Jewish mysticism, also known as Kabbalah, has its roots in the biblical era and is based on the public Revelation at Sinai. Prophetic figures like Elijah and Ezekiel experienced divine visions and encounters during this time. From the beginning of Jewish mysticism in the 1st century CE to the middle of the 12th century, only ecstatic and contemplative types existed. However, from the 12th century, Kabbalah offers deep insights into the nature of God, His interaction with the world, and the purpose of Creation.
The history of Jewish mysticism is not linear, with traces found from the late Second Temple period (536 BCE -70 CE). The mystical-poetical Hebrew works of the first five centuries of the Common Era, known collectively as heikhalot (heavenly sanctuaries) and merkavah (throne), are considered the foundation of Jewish mysticism. Jewish groups like the Renewal movement teach mysticism to spiritually inclined, nontraditional Jews, while controversial institutions like the Kabbalah Centre offer a more universal and magical mysticism to Jews.
The major expressions of Jewish mystical activity on the European continent from the tenth to the fourteenth centuries include early Rabbinic mysticism and mystical elements in classic Rabbinic literature, influence to the 5th century CEMerkabah-Hekhalot esoteric texts and methods, and the influence of post-Biblical Jewish mythology and folklore on mysticism.
📹 How did Kabbalah Begin? Brief History of Jewish Mysticism
Some say Kabbalah goes all the way back to the beginning of time. Others say the first century. Here, we present a historical …
How much older is Judaism than Islam?
Israeli archaeologist Yonatan Adler has challenged the common view that Judaism is the grandparent of Islam and Christianity, and one of the world’s oldest surviving religions. Adler’s 15-year study of textual and archaeological evidence suggests that ordinary Judeans didn’t consistently celebrate Passover, hold the Sabbath sacred, or practice traditional Jewish rituals until around 100 B. C. E. If his theory is correct, Judaism could be considered Christianity’s elder sibling and a younger cousin to ancient Greek and Roman religions. Adler’s book, The Origins of Judaism, published by Yale University Press, presents his case.
How far back does Jewish history go?
Judaism, a religion with origins dating back over 3, 500 years, originated in the ancient Canaan region, which is now Israel and the Palestinian territories. It is based on the beliefs and practices of the people of Israel.
Where did Jewish mysticism originate?
Jewish mysticism is a centuries-long tradition of spiritual practices aimed at understanding the divine and hidden aspects of existence. It has evolved significantly over time, influenced by various historical, cultural, and religious contexts. Kabbalah, a prominent form of Jewish mysticism, emerged in the 12th century and has become a central component of Jewish thought. Early forms include prophetic and apocalyptic mysticism, evident in biblical and post-biblical texts.
The roots of Jewish mysticism can be traced back to the biblical era, with prophetic figures like Elijah and Ezekiel experiencing divine visions. The apocalyptic period introduced complex angelology and eschatological themes, while the Heikhalot and Merkavah literature further developed these themes.
The medieval period saw the formalization of Kabbalah, particularly in Southern France and Spain, with foundational texts like the Bahir and the Zohar. Notable Kabbalists like Moses de León played crucial roles in disseminating these teachings, which were characterized by profound symbolic and allegorical interpretations of the Torah.
In the early modern period, Lurianic Kabbalah, founded by Isaac Luria in the 16th century, introduced new metaphysical concepts like Tzimtzum and Tikkun, which have had a lasting impact on Jewish thought. The 18th century saw the rise of Hasidism, which integrated Kabbalistic ideas into a popular, revivalist context, emphasizing personal mystical experience and the divine presence in everyday life.
How much older than Christianity is Judaism?
Judaism is regarded as having originated approximately 1, 500 years before Christianity.
Is Kabbalah Jewish mysticism?
Jewish mysticism and Kabbalah are not interchangeable, but they are related belief systems that explore the first five books of the Hebrew Bible. Kabbalah aims to understand the Torah’s mysterious aspects, such as the creation story and Ezekiel’s chariot. The course aims to teach students about these aspects and their importance. The course aims to provide students with insights into the Jewish Bible and its teachings, allowing them to better understand and apply their faith.
Is the Torah historically accurate?
The Torah, a Jewish text, is considered anachronistic to the second millennium BCE due to the absence of archaeological evidence for the Exodus narrative and anachronisms in patriarchal narratives of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Early manuscript fragments, such as those found in the Dead Sea Scrolls, date to the late third or early second centuries BCE. Early non-biblical sources, such as the Letter of Aristeas, suggest that the Torah was first translated into Greek in Alexandria under Ptolemy II Philadelphus’ reign. These lines of evidence suggest that the Torah must have been composed in its final form no later than c. 250 BCE.
One external reference to the Torah, a passage in Book 40 of Diodorus Siculus’s Library, may push the terminus ante quem for the composition of the Torah down to about 315 BCE. Scholars have traditionally attributed the passage to the late 4th-century Greek historian Hecataeus of Abdera, implying that the Torah must have been composed in some form before 315 BCE. However, the attribution of this passage to Hecataeus has been challenged recently, with Russell Gmirkin arguing that it is a quote from Theophanes of Mytilene, a first-century BCE Roman biographer who used Hecataeus along with other sources.
Is Judaism the oldest religion?
Judaism is the world’s oldest monotheistic religion, with a history dating back to 690 BCE. The religion’s founder, Solomon, is believed to have reigned in Jerusalem around 1000 BCE, where the first sacred Temple of the Jews was constructed. Currently, approximately 14 million Jews are estimated to reside in Israel and the United States, adhering to the belief in a single God.
How far back does the Jewish Bible go?
The Hebrew Bible, also known as the Tanakh or Miqra, is the canonical collection of Hebrew scriptures, including the Torah, Nevi’im, and Ketuvim. Different branches of Judaism and Samaritanism have maintained different versions of the canon, including the 3rd-century BCE Septuagint text used in Second Temple Judaism, the Syriac Peshitta, the Samaritan Pentateuch, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and most recently, the 10th-century medieval Masoretic Text compiled by the Masoretes, currently used in Rabbinic Judaism.
The Masoretic Text (7th to 10th century CE) is the authoritative form of the modern Hebrew Bible used in Rabbinic Judaism, consisting of 24 books, divided into chapters and pesuqim (verses). The Hebrew Bible developed during the Second Temple Period, as the Jews decided which religious texts were of divine origin. The Hellenized Greek-speaking Jews of Alexandria produced a Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible called “the Septuagint”, which included books later identified as the Apocrypha, while the Samaritans produced their own edition of the Torah, the Samaritan Pentateuch.
Modern biblical scholars using the Masoretic Text, such as the Septuagint, the Syriac language Peshitta translation, the Samaritan Pentateuch, the Dead Sea Scrolls collection, the Targum Onkelos, and quotations from rabbinic manuscripts, use a range of sources to understand the history of the Hebrew Bible. These differences have led to the theory that another text, an Urtext of the Hebrew Bible, once existed and is the source of the versions extant today. However, such an Urtext has never been found, and which of the three commonly known versions (Septuagint, Masoretic Text, Samaritan Pentateuch) is closest to the Urtext is debated.
How far back does Kabbalah go?
Kabbalah is a set of esoteric teachings that originated in 12th-13th-century Spain and Southern France and were reinterpreted in 16th-century Ottoman Palestine during a renaissance of Jewish mysticism. These teachings attempt to explain the relationship between an infinite God and the finite universe. Kabbalah, translated as “that which is received”, is traced back to the earliest chapters of Jewish history.
According to Charles Bolouque, Kabbalah was secretly transmitted at Sinai, allegedly as a blueprint for the creation of the world, and dealt with the secrets of creation through generations of initiates.
How old is Jewish mysticism?
Jewish mysticism, which emerged in the 1st century CE, aimed to establish direct contact with the divine, a reality beyond rational understanding. It is not easily defined and has no clear boundary with other religious systems like metaphysics, cosmology, theosophy, occultism, theurgy, or magic.
However, mysticism seems to conflict with classical Judaism, which focuses on a sole God who created the universe and revealed himself through a rule of life called Torah. Traditional Judaic beliefs state that the earthly destiny of the chosen nation and the eternal salvation of the individual depend on the observance of this rule of life.
In the religious history of Judaism, the quest for God goes beyond the Torah, without dispensing with it, pretending to reach the depths of the divine mystery, or ending in ontological identification with God. This is because the seeker would be outside Judaism, and the quest for God goes beyond the Torah, focusing on the relationship between God and human beings.
Which is older, the Bible or the Quran?
The Bible, composed between 1400 BC and AD 95, is one of the oldest religious texts, significantly preceding the Quran by centuries and having a broad distribution before Muhammad’s era. Understanding the chronological order of these scriptures provides insight into their historical context and development. Key differences between the Quran and the Bible include their historical context, development, and influence on Western civilization. Understanding the timeline of these texts is important for religious scholars.
📹 Jewish Mysticism Explained | Exploring Kabbalah
Was Adam, the first human in the Hebrew Bible, the first mystic? Why does tradition hold that one should not study Jewish …
Can ANY of these mystical people, jews, hindus, muslims, christians, zen etc,etc,etc…..can ANY of these people show us ANY action, thought or words, that are supernatural of origin? Is there ANYTHING behind this endless hype building? You tell others to care and love for one another? Anyone can do that. You pray? Anyone can do that. You know hebrew, arabic,aramaic etc,etc? Anyone can learn that. You read some “scriptures”? Anyone can do that. All your reading, repeating, eating, praying, learning, actions, mannerisms, all of it can be learned and repeated mechanically. So once again….is there anything behind all these mythical claims and beliefs? Seems a bit empty to me. I call all the religions on their bullshit.
The 5 books of Moses are intended to have layers of meaning. The first is the literal or Exoteric interpretation. Then there are allegorical interpretations. Etc. The lowest level of understanding is the Literal Interpretation and is for children and those who cannot “know” the other deeper interpretations because they have limited intelectual abilities….this is the Jewish Tradition. After all it’s a Jewish book. I think they know what there talking about. It’s a book for the Jewish people. It’s not meant for outsiders who dont have the oral tradition to guide them. Tanaim! Sod ! Ob !
Iching currently: people keep being super jealous of my feminism and looks I guess.. they’re jealous that I’m happy.. they just want to shoot me and burn everything down… is what they’re saying… but lots of people just like me healthily for that to happen… the question is, is that an enlightened surrender in frustration or is this really separate people who will maybe become dangerous… eastern meditation perspective would say, guaging isn’t possible, the lure of the availability and quality of what’s liking is too much, I’ve essentially heavily relaxed in life based on that constant love, even if it’s nontraditional form I that it’s coming from all directions.. I should be thankful… spiritual weights seem to be that if something happens it’s unavoidable.. technically they place themselves in positions to be belittled, I dislike being seen as a success in a sense but ironically I can’t avoid it in some form… are the coming from true anguish or are they just kindofhappy to have any part in it? _____ the only element ofiching that’s new is that I’m definitely attracting unwanted people.. that’s being given.. but even the narrator’s are shocked it’s going this well I have to affirm what they already tell me I’m attracting wanted people as well (theres an immediate recoiling and frustration from people who see themselves as inferiors) … I can just stick to the best people in my way which pisses them off more cause it’s counted as feminist not a jock success, but even the narrator is shocked, I have to just give the thx of overtly saying I see and will stick to that.
Full respect to scholar ari (shalom malechem..) BUT sounds like naive nonsense to me… first, i am of a direct descendent of the family of david which went away very early from all that mess… i learned and understood all of this quabbalah (from malkuth to keter and back) when i was around 11/12.. at this time i realised sefer yezirah and sohar teaches just impressions of all of this.. he even not mention that the origins come from sumer, annunaki and far beyond.. as above so below.. lots of metaphers but no real knowlege here.. vay barek het jeher sofar e otymeo dy…
Two Thumbs up from me!..Clarifications and questions: Eber, Peleg, Joktan,Abraham and the 12 Tribes were all Hebrews…but Not all of the 12 tribes and them are Jews..Only the Tribe of Judah and its population were called Jews?!..Jesus/Yahusha,Paul, and JOhn the R and 12 disciples were all from the Tribe of JUdah(the country of Israel now)…My Question : How come Jesus called his own tribe ; Your Father the Devil? and John the Revelator and Paul called their own tribe, THe syanagogue of Satan?..Is it because of these Kabbalah Teachings?..Thanks.
Hello, May I share an Old Testament Verse with you from Daniel 7:14 “And there was given him dominion, and glory, and a Kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should SERVE Him; his dominion is an Everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom shall not pass away, and His Kingdom that which shall not be destroyed.” Also, can I share Isaiah 53:5 ” But HE was WOUNDED For our TRANSGRESSIONS, he was BRUISED for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon Him, & with His STRIPES we are HEALED.” God the Father loves you so much that He sent Holy Sinless Jesus (His Holy Son) to earth to be born of a virgin.Then, to grow up and die on a cross for our sins. He was in the tomb for 3 days, then Father God raised Holy and Sinless Jesus Christ (Y’shua) to Life! He appeared to people and went back to Heaven. We must receive Sinless Jesus sincerely to be God’s child(John 1:12).After we get saved by grace through faith in Christ, if we truly love the Lord Jesus Christ, then we will obey Jesus(John 14:15). Mark 1:15 “And saying, the time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: Repent ye, and believe the gospel.” Jesus said in John 14:15 “If you love Me, keep My commandments. “There’s a real hell. It says in Revelation 21:8 “But for the cowardly, & unbelieving, and abominable, & murderers, & immoral persons sorcerers & idolaters & all liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire & brimstone…” Please sincerely receive Holy Jesus and put your true faith & trust in Him today and please repent.
In what language Abraham spoke and, according to kabbalists, wrote? If your answer is “hebrew”, I would say you’re deluded. In the bible, the language spoken by Israelites is called “The language of Canaan” or “The language of Judah”, and archaeological evidence shows the script evolved from paleo-hebrew to the persian script we know today. But the term itself, Hebrew, Ivrit, comes from the root “Ever” (עבר) meaning “beyond, over, past”. Hebrew was the language of the people living “beyond”. Beyond what? Beyond the river Euphrates (The Persian satrapy of Ever Nahara). So I ask again, does anyone know what language Abraham spoke?
So the chosen people don’t even know the origin of the Zohar? Hmm… Pharaoh Thutmose,I – Moses Pharaoh Siamun – Solomon Pharaoh Amenemhet I – Abraham Pharaoh Psusennes I – King David Torah – toroidal basis of the universe and man. All Ka’Ma’atian/TaMUURian (ancient Egypt) knowledge taken from Africa. It chuckles me when Ashkenazic Jews (originally from a Southern Russia) claim to be the chosen ones. They hid the knowledge because it wasn’t there’s to begin with, if you found a treasure box would you share it? Point being the spirit and teachings of man was from the original man from the Father and Mother was and is for all men and creatures.
On the forehead of the Whore of Babylon it says “sode” or “Great Babylon – MYSTERY” and Jesus Christ showed us in his Revelations to St John how the Whore of Babylon will fall. By her sorcery (farmakeia) all nations were deceived. Rev.18:23. I will now learn some Kabbalah to protect myself and God’s people who recognize Jesus Christ, son of God.
It makes sense, in islam, there is a mention, when jews were taken slaves or so by the babylonia back to babylon after diatroyimg Jerusalem. God “allah” sent 2 angels to test the jews people so they can be saved and allowed to return to Jerusalem. So the 2 angles taught them magic, and before doing so, they should know its a test so to see how they treat knowledge or so or in that can google search this….so make comparison. .
Hey…I just bought a Cabela’s 4000 generator. It lights my house in darkness. Crazy Mystical ! I can read my Bible by that light. It speaks of the Wisdom that comes from God. He is Jewish, and has a name above all names. King of kings and Lord of lords. I pray you find Him. See Isaiah 53 for further details.
Ephesians 5:11-13 King James Version (KJV) 11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. 12 For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret. 13 But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light.
Get why – I sure can’t – people are too (3 former things): jealous, hateful, cruelly bitterly so as a small cycle, to understand the former better world still wasn’t even an infinity as good, as why I’m the savior, and that important of a mothering to… every single thing that will ever live. . And you have never acknowledged a drop of caring, except about bargaining “justice” to an infinitely uglier, more dangerous place.
They followed what the evil ones gave out (falsely) against the power of Solomon: the blasphemers Were, not Solomon, but the evil ones, teaching men Magic, and such things as came down at babylon to the angels Harut and Marut. But neither of these taught anyone (Such things) without saying: “We are only for trial; so do not blaspheme.” They learned from them the means to sow discord between man and wife. But they could not thus harm anyone except by Allah’s permission. And they learned what harmed them, not what profited them. And they knew that the buyers of (magic) would have no share in the happiness of the Hereafter. And vile was the price for which they did sell their souls, if they but knew!
There are ancient beliefs of good and bad. If you dont believe in hell how can there then be bad? In Enochs time they realy had to re think cus they didnt know how to write but that generation was pious. From Noah it started aggain. Those that did consider Noah a treu prophet where called weak by those arrogant. Manny ancient beliefs have heavon so then there is also hell. Ive red Enoch was grown up in Babylon. The boat of Noah landed close to mount Ararat so close to Babylon. There where 4 kings that did rule the whole world 2 bad ones Nimrod (after the time period of Noah) and Nebuchadnazzar. The two good ones Solomon and Dhul Qarnayn. You can see in the whole world there are pyramid like structures in Bosnia Egypt Americas. They are not the same but have some same sort structure like cars for example. God says in the Koran there is not a nation or people that wasnt warned. Today there is divide and conquer manny people got shipped from left to right up down or got lured or got slaved some did travel. I think manny people had strong communities that they knew how to protect their ancestors faith. Like in Suriname you have Indian looking people for example or in America you have people that look like Africans. Maybe they did represent those grounds as much as possible. In Solomons time two angels came showing magic they warned the people to not use it. Dhul Qarnayn did manage to defeat Gog and Magog.(a tribe that is corrupt) People say that Jewwish mysticm is black magic even under this comment section.
(FATHER, give me strength from the Feds Javelin, MK Ultra gots my mind unraveling, Trapped in the reality im travelin, i beg for discernment and mercy for all men…and fallen alike, being entangled to the light..) I Break down spiritual walls, eat the food of the gods, im barely duckin death, visions of Holy Halls, the Blessing of Cains mark no doubtin, the rain counts time until the day of zions mountian, The Christ in Glory, and fires fountion… im shaking the spot, so they know that i got the keys that seize these powers that be, strain on the boundery that confounds the realities of the history of man lost, understanding the hungry mouths and Fairchilds boss… yeah…. YOU might bring the fire, holy holy holy YOU sang, but I AM the light filled with power, the witching hour, souls devoured, Blamed for the fulfillment of days, like dead trees dropping leaves, granted the understanding of keys, The language of birds and other things… TAKE HEED ….Seraphim sings the flood, the river, awakening to end of days….the drought, the fire, the rain…. TAKE heed….Seraphim sing of pain, the awakening, the fire and end of days…the drought, the river, the rain…. We the rain flood the river …. EAT of me unto life! ALL things remembered… LYRICAL demonstration of power is about to reveal the tower built upon the rock to declare the hour as the corner stone killers cower…..pharisees tongue teach fasle last hours, Gnashing of teeth make ears bleed, Christ in Full Glory for those with eyes to see.
Isaiah 53 New International Version 53 Who has believed our message(A) and to whom has the arm(B) of the Lord been revealed?(C) 2 He grew up before him like a tender shoot,(D) and like a root(E) out of dry ground. He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance(F) that we should desire him. 3 He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering,(G) and familiar with pain.(H) Like one from whom people hide(I) their faces he was despised,(J) and we held him in low esteem. 4 Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering,(K) yet we considered him punished by God,(L) stricken by him, and afflicted.(M) 5 But he was pierced(N) for our transgressions,(O) he was crushed(P) for our iniquities; the punishment(Q) that brought us peace(R) was on him, and by his wounds(S) we are healed.(T) 6 We all, like sheep, have gone astray,(U) each of us has turned to our own way;(V) and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity(W) of us all. 7 He was oppressed(X) and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth;(Y) he was led like a lamb(Z) to the slaughter,(AA) and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth. 8 By oppression(a) and judgment(AB) he was taken away. Yet who of his generation protested? For he was cut off from the land of the living;(AC) for the transgression(AD) of my people he was punished.(b) 9 He was assigned a grave with the wicked,(AE) and with the rich(AF) in his death, though he had done no violence,(AG) nor was any deceit in his mouth.
Surely vain are all men by nature, who are ignorant of God, and could not out of the good things that are seen know him that is: neither by considering the works did they acknowledge the workmaster; 2But deemed either fire, or wind, or the swift air, or the circle of the stars, or the violent water, or the lights of heaven, to be the gods which govern the world. 3With whose beauty if they being delighted took them to be gods; let them know how much better the Lord of them is: for the first author of beauty hath created them. 4But if they were astonished at their power and virtue, let them understand by them, how much mightier he is that made them. 5For by the greatness and beauty of the creatures proportionably the maker of them is seen. 6But yet for this they are the less to be blamed: for they peradventure err, seeking God, and desirous to find him. 7For being conversant in his works they search him diligently, and believe their sight: because the things are beautiful that are seen. 8Howbeit neither are they to be pardoned. Chokmah b’Shelomoh 13:1-8
Tradition = Idolatry lmao if you pass down the wrong things over and over again then that is tradition. Does anyone have the courage to read every book and decipher the truth from all faiths? God is. Man also is. We must depict the difference now. For anybody born of the mortal world then he is only able to know that of his world, for the one creator of everything, this one understands what things are even above the heavens. Go with peace friends, do not fight. When we bicker about small things, it doesn’t bring us closer. And that is our ultimate goal.
…desperate times require desperate measures….. go nuts or knoe et all it is up to u! elevate don’t escalate…. …sparks…. this lil lite of mine i gunna let it shine…. we are 100% divine but only a small small small part (%) OF *THE*DIVINE*… LISTEN LOVE LAUGH LEARN LIVE !!! ELEVATE!!! the only thing that should be banned is HATE !!!
And the hebrew language in time dictates the articulating… and what you say animal energy is nothing more than its ( and our ) vibration. One complete oscillation. ..vibration to frequency to sound… my name is just a label my folks put on me, but my real name is my vibration pattern spoken… being called forth from nothingness… such is how the creation language works…peh i think… but i see the cosmic alignments, the spiral, elongation and the seripham Gate…..the dome of the rock… the vector on the dome…
the aramaic alfabet, the meaning of all two character words. aa go-go,equal ba father ca deliver da open ha oh! wa ohu-or za give-shape ga brother ta near ia now-do ka only-but la aim ma from-the-deep na towards:if sa heal ja check pa oof,also Za catch-intens qa juggle ra think Sa inter-twine Ta come-sign ab come bb house-house cb boss db because-destroy hb in-him:distract wb pack zb plunder gb shop tb neat ib in-me kb in-you:weep lb without:go-round mb handle nb in-us:build sb boss:turn-down jb wish pb en-cour-age Zb study qb observe rb son Sb pain Tb lodge ac transport bc select cc X-port,X-port dc tear-off hc foam,twi-light wc in-side zc shave gc let-flow tc assemble ic here kc go-round lc roll mc cut-down nc garden,lean sc stare jc tour pc enjoy Zc of-fend qc bedoein rc trade Sc try+feel Tc wine-press ad do bd flow cd deaf dd open-open hd ap-point wd stick zd un-fold gd grind td foundation id enough kd place-clean ld come-down md blood-compare nd judge sd bundle jd know pd non-sense Zd dance qd mark rd dare Sd trample Td chances ah look! bh lift-up ch convoy dh this hh watch-watch wh he-and,he-is zh cut-out gh come-on th make-perfect ih look! kh patrol lh steer-his mh hold-on nh look! sh pack jh zoom-in ph report Zh almost qh re-al-ize rh determine Sh be-still Th say-fairwell aw uh bw extend cw train,exercise dw honour hw and-him ww hook-hook-on zw harvest gw pre-pare tw build iw woe! kw indic-ate lw must-not mw bam! nw ours sw harvest jw se-lect pw teach Zw strategy qw pro-sper rw start Sw stay Tw and-very az cut bz make-shine cz echo dz boil hz uh-ha!
Your the Priest of Mahan, under the order of Cain since the beginning . Our scriptures teach not to follow your traditions . You say Adam, Moses all the profits are Kabbalest ? Really ? Lol, All your sorcery will not save you . Why don’t any of the prophecies or curses in the scriptures line up with your people ?
So the first writings of these esoteric books were being compiled for the first time shortly after the last book of the Bible had been finished and at a time in Christianity when the early Church was contending with Gnosticism heresies… and around that same time the Roman Empire scattered the remnant of the Pharisees to the wind. Coincidence? I think not. But I suppose you can always count on cockroaches to survive.
I understand the quballah, Rabbi. But….thats not all. Im hesitant to say, so i will do what i do, like all BIRDS do. The quballah opens up for me, all i have to do is look and the understanding is there, Allah blesses me all my life… and the universe is open before me… but the wind… its alive… it has teeth… Rabbi the Birds sing to me…. music.
why is the hebrew bible different than the holy bible? Im wondering if you ever read the real bible and saw how God is angered at your works? He doesnt Like it that you have no faith in him but only your works and in the bible you dont have evidently you need to get it and read it because hes going to be very mad at you when he comes with his army of angels and he will wipe out all those that have had no faith in him. Im sorry but it is the truth. You have to accept Jesus and stop doing witch craft.
its funny reading the comment what ppl got from this article.. 4me, uHv to wonder why G*d chose4 scholars to give the lite,, did G*d know only one would be able to contain the lite and be able to preserve the holy teaching? or is it a lessen for Humans that even tho we can see the holy words not all can absorb the reason and wisdom of the words. ah yes, knowledge can unveil truth but if the divine mind is not absent of the desires of the body truth becomes untruth and half truth so, hidden from the masses. the ill effect of keeping truth hidden from the masses is it hinders the lite-born from knowledge, it is a blessed time that knowledge can be found for those that seek it,, the emerald tablets were recently published also but not all that can know the words and can pronounce them can wield the power of the words,, thank you for the teaching,.. I believe your teaching is truth of history.,
The man got kick out of the garden not the women. she just went with him. And remember that god was talking to the other gods about how adam mind woke up. don’t nobody really know what happen in the beginning of the making of this earth. but- i like what i said this earth is adam and we are breathing god breath.