The Revelation of the Magi, an apocryphal account of the traditional Christmas story, suggests that the Magi were counselors rather than kings. They bore three gifts, which caused a stir in Jerusalem. Contrary to popular belief, the Magi were not kings but rather monk-like mystics from a far-off, mythical land called Shir, possibly China.
The Magi visited Jesus during the time of King Herod, who was the ruler at the time of Jesus’ birth. They were warned in a dream of Herod’s evil intention to kill and arrived in Judea. The Magi recognized Jesus as the Messiah before most of God’s chosen people in Israel did. The Old Testament book of Numbers shares the prophecy about a group of magi from the East.
Some believe they were Babylonian astrologers, others Persian priests (perhaps Zoroastrians), or even Chinese mystics. The Magi visited Jesus with gifts and allegedly around his birth period. This is not aligned with Jesus’ life.
One of the orthodoxies of modern Biblical scholarship has been that the magi story is a complete fabrication. In just twelve short verses, the gospel of Matthew records the visit of mysterious magi to pay homage to the child Jesus. The Magi were among the first people to worship our Lord and Savior after he was born. Popular Christmas tradition assumes there were three Magi because of the number of gifts and that they represented a wide range of lands.
In conclusion, the Revelation of the Magi is a compelling account of the traditional Christmas story that challenges popular belief and provides a more accurate understanding of the Magi’s role in the nativity of Jesus.
📹 Esoteric Religion of the Aryan Magi – ROBERT SEPEHR
The Magi were the fabled priestly caste of ancient Iran and Mesopotamia that are mentioned in the Bible and renowned as skilled …
Were the three wise men pagans?
The term “magi” has its origins in the pagan priestly tribe from the Medes and Persians. It was later incorporated into the English word “magic” or “magician,” which is a synonym for sorcerer, based on numerous historical references.
What ethnicity were the biblical Magi?
By the Middle Ages, it was widely believed that three Magi visited the Christ child and were Persian kings representing the three ages of man. The names of the Magi were Gaspar, Melchior, and Balthasar, but they were never consistently assigned to a specific king. The theological significance of the story, along with the exotic dress, luxurious gifts, and large retinues of the Magi, made them prominent in art throughout Europe.
The most popular scene from the Gospel of Matthew was their arrival to worship the newborn Christ. However, artists often conflated the story with the account of Jesus’s birth in the Gospel of Luke, which includes no Magi but introduces the detail of a manger.
Who were the Magi in Jesus time?
The Magi, also known as Balthasar, Melchior, and Gaspar, were believed to be kings in the 3rd century, possibly fulfilling a prophecy in Psalms 72:11. They were also mentioned in the Excerpta latina barbari chronicle in the 8th century. They are venerated as saints and martyrs, with their supposed relics transferred from Constantinople to Milan and later to Cologne Cathedral in the 12th century. Devotion to the Magi was particularly fervent in the Middle Ages, and they are some of the patron saints of travelers. The Magi’s relics were transferred from Constantinople to Milan and later to Cologne Cathedral in the 12th century.
Were the Magi astronomers or astrologers?
The Magi, pagans who practiced divination, necromancy, and astrology, did not come to Jesus due to these practices. Instead, God made them see a “star” that only they could see, which connected them to receiving knowledge of Jesus and His Kingship of the Jews. The “star” moved slowly in one direction, vanishing and reappearing only for one group of Persians. This was all God’s doing from first to last, and the art and skills of these Persian astrologers had nothing to do with the process.
Christians believe they are saved by grace, faith, and in Christ alone. However, we share a human problem of believing that people like us are better and more likely to become a Christian. This is why we are tempted to “whitewash” the Magi, making them less Persian or into the occult. The Gospel of Matthew does not legitimize astrology, and we should not boast about our faith. We should focus on the good, respectable, hard-working, and faithful to Christ, rather than chasing astrology or non-Christian practices.
What religion is Magi based on?
The Magi, believed to be Zoroastrians, traveled from Persia to Judea to venerate a new king. Their journey was not just to discover another monarch but to discover a mystical search, ultimately leading to an Epiphany. The Magi’s journey was a mystical search, with the significance of the story being their own. The Magi’s journey was described as a “thanksgiving” service, lasting one hour. Two Zoroastrian priests and a helper participated in the service, reciting prayers in Avestan and incense.
Are the 3 wise men in the Bible astrologers?
The three wise men, also known as’magi’ or ‘astrologers’, were renowned for their ability to watch the stars for signs. They were also known as the three kings or ‘Orient’. Later, they were given the names Melchior, Caspar, and Balthazar. Astronomers have been searching for the star that appeared in the East at the time of Jesus’ birth, with various theories including a comet or three planets coming together, appearing brighter than normal. Regardless, it appears as if something strange appeared in the sky at the time of Jesus’ birth.
What religion were the magi in the Bible?
Matthew provides only “from the east” information about the region from which they came, which was the Parthian Empire, centered in Iran. The empire stretched from eastern Syria to the Indian fringes and was tolerant of other religions, but its dominant religion was Zoroastrianism, with its priestly magos class. The apocryphal Syriac Infancy Gospel states that they were pursuing a prophecy from their prophet, Zoradascht (Zoroaster).
There is an Armenian tradition identifying the “Magi of Bethlehem” as Balthasar of Arabia, Melchior of Persia, and Caspar of India. Historian John of Hildesheim relates a tradition in the ancient Silk Road city of Taxila (present-day Punjab, Pakistan) that one of the Magi passed through the city on the way to Bethlehem.
What religion were the Magi?
Matthew provides only “from the east” information about the region from which they came, which was the Parthian Empire, centered in Iran. The empire stretched from eastern Syria to the Indian fringes and was tolerant of other religions, but its dominant religion was Zoroastrianism, with its priestly magos class. The apocryphal Syriac Infancy Gospel states that they were pursuing a prophecy from their prophet, Zoradascht (Zoroaster).
There is an Armenian tradition identifying the “Magi of Bethlehem” as Balthasar of Arabia, Melchior of Persia, and Caspar of India. Historian John of Hildesheim relates a tradition in the ancient Silk Road city of Taxila (present-day Punjab, Pakistan) that one of the Magi passed through the city on the way to Bethlehem.
Which of the Magi was black?
By the 15th century CE, the three kings of Africa, Asia, and Europe were considered representative symbols in European art. Balthazar, a black king, was often depicted in Renaissance and Baroque art, particularly in Renaissance and Early Modern Belgium. The story behind the rise and decline of the black magus’ popularity during the Renaissance has been largely forgotten, but it was used to explain the perceived need for conversion to Christianity, the three ages of man (childhood, adulthood, and old age), and emerging theories of race.
The aesthetic representation of Balthazar from the high to the late Middle Ages is the subject of new scholarship and exhibitions focused on understanding the Middle Ages in a global context. The Getty Center in Los Angeles has a manuscript exhibition, Balthazar: A Black African King in Medieval and Renaissance Art, curated by Kristen Collins and Bryan Keene, which builds on a 2018 exhibition and a series of blog posts that began to unpack the history of the magi.
Were the Magi Jews or Gentiles?
The magi, like Balaam, were Gentiles who followed God’s will. They foretold the rising of the messianic star and acted as his successors by witnessing the fulfillment of his prophecy.
Were the Magi in the Bible magicians?
The Magi in Matthew’s Gospel were not Jewish and did not convert to Christianity. The Magi were ancient Near Eastern magicians and sorcerers renowned for their priestly wisdom, including the interpretation of dreams, the reading of signs, and astrology. They were also known as “The Wise Men.”
📹 Drugs, Jesus and the End of Time, Exploring Zoroastrianism.
Who were the Magi of the Christmas story? Three wise men from the East, seems simple enough right? Well, the Magi were …
Take back your power . Build your prana, remember your divine roots . Work on your inner self, begin to conquer your EGO and let go of the mindful constructs of material knowledge . Your consciousness is multi dimensional ; YOU ARE PURE CONSCIOUSNESS Radiating from the ONE SOURCE of ALL THAT IS. The temple of GOD is within you, LOOK WITHIN and you shall find peace & harmony and be joyous & free…
👏🏻 well done Mr. Sepehr. You’re successfully showing the Aryan roots of the entire Western occult tradition in a flawless way. Ive noticed one tradition that flows out of Iran-India as well and have a lot of evidence that it ties back to one mythical family and that this family has been responsible for most of the religions from the ancient world up to today which coincides with this and your previous articles perfectly. I’d love to send you what I’ve found on this as well
In my understanding, the “chosen people” are not some physical race with some vague genetic connection, but those who are connected to this other realm: the spiritual, the 4D world. My logic is that the entire purpose of these mystery religions is to connect us, to get us to cross over this bridge, this link from our 3D world to the 4D spiritual realm.
Excellent as always. Thank you Mr Sepehr. Your work is a threat to this system and I want to thank you for your bravery and dedication in telling the unbiased and factual truths of our history and our roots. As someone with German, Irish, Sioux and Apache blood your websites and works have helped me find connections to my genetic history that I never would have made through mainstream academia. Once you truly understand what we lost in 1945, you understand how important Mr Sepehr’s work is for the future generations of europeans and those of european/aryan descent. I found out I have A RH Negative blood type. My grandmother made me read Mein Kampf when I turned 13. She never said a word about it, she never told me what to think, she only told me it was important to know the history of your people. She never preached politics. She never discussed politics with anybody but her sister. The allies always promote this image that Germans were brainwashed and followers but I was never raised to be a follower and to investigate for myself. I was never taught to hate anybody because of their race. I was never told to hate anybody based on their religion or creed. I find it strange how the main stream media wants the world to believe that Germans were mindless order followers who all regretted WWII and hated National Socialism and only obeyed out of fear etc… etc… All I’m trying to say is that we really should keep our minds open about history and take objective looks at hisotrical events before passing judgement on a people or their history.
No matter how abstract reality is, how powerful, totalitarian, oppressive, “they” are, all we have to do to free ourselves from their grasp, is by simply not thinking in terms of dichotomies. To think in terms of black, and white, is exactly that. Our perversions are borne from our subjective constructs.
I appreciate everything you do, Robert. I know you’re hesitant for a public “Tedtalk” but I promise there will be Aryan warriors to protect you brother. If anything, I would actually visit California to meet you and visit the Griffith Observatory that you’re at in my favorite article from you. I’m pretty sure you spoke about giving a tour before
Dear Robert, dear brothers and sisters reading, just wanted to give Robert some Love and infinite gratitude for his way if reading,teaching and research for us to enjoy and do with what we want, i pray to our creator that we will all learn what we need to make this world and Universe last forever in the bame of love and community ❤ truly it is surreal to be alive in these times to behold what is appearently unfolding before our eyes and souls, but stay strong by staying grounded, and ha e Courage to face your inner pain, it is not going to last, it will be good and stronger when it passes. Truth makes lonely, but how we apply truth to our lives makes us NOT lonely. Sorry for my English writting, with love . from Denmark Scandinavia ❤🤍
My cousin sent me a couple of your articles, this one included. I am blown away. I knew there was a reason I disliked history as a kid, maybe I subconsciously knew it to be manipulated and untrue, idk. Thank you for these beautifully put together horror facts. So glad I’ve found this website to add to my collection of ancient and untold history.
Another amazing addition to your long list of incredibly cerebral and intellectually stimulating content that you are known for producing. Thank you for all the hard work, research, genuine and obvious passion you put into your work it truly shows and are just a few of the many reasons that your works are always on that few if any match. Well done and keep doing what you do, making all who watch constantly think, consider different views/perspectives and keeping a constant grip on the human curiosity within us all. With this said GOD BLESS Brother, may you and all your LOVED ones enjoy abundance, LOVE and prosperity by the Heavenly Father’s/Creator’s hand!
Western European people’s are closer to the original aryans interms if genetics, yes the persians are of aryan ancestry but a little thing called the Islamic EXPANSION period happened an the mass rape of persia by peninsula arabs occurred changing the physical characteristics and genetics of iran permanently The last time iran was aryan was around the sasasanid period when they still had blonde hair
It was an interesting experience. Robert Sepehr was just talking about El, Zeus, Helios… Hades, and how they rule over the seasons, and the next moment a commercial started, saying how the narcissist takes up the whole room. … I have never had a clearer and more comic sense of the reality of the archons, keepers of time. I wondered if human kindness, twisted under the pressure of need, made men dependent on the seasons, instead of our inner awareness of wholeness, which would deprive the archon of the power they accordingly exercise over our idea of reality. Thank You dear Robert Sepehr! Your work is more than professional success. Because there are few healers of the human psyche, as universal amnesia keeps us trapped in prejudice. But by studying our human history we have a chance to experience a universal awakening and to come to our senses before the boat of our life takes to its zenith.
My understanding, through so much convoluted history, is the Magi were a branch of the Aryans of Magicians of Atlantis that branched into evil and darkness. The Phoenicians, Babylonians, etc. While the good and light branch spread cultivation, education, values, strength of mind body and spirit, purification and resting temptation of laziness, greed, lust, etc. These were the Scythians, the TartARIANS, true Aryans. Frisians, etc. The Magi became the corrupt priests, which then turned to corrupt usury bankers, and so on.
The swastica is an ancient (and still today most accurate) map of when and how the influences of the gods IE: planets play out over all aspects of reality and when they die, sleep, awaken and have less influence. It is a symbol of the most highest of collaborations ever to enact on all realities, we are all swasticas, living versions.
The first calendars were stellar (“a turning of the stars” = 1 day – on the original 360-day-year. After a cataclysm, BTW, later calendars were retrospectively reset to 365.25-day years in 713 AD); then came lunar calendrics; then last – most recently – solar calendrics. Failure to resolve these discrepancies has abjectly jumbled the arithmetic of history – leading us to great misunderstandings. Receipts & much more at ARCHAIX here on YT. Your work is one of the few that mostly comports with new interdisciplinary forensic chronology discoveries by Jason Breshears via 26 years of full-time analysis of cross-calendric parallels. You two will get together & share discoveries eventually & that’s a high compliment.
I absolutely love your website! It’s a one website that I can watch that. I definitely know I’m gonna learn something. I believe that my family came from the Scythians. My ancestry comes out of Southeast Asia and migrated up through the steppe, into the Iberian peninsula. I’ve been talking to my family about this early Iranian/Aryan group that has disappeared from history. I find it amazing that the modern day historical narrative does not want to talk about this group of people. Why is this ? I think that this group were the high kings of Ireland, and leftover Atlantis survivors.
After the great dispersion fragments of the true knowledge were retained and kept alive by enshrining them in culture. A “chosen people” if you will, actively absorbed these fragments and denuded them of any cultural husks. After performing this a couple of times, they understood through the recovered knowledge that Culture will ultimately fail. This insight lead them to reverse previous perspectives and create a culture of knowledge rather than a knowledgeable culture. In this way, they were able to culturally survive any diaspora until such time as they could reunite as one. I mean, probably . . . I guess.
Hey, Robert. Are you aware of the hypothesis of magnetic pole shifts? There is a guy on YouTube called Suspicious0bservers who has made articles explaining how the aforementioned magnetic pole shift occurs every 12,000 years. According to him, the protective magnetic mechanism on this planet weakens and eventually the sun is allowed to induce a cataclysmic event that resets civilization. This ties in perfectly to what the ancients have foretold for millenia, which he also goes over. Fantastic article as always.
@818encino I find many of the dynamics expressed in various of your articles very interesting, but I find one in particular a bit paradoxical. In previous articles, you’ve shown that the Israelites were likely (at least in part) blonde-haired and blue eyed, which would suggest that they were part of the Aryan genetic stock. Essentially, this is an issue of the chicken and the egg for me. If the Jewish Israelites, the inhabitants of Judah/Israel that were freed from Babylonian captivity by the Persians, were Aryan, and the majority of Europeans at this time were also Aryan, AND the Jewish Israelites would only begin to spread their Kabbalistic evolution of Judaism (including symbols such as the Swastika) after being freed by the Persians and migrating up through Iran and from there greater Europe, then who were the first Aryans to emerge in the post-diluvian period (that is, after the hypothetical destruction of Atlantis)? Because at the moment, I see this as a circle of Aryan blood that, based on my current understanding, wouldn’t seem to have any definitive beginning/progenitor ethnic group. Would you mind addressing this? What’s the basic timeline of the introduction of Aryan genetics into Europe and the Near East and what role did the Israelite Jews play (either as progenitors or recipients of said genes)?
Robert i love that your letting true knowledge out, i cannot stress this enough, the clut of mithra was a copy of the magi not the other way around. It wasnt until the greeks stole the god and made that cult which gave birth to what people call Satan and Sorcery. Magic or magik was using the external to help change the internal sorcery is using external and internal to change external. There was the story of the true god and true manifestation in a human form, and then there is a mythology based off this story which was used to support thier mythology. Thier story is a myth, but the story is not a myth. Yeshua was real, jesus was a greek myth, zurathustra is real zoroaster is a myth, i hope this help shed some light this is the subject that iv dedicated my life to. I also found a coin from yeshua’s time carried by zoroastrian magi with a scythian king on the drachm coin. The idea of zurathustra about god was zurvain, of greek myth zoroaster it was mazda and the counter part. Similar storys but one was a loaded myth. This teaching is as older or older then the sumarain tablets. We dont know which teaching was older but pike went mad and everybody whos found the truth loaded the idea when teaching it. Wish i could speak with you one day brother. I hope you have a blessed and abundant year and wish i could donate more.
Robert! At about 24 in my brain started to fry and I’m an pretty educated woman – it’s almost like my brain can’t take this is in – it’s to foreign yet it seems so right! Thank your this – it takes a lot to get me to this place!!! Great stuff I know you are preaching to the choir out here with those who have been with you for years but man it makes us just that much more edgier and supported with you as a guide!
Robert do you think Atlanteans came from the North (Ireland/Uk, or “Doggerland”)? then migrate west to east after the cataclism? ireland = Arya land.. I think the Aryan were the Druids, and the Druidism is the original Religion way before Egyptian religion, Zoroastrianism etc.. they bring their knowledge everywhere in the Middle East Michael Tsarion say ireland is the Sacred Land of the Aryans. When you look all the God and Goddess all around the world, they all come from Celtic Mythology.
Love it! Dream On…Great choice for the topic. Maybe it’s time that people start learning what is recessed within them. Bloodlines of the First World. The 12 origin houses that were purposely created in reflection of the Grace of the Human Anatomy (house of twelves bound by the seven seals). The Celestial Belt was divided in the same way for the same reason. As Above So Below. Planets ground the Celestial Milk as the body grounds the electrical atmosphere. A big long drawn out story scrambled and reformatted with each age all meaning, KNOW THY SELF! Awaken your inner-light and achieve the Holy Oganic Crown of Nosis to the Divine that depends on us to ground back into physical creation. Be well on your journey. Peace, One Love One Light!
Hey Robert, this is Carmen from Chile just wandering… Are you in a relationship? Are you single, Been following you for years❤❤❤ and I just find you aSoooo attractive, so smart, so avantgarde, I would fly to CA. in a heartbeat if you would talk to me over a nice Chilean wine or just coffee. I would bring the wine… LOL.. can’t believe I wrote it out and loud!!! All wishful thoughts, Best regards Your So. American Dan Carmen S. Amo TU contenido!!!
Great job. Still some of this is the polar system and then the change to the solar system. There was an older age of man when Saturn ruled! We should pay more attention to Ursa Minor and the polar star Which the swastika is fashioned after. It is not a different human. It is just the old sky map on the North Pole. Also why are they connected? Ask the Piso’s.
Robert, I respect your work by and large, but cannot agree with your statements in this article about the Iron Man statue at 13:50 min. – 14:01 min., specifically, 13:58 “with Caucasian features…” As a Caucasian who has spent a significant amount of time around Asian communities, these features clearly look Asian to me. Maybe we all see what we want to see, but my observations are that the elongated eyelids that come to a distinct point towards the sides of the head, the flat nose, and the straight hair of the beard, are all features commonly found in people of various Asian descents. The metalwork figures you display after at 14:05 min. are far more easily recognizable as Caucasian.
In 2004 I visited the Musee de Palace du Papes in Avignon and was fascinated by a painting of the Magdalen walking with John the Baptist. He wearing his hair shirt, she depicted as Ethiopian, dark skin and wearing that type garb… There were many art pieces of her in that museum, one of her in her scarlet robes holding a baby only the baby had been blotted out! Fascinating stuff!
Not me, researchers says: “Regarding the word magic, it is believed to be Persian because the Magi were the priests of Persian society. However, their name is difficult to explain in Old Iranian. The Thracian language, however, provides an explanation. The name of the god Magutis contains the root mag – strength, which is explained by old slavic mogѫ, magѫ- I can, I am powerful. About the influence of the Thracians over the peoples of Central Asia, Jordan writes about the conquests of King Thanausis.” So, dear Robert, the root of the our civilization is the Black see region. Not for any other reason, but simply that this part of Europe was not glaciated in ancient times. After climate change, warming causes the oceans to rise, the Mediterranean Sea forms, and not long after, the Black Sea Flood. Who has saved himself and has spread the knowledge to near and far lands. That is all.
I am always amazed that when Europeans look back on ethnic history, it’s a rare day that they ever mention the book of Enoch. In the book of Enoch the fallen angels were described as being white-skinned with yellow hair. Nor do they take into consideration the genealogy table in Genesis 10. How in the world can King Alfred the Great be the 39th generation from Adam when the Bible states that the Messiah/ HaMashiach is 42 generations from Adam? Also, the Good News (THE WAY) that the Messiah/HaMashiach brought to the Earth and taught His disciples and they taught it to others was usurped by the Roman priesthood. When Rome took over “THE WAY”, aka, Christianity, they called it Catholicism, and they kept their esoteric pagan rights and customs by simply changing their names and assigning them to supposed holy days (e.g. Christmas=Winter Solstice, Easter=Astarte, the fertility goddess). Just a cursory study of biblical history will let you know that Catholicism has nothing to do with Christianity and a lot of so-called Christianity today has zilch to do with “THE WAY”. Reading the ungodly history of the Roman Catholic religion makes it quite obvious that Catholicism has nothing to do with the Birth, Life, Death, and Resurrection of Yeshua HaMashiach. Catholicism from beginning to end has never reflected the biblical teachings of “THE WAY” that HaMashiach gave His life and was raised from the dead for. Yeshua HaMashiach is the KING and HIGH PRIEST, the only Mediator between YAHWEH and Man.
Titus 3:6-9Which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour;That being justified by his grace, we should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life.This is a faithful saying, and these things I will that thou affirm constantly, that they which have believed in God might be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable unto men.But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain.
I recommend those interested in Masonic history, symbolism, ancient history, betterment, making your community a better place, beauty, and befriending others of like interests to find your local Masonic Lodge and petition to join it. The real world is far more interesting and rewarding than the virtual world.
It seems odd to me that the man in the audio interview would claim that Judaic Kabbalah is the source of the Occult roots of Natzee ism. The Magi religion clearly predates the Judaic captivity in Babylon. It was not the Jews hiding their religion in an existing cult, it was the jews recognizing that their doctrine had common roots in the Magi religion.
All the knowledge in the world, yet we need to righteous fear of (the) God (of Abraham, Isak and Israel) to find true wisdom, revelation, truth, salvation, Love and Life in Jesus Christ. For He is the light that came into the world and lights our hearts truly.. we need not to find enlightement in ourself nor cant we.. Jesus Christ is the light.. the truth, the way and the Life! Thank you Jesus for opening my eyes, renewing my heart and saving my soul. Thank you for Godly wisdom as well as Godly sorrow so that we may repent from our sin, for which You died on the cross. How great and selflessness is Your love! Praise be God!
well, i guess I nailed it when I said the one world religion is already here, has been and looks like the abrahamic house IS the new temple per se’……what no one is looking for……. as the temple is an allegory from freemasonry per the end of the article…..beenlooking for the answer to the abraham accord…………..greatly informative article…….Thank you!!!!!