The Etruscans were a polytheistic civilization with a pantheon of gods and goddesses, many of which were borrowed and adapted from their neighbors, the Greeks and the Phoenicians. They believed in divination and the interpretation of omens, with augury being a key practice. The Etruscans looked for the caput iocineris, or “head of the liver”, which was considered a bad omen if this part was missing from the animal’s liver.
The Etruscan fortunetellers were famous for their liver reading skills, which involved opening the body and examining the liver after a sacrifice. This practice originated from the idea that the macrocosm and the microcosm are linked. The Etruscans developed reading omens and auspices into a form of science, knowing different means of divination.
Augury was a Greco-Roman religion practice of observing the behavior of birds to receive omens. When the individual, known as the augur, read these signs, they received omens. The Etruscan art of haruspicina (reading entrails of animal sacrifices) and the Roman practice of augury (interpreting the behavior of birds) were both forms of divination.
The Etruscans had their own unique and distinct pantheon and practices, chief amongst which were augury (reading omens from birds and lightning strikes) and haruspicy (examining the entrails of sacrificed animals to divine future events). The Haruspex, a religious figure, played a crucial role in these rituals, reading omens from the liver of sacrificed animals.
In the Libri Fulgurales, the Etruscans recorded omens concerning the direction from which thunder could be heard and lightning seen.
📹 The Doomed Forgotten Civilisation That Came Before The Roman Empire | The Etruscans
This documentary looks at the fun-loving Etruscans, who invented two spectator sports, gladiatorial combat and chariot racing.
How did Romans interpret omens?
Augury is a prophetic divination practice that involves observing natural phenomena, such as bird and animal behavior, and examining their entrails and other parts. It originated from Roman augurs who were responsible for determining whether the gods approved of a proposed course of action, particularly political or military. There are two types of divinatory signs: deliberate ones, such as lightning, thunder, or bird cries, and casual ones, such as unexpected animal appearances or accidental spills.
The practice of augury is well-documented in the Bible, with Cicero’s De divinatione ( Concerning Divination) being the best source on ancient divinatory practices. Plato and Cicero distinguish between augury that can be taught and divinely inspired in ecstatic trance. In China, many have sought the counsel of the I Ching (“Book of Changes”) before taking important action.
Various sources of augury, each with its own specialist jargon and ritual, include atmospheric phenomena (airmancy), cards (cartomancy), dice or lots (cleromancy), dots on paper (geomancy), fire and smoke (pyromancy), animal shoulder blades (scapulimancy), entrails of sacrificed animals (haruspicy), and livers (hepatoscopy), which were considered the seat of life.
What did omens reveal to the Etruscans?
The Etruscans were a mysterious people who lived in Italy before Aeneas and his band settled on the banks of the Tiber. Their language was unique and had no alphabet until the Greeks came around 750 BC. The Etruscans’ territory was in Etruria, modern Tuscany, which was rich in copper and tin, making them prosperous. They believed the gods spoke through natural phenomena like lightning or deformed animals. Some Etruscans learned how to interpret omens, which were signs for good or evil.
In ancient Rome, soothsayers were essential for predicting the future. There were two types of soothsayers: Haruspex, who looked at the entrails of sacrificed animals, and Augur, who looked at abnormal phenomena in the celestial sphere, such as clouds, rainbows, eclipses, and thunder. The Brontoscopic Calendar was written during the Halstatt Minimum, a phenomenon that could have skewd carbon dating results and caused storms with thunder and lightning. The Etruscans had no written language at the time, but it could have been passed from one soothsayer to another verbally.
Who was the Roman omen interpreter?
The Roman religion was polytheistic, encompassing a multitude of deities and the use of omens as a means of divination to predict future events. The augur, the sole individual trained in the interpretation of bird omens, was the exclusive interpreter.
What does God say about interpreting omens?
Leviticus 19:26 emphasizes that Christians should not interpret omens, as it is not encouraged in Scripture to interpret the will of God out of daily circumstances. Christians often describe favorable circumstances as “open doors” and try to feel at ease moving forward, assuring themselves that the easier or clearer path must be what God intends for them. However, there is nothing in Scripture that encourages this, and they may be unsure of their actions and fear that they are out of God’s will.
The Lord rests his favor on us through faith in Jesus Christ’s atoning work, and if God gave us his own son, he will graciously give us all things. We cannot increase or decrease his favor by reading our circumstances, as his favor is not grounded in our ability to discern the omens but in Christ’s love and giving himself for us.
To make the best decision, given what we know, and move on, God does not hold us accountable for what he hasn’t revealed to us. We should examine our motives honestly, bring Scripture to bear on our decision, and be constant in prayer. At some point, with only partial knowledge, we must pull the trigger, as we are safe as children of God, not because we successfully interpreted the omens.
What does Apophenic as a haruspex mean?
Apophenia is the mistaken perception of connections and meaning between unrelated things, as seen in the example of a haruspex in ancient Rome who practiced divinity from sacrificed animal entrails. Red, a cheeky and irreverent character, makes fun of ancient religious figures by comparing her observation of Blue’s signs to being “apophenic as a haruspex”, suggesting their sacred practices were futile.
How did omens start?
The seminar, organized by Amar Annus The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, aims to explore the concept of sign, a portent observed in the physical world, which indicates future events. The collections of omens, interpreting signs either in heaven or on earth, were first written down during the Old Babylonian period. These collections grew into compendia of ominous phenomena, with segments of original observations expanded into comprehensive omen series. This branch of Babylonian science extensively influenced other parts of the world, with evidence in Hebrew, Syriac, Greek, Sanscrit, Sogdian, and other languages.
The symposium will investigate the diffusion of Mesopotamian omen lore in other parts of the world, including Classical, Hebrew, Chinese, Indian, and Arabian culture. It will also investigate how these concepts may have been influenced by ancient Mesopotamia. The symposium will also investigate the influence of Mesopotamia on the Stoic theory of signs, as all first masters of the Stoic school were Orientals.
The symposium will also investigate the related concepts of divination, prophecy, ideology, evidence, and inference traceable in written sources of the ancient world. The omens were likely transmitted from one culture to another both through written texts and orally, as we know many incipits of smaller omen collections in ancient Mesopotamia that lack textual evidence. In the secret lore of the Mandaean priests, the tradition of omen interpretation persisted orally until modern times, with only some parts of it being written.
How did haruspicy work?
Haruspices were ancient Etruscan diviners who primarily focused on deducing the will of gods from the appearance of sacrificial animals, particularly the liver and gallbladder of sheep. They also interpreted natural phenomena like thunder, lightning, and monstrous births and prescribed expiatory ceremonies after such events. This art, which was practiced in Rome by Etruscans, was complex and distinct from native Roman divination.
Despite its importance during the early republic, Haruspices never became a part of the state religion. A collegium of 60 Haruspices existed under the empire, but they were salaried expert advisers. Haruspices were still active during the Theodosian Code and John Lydus.
What is the haruspex ritual?
A haruspex was a person trained in ancient Rome’s religion to practice haruspicy, a form of divination that involved inspecting the entrails of sacrificed animals, particularly the livers of sheep and poultry. This practice was also known as hepatoscopy in ancient Near East cultures like the Babylonians. The Roman concept is derived from Etruscan religion and is one of the three branches of the Etruscan discipline. The Latin terms haruspex and haruspicina are derived from the archaic word hīra, meaning “entrails, intestines” and “spec-“, and the Greek term hēpatoskōpia, meaning “liver” and “skop-“.
What is a Roman omen interpreter?
The Roman religion was polytheistic, encompassing a multitude of deities and the use of omens as a means of divination to predict future events. The augur, the sole individual trained in the interpretation of bird omens, was the exclusive interpreter.
What is the difference between divination and omens?
Divination is a universal phenomenon found in almost all cultures, and it was prevalent in the ancient world. Written evidence for divination dates back to the early 2nd millennium in Mesopotamia and is attested to various parts of the ancient world, including the Near East, Egypt, the Levant, Greece, Italy, and China. Despite being forbidden for religious or political reasons in some ancient societies, divination remained pervasive in the Roman Empire and continued after the advance of Christianity.
Research into divination began in the late 19th century and the first decades of the 20th century, with many primary sources from Mesopotamia, Greece, and China published for the first time. However, interest in divination grew again from the late 1980s onward, with an abundance of research and the publication of new primary sources.
Divination is a means of gaining knowledge that is not obtainable by normal modes of investigation, serving to handle uncertainty, warn or reassure a person or a whole people about what the future will bring, and illuminate past events. It can be divided into “artificial” and “natural” divination, with natural divination referring to prophecy and other kinds of theophany revealed in plain language or comprehensible visions. Artificial divination relies on a hermeneutic apparatus, which can be complex or simple code, sometimes combined with the diviner’s intuition.
In the early 21st century, there has been a movement toward considering divination and prophesy as two sides of the same coin, in line with Plato and Cicero. Prophecy is left out of consideration in this context.
Divination is a cultural activity that serves multiple purposes and is attested to in a myriad of variations. The history of their manifestations, development, and cross-fertilization in the ancient world is still a work in progress.
Was the Etruscan black?
The loonies posit the theory that historical figures, including the original ancient Etruscans, were black. However, this assertion is not supported by evidence and is therefore inaccurate.
📹 The STRANGE world of ETRUSCAN divination
The Etruscans were known as expert haruspices or diviners, so much so that the ancient Romans passed laws ensuring the …
Please note one thing in particular about this documentary: It is representing one specific narrative regarding the Etruscans and their relationship to the Romans; a relationship that is STILL fiercely debated. Historians argue whether or not the Etruscans had what we would call an empire, or if it was just a sphere of influence held by a Hellenic style league of city-states. However, there is alot of cross-over between the Roman Regal Period and the Etruscan Period, so much so that there are arguments for the existence of an Etruscan Period of Rome rather than the existence of a Regal Period at all. The reason why this is debated is because we A) Do not have an awful lot of information or evidence for Rome during this period, most of it is archaelogical which is how we have tiny examples of the Etruscan language, and B) Acknowledging the Etruscan Period of Rome means arguing against the established Regal Period which is considered to be in the realm of extreme skepticism; one would essentially be arguing that Rome was ALWAYS some sort of oligarch, which is hugely inconsistent with how most oligarchs in the Mediterranean were formed. This is just one perspective on the relationship between the Romans and Etruscans, I personally found the Doc was a little too extremist in places and its absolutism in the beginning was difficult to get past. They seemed to have a VERY specific narrative that they wanted to promote.
What a great article to watch, I’ve always loved learning more about ancient cultures! I just wish that it went for as long as the 50+ advertisements that appeared throughout (almost 2+ hours of ads and less than 50 minutes for the actual content/video). Quite a lot of them didn’t even have an option to skip or quit, and each of them actually played for 5+ minutes. I hope the creator (of this website and articles) actually got paid more than a few cents with the amount of ads watched – I feel like the advertisers could’ve provided better ads, that’d go well with this article (and not ruin the viewer’s time and cell/mobile data it cost).
Very interesting documentary. The ‘rise and fall’ dynamic of various epochs is too simplistic I think. The merging and coalescing of cultures fueled by new trends, discoveries and inventions is a better way to view ‘the rise and fall’ of civilisations. What become “Roman” could not possibly have happened without the Etruscans and the Greeks and what became Medieval owed much to what remained of Rome and so on.
Beautiful. I am a historian and I love them. I’ve studied them deeply. I read everything I could about them. This article closes what I have read and learned about this formidable civilization. I picked whatever I could about them,once I’ve been to Tuscany. Read in italian. All they have meant to . My beloved romans and greek. Thank you! Out of spite, your evaluation was perfect.
In two other documentaries I’ve watched they stated that it was the Carthaginians of north Africa who developed the cultivation & processing of olives. However as their cultures seem to share many similarities such as a lavish lifestyle, & preferring commerce to conflict, plus the fact that the Etruscans were around at the same period in history, & described as ‘strangers’ to that region of what is now Italy (obviously attracted by the wealth of natural resources), my theory is that the Etruscans originated from Carthaginia. Unfortunately both intriguing cultures ultimately succumbed to the might of the Romans, but we really don’t know a lot about either culture as history was written by the Roman victors!
In end they been bleed out by defensive wars agents 2 sides(greeks, and Gals), never united, and seems to give up, knowing when is the end. And use best they could to survive, becoming Romans(slaves, rich power elite, senators)… sad end, but a good lesson for us. Nothing last forever, need for uniting or surrender(if that brings saving people) and much more.
The emperor Claudius is supposed to have been the last person to understand the written Etruscan language -according to one of the Imperial era historians Claudius made a study of both the Etruscan and Punic(Phoenician) cultures and could understand both languages.The runic alphabet used by Germanic peoples and Vikings etc may have derived from the Etruscan one via Rhaetic and Venetic.
Something good and somethings very wrong in this documentary. I’m just going to mention one thing. You’re trying to depict Etruscan life by showing us painted vases. This is so very wrong. These vases were imported from Greece – Etruscan people produced black vare without paintings. The life as aristocratic is so very well described in wall paintings from the graves – so just stick to that…..
I studied ancient and medieval history at university. Now I wouldn’t call myself een expert on the early history of Rome nor would I know much about the Etruscans but it would seem to me Rome is a little unfairly represented throughout this documentary. There is a lot of foreshadowing going on. Very early on in the docu they speak of “the mighty Roman empire” and the first thing that went though my mind was “well…not that mighty at the time were they now” in fact the Romans didn’t even have an empire by any definition at the time, we have to be careful not to think in a teleological manner about the past, something this documentary really does in some parts. Rather than viewing the two as inherently separate cultures occasionally cross-contaminating one another I find it much more useful to view the two cultures as part of a shared system that is in a constant flux of development being both separate of each other and not.
The statues and art of the Etruscans revealed that they were Africans – black people with a connection to ancient Kemet. The worship of Ra, the son god from ancient Egypt was also worshiped by the Etruscans, showing a spiritual, physical and cultural connection with Kemet (Kmt). The Roman writer Virgil revealed that the Pelasgians and Kemetians (blacks) who settled in southern Greece also occupied Palatine, one of the seven hills of Rome. The Romans later became a “Latin” people and became a mixed race. And don’t mess with your neighbors’ stories.
Their civilization lasted “ONLY” 1000 years. Slovenian author Mirko Skibin translated the Etruscan scripts. Latin language developed from Etruscan, and that is why there are many same words in Latin and Serbo/Croatian/Slovenian. At least 10% of the plants still have very similar names, like Ruta, Chamomilla (kamilica), Lavandula (lavanda), Phasilius (pasulj-beans), Canabis (Konoplja), Olea (olka-olive) etc.
in Latin: persona from Etruscan: phersephnai (originally from Greek); thruna (maybe from Greek drouna) = power, rule (throne in English); Etrusc: Aita (Haides in Greek); zicuche (ssikukhe) = signum in Latin; The name Rasenna, E-trusci, Tusci and Greek Tyrsenoi (tursen -oi) it gives the root: trus, tus, turs : rasenna > maybe from: tur -rasenna? There is also godes Turan (Venus) …
4:35 Greg Warden from The Southern State Methodist University, states that in his opinion “it i not important where the Etruscans came from”. From the point of view of the scientific quest for truth, every detail is of significance, especially since in this part of the world (southern and south-east Europe) there were other cultures (for example, the Vinca Culture) proir to or at the same time as the Roman and Helenististic cultures, which are yet to be explored. And cultural influences were and still are something not to be ignored, if we want to find scientific facts.The Etruscans did not just appear or disappear, they either assimilated or fled to a safer area, like all nations do.
Thanks for all the helpful and not so much disparaging comments! I will add that when I first started school (in 1960) there was no National Curriculum! Most of the history was British or even more specifically English, one example. My school (primary) did not teach algebra so when I was first taught it at secondary school I thought the maths teacher had gone mad! Just two examples of difference in school interpretation of a broad description of acurriculum. Thank you for comments….
Еще в 1913 году на территории древнего чеченского аланского народа Чианти этрусков (цанар) империи г. Калаки (Тифлис) в канцелярии наместника Его императорского величества на Кавказе вышла книга, Константина Михайловича Туманова с названием “О доисторическом языке Закавказья”.Автор, приводя в доказательство огромное количество топонимов (названий гор, рек, хребтов, ущелий, поселений и других географических объектов), а также данных из исторических трудов древних авторов, летописей, преданий, археологических и прочих материалов, приходит к однозначному выводу о том, что предки на территории древнего чеченского аланского народа Чианти этруски (цанар) империи были самым первым населением на территории всего Закавказья и южнее в плоть до Африканского континента. Эрибун (Ереван) название,переводится исключительно на чеченский язык – в далине изба, дом, хижина.Известный исследователь В.П. Алексеев в своих изысканиях подтверждает, что этрусков – урарты представляют собой не только физических но и языковых предков чеченцев. В последнем издании материалов по истории СССР также отмечается о том, что урартский – этрусков язык принадлежит к особой языковой семье, наиболее близким к ним является современный чеченский язык. М.Л. Хачикян, Мар.Н.Я. в своих научных трудах отмечают о том,что на территории древнего чеченского аланского народа Чианти этруски (цанар) империи Передней Азии, начиная с середины 3-го тысячелетия до.н.эры, до-конца 1-го тысячелетия д.н.эры был тем народом, культурное влияние которых на остальные народы данного региона в плоть до Египта и Северного Средиземноморья, было доминирующим.
I’m obsessed of knowing the depth of the universe and of the unknown life hidden by history. Just now I’m so amazed that there was once an Ethriscan civilization as great as Greece but vanished. I then know there are much divine knowledge to be unearthen or exposed; not one but many at different era, being a victim of inhuman greediness for power . I pray such barbaric act will never come in our modern times. Thanks to the Diggers of past, unknown civilization, the archeologist and other associates that the truth was discovered; a freedom to the buried old civilization and a gift for the people on earth to embrace those passed legacies before our last day. Thanks to the intervention of our Divine Lord.
I tend to dissagree with some of the claims made in this programme. As I understood it, Roman culture, which is a non-culture in itself, as it is a mix of many they adopted as their own, is not only coming from Italy, but from Greek culture, also via the Etruscans, who long ago fled some greek islands between present day east Greece and present day west turkey, at the time also being Greek (well, Greece didn’t exist as one nation, only as many small kingdoms having a common culture and sense of togetherness when forced to oppose other cultures), because of a longer series of warm dry years, forcing them to give up harvesting, fishing alone couldn’t make it. Landed on the west side of mid Italy and went to the most fertime of Italy’s land, present day Tuscany. Over time Romans adopted their techniques, stole, plundered, raped, murdered, copied and bred as they always did all over, and as the Etruscans had much to offer, over the more primitive but ultra violent expansionistic Romans, they were doomed. Never the less, a very interesting chapter in relatively new history around the Medieranian. At the same time, and even way before, on the west bank of the Black Sea, there were the equally highly developed Dach people, which the Romans btw. also killed, well, eliminated totally. Kind regards.
They claimed that Etruscans were foreigner from the East very interesting, google which is the oldest gold in the world “the oldest found produced gold”, that exceeds the total gold found in whole world of that time period and you will see that the place of that gold found is exactly from the East of Italy, very interesting connections can be made, unless I am totally mistaken
Thank you Team Timeline- A lot of Info here,. Appreciate you’re Efforts and Time to make this little Gem. My time at school was Romans and nothing more,………and now we see something total new on our horizon that makes our view a better one…… let’s hope there are more that follow your Path to the “Truth.” GreetzZz from Holland (Europe)
Etruscans are one of the Thracian tribes (Pelasgian origin) coming from the Balkans – between the Danube river and the Black Sea and further more their ancestors are the so called “Sea People” (which were great sailors and knowing how to use the stars/astronomy or the Pelasgi – who had great civilization with cities highly developed with road systems, palaces, houses, sewage systems (the so called megaliths-tombs and sanctuaries that can be seen nowadays in Bulgaria, Crete and Mykonos, also Troy (much highly developed and much earlier than the Greek polises /city-states). As per the language – it is the Pelasgian, or the later Thracian, which is taken by the Greeks as a base for their alphabet as well as for the Bulgarian Glagolica, turned later in times in to the so called Cyrillic, so yes, those “tribes” the Etruscans had their language- both spoken and written.
Serbian professor of ancient languages who lectured in Rome, prof. Bilbija followed by his successor prof. Pesic, by using the same reading key from the civilizations which lived in the Balkans, deciphered Etruscan language 50 years ago, still this fact remained suppressed in western academia simply because Etruscan language could only be translated by using SLAVIC LANGUAGES which changes the whole ancient history. Today we finally know according to deciphered Etruscan inscriptions that “Etruscans” were ethnically SLAVIC PEOPLE they were related to VENETI, NORICIANI, and ILIRI (Illyrians), the world Etruscans comes from the Greek distorted word for them, their native name in their SLAVIC LANGUAGE WAS “RASENI” and their land was called RASENA/RASNA, they were highly developed civilization which was destroyed by Romans, their cities and their whole country was eradicated and plowed (the same as Carthage), Roman Empire was one of the meanest entity ever lived (quite often glorified by Western intellectuals). One of survived Etruscan inscription is STARTS with the words “MI SLOVUNI/SLOVINI” which means “WE THE SLAVS” which is still understandable to every Slavic man. I personally understood at least 30-40% of that inscription it is A PROTO SLAVIC LANGUAGE similar to the language of VENITI and NORICIANI both could only be translated by Slavic languages.
Recent genetic studies proved that the only migrations that occurred significantly in Italy were before the Etruscans were even formed as their first facies known as Villanovian’s culture. DNA analysis paired them to ancient latins, umbrians and sabins alike, so there is no “Lidian” origin as Herodotus suggested. That is a common misconception filtered from misinformation, but as you know all ancient mediterranean cultures described themselves as descendants of oversea’s gods. That’s also for the Etuscans who claimed to be Herkle (Erakles) sons. Etruscans are pre-rome, pre-italian culture. And as they disappeared, their dominant classes fused with Rome, the rising power of the ancient world. For those who say that they came from Lemnos, it has been also demonstrated that it’s the opposite: Lemnos was an Etruscan-Ionic pirate outpost, as like as many which formed from other civilizations such as Phoenikians, Sardinians, Mykeneans. Yes, Etruscan culture was positively polluted by others, such as Minoans and later by the Greeks themselves.
It does come matter where they come! And Romans knew that they come from east, there is lot of similarities and parallels with the oldest Europe Culture Vincian Culture(Danube Region South eastern Europe),Their Beliefs, Language and letter is easy to read if are using Slavistic language key.(father Bilbija).
lol how one of the academics freaked out to explore the proof that Etruscans came from east. He just sealed the topic “Well, ok, doesn’t matter where they came from, they are here, they are Italian, end of the story” 😀 History is one of the scientific areas that needs political and emotional self-reflection and objectivity most.
Beautiful documentary! Really inspires the imagination. By the way, from the art, don’t the Etruscans look ancient middle Eastern or Egyptian? Could it be an Egyptian (or Indoiranian – think Alans etc) party that originally populated the area? After all the Egyptians were more mobile than we realise – think of the Greek Sphinx for example. On another point this documentary, while a lovely re-imagining of Etruscans, often becomes too emotive in its conjecture and loses its sense of proportion and reality with regards to this brilliant but enigmatic ancient people. And a downright erroneous fact: chariot races were NOT invented by them – the Etruscans possibly just stuck them in an arena. In fact we have detailed descriptions of such races in the Iliad which is placed around the 11th-12thC BC. Even if an anachronism, Homer himself is 8C BC. And I think there are references in some of the indian sagas too? Horsemanship and charioteering are in fact considered one of the defining characteristics of the emergant Indo-European cluster of cultures and I point anyone interested to read “The Horse The Wheel and Language” and “How To Kill A Dragon” (Warning: both heavy in detail and scholarship!) Oh! Interesting too that Targis, the messenger from the gods was born out of the bowels of the earth – it provides a beautiful metaphor for their discovery of mining, the activity that propelled them to prominence! Also Tarchon == Targis + archon? (damn – I’m on a roll!)
AND it came to pass that there arose a people from one of the sons of Joktan, who was a direct descendent of Seth, the son of Adam, through the lineage of Noah; and the name of this son was Ophir; yea, this son was one of the thirteen sons of Joktan who were known throughout the world at that time as the most righteous sons of God that had ever lived upon the earth after the days of the great flood in the land of Cainan. 2 And this same Joktan was the brother of Peleg who was the father of Mahonjad, who was one of the loyal friends who had come to know Jared and his brother, from whose record I am compiling these words and making my abridgment. 19 And it came to pass that the descendants of Ophir were the Latins who settled in the area of the great Tiber River. 20 And after many years, the descendants of Ophir became wicked, and because of their wickedness, the Lord suffered a powerful group of people from the north to enter in among them and conquer them. And these conquerors were the descendants of one of the other brothers of Jared, who did not believe in the words of his brother and remained in the land in which they were born. 21 And from this other brother of Jared came forth a great civilization that had hidden itself from the invasions of other great nations and flourished hidden for many years. 22 And it came to pass that they became a powerful people and carried with them for a time, all the words and commandments that Adam had caused to be written and given unto his children.
Thank you very much for your beautiful documentary.. I’m Italian and we know how important was our heritage connected with Etruscan Culture…it is really true that the Romans were NOT the most important of the Italian culture… Made in Italy.. And so on about our Natura disposition of built anything with sophisticated unique manners belong to our Etruscan Culture…inside our blood.. I’m sure of it. Sorry, but we are SOOOO different and unique from others, everybody conquered all the time us… We are mix blood, but still all my respect for our Etruscan ancestors
Quite a good documentary though it could be a little faster and have more content to justify the 50´ duration. Less pompous narration could also make it kinder to the ears. The “Greeks”, thought similarly about the situation of Spartan women but at the same time admired their physique and beauty. usually aristocratic (rich) writers particularly from Athens comparing to their specific customs. Most of the Greek women though were poor and could not afford the luxury of slaves. They worked in the fields and did not have the life of nanquets etc. Finally for accuracy of presentation, noble Etruscan women were not Libyan (African), exactly like Maasai are not Dutch.
I will explain who they are exactly: The discovery of Tartessos has been one of the most important recent discoveries in Mediterranean archaeology, showing that the Tartessians were in many ways the equivalent of the Etruscans in Italy. So far they have only been known from a couple of obscure reference in Herodotos, but now archaeology is uncovering this remarkable civilisation, comparing Tartessos with the Etruscans. Both cultures are considered to be unknown mysteries, both languages are undicifered yet based on the Phoenician alphabet, AND both belonged to the same world’s trade route of their Phoenician (Canaanites) partners: Tyre –> Tarsus –> Cartage –> Etruria –> Tartessos Tarshish is not just a name of one place, it is a nation, a greek sub-race of people, and all that proves that the people of Tarsus-anatolia, Etruscans of Italy & Corsica, and the Tartessians of south Spain, Gibraltar are in fact one people who gave their name to all 3 places: TARSHISH The geographer Strabo states that Tarsus was founded by people from Argos who were exploring this coast- another proof of Greek origins. Recent DNA research appears to show that at least part of the Etruscan population was related to people in Asia Minor, similar DNA tests on goats and cattle suggest Herodotus was right about Anatolian origins Old languages have called Etruscans by different names. The Romans calledthem Tursci or Etrusci. In Attic Greek they were called Tyrrhenians. The related name Teresh was used by the Egyptians, who also knew them as “Sea People” DNA analysis of Etruscan remains has revealed their links to northern Anatolia, whereTroy was located.
Etruscans are the Proto Turkic people who came with the alphabet, the leftovers/survivers of Troy. These are Turkic people. Romulus and Remus is the story of Asena. (Athena?). And also many other like Scythians(Saka Turks) Hittites, Lydians, Turrukeans Hurrian etc. They left this area then, and went to asia. They forgot their language and writing and went on with an Orhun/Orkun alphabet. The only people who use this alphabet are the Viking people(Odin that came from Turkland), they call this cuneform, Runik alphabet, almost exactly the same as Orhun/Orkun alphabet. Also in the book of Henry George Tomkins – The Times of Abraham he tells about the original habitants of Palestine, they were more Turanian Turkic people rather than Semites.
Ancient Serbian civilization, they called Rome (амуР or РУМА) its writen from right to left,you have a city in Serbia called Рума. Also called “Raseni'(Rascians) (serbian- (Рашани),medevial Serbian state was called Rascia (serbian-Рашка)! They Language was desciphered by a Serbian priest Svetislav Bilbija. This is just some of the things that proove their Serbian origin.For those who like the truth, not greek or Modern day propaganda. Cheers from Рашка Serbia. 🙂
I have herd of Etruscan, but they can’t say where they came from, that is not intelligence or information, but they are Illyrian, Illyrian called the new land after they left Illyricum, Etruscan, it means (We-save-it ) they save the knowledge what they know and from there land, but is still today tribe like Calabria, Arberesh XAIPE
Etruscans and eastern Mediterranean: Aegean origin It was found that the language of Etruscans is related and similar to the language in inscription discovered in 1880-ies on island Lemnos in northern Aegean sea (the stela of Lemnos). According to the Herodotus (485-425 BC), the inhabitants of island Lemnos, before than the Athenians conquered it around 505 BC and annexed the Lemnos to the Athens, were Pelasgians. According to Athenian historian Thukydides, native population of Lemnos were Tyrrhenoi (Tyrrhenians). From other chapters in Thukydides we can find out that also in northern Aegean, that is, in large three-fingerd peninsula Khalkidiki (where city Thessaloniki is later founded, in 4th cent. BC ) on one of its fingers, that is, on Sithonia, during the Peloponnesian war (431-403 BC) still were living mixed populations. Majority were Pelasgians, and among them mostly Tyrrhenians. So, it seems that Tyrrhenians living in Khalkidiki were part of wider Pelasgian nation, in similar way as Athenians and Spartans, id est, Ionnians and Dorians, were part of Hellenic nation. So, we have, based on ancient Greek sources, Pelasgians and Tyrrhenians living in 5th century BC on Khalkidike peninsula and on island Lemnos. Interesting is that Greeks named Etruscans in Italy as: Tyrrhenoi (classical Athenian and koine dialektos), Tyranoi (doric Greek), Tyrsenoi (ionnian Greek) and they had been using the same name for populations in area of the Aegean sea. Furthermore, historian Hellanikos (also 5th cent.
I’m not surprised the Greeks were scandalised by the idea of women dining and drinking with their menfolk as equals, considering their own views on women. The Classical Greek civilisation made misogyny an institution, with women more or less imprisoned in the family home, denied education in anything other than domestic duties, denied ownership of property or any say in how things were run. The ancient Greeks might have thought the Etruscans were barbarians, but two thousand years down the line, it is the ancient Greeks with their oppression of and discrimination against women who look like the barbarians, and the Etruscans, with a more modern look at equality between the sexes, who look to be the civilised ones!
So acording to author of this propaganda film,Etruscans were not Greek but alphabet was.And gods,at least most important ones.They were slave owners but not like others.They slaves were happy.They invented man slaughter in arena,not Romans.They were killing kids for beter weather conditions but they were so much in love with they wifes. On the end French pull down the walls for Romans and as usual French had to return home empty handed.And again and again until all Etruscans converted to Romans,wealthy ones for sure.The rest were enslaved.No more vine for you lovely Etruscans.
romans were ALSO etruscans. Rome started as a “new town” on a ford of the Tiber near Tiberinian island, a settlement of persons that came from three different peoples that spoken three different languages and used three different alphabets, the Latins from the south, the Sabines from the east and the Etruscan from the north (the sea is to the west). Actually the territory of Etruscan was not only the modern tuscany but also all the north part of the region of Rome, Latium, and their territory started from the right bank of the Tiber, etruscan cities like Fidenae and Veius were so close that are now part of the modern city of Rome. The name of Rome itself it seems deriving from the Etruscan word Rumon that means River. The kings of Rome were Latins, Sabines and Etruscan. Only After the last one, the etruscan Tarquinius was ousted, Rome continued as a Republic and began its own history
Everything is known these days. Etruscans comming directly form Vinca Culture. Slavic orgin of Etruscans was confirmed by Stephanus Byzantius, Titus Livius, Strabon, Diodorus Siculus, Plinius Secundus long time ego. And by modern people as prof. Sebastiano Ciampi in 1825 r who started to study polish for etruscan translations, Dr. Giancarlo Tiziano Tomezzoli, Dr. Reinhard Stein from Munich archeology institute, Dr. Radivoje Pesić who proof that Vinca Dunabe culture alphabet was almost identical as etruscan, Prof. Tadeusz Wolański who first translated etruscan in 1843r. by using polish, czech and rusyn language, Prof. Bilbija, dr. Mirko Skibin who translated etruscan scripts using slovenian language, and many more. Greeks call Etruscans as Tirrenians. Etruscans are nearest to today Slovenians, former Carinthian and ancient Weneds/Veneti.
Etruscan nobles were Aryas, they originated in Anatolia where Mittani-Hatti-Hari Arya descendants ruled. Chariot is invention of Aryas. Etruscans’ funerary rite used to be cremation, a Vedic rite. Sanskrit Vatika was their deity. Aryas R1a1aY/R1a1Y comprise non-IE speaking Jews, Arabs, Turk, Mongol Tibetan Chinese, SE Asian too. Nation’s rulers don’t share common origin with commoners. 👉All European, Mediterranean, central Asian, steppe nations are founded by race of Bharath (Vedic/Arya). Kings, warriors of Europe, central Asia, great steppe are R1a1aY/R1a1Y {Vedic warrior caste (Shatriyas)}, this marker didn’t exist in steppe to Europe before 1k BCs. They’ve descended from CimmeArya, Saka, Sauromata, Alani, Roxolani, TochaArya, Kushan, Wushun, Xiangno, Khotan Aryas who conquered great steppe then Europe, China in the 1k BCs from India-Iran region when Vedics from India already conquered upto Anatolia (Mittani-Hatti-Hari) in 2k BCs. Greco-Roman descended from M-H-H Aryas, only Aryas can bring IE language, chariot, Mitra, the thunder/sky God, astronomy, astrology, funerary cremation in Greece & Italy. Aryas in west have turned blonde/white breeding with white women (Celts R1bY, Veneds R1aY) like brown Jews have turned blonde. Imagine Europe’s Monarchies started coming 1300 years later than the Saka monarchy of 700 BC., literature after 7th c CE. Greece, Italy Monarchies started 1000 years later than M-H-H. Proven conquest of west by Aryas.👇 👉In 2k BCs Mittani-Hatti-Hari conquered upto Anatolia.
It’s as if someone got hold of a really good documentary and decided it needed sensationalising – particularly the intro (which nearly made me switch off) and the outro (which left me with a bad taste in my mouth). however, I’m glad that I did watch it because it was a goldmine of information about the Etruscans, much of which was new to me. If you can ignore the ridiculous Hollywood-style connecting voice-over here and there, I recommend perusal this, it is full of interviews with people who know what they are talking about,
Why are most of the pottery depictions (NOT the statues, NOT the weapons/artifacts, just the pottery paintings) Greek in style? That “red on black” type of drawings on pots can be found and is found all over Greece and its Mediterranean colonies and was the dominant type of pottery for over 300 years.
Around the lake flourish a Bronze Age civilisation…but around 1500 bc the Mediterranean Sea brake a way in the place of today’s Dardanelles….the water begins to rise and floated vaste region’s around the lake and displace the peoples from their home…..the flood comes slowly and increased in the period of 20 to 50 years…around 1200 bc the Sea People begins to appear…..Egypt chronicles confirmed….Etruscans or how they called themselves Rassena came into the storyline…..why the sea rises ?….globally meltdown of ice…
Os Etruscos …foi se não os podes vencer, junta-te a eles, neste caso aos Romanos que segregaram este povo e a sua cultura!! A decadência sem nunca terem um Estado centralizado!! Os Gregos influenciaram os Etruscos e os Etruscos exerceram granded influência nos romanos!! Na linhagem da árvore genealógica …ainda poderão haver descendentes …
Their way of life and customs are very similar to those of the Thracians. According to Herodotus, the Thracians were the most numerous people after the Hindus. And after the flood, the civilization that developed around the Black Sea, then a lake, dispersed, some going east and others west. The whole Balkan peninsula was inhabited by the Thracians until the Greeks arrived. Who have borrowed much from Thracian culture and gods. This is what happened in Italy. Isn’t it a Thracian tribe? Absolutely everything that is said here about the Etruscans also applies to the Thracians. Even the funeral ceremonies and mounds, many of which have a parallel with those in Bulgaria in the Kazanlak Valley of the Kings. Even today in Bulgaria there are many villages with similar Etruscan names. My name Rosen is soon Rusellae, a city of the Ruse Danube. Vulci. like Vulcidrum, next to my father’s village, that is, a city of wolves in Bulgarian. Populonia, as the old name of Plovdiv is similar, etc.
Is there a link between Tartarians and Etruscans? It’s preposterous that the origins of these people would not be explored beyond what they’ve found in Italy. It seems the Etruscan escaped where they we from and found paradise to start over to live richly and safely in Italy. Perhaps they escaped to Wales… Early considered Pagan. Oh So many years later. Thats another story.
Since when the gauls are the french 🤣🤣 this is how modern countries built their narrative,with fake and distorted facts? Gauls were also in portugal( Portugalia), among other areas in europe. What is next, calling spanish a sole language? Calling america a country? Thinking the earth is flat? We learnt nothing,sadly to say.
At 16,9 Durante la notte apparve a Paolo una visione: era un Macèdone che lo supplicava: «Vieni in Macedonia e aiutaci!». At 16,10 Dopo che ebbe questa visione, subito cercammo di partire per la Macedonia, ritenendo che Dio ci avesse chiamati ad annunciare loro il Vangelo. At 16,12 e di qui a Filippi, colonia romana e città del primo distretto della Macedonia. Restammo in questa città alcuni giorni. At 18,5 Quando Sila e Timòteo giunsero dalla Macedonia, Paolo cominciò a dedicarsi tutto alla Parola, testimoniando davanti ai Giudei che Gesù è il Cristo. At 19,21 Dopo questi fatti, Paolo decise nello Spirito di attraversare la Macedonia e l’Acaia e di recarsi a Gerusalemme, dicendo: «Dopo essere stato là, devo vedere anche Roma». At 19,22 Inviati allora in Macedonia due dei suoi aiutanti, Timòteo ed Erasto, si trattenne ancora un po’ di tempo nella provincia di Asia. At 20,1 Cessato il tumulto, Paolo mandò a chiamare i discepoli e, dopo averli esortati, li salutò e si mise in viaggio per la Macedonia. At 20,3 Trascorsi tre mesi, poiché ci fu un complotto dei Giudei contro di lui mentre si apprestava a salpare per la Siria, decise di fare ritorno attraverso la Macedonia. Rm 15,26 la Macedonia e l’Acaia infatti hanno voluto realizzare una forma di comunione con i poveri tra i santi che sono a Gerusalemme. 1Cor 16,5 Verrò da voi dopo aver attraversato la Macedonia, perché la Macedonia intendo solo attraversarla; 2Cor 1,16 e da voi passare in Macedonia, per ritornare nuovamente dalla Macedonia in mezzo a voi e ricevere da voi il necessario per andare in Giudea.
Cool doc, but I don’t like how they call the Gauls the French. It’s kind of like a shortcut to thinking, or rather not thinking lol. If people don’t know who the Gauls are make them think and research it, don’t just call them the French and falsify history. There is a reason that they were called Gauls and not French, otherwise it would just be the French for all history. Maybe I’m nitpicking but I don’t know, seems a bit important to me to give peoples their proper title.
i dont think,they were mysterious people… they were the descendants of the scythians,who went further to italia from anatolia,and the hungarians,thats all…(and even with the tuareg…)that solves the mysterywhy they werent indo european and spoke an agglutinative language,which was close to hungarian and latin,a mixture of chuvash bulgar… i think even turkish names and words came into being… tarkan,tarkun,tarik,all are turkish names… i even think,they found the name for the alps,which is used widely as a turkish name… alp,alper,alperen,batualp…about the alphabet and wrestling activities… it was the scythians who taught the greek,the oilwrestling and the runes into letters into alphabet…not viseversa…the greeks learned from the scythians,and etruscans…from what i heard what the romans did to the etruscans,was,to use them in their gladiatorial fights,and slowly wipe them out…
how strange, the etruscans have the same cultural hat as the modern albanians, they are wearing the widely loved plis in albanian lands, (plis or qelesh) search the hat up, the same wear is seen in these artifacts, this could mean that etruscan could have a related ancestor to the illyrians/albanians
I dont know if its wise to praise a civilization that only lasted 1000 years. Was it really wise to use the implements that they invented to disturb the top soil and have it erode? I think the best thing to take away from this is what mistakes they made and not make them again. Many civilizations died out from their inventions or their waste of resources or over use of resources. One died from having too many sheep and turning the land into a dessert with feeding them and another died from cutting too many trees and disturbing the ecology. Of course they came from Babylon just like everyone else did after the flood so thats why they share the same BS stories as the rest of civilization.
Мировые ученые (среди них – всемирно известные Г.Горбигер и К.Гаусгоффер), которые доказали такую концепцию; Арийцы, в том числе и предки германцев, как раса зародились 30-40 тысяч лет назад в восточной Азии, там, где ныне находится пустыня Гоби. Там процветала высокая цивилизация, которая затем погибла в результате катастрофы, приведшей к появлению пустыни. Часть на территории древнего чеченского аланского народа Чианти этрусков (цанар) империи, посвященная в тайные черные знания, осталась на Тибете, в Шамбале. Остальные переселились на Кавказ. Затем на территории древнего чеченский аланский народ Чианти этрусков (цанар) империя продвинулась в Северную Европу, а на Кавказе остался Асгард – очаг на территории древнего чеченского аланского народа Чианти этрусков (цанар) империи дух, где сохранилась Чистая арийская кровь. Там – арийский корень. Это священная земля всех предков арийцев, говорящих теперь на разных языках. На Кавказе в Асгарде сосредоточилось все Позитивное, что таит в себе древнего чеченского арийского народа республики кровь -такова была основа господствовавше го в Германии учения, которое, по словам Гитлера, было даже чем-то большим, чем религия.108 И здесь древнему чеченскому народу наступает момент удивиться, ибо из дальнейшего мы узнаем, что хранителями “духа Асгарда чистой арийской крови” был воспринята сакральная территория древнего чеченского аланского народа Чианти этрусков (цанар) империи.
Morning! I would like to ask sth because there is a lot of information about them on the internet and, although I am studying Arts at University, I cannot tell which period of time they exactly belong to, when they were formed as the etruscans themelves, which things they took from the greeks and when, and what is origially etruscan. I know they are many questions but if anybody can help or recommend sth to read, I would be very grateful. Thanks in advance. Greeting from 🇦🇷
На рубеже V и VI в. Византийской державы и арабского халифата истории объясняют происхождение на территории древнего чеченского арийского народа республики названия (sassaniden reich) и названия слова «элл нах», как образовалось арабское халифата слово (Аль), Все эти историки ссылаются на имя, которое носил легендарный родоначальник рода Саса Наха которому при распределении северных стран выпала в наследство Элл Нахов (Алан) равнина с её горной частью,начиная от реки Ерасх (Аракс) до крепости, называемой Ха Наха ар керт страна по кротости нрава Саса Наха была названа как Элл нах (Алан) на арабском халифата языке как Алвах. Само название этого слово приводится,как имя из рода благородных территории древнего чеченского народа Чианти этрусков (цанар) империи Саса Нах который наследовал поля и горы Элл Нах Бах.
they did rise like a Phoenix from the ashes but the ashes do not like the one that gotten burnt to rise in culture and spirit is not necessarily to rise in the same flesh in five generations they will influence through culture and wealth and behavior a bit and through dissipation with others around them rises the new from them not in five hundred nor in every five hundred but in five g……….
Древнего чеченского аланского народа тайп (род) Чианти один из древнего этрусков империи племен, который после падение Трои ушли на Кавказ,а другие в Италию, основали сакральную крепость Чианти и непосредственно принимали участия при строительстве древнего г. Рим. Города и гробницы Чианти этрусков Такие сооружения можно встретить у Кортоны, в Чианти и Вей. В 6-ом веке до н.э. династия Чианти этрусков правила городе Рим, после нашествия византийской державы и арабского халифата на территории древнего чеченского аланского народа Чианти этрусков (цанар) империи слилась с разными финикийскими племенами. В 13-веке. Многие на территории древнего чеченского аланского народа Чианти этрусков (цанар) империи из за китайского – монгольского нашествия, покидают сакральную территорию древнего чеченского аланского народа Чианти этрусков (цанар) империи и мигрируют в Европу и Италию в провинцию Чианти к своим сородичам,которые в последствии прославляют эту провинцию прекрасными винами (секрет вин чиантийцы) китайцы – монголы из за сильного чиантийцами оказанного ожесточенного сопротивления, разрушают до основания на реке с. Дон-Чианти, в Чионти Тушети, и крепость Тазбичи (Чианти-мохк)
Italian researcher Graziano Baccolini states in the volume Reflections on the Etruscan Civilization: “It is difficult for me to understand why some Italian historians still fail to understand the enormous contribution of Etruscan civilization to the building of Western culture and why, continuing to be guided by false evidence, states that the Greeks and Romans represent the primordial superior cultures of Europe “. The same author is of the opinion that the Etruscans came from Eastern Europe and are the true founders of the culture of this continent. He also states that “at the dawn of their military development, the Romans, with an inferior culture, falsified their origins and hid the heritage of Etruscan civilization, and the falsification of their history continued, during the first emperors, through a series of edicts. ” In another work, namely The Hidden Roots of Europe, published by the Animi Cultural Foundation, the Brukenthal National Museum and the Pitigliano Civic Museum, it is shown that “at the level of the first millennium BC, the populations living on today’s Romanian territories, Bulgaria and Italy, respectively the Dacians, Thracians and Etruscans, created original cultures, which played an extremely important role in the formation of Greco-Roman art.
after the Trojan War in Dardanell, left the Troy by the sea and become (Sea People Pellazg) Dardanians travel to Epir, Butrint, Calabria and Egypt = after 300 years Dardanians in Italy were Etroscans Ligurians Toscans Mesap Lombardy Volci Umbrians Sicilians Celts Normans Gauls they had One Language from Illyrian Peninsula Albanian = 100% latin. Greeks were PELLAZG before ( plaku shkoj = Pellazg) Albanian today. go to Ancient Greeks and Metology you will find all Albanians names. DARDAN is Albanian name Troj is Albanian name Aphrodite = Aferdita Homer, Akil and so and so
Mel Copeland is of the opinion that the language of the Etruscans, at the level of the VII-IV centuries BC, was related to the Dacian language, which leads to the hypothesis that the two peoples were related and were part of the great Thracian people. The same author explains the linguistic kinship between the Etruscans, the Roman civilizers and the Dacians: “The Etruscans appeared in Italy around 1000 BC. and they came here from Lydia and Frygia. The Phrygians, originally from Macedonia and Thrace, were related to the Dacians and Getae (today’s Romanians), who spoke the same language.
Etruscan call themselves rassena. Asena is name in turkey, and it means son of female wolf. Turan is goddes in etruscan myth and Turan means union of Turks in Turkey. Tinia (Tin) is Etruscan god, din means religion in Turkey and also tingri ( nowadays tanrı) means god in Turkey. Etruscan language is agglutinative as Turkish language There are lots of example of similarities. latin alphabet ( etruscan alphabet) is very suitable for Turkish wovel harmony. Turkish is read how its written with that alphabet. Every letter is a sound in Turkish language. Latin call etruscan as tusci and we are turki. They were proto Turks
In the study, which was the subject of the news, DNA samples taken from 263 people in Volterra, Murlo and Casentino towns where Etruscan civilization ruled were compared with the DNA of more than 1200 people in Italy, the Balkans, Limnos Island and Anatolia. As a result, it turned out that the genetic makeup of the Etruscans is more like a Turk than an Italian. Experts emphasized that the genetic makeup of the descendants of the Etruscans in the town of Murlo exactly coincides with the genetic makeup of the Turks.
Chechen Alan people of the Cianti Etruscan (Tsanar) Empire. YouTube Greve in Chianti – Piccola Grande ItaliaSituato sulle splendide colline del Chianti, a cavallo tra le province di Firenze e Siena, Greve è dal 2007 uno dei borghi più belli d’Italia. È noto in tutt…YouTubeGreve in Chianti – Piccola Grande ItaliaSituato sulle splendide colline del Chianti, a cavallo tra le province di Firenze e Siena, Greve è dal 2007 uno dei borghi più belli d’Italia. È noto in tutt…
The Etruscans and the Romans are basically the modern italians in terms of fashion, obsessed with style and with accessories fine things fine food and wine… passion in living life and enjoying life, divinities ecc. Amazing how there are similarities with central modern day italian culture, the only difference is that both etruscans and romans had a great military and they actually had leaders to guide them while modern day italians…🤪 italiani abbiamo bisogno di ritornare come una voltaaaa
You talking about this people are Illyrian Alexander the The Great Was Illyrian Also so Do not mix the history If you really don’t know Balkan which is our Albanian People existed long Time a go So same as Greece was same Illyrian include Bosnia Romania Bulgaria Serbia didn’t exist the Serbians Came to the Balkan Just 900 years ago on that place was call servia like servant which is the used to serve Illyrian Also the big Konstantin of Roman Empire born in nish off today Serbia which is mean nish Only in Albanian Language its mean Number one So you should understand what I’m talking about And Sam today hunza people speaks Albanian so don’t f**** say that you don’t know what is this people come from
if you need to make your description of a remarkable ancient civilisations sound like a Star Wars article game intro, your”re just not doing it right. Whilst claiming that the area was swallowed up by the “mighty roman empire” in respect of new listeners is surely actually creating ignorance where there was none before? hey ho.
There is a problem in this…all this professors and historian’s are using the word “Greeks”,,,who are the Greeks…which population was named as Greeks at the Etruscan time?????…Greeks as we know them are named Greeks on1821 where that geographic territory received that name,,,,at the Etruscan time we can speak only of akadian or Athenians even the name HELENS or Hellas became as identification of one population arround the fifth century before Christ and vanished after the first century b.c when Rome invade the Iliric peninsula(now called Balkan)…