A tin foil hat is a hat made from sheets of tin foil or aluminum foil, or a piece of conventional headgear lined with foil, often worn in the belief that it shields the brain from threats such as electromagnetic fields, mind control, and mind reading. The notion of wearing homemade headgear for such purposes is popular among conspiracy theorists, Crazy Survivalists, and paranoid Cloudcuckoolanders.
A tinfoil hat is a shorthand for a person’s belief in conspiracy theories, especially involving government surveillance or outlandish conspiracies. Wearing a tinfoil hat signals to others that one is unhinged and has a deep distrust of the government. In the past few years, conspiracy theories have been multiplying exponentially, and this hypothesis implies that reasoning biases should be more closely associated with belief in implausible conspiracy theories.
The tin foil hat is perhaps the most iconic headgear for conspiracy theorists, as wearing one signals to others that they are unhinged and have a deep distrust of the government. In the context of conspiracy theories, the tinfoil hat is often used to block signals from government surveillance or alien invasions.
In conclusion, the tin foil hat is an iconic headgear for conspiracy theorists, as it serves as a symbol of their belief in government surveillance and the Illuminati. It is a popular way to protect against mind control, alien invasions, and other outlandish conspiracies, and can be made from various materials like tin foil or aluminum foil.
📹 Who Came Up With the Idea of Using a Tinfoil Hat to Protect Your Mind?
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📹 Do Tinfoil Hats Really Block Your Brain Waves – Featuring the OCZ NIA Linus Tech Tips
Can the government read your mind using satellites? What if you wear a tinfoil hat? Check out the video to find out more.
I was working on a street repair crew, filling potholes in a residential neighborhood when my coworkers moved quickly away from the area we were filling. I turned around and saw an elderly woman with a floral hat on her head. Just like she was going to church or a Sunday tea. I thought my coworkers were rude and odd for moving away so quickly. I decided to say hello to the woman and be pleasant. What a mistake! This woman started screaming and crying at me saying the government was transmitting radio messages into her head and I was there to kidnap her for the government. As she kept yelling at me she took off her hat to reveal a aluminum foil hat. She told me the metal wasn’t working anymore. And I was there to finally pick her up and deliver her to the CIA. I backed up and moved away from the woman and then ripped my coworkers new posteriors for leaving me there. They knew all about her and thought it was a great prank.
I get auditory hallucinations. When I lived in an apartment, I just figured it was my neighbor playing music slightly too loud. After moving to a house, I realized it was all in my head, so I now counter it by sleeping with my own music running. I’ve spoken with my therapist about the whole thing, and he agrees that it is fairly common, nothing to worry about unless getting ‘distressing messages’.
If you’re hearing voices, step one would be to check the batteries in your carbon monoxide detector. If you’re still hearing voices, a psychiatrist is your next step. I’m bipolar & had a psychotic breakdown a few years ago. Heard voices, saw things that weren’t there, thought Adele was sending secret messages through her songs (I’m into metal & hiphop, so this was particularly weird) thought the CIA was after me (in my flat, in England, lol), the works. Persecution delusions in particular – ie, people being after you, are the most common in disorders like bipolar, schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, etc
I traded in my timfoil hat collection for a T-shirt that says ” I TOLD YOU SO ” We’ve officially changed our focus from conspiracy theories to SPOILER ALERTS. As far as tinfoil hat styles go. I personally recommend the Napoleon it may not keep electric magnetic waves away. But it will definitely keep people away.
This was a very interesting watch. I appreciate that it was thorough despite not being a full documentary. After undergoing severe childhood abuse, I was diagnosed with FND — functional neurological disorder. A condition where your body takes stress and mimics any and every illness that it may know. But, the tests? The bloodwork? It will be clean every time. To a degree because of the wide media exposure in today’s world and the lack of independent thinking encouraged — I think more people have mentally induced conditions than they recognize. The brain is powerful. Powerful. Also, I have not watched the article on Multiple Personality Disorder, but I hope you did enough research to know that it is properly called Dissociative Identity Disorder and is the result of extreme trauma to the brain. The DSMV does not even acknowledge the existence of a “multiple personality disorder.” Great article as always. Keep it up!
Electrical Engineer here… If you ground the tinfoil cap, it maybe might have a little electrical shielding effect. However, if you leave it “floating,” then, very loosely speaking, it’ll just re-transmit what it receives. But yes, the more likely effect would be to set up resonant standing waves reflecting between the opposing surfaces of the cap. That will at best only amplify twice that wavelength of electromagnetic wave. That’s how microwave ovens work, BTW: The power from their “magnetrons” are moderately-but-not-extremely powerful — about a Kilowatt, but if you put them inside a “tuned cavity,” then that frequency will be amplified like a vibrating guitar string.
I love picking holes in mental conspiracy theories, but I’ve come across something repeatedly that I cannot explain away. I’ll have a song in my head, and when I turn the radio on in my car, that song is on. It’s happened quite frequently. I start work at 4am so I’m not subconsciously hearing it from another radio in my house or from another car (as there is none). It’s usually not a pop song that’s played often (law of averages is if you’re thinking of a top 10 hit and you turn the radio on, it’s going to be on). Can’t explain it with any logic I can think of
I used to work in the electronics field. We used to use a substance a type of plastic sheeting called Velostat. Velostat is used to block electromagnetic fields and things of that nature. Fast forward a few years and I found a website that was selling clothing and hats lined with Velostat. I’m not one of the individuals that believes I’m being mind controlled but I did have to give the creators of these clothes and hate props/credit for using Velostat to block EMF, radio wave, etc.
As someone diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder due to delusions in line with the topic of this article, I can confirm that just listening to this article was triggering. It’s a complex issue that would take a lot to unpack, but suffice it for a comment to say that I had to work hard to maintain a ‘normal’ mindset and not slip back into a delusional one. These kinds of problems are hard to explain and even harder to understand. The people experiencing them are treated quite poorly by society in general but also, troublingly, by medical professionals as well. I wouldn’t wish commitment to a mental health establishment on my worst enemy. Good luck everybody. No answers here. Just perspectives and questions.
Thank you Simon for the great content. Would you consider doing a segment on people who’s magnetism prevents their watches from keeping accurate time? My wife is one of those, and we’d love to know why a battery lasts about 2 days in any watch she wears, and any sprung watch won’t keep time. But they’re fine if she leaves them on her dresser.
In The Dark Tower Series by Stephen King, there’s a group of people who wear metal hats to keep their thoughts private. I remember driving cross country in the United States and it was quite late. I had my radio off and I started hearing things through my speakers. It scared the s#!@ out of me. I later found out that cars (at least older ones) could actually pick up AM radio signals and you could hear it. So I wasn’t going crazier than normal, which was a relief.
10-20 years ago and even now people mock fibromyalgia sufferers. They said people were exaggerating or plainly faking symptoms of the disease. As someone who suffers from these and lupus..it took over 10 years for doctors to give me the right diagnosis. I was an active soccer and softball player during my early teens until around 16. I developed severe pain in my legs.. so bad all I could do was ball up and cry myself to sleep. Doctors ran test after test and guessed it was some kind of arthritis or mixed tissue disease. None of the treatments or medications worked. I saw several doctors who accused me of faking and drug seeking. I looked up fibromyalgia and a lot of my symptoms matched but all my doctors blew it off. It wasnt until I was 27 that the diagnosis of lupus was made. 2 years following that I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I still struggle with pain and weakness every day and it affects my life in a lot of ways. I don’t know if they electromagnetic sensitivity is real or not but I know how it feels for doctors to mock your pain. Even making jokes about you to the other staff in the clinic. Its disheartening and at times I didn’t want to live anymore. Luckily a doctor took me seriously 7 years ago and it changed my world. My heart goes out to all that suffer from illness.. you are strong but you dont have to stay strong all the time. Its okay to break down and feel bad. Dont let people in your life make you feel like you cant be vulnerable in front of them. If it makes them uncomfortable than they weren’t good friends in the first place.
No joke, I remember a time when I had a persistent headache after modifying an old Linksys WiFi router. After installing custom firmware on it, I bumped up the signal strength to max levels, beyond what it normally broadcast at, to get some extra coverage out of it. After a few days, I dropped the signal strength back down to stock levels, and my headache disappeared almost instantly.
This is a subject that hit’s home for me. Back in 2004 I started hearing voices and spent years trying to understand what it meant. I first thought that it was the government bouncing something off my box spring mattress, then my narrative changed as it was happening away from my bed. Eventually I had decided that I couldn’t take it anymore and decided that a hospital might have the equipment to keep the signals from getting to me and who ever was part of the shadow games could get the message that I needed to be protected. In the end it turned out to be mental illness, I had spent 2 years in absolute isolation in my parents basement prior to the event that triggered it. A “friend” came over, first person I had interacted with, and smoked some pot with me. Along the way I even went downtown to the FBI building and told them it had started online and I couldn’t say anything else. Over the years as I fought against the schizophrenia building a new life small thing’s still lingered, even as recent as a couple years ago I was almost afraid to tell my therapist that I had gone to the FBI because of the computer with a webcam on it. All this while having a life quite normal in comparison to the years previous. For years I dealt with it but once obamacare came around I was able to get a therapist and one on one interaction with a medication doctor and that’s when I started to get actual result’s. I’m still a broken person but I’ve defeated so much from my past that I always feel like a new person.
Funny thing: the faraday cage on a microwave isn’t (just) there to keep you from melting yourself with microwaves. It actually acts to concentrate them so the microwave can do its job. I think the Action Lab tried an experiment where they tore the door off a microwave and disabled the safety interlocks so it would run open and then stuck a couple bars of chocolate near it. The chocolate barely got warm at point blank range let alone at any appreciable distance. And while you probably shouldn’t take Weird Al’s advice in Dare to be Stupid (stick your head in the microwave and get yourself a tan), the microwave is completely safe otherwise.
I believe the lucy’s fillings story because when I was younger there was a certain staircase in our apartment complex where if you sat at the top with a little 9v battery and a paperclip or staple we could hear this mexican radio station with some weird background interference (kind of like a theremin but not as wide ranged) when you touched the paperclip to the battery. we did this multiple times, some days it didn’t seem to work but if we went down a few steps usually it would start working again. I still to this day do not fully understand how their was audible sound; even if that acted as an antennae there was no speaker for the sound to come from, just a paperclip.
@ 10:46 I’ve heard this before “Just because you’re paranoid does not mean everybody’s not out to get you!” On the other hand, that doesn’t men they are either. I had a room mate when I was in the Air Force that I loved fighting with. This wasn’t in the nature of a difference of opinion. It was a physical contest. No I wasn’t in any danger from it, and when he was reassigned to another place, he said I was the best room mate he ever had. To this day, that is the best compliment I ever had. No we were not out to damage each other per say, we were out to keep it up until one of us said the safe word, “Enough.” Neither of us wanted to wear short sleaves during this or people would have got the wrong idea. I mean, we were fighting but personal injury was not the goal. We weren’t even fighting to resolve a difference of opinion. We were doing it just because we enjoyed it. Just so you know, if anything came up, I had his back, and he had mine. I was very disheartened for him though when he got assigned to Hawaii rather than to Hayford England where is relatives were.
Last century a study was done on long term effects of EMR, from high voltage lines . The findings, were over a 25 year period, found an increase in the incidents of certain types of Cancer . Being under high voltage lines at one time, one always knew when the lines were coming up, well before passing under them, as the radio, got clogged with white noise . Where power pylons were intersected by tin fences on property boundary’s, a feild was set up when the pylon was in use, which generated Severe Migraines in some individuals, plus an increased risk of Cancer . As for aluminum foil hats, and, or, outer wear, it would make for a very good conductor for an impromptu performance of ” Dance Macabre ” .
I mean, obviously those hats are just can-tennas. You use the same foil to make a home-made wifi antenna and stick it in a tube with some wires coming out. Your skull is the tube, a big cavity, and your brain is the wiring. These people hate 5g bouncing all over the place but you know… they kinda pioneered it by being the first human signal boosters and reflectors.
I experienced a strange phenomenon in my late teens, which probably has a scientific explanation (I hope!) I had a job at a woodworking mill, where every shift, I was exposed to extremely deafening levels of noise from the machinery, saws, planes, lathes, etc. We used every imaginable form of hearing protection available, but many of the old- timers who had worked at the mill for years had experienced hearing loss, and wore hearing aids when not at work. When the plane at my left and the gang saw at my right were operating, even with earplugs, one could literally hear nothing except for the deafening roar. But I began to have auditory hallucinations at these times, I would hear pop music through the roar of the blades, top 40 tunes, like listening to a radio at low volume. This would last for several minutes at times, and I was able to recognize particular songs. The mill had nothing resembling Muzak, or any similar commercial or in-house music system, the noise level would have rendered such a program useless. In fact, just to make any kind of announcement over the mill’s PA system, all of the machinery first had to be turned off. My ears wouldn’t stop ringing from the time that I left work for the weekend until the time that I returned to work on Mondays. I have never experienced auditory hallucinations before, or after, my time working at that mill. It was very strange. The mill is AMF incorporated, in northern New York state U.S., we made bowling pins for the Japanese market, spools for weaving looms, and cores for wooden baseball bats.
As a aluminum hat is inadequate as a Faraday cage, I have made myself a chainmail coif made of aluminum rings that covers my head and shoulders. A wire runs from the coif down to metal plates attached to the bottom of my shoes. This grounds the coif, which redirects any electromagnetic signals to ground. Note: my coif might offer protection during thunderstorms, but that has yet to be tested.
I tested that supposed sensitivity to electromagnetic fields and radio signals at my college once. I was told I had to leave a little art gallery or turn off my phone because the signals and electromagnetic fields from the phone disturbs people. So I left, pretended to shut my phone off, and came back and they said thank you that was much better even though my phone was actually still on. This shows that it was nothing but a placebo effect or completely made up.
And just when you think you have yourself completely shielded you suddenly must consider sound at frequencies above your hearing range. This can be modulated with voice and music. Aaaannnndddd if you are in the beam of the ultrasonic sound you can hear the voices in your head. If the installation is still maintained you can experience this as the New York, New York casino in Las Vegas in the restrooms outside the Cirque Soliel show. It is a very clever effect that makes use of non-linear features in our ears working as if they were a crude AM radio for ultrasonic sound. I was sitting on the commode micturating when I heard this conversation going on. I’d been warned about it so I did not freak out. (Ern, I was working in the themed entertainment industry at the time and it was a bragging rights effect.) I know of two ways to create highly localized sound fields. Visit an IAAPA convention to see the overhead dome effect demonstrated. It simply creates a dome over an area to concentrate the sound downwards to the person reading the advertisement in front of the person. The other uses this dome effect plus the ultrasonic trick to make this even more localized and personal. Both are basically very short range effects. So Big Bubbah can’t use this effect to reprogram your peewee remotely from Washington DC when you’re walking in Central Park. But – well – that tinfoil hat isn’t going to do the trick. On the other paw, in the 60s or 70s it was noticed that humans could directly receive RF from microphone-like coils near the ears, an excellent ultra-private and quiet headphone system for covert radios.
I worked at a brake shop with an older guy that was nuts. He would go on rants about the government being able to track everyone, the government listens to everyone, and the government is doing it all the time. This was in the very early 2000s. If he had his typical rant (minus the alien stuff) today most people wouldn’t think he was crazy all.
Hi, I’m 58, living in the Netherlands and I’ve been a network engineer from 1996 until 2008. Around 1995 mobile networks, WiFi and other shortwave devices entered society. From 2002 on I installed numerous WiFi routers at companies I worked for. Also at home I installed them. In those years I started to get severe headaches but thought it was because stress, work and having young children. But one day I was in my study and my headache “just” disappeared… I went downstairs to tell my wife about that and she told me she just shutted the main power down, to do some adjustments … So the WiFi ánd the Siemens Giga-set were shut down too at that moment. When the power was on again, the headache came back too. I also realized our bedroom was just 2 meters from the cupboard in which the WiFi, power etc was located, and we switched the stuff off during the night. Nowadays most WiFi routers have a power adjust, an eco mode etc and just emit at only the power needed at that moment… Just my bit.
This is pretty accurate. I looked into this myself a couple decades ago. Some studies that have been left out of this article have suggested people exposed to pulsating EMF also experience higher anxiety and hallucinations. I’m not convinced that there are always no effects, or even only negligible effects. Without going on a whole long explanation on them all, the principles are sound, and reportedly, it’s the notion of pulsating EMF’s effects on the human body and human psyche are what inspired Tesla to develop the radio.
The answer to this is the case of Leonard Kille, co-creator of the Polaroid Land Camera, who ended up having Jose Delgado type stimoceivers implanted in his brain, became the basis of “The Terminal Man”, and was eventually shuffled from the east coast to the west coast VA where they didn’t bother to notate his surgery in his file. After he finally convinced a doctor to X-Ray his head where they found the stimoceiver, the doctor gave him a a big piece of tinfoil from the hospital kitchen to fashion a helmet to help him stop hearing radio signals, since (like a person with an old style mercury filling who has recently had an electric shock) he was picking up radio waves.
Simon, Given the earth itself is shielded by the electromagnetic field generated by its core, that the human heart is in some respects an electromagnetic generator, and that individual cells seem to communicate in part using EM wavelengths, it would be an interesting follow up to this episode if you Found Out and shared more about that 🙂
I’ve actually experienced a nocebo effect back when I was in 3rd grade in summer camp. These kids convinced me to believe this tiny hole broken in the middle of a concrete slab was cursed if I touched it and being that I was really gullible at the time, was convinced, touched it anyway, and then I felt a shockwave go up my arm as if I grabbed an electric fence. When some other kid came by and provided the logic that it’s literally just concrete and dirt, it snapped me out of the paranoia the other kids gave me. I touched the hole in the concrete again and there was nothing. But I vividly remember being shocked through my arm the first time.
The reason why it doesn’t work is because it’s suppose to be a tinfoil hat. Tinfoil hasn’t been made for decades. It was replaced with aluminum foil. There is a Youtube article of a man trying to see if the legend was true that one could catch catfish with pieces of bar soap. The problem is old soap used animal fat and new soap uses vegetable oil. Slight changes can change the results.
I started hearing people talking in my head out of nowhere. I thought I had a tumor or was going crazy. The voices kept saying they needed to know I was ready to leave. I kept asking where. Never got an answer. Then I was bombarded by voices until I told my family I needed help. They tried to send me to a place but we got a call at the last minute and I was sent to another place. Once there the people would repeat aloud every thought I had in my head over and over. Then they made me think of cards from a deck. They would then repeat them aloud back to me. Most could do it with absolute perfection. A few needed me to repeat the thought 2 to 3 times. This was all accompanied by pain, both physical and mental. The people there all had massive pupils while doing this. As if they were high, even tho no drugs were allowed. I met with the director there who was my bosses brother. I then remembered the stories I heard at McKesson in Chino, CA. A few people there talked about being taken to a place run by the Air Force and Mikes brother was the director. They would not speak of what happened to them but they all came back changed. They would no longer talk or joke around with anyone. All they would say is they were experimented on are being followed by Cessna airplanes. I did not believe them. 2 years after I left that job I was attacked by voices. I was tortured for a month at this place and then let go. But now I’m followed daily wherever I go by a Cessna airplane. After months of this I finally started recording them with my phone.
Well the hat is just a little portion of a complete set of preventive measures. You need at bare minimum, a white noise generator website scanning on a ham radio, full Faraday caged bedroom and bathroom, bubble wrap sleeved in aluminum foil lining the underside of the entire roof, and a electromagnetic field detector to know if they are in the area. Along with a hat made using gold and tin foils, so it scatters the signal and appears that nobody is there. According to a few people who are still lost in a heavy nose snow driven acid experiment started in the 70’s.
I personally am inclined to believe the electromagnetic sensitivity like in better call Saul. Anyone who is a radio enthusiast (myself included) will know that there are often FCC warning labels warning not to be too close to an antenna that is transmitting, as well as some very high frequency transmitters having radiation warnings on them. Also interestingly enough, it’s been found that police officers are at a higher risk of testicular and ovarian cancers due to the high powered radios on their belt near their pelvis. I have also had an experience of my own. Near my Walgreens pharmacy drive through, there is a small black box that says “low frequency” just before the drive through window used to detect cars and give the employees a heads up. I have noticed that when I am parked next to it and it is roughly head height, while I don’t experience pain or nausea, I do get very irritated and over all very uncomfortable. But as soon as I pull away from the box as far as a few feet, the feeling instantly goes away. So do I think the electrio magnetic sensitive people really are being affected in a painful way and really are being affected by electricity, or it’s all in their head? I DONT KNOW. But what I do know is that some frequencies and affect the human body to some degree
In order for a “tin hat” to be truly efficacious, like any Faraday cage or an analog thereof, it needs to be grounded. A connection to ground allows the energy intercepted by a Faraday Cage to be dissipated away from the protected item. In the case of the “tinfoil hat”, the energy that could be intercepted by the hat ends up only attenuated as there’s no really effective means to dissipate or shunt the energy away; as was pointed out, the effect of the hat as constituted, is frequency-dependent.
Exactly! The head needs to be completely covered and surrounded Just like a faraday cage… So obviously one needs to Separate the head from the neck and put it in one of those aluminum lined bags used to keep dairy cold on the way home from the grocery store. Just be sure you’re sitting down during this process because it can make you quite dizzy. Or so I’ve heard
Several years ago when I worked for Home Depot a man came in to find out how much it would cost to buy enough copper wire to completely wrap his house. He claimed the government was spying on him. He left rather disappointed when he saw the cost of copper wire. Maybe he should just wrap his house in foil.
Random thoughts….I was told by my father who had advanced degrees in electrical and chemical engineering…he said that unless the tinfoil hat wearer had pinholes in the foil after the attack, not to worry about it….E.H.S…My I.T. instructor who was our collage’s I.T. hardware repair guy, could tell where I’d been on campus, when he discovered during class I was one of “those people” who could screw with hard drives….apparently some people are capable of carrying a static charge, and if one is obese, this charge is enhanced. My instructor made me wear a grounding strap through the rest of my college term. I never had issues with buggy collage computers thereafter…As a young kid, my dad would watch me get zapped by display cases when we’d go to stores with florescent lighting in the cases. He’d watch arcs come off the metal frames….I can see where people would think they’re allergic to electrical fields. I think we can all feel electrical charges, but most of us just ignore it like it’s the weather….If one is truly sensitive, I would think they wouldn’t come out until after sunset, when the planet is between them and the sun…I guess I’m like Newton Pulsifer when it comes to computers and lead based batteries….
In Olympia WA there was a guy named Stanley Bender. In the 70’s he was known to wear tin foil hats. In the 90’s I was at Evergreen where he hired students to help him around his place. He had made a liquid solution to replace the tinfoil by then. When a small plane flew over he quickly dabed his solution over his face and head because “the cia was shooting microwaves at me!” He said he was part of the lsd experiments the military did.
most metals can stop or reflect some form if not all micro/radio waves it depends on the metal the thickness and the wave there are also screens like on a microwave witch will work as long as it has right hole size but it will not work on all forms of radiation if the size of the holes is to big also yes a thin peace of aluminum foil will stop the micro waves from you microwave
Check out the hospital scene in the 1983 Dudley Moore movie “Lovesick”, where Moore’s character, a psychiatrist, prescribes a tin foil lining for a patient’s hat to protect their brain from being scrambled by rays being beamed into their head from the top of the World Trade Center. It’s believed to be the first time in film/TV that the ‘tinfoil hat’ was referenced with regards to paranoia.
If it’s just microwaves or radio waves, why can’t somebody build a jammer for them to use next time they hear the voices? The FCC would have a problem with this so it would have to be home built, but like a simple microwave jammer device and the next time they hear it, they can like wave it around or something and see if it gets better.
I got my minde reading device right here in my pocket. I truly under the belief that with nothing more then the official feature sensors in my smartphone are enough to practically read my minde, i am not talking about crazy sci-fi technology only a mic a camera with flash a gps and a record of everything that i have interest in. However i also believe that although it’s possible to read the minde of a person of interest is possibly the sad truth is that it is in most cases not really beneficial. But in short we live in an area where it’s unnecessary to fear the government has the ability to read your minde for the simple reason of it having the capability out in the open.
When I moved from North Carolina to Louisiana I started working at a convenience store. Had a woman come in, stare at me for a few minutes and when we were the only ones left she came up and told me she knew what I was. She was convinced I was a government agent because I had out of state plates on my car. We went for 15 minutes arguing about it. She never came back but I can picture her being the tinfoil hat type.
I read the title and immediately thought of a friend (I have some strange friends but he’s one of the next level ones) that talks a lot about low frequency sound waves coming of the cell towers and how the government uses it to control people who are compromised immunity mentally. He told me and an ex that he could build our kids these helmets made out of certain materials to help divert the signals and protect their brains from government control. He went all out and had a rough draft drawn out. His ex’s daughter has schizophrenia and mine suffered from severe depression. Now that I’ve written this down I think he’s a bit more than quirky and I really question him as a person….
Tech Ingredients published a piece on how to defeat microwave weapons (real science, from real scientists) a week ago, and just published and update today. What they present will work on a larger part of the radio spectrum. This a more real problem, if they are actually being used. Tear gas is much more effective, and cheaper though.
I won’t say I have EHS but…my senses are definitely too sensitive since I get migraines easily from over stimulation. I can hear the humming of most electronics such as tube lights and TV’s, I don’t think it’s that I actually hear the frequencies but that it resonates with my tinnitus and makes for much louder than normal buzzing. So it’s not emf based but the sound certain appliance’s wiring creates, like old TV’s, tube lights, and etc.
I actually used to hear the electrical whine from CRT monitors (the ones with the big old booty). I could easily tell just how many TV sets/computers someone had in their home, so long as they were turned on, just by the whine I’d hear. Stopped hearing it over the years as the technology improved and eventually stopped totally when plasma TVs became the more common ones but I still get it now and then when the older CRT models are used. Im assuming it was just something about how they are made and growing up around it. It wasnt super annoying, kinda like mild tetanus
Girard kinda reminds me of myself, except it’s my own voice in my head making fun of people. Honestly tho, some people make it so easy that I kind of feel obligated to make fun of them. Especially the ones that may be offended or angered by that statement. That said, I know a fella that was offended by my having a HAM radio antenna outside my apartment. Said he was tired of hearing all the buzzing in his head from such devices. Claims that “they” installed a receiver in his head when he had checked himself into a mental hospital. And NO, I AM NOT MAKING FUN OF HIM. He and I used to be fishing buddies, until he went off the deep end. I miss those days. Come to think of it, he and I used to make fun of certain people.
6:00 auditory and visual hallucinations are pretty common in high-stress design fields in my personal experience. I’m a landscape architecture student and some of those long nights alone in the studio can really get to you. I genuinely thought I was crazy because I started hearing voices and seeing shadowy figures. I thought I was schizophrenic and I visited the psychiatrist to see what’s up a few months ago and it turns out I was just sleep deprived, anxious, and depressed – which is a pretty common condition for most students at the end of the semester. I’m sure authors experience the same thing when they’re meeting deadlines. Many hallucinogenic drugs that are popular among young stressed professionals, especially those in creative fields, can have residual effects, sometimes for months or even years. Pretty sure some of those existed back then.
Also notable is the controversy regarding the relationship between cancer and non-ionizing radiation, especially within the frequencies commonly used for radio communication (referred to as “RF radiation” in the safety notice which may accompany your cellular device). Most industry-sponsored studies don’t find a correlation, but the clusters of similar cancer cases around broadcast towers remain prominent, yet officially unsolved. Whatever you think about that, these alleged effects are not to be confused with the rare, though incredibly real and dangerous, phenomenon of broadcast waves energizing a random metal object to the point at which it will shock and/or burn unsuspecting people. There was once an anchorage in Commencement Bay in Puget Sound that was notorious for this.
Back in the day I was perusal an old episode of Starsky and Hutch. And I remember they went to investigate a dude that had been released from jail. He was working as a wielder and they went to where he worked and started asking him questions about when he was on a certain day. As they were talking to him, they noticed that he had tin foil hanging from the bottom of his pants. He was told,….hey….you know you have tin foil hanging out of your pants leg? And he said of course!….and he said that it was to keep the radio signals from Mars off of him. They then knew he was nuts, and secretly went to his home to check it out. Only to find the whole place was covered in tin foil. Especially the windows. They knew this dude was off his rocker and investigated him further. Never forgot that,….funny as hell.
I originally though people who claimed to hear and be bothered by power lines were exaggerating. I’d lived near power lines my whole life and never been bothered, nor had anyone I knew. One day I ended up going to property next to a brand new solar farm. I heard an annoying low hum, and wondered what it was. I walked around, and realized the hum got louder as I approached the farm and quieter as I moved away. No one else with me claimed to hear it. I didn’t experience this when roughly the same distance from a older, different solar farm. I went back to the first farm a few weeks/months later time only to experience the same thing. A few years later, after the farm had seen some age and probably some changes, I no longer heard the hum.
Tin foil used to make sense for this reason. But nowadays tinfoil is in rare Supply, meaning you have to go to a hardware store such as Lowe’s or Home Depot to get it. The stuff you buy in the store is aluminum foil. And not offers you no protection from the signals or radiation. The fact that people are still calling aluminum foil tin foil is a little concerning to me. I had to buy tinfoil, from Home Depot a few months ago. And just out of curiosity, I actually made a proper hat out of it. Doesn’t work, I have no idea. But it makes an interesting display piece in my bedroom. And no, it isn’t just the standard Wrap aluminum cone on top of your head. It’s more like a motorcycle or paintball mask.
I wonder if people who claim to have things like EHS actually do have a medical condition and are just trying to look for something to attribute it to. Like, maybe someone with undiagnosed arthritis will watch that anti-WiFi documentary and think “wow! I have frequent pain, it must be because of WiFi!” and then they just roll with it instead of actually seeing a doctor.
It’s happening, the term “nocebo” will be the new super trendy word in help of our beloved traveling virus. It’s starting still, slower than i supposed, but surely we will suffer it. Repeat with me guys: NOOO CEEE BOOO. One more time NOOO CEEE BOOO Hey you, yes you, don’t be shy, follow us, with confidence, put a serious face and say loud and clear: NOO CEEE BOOO
9:51 are we really going to gloss over the fact that the US government reportedly succeeded in beaming messages into people’s brains!? You wrote out at 17 minute script that in part asks the question “does the government use mind control?” And you give the answer, which is apparently “yes” but don’t go into any detail. What!?
I participate in the HIVE blockchain, it’s basically a social network that lets you make money with your content, and one dude keeps spamming as many posts as he can warning others about V2K… It’s ridiculous. Everyone who was the IQ higher than a single digit hates him and he gets downvoted to oblivion, always.
Welp.. Time for you to look up SQUIDs and magnetoencephalography sir. Your mention of the Frey effect is how one can be made to “hear voices” and this isn’t debated.. But the actual remote neural monitoring is done by SQUIDs (superconducting quantum interference devices). We’ve had the technology to pull of this synthetic telepathy since the late 80’s. Also one shouldn’t use tinfoil hats in order to combat the stuff, great way to actually cook your shit by accidently focusing microwaves.. 😛
I heard voices so i went to three docs. each for 4 sessions. they all said i was schizophrenic with out really asking many questions. Offered me meds. Which omly gave me headaches and cramps. I went to a 5th psych and said, i just want to just do a mental health check up… after our 4th session i told her about the voices… she doesn’t think im schizophrenic. It’s dismissive. We say why reinvent the wheel… well because every 10 years we realize how wrong we were… V2k Voice to skull Voice of god Havana syndrom 3rd person syn Targeted individual Mkultra Gang stalking All the same thing. Theres a couple other names for it but it all the same. Whats interesting is that different countries experience the voices differently but in accordince geographically! How you feel about me divides us and “secures” your footing
I wonder how effective that tinfoil apparel would be at reducing/preventing the effects of Havana Syndrome – even if only as a deterrent. Maybe the U.S. Government should look into this as a potential option to protect their foreign workers 🤔 Edit: I really mean this. I’ve seen the 60 Minutes reports on Havana Syndrome, and not only is it scary as heck, but I definitely think that something is actually going on there.
I have DID, MPD is an older name for DID with slightly different symptoms but you giving it as an example with EHS makes it sounds like it’s not a real disorder/condition. Unlike EHS, DID is well recognized and an actual disorder while EHS isn’t both can have people that pretend they have it because they saw it on TV. but there are actual people who have DID. I just didn’t like you comparing it to EHS when it was already a misundertood condition where many still thinking it’s not real
Havent watched yet but im going to go out on a limb & say Trump? Thats not actual hair! Edit: ok i was wrong but im sure hes claimed he invented it & that its the GREATEST invention ever! Better than the wheel ‘cos you can’t wear a wheel, duh (maybe a wheel of cheese) Edit 2: this shouldve been on “Brain” Blaze
OMG. HANDS DOWN THE FUNNIEST THING I’VE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE! If you’ve ever met one of these people that last study was taunting you would understand why. Laughed so hard I cried then I felt bad because I knew this would be seen by some of them . Whistler you need a clearly stated disclaimer at the end of the article.
Hat? That’s nothing. My buddy had a crazy hippy/biker mom with some colorful friends. A couple of them who live down the road from me have a large round log cabin/post and beam structure with vaulted ceilings. Not sure about now, but 20 years ago the entire ceiling was covered in metal foil to prevent any harmful rays/waves/particles from a variety of possible sources and reasons. It’s really interesting to have a person tell you about the robot dragonfly shooting lasers out of it’s eyes out in the garden, sent by the government to spy on her. I 100% believe she was telling the absolute truth as she saw it.
The transmitters for Radio Free Europe were over powered and placed at precise intervals. If “the balloon went up”, they could be connected and ramped to full power. Anyone crossing the line of focus would have their innards boiled. More mundane than mind control, just the radio frequency equivalent of an unshielded, inside-out microwave oven. Not at all portable or aimaable, but pretty useful if you know where “they” are going to come from.
5:00 yaaa 5 guys spending days (weeks, years) on end to bother a gardener for grumbling that he didn’t like the President when he was a kid… Or you’re not that important and you’re just “hearing voices” a well known issue of people in your age range, particularly exacerbated by stress… 🤔 which could it be?
Why does the signal improve on my radio📻 and TV 📺 when I hold the antenna. Does this mean we are an antenna? Also I watched an episode of THOUGH THE WORM HOLE they insulated 2 people from the earths magnetic field as much as possible in 2 separate dark isolated rooms and they flashed a small light in the corner of one of the rooms and the person in the other room saw it at the same time. They sent the signal from one brain 🧠 to another by wearing a helmet with matching electro magnetic fields.
While its funny to scoff at the TI claims I find it far scarier that people don’t realize how its real though its not targeted. We are influenced by the brands we buy. Pepsi, Coke, Frito lay, etc. all control what you see and what you read. The thing killing you will never tell you its killing you yet you eat it up a record rates. We are all clouded by money and advertising and this platform is no different. Follow the money, follow the money, follow the money!
11:00 I’d add to that people who claim to have anecdotal (hard but not properly verified) evidence regarding lower bone density in body parts constantly exposed to abnormally high amounts of EM radiation, supposedly metal screening (be it aluminum foil or proper silver, copper alloys) combined with exercise helps them recover where exercise alone failed.
I’m guessing the “multiple personality disorder” article was taken down because I don’t see it in the article list, which is for the best, because the very small amount of information you mentioned in this article about it is very wrong. One of my best friends is part of a DID system, and I can assure you it’s very real and wasn’t caused by media. I’m friends with multiple alters in the system now, and they’re all distinct people
On a class trip in college, on top of a mountain it began to storm. My professor was trying to get everybody back to the parking lot down the mountain. Lightning hit a tree right where he was standing and knocked him down. He was ok but his jacket was singed and he had a bad headache . Later that week we presented him with a metal miners helmet with a long chain that touched the ground to make sure he was well grounded !!!
Not the same audio microwave effect and I’m offended you didn’t make that clear. The thing the Scientist is referring to is similar to sonic booms, what everyone else is referring to is a collection of words people are using to describe something happening to them. A lot of crazy people and scammers conflate these things, but they’re related in that e=mc Shrodinger cat way of yeah basically everything is everything.
This article is silly, because it doesn’t deal with clarifying terms such as “radiation” and “tinfoil”. In short, nuclear radiation was discovered in 1899, while solar radiation (light) has been known for 500 million years. Radiation could refer to alpha particles, beta particles, gamma radiation and other energetic radiation, or to less energetic radiation. Clearly, sunlight and radio waves are harmless, as long as your fillings aren’t a radio receiver. But alpha and beta particles have been known for a hundred years to be blocked by tin foil. That is the actual reason for “the idea of using a tinfoil hat”, and it is true, as far as it goes. Of course, no metal hat would form an enclosed Faraday Cage to block gamma or other high-powered electromagnetic radiation. And living in a metal suit in a metal underground bunker wouldn’t help anyone who is still eating, drinking, or breathing molecules which might carry alpha or beta emitters. So tinfoil hats have a logical basis in science, if one ignores several realities. Also, tin foil used to be made out of the metal called “tin”, whereas modern kitchen foil is made out of aluminum. Aluminum is lighter and presumably less effective, but likely of similar effect overall. But it illustrates how many facts are relevant which are not mentioned in this article. Still, it was an interesting and informative article, even though it dodged the main discussion implied by its title.
I don’t know if it’s EMF related, but I do hear stuff when I’m around electronics. I thought it was ghosts screaming at me when I was little. It was so loud I couldn’t sleep. It still happens, including right now. The noise is quieter as an adult, though. Don’t know if it’s a sensitivity to EMF or to the sounds these items actually produce. Or maybe it’s actually ghosts and I should have embraced a career as a medium. lol
What he fails to mention that its not the radio or micro waves etc causeing the majority of people migrains, its their lack of resistance to dirty electricity pollution (if i remember right the escaping magnetic waves or ions or whatever that come from improperly insulated electrical components that use, usually high, voltage AC power or so the theory goes. I just remember moving to a new area with a highpowered electrict tower in the back yard and had massive migrains, only at home, until about 2 months later some guys apperently fix something on the tower/lines. That or i just got used to it, probably a bit of both.
Foil can be used to shield from radiation as well as to increase radiation. There are some alternatives to foil which do not increase radiation. There are some ways that are not obvious that a cell can be influenced by wi-fi. It is true that the nerve cells can not turn on and off at 2.4 ghz, and there are no structures in the body that are long enough and suitably situated to act as a wi-fi antenna to concentrate 2.4ghz or 5ghz signals. There are some coiled structures in cells which may respond to lower frequencies than the wavelength of the cell. Calcium websites may be impacted by radiation. There may be other mechanisms where radiation can can have a physiological impact. The relatively steady radiation from a microwave oven is different than the changing radiation of a wi-fi signal, although the frequencies are similar. Therefore, if biological tests were conducted using a steady signal, then the tests would not be complete. People may be affected by radiation while not being able to sense whether radiation is present or not, so tests asking subjects to indicate whether they are in the presence of radiation or not are not complete. Adverse reaction to radiation might not take place immediately, but there may be a delay before the reaction takes place. That fact makes it difficult to pin-point or prove that a physiological reaction was due to radiation. It is possible in theory that the physiological impact of radiation may be dependent not only on the field strength, but also on how rapidly the field strength diminishes with distance.
I urge everyone out there to just take the foil hat challenge, and see if you don’t feel more Serene and better mentally and physically and I’m totally serious about this! At the very least it’ll help you determine whether you’re being targeted by modern surveillance equipment and or various other nasties or not!
That Girard man was an obvious case of paranoia. It’s lucky for him and everyone around him that he put the voice as government mind control effort. Other paranoid persons put the voice as someone close to them mocking or threatening them, drove them to outlash at anybody around them at the time. That’s the reason why crazy persons are put into straitjacket.
I know this is going to be unpopular and not politically correct but whatever. I think this is also what is going on with the trans mania going on. No one 40 years ago had the issue, now kids everywhere are confused by basic bathroom signs. sure puberty is rougher on some than others but come on. You were not born with the wrong chromosomes, idgad your just gay or want attention.
My gdad was in Telecommunications in ww2 in the desert and many other theatres of war during WW2! And I’m sure he definitely had problems after that all he had been through he would tell me story’s of hearing things but never thought anything of it him self. He would block it out using his own means and those where not always the best dealing with problems like this. And I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt as many people after war had problems all though he did stay in the military after till the late sixties!! Maybe it was this that took its toll on him. Maybe it’s the aliens he would talk about If only I could find out more?👍
Most of my family are sane, but I have one aunt who refuses the Covid vaccine because apparently it’s about government control, and it can’t be trusted, etc. Anyway, I was telling my grandma how I was thinking about making a hat for my aunt a Christmas gift, and my grandma was like “oh, that sounds nice!” Then I added that it was a tinfoil hat, and grandma said I wasn’t allowed to make/give my aunt the hat cause it’s mean 🤣😭
I also like that the greater majority of people that believe this are no where near important enough to be considered a target for such mind control. It would be politicians, celebrities and ultra wealthy that would be the target, not you. Most of those do not wear any tin foil hats as far I am aware. It’s just escapism. Go get real, professional mental health care.
The mind also detects electromagnetic waves in the pinneal gland, supposedly to find north and south though most people are untrained to use it, but who knows what else… there may be truth to electromagnetic noise messing with people’s heads or mind reading/influence. I would try using multiple layers while asleep to see how it or if it affects dreams. It’s easier and safer to dismiss something that looks silly without ever even trying it.
the way they read your brain waves is throught technology. the chip works with radios,tvs,computers,laptops, phones…if you dont use technology they cant read your brain because technology acts as the reader of the chip because its passive and doesnt have a power source and for technology to charge the chip there has to be some proximity. you have to be close to the device.
I’m using my boyfriend’s account b/c he has more memory but I’m using a tin hat and it really DOES work, but not in the way people expect. I have MS and this year, my new ability is to feel the weather pressure. Every time any kind of rainstorm has come in, it has made me sleepy and feels like a vice is around my head. NOW it’s beautiful outside but a hurricane is due to hit Florida and I’ve been feeling it already! (in PA). This morning, I want to take a shower but felt too lousy to even do THAT, until I put a tinfoil hat on to block the weather pressure. And it’s working. Now I just want to create or find a better looking metal hat. Pass it on, it works!
It all depends on the types of sensors that they use. Clearly if they use the sensors in your headgear, placed around your head then given enough processing and amplification they can still read thoughts. The problem begins when different more advanced sensors are placed in nearly every modern electronic device, and every object for that matter. Furthermore, brainwaves can still be read though other nerve impulses in the body, so brain activity can still be read even if there is no sensor in contact with your body AND brain activity can still be determined even IF you shield your head with aluminum. The basic problems are: 1. Brain wave activity emits low frequency radio waves. 2. These low frequency waves are broadcast from nearly all parts of the body due to nerve signal transmission. 3. The “government” or government-corporate-military-industrial-secret society- complex I don’t think uses satellites to “read thoughts”. Most satellites are too far away and the electromagnetic signals emitted from the human nervous system are very very weak and not very directional. Instead I believe that nearly every modern electronic device has sensors built in as does almost every object like books, eyeglasses, furniture, etc. This is how the aforementioned complex I believe reads thoughts. Since the brain electromagnetic emissions are so low in frequency the wavelengths are quite large. Since the wavelengths are large they are difficult to shield. One only need look at the concept of penetration depth and skin depth on wikipedia: en.
Aluminum: atomic #13 Tin: Atomic #50 Lead: atomic #82 I would think the higher atomic density would block more signals. Of course, we all know lead can block a LOT of radiowaves, x-rays, and gamma rays… However, if you’re wearing a foil hat, I would think tin to be safer than lead. Unless you wanna get super-fancy and wear a gold-foil hat! Conspiracy Theorying with style! But I guess the real question is- if that device you have needs to be ON your head for it to work… could, in theory, a satellite in the sky somehow focus in sharply enough to one’s head on the ground to have the same effect?
Our brain waves can be recorded wirelessly from a certain distance, literally this is how Wi-fi devices work like your phone that can detect your brain waves and transcribe that information to then send you personalized ads. People wonder: “Hey, I was thinking about cat food and now my phone recommends me different brands of cat food. Wow. How it’s possible?” Do tinfoil hats work to prevent Wi-Fi devices from reading your thoughts? Answer: Yes. It does work. But there is a certain stigma due to Hollywood movies. You know what I mean? “Conspiracy”… 👻👽🤡👁️ Thanks Hollywood. BTW. Not is “conspiracy”. It’s just technology.
Experiment incomplete…Next phase after scan(with hat mounted) was supposed to be playing the game. If anyone is keen on sending me one of those devices, I’ll upload many articles exploring in detail the lunacy of the media nut. kind regards from South Africa;) ps, the scan wouldn’t have gotten anything at all, allow me to explain your results, the tiny amount of activity received came from your improperly fitted foil hat, there was a bit of your skull exposed at the back of your head thus the bit of data gained by the scan. no spaces, no data…You can test that.