But instead of saying that you guys choose to literally argue with non believers and try to make it seem like their points aren’t valid. If a person went around the world and said unicorns exist would you automatically believe? Would you not ask for proof? There is no harm in that yet you guys treat their question as if it is invalid! You guys do know it’s completely ok to say you know what “I don’t know” right? When I share my faith with unbelievers, I do not try to defend why gid does things the way he do the Bible says his thoughts is higher than mine. Simply say you don’t know and share what you do know. I share my testimony, I share how I’ve gone through dilemmas and God was able to grant me peace etc. sometimes unbelievers not going to understand unless they try god for themselves. And if they have what did Matthew10:14-16 say? Dust your feet 👣 keep it moving, pray for them.
About the true God (Romans 1:20) For his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable. Why people do not understand God’s word the bible. (Matthew 11:25) At that time Jesus said in response: “I publicly praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and intellectual ones and have revealed them to young children.
I ask atheists, is there such thing as truth? Free will, emotions and love? If evolution is true, do you agree woth “The strongest/fittest survive”? If you truly are a “Atheists” do you commit to being a real Atheists? Not just “lack of belief in God, Gods or anything supernatural” but absolutely dont believe in anything you cant see with your two eyes and anything you can’t explain with Logical, scientific demonstrable way? Dont be a hypothet and nit pick what you wanna believe or hear, Serious question Have a good day
Can you please stop assuming that people dont want Jesus’ claims to be true. People don’t have some underlying motive to not believe. People really love Allah, people really believe in karma, people really just aren’t convinced that Jesus is god. He simply used his own logic to make his own conclusions about the Bible as a whole. It’s actually your underlying motive to want Jesus to be true that causes you to think people prefer something not be true instead purely not being convinced. I’m not convinced of witches, I’m not convinced Jesus is god
The New Testament is a Fullfilment of the Old Testament If people still in doubt with The New Testament, they also in doubt with The Old Testament, so what is written by Luke is so true ….. Luke 16:31 (KJV) And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.
Here’s a thought in the old testament the famous story of David and Goliath it firmly states that giants existed as well the book of Enoch. There is proof today from around the world that have skeletons that were over 8 feet tall. Over in the mountains in between Pakistan that a cover up occurred when some American soldiers who were traversing that area for terrorists but instead when they approached a cave a giant came out and attacked them it was either 3 or 4 men died while the others shot and killed it. The military told the men to be quiet and had to sign documents to never speak until finally one of those men who survived had broken their agreement and started telling people that it happened. There are other areas In the world even here in the United States that giants existed in a cave in Nevada they found skeletal remains were found and even in Arkansas that a cave in the northern part of Arkansas of giant people still live in it. There are accounts of people seeing them in there