Sarah Palin, a former Republican strategist, has been accused of being a conspiracy theorist and a serial liar. The theory that Palin is not the mother of 3-year-old Trig Palin has gained traction due to a new FRONTLINE documentary. Palin was initially seen as an unbending, hard-working attack dog by President Obama, but her credibility has been questioned.
Palinisms have emerged, with Palin being seen as ignorant, threatening, and disdainful of the rest of the world. She has also been linked to Twitter speculation about Joe Miller’s potential upset with incumbent Sen. Lisa Murkowski. Palin’s new autobiography “Going Rogue” has received media attention and criticism for including discrepancies with her.
One version of Palin’s narrative suggests that she sought a way to get attention from “conspiracy-minded reporters” during the election. Palin herself signed an actual deal for a reality TV show, branding Obama a liar and referencing the conspiracy over his birthplace. Palin’s comments on Donald Trump’s arrest have been criticized for being a bad reality show, and her speech has been criticized for being either silly lies or incidental fluffery buttressing the theatrical nature of the issue.
In conclusion, Sarah Palin’s political career has been a contentious issue, with accusations of conspiracy and misinformation surrounding her. While there were some politics in her speech, it was largely dismissed as merely incidental fluffery.
📹 Disowning Sarah Palin | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)
In his editorial New Rule, Bill Maher pleads with conservatives to reexamine some of their deeply held beliefs. Connect with Real …
📹 Sarah Mania! Sarah Palin’s Greatest Hits
All the best moments of Sarah Palin interviews, starring Sarah Palin, Charlies Gibson, Katie Couric, Sean Hannity, and special …
Sarah Palin: ” blah blah blah…patriot !” audience applause Sarah Palin: “blah blah blah…Jesus !” audience applause Sarah Palin: “blah blah blah…american !” audience applause the fact is whatever she said dont make any sense but at the end she put “america,patriot,jesus…” those people actually like it.
I remember the first time I saw Palin on TV. It only took me five seconds to frown and say, “Who IS that idiot?” She was like this little hand puppet: sweet, pretty, cuddly on the outside, and completely empty on the inside. What I find truly frightening is the number of people who actually bought in to her inane nonsense–and still do!!!
Now I feel sorry for Palin. She’s a tragic figure, because it’s not her fault that McCain chose her for his running mate even though she was a woefully inappropriate choice. Now she’s like a third place finisher from American Idol who has been brainwashed into believing that she belongs on the world stage.
Okay, this is what Palin says in the article, Verbatim, see if you can make sense of it: “He who was the one, now, with tea time on the mind, this is to forego a conclusion, right? It’s to scare us off and convince us that a pants suit can crush patriots? It’s kind of Orwellian, observing how that works out, rule of Saul Alinsky’s, no doubt.” She might have a neurological problem that hasn’t been diagnosed yet. I’m not even kidding.
And now we’ve got an Alaskan Republican Representative who thinks that wolves would solve homelessness. No offense, Alaskans, but can you add a psych evaluation to the job requirements for your politicians? The snow may make your walls white, but that doesn’t mean the state is an asylum to hand over to the inmates.
6 years later…I can honestly say: MySpace was better. Facebook might be “smoother” and less data heavy…but MySpace was better. It was your page. When somebody came to “your” Space…they experienced You. Your background, colors, themes, embedded images. Your music, with embedded player. You. On Facebook…nobody experiences You. Only the factory format echo of you drowning in a wave of “social” media.
Ms. Palin and her party. Both got the outcome they deserved. Unfortunately the nation got Trump and Pence.. The republican party learned, cast out Ms. Palin back into the Alaska wilderness and recasted it’s reality show. With the talented and infamous Donald Trump, his family of hustlers and evil corrupt associates. Peace.
Have you heard? Ms. Palin has decided to enter the political arena again. She even has her supporters! What is wrong with these people? Is their memory that short? Or is she just hoping that we’ve all suffered collective amnesia? I doubt time has improved HER mind. Let’s just hope the rest of America refuses to succumb to that level of craziness.
Interviewer: what’s your view on foreign policy? Palin: I can see Russia from my house. This woman was vice presidential candidate. And Americans wonder why the rest of the world thinks they are stupid. Least they were smart enough not to vote for them. In saying that the majority of Australia voted for tony abbott so…….
Frankly I always have. If don’t have higher standards about politicians, are no better than what complain about the other side, yet here we are seven years later from when this was posted, on the brink of WWIII. I remember being freaked out in my aunt’s kitchen in Tampa FL, when she told me that she was going to run for Vice President with John McCain. I didn’t say anything, but freaked out about how they were seeing her as intelligent and qualified. She didn’t even know how to dress, she had to be taught how to dress for politics. I don’t want to say anything else about what all can go there about glorifying in this country. This is a superpower, not just one of many other types of countries in the world. Can sit back as humble pie type, but then see what willing to give so much power to. I think that she’s an insult to European countries female right wing intelligence, which she’s given the power to decide over the lives of all in the world. A backwoods Barbie, that is found to be funny. That’s honestly what I thought years ago. Humble pie is not required to feed narcissists. Nobody is required to feed the egos and narcissism of snowflakes. What countries in the world does that resemble when legally obligated? Something like North Korea.
Even with this being in the recent past, I’m terrified more than ever that we avoided this disaster from being vice president in the white house and did something worse by letting a bigger disaster as president in the white house!! : O To anyone who didn’t vote to keep that from happening I say this……YOU ALL FUCKED UP BIG TIME!!!! X (
To be fair, don’t do it as abruptly as Germany, the electricity prices caused some trouble when they shut down all the nuclear power plants at once, and they actually are a country taht works more or less, so people could afford it for the most part…America…not so much. So do it, but gradually. (Over 5 to 6 years at the very fastest)
I love what DL Hughley said Something along the lines of; “Sarah Palin said she’s an ‘Expert on foreign affairs, because from Alaska I can see Russia’. But from my house I can see the moon, that doesn’t make me a fucking astronaut.” Haha so many great jokes made because of the comedy we get from Sarah…bless her heart lol
How to Do the Palin in a Few Easy Steps 1. Reporter asks you a question: tell them you’ll bring an answer for that next time or make something up; DON’T answer it directly if a direct answer would suffice, but DO answer it directly if specifics are required. 2. Reporter asks you to be specific: be as vague and as general as possible. 3. Reporter calls you on your bullshit: make up something else and change the topic to that. 4. Reporter calls bullshit on that, too: act like the reporter is a fool for not knowing what bullshit excuse you’re pulling out next.
While I’m no fan of Obama, I feel relieved that the religious nutbags like Palin, Santorum, Romney, and Ryan are just not what the American public wants anymore. This country is finally starting to take off the blinders of religious “faith” and is realizing that we alone are responsible for getting this country on track again
The most frighting thing about the voting in the USA is I don’t get to vote in your elections, but could face the fall out if you had of elected someone like this to be vice president. Before anyone points out that they don’t get to vote in my country, you are correct. But the big difference is my country isn’t a super power whose policies are felt world wide and whose military has very few equals. You have not let the likes of Palin and Bachmann get a foot hold, thank you for that and keep doing it, because they have no place in their own areas let alone the world stage. The last thing this world needs now is more people with a Bible or Koran in one hand and a gun in the other. The world needs now more ever is level headed diplomats from all sides. Not reactionary religious fools.
I would like to see Palin as President one day. It would be the best darn 4 years of comedy that the world could ever see! Stupid is clearly the new smart and Sarah works vigorously to prove this every day! I loved her Trump endorsement speech: it was rich in bizarre metaphor use, illogical concepts, and cloudy rhetoric used in mind bending poor taste. I’d rate it 5/5. I say she’d be a great Secretary of State. She’d scare the pants of off America’s enemies. Oh wait, I’m getting too “Milfy” now…
Since English is not my native language, I don’t understand the political phrases and vocabulary, and also I’m not into American politics, so can anyone explain to me what’s all about that Sarah Palin’s performances. Is she some sort of unbelievably incompetent person on her position? Or maybe media are trying to put her down… maybe she’s there only as the face and has some people helping her? She seems so dumb that she wouldn’t be able to make even bad decisions? So what’s the whole point of that? Is she making any damage?
Years later this is still hilarious, respectfully. Intelligent person would have to believe that somebody paid her to do this. She has been and still is the best late night early morning mid day comedic show host even better than Johnny Carson. You don’t get any more natural than this! God bless America
interestingly Sarah was pretty firm against Big Oil in Alaska, working with Democrats and Republican moderates to raise taxes against them and increasing worker’s pay and setting up ultimately beneficial environmental regulations that saved a lot of land and people and ultimately increasing the state’s stability against foreign oil companies and lobbyists in Sarah’s own party too. so it’s pretty fascinating to see her work in Alaska even though she’s still unpopular there for valid reasons and her campaign and the weirdness and multfaceted-ness of political figures or public figures really. would love to see an Alaskan’s take on this who lived under governorship!
“I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because some people out there in our nation don’t have maps and, I believe that our education, like such as, in South Africa and The Iraq, everywhere like Such As, and I believe that they should — our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S., or should help South Africa and should help The Iraq and the Asian countries, so we will be able to build up our future. For our children.”
You wanna be a maverick team that’ll get the job done in a getcha job done kinda way not in the other way where we don’t getcha job not done right in a no good democrat communist socialism that ain’t gonna happen style thing; we need the leader to lead & I’m gonna be there to help the leader send the horses to the barn door open closed.
The Bush question was hella embarrassing!! I would’ve been mortified.. Does she not read?!! It’s not hard.. All she needed to do was READ to be in tune to all the subjects they were talking about!! You gotta be on your P’s & Q’s Sarah… Especially when you’re in this kind of situation!! My god… 🤦🏻♀️
“John McCain has a streak of independence in him that I think it very, very important in America today in our leadership I have that within me also and that’s why John McCain tapped me to be a team of mavericks of independence as a team member in this, um, on this new team promising the reform crush that gridlock” salad shooter song begins to play
Well when it comes to political arguments the U.S. are the biggest laughing stock on the planet’ i can just imagine Putin sitting down’ after a hard days work’ putting on his slippers and listening to American politicians over the last fifteen years’ Bush’ Palin’ McCain’ Trump’ Hilary Cinton’ and after he falls off his chair laughing’ “he’ll say” i’ll give them another couple of years before i destroy them’ they make me laugh to much.
To be fair to Ms. Palin, that question about The Bush Doctrine was a “gotcha”. You’d need to infer the doctrine from the actions and policies of President Bush and his administration. I don’t recall seeing or hearing an explicit explication of such a doctrine. Not that she dealt with all the other questions with intellectual aplomb.
Do we remember a time when those running for office were only just, ever so slightly, less stupid than Trump. “Ultimately what the bailout does is help those who are concerned about the healthcare reform that is needed to shore up our economy…babble babble…not as competitive scary thing, but 1 in 5 jobs being created in the trade sector today, we’ve got to look at that as more opportunity…”
I don’t understand the comment, America has made mistakes in the past, What are these mistakes, killing innocent civilians, is that not a terrorist act, and to follow Israel blindly in bombing Iran’s nuclear facilities, this is against foreign policy laws, Israeli has broken international laws on a day to day basis so america being associated with Israel means mistakes will be repeated. I feel like i need to slap myself until it hurts then say to myself who did that?
to be honest its the media catching her out. simply for supporting something in principal with out due diligence and later on after review being against it – is normal in any line of work. and asking her to be responsible for the day to day behaviour of research departments. she cant micromanage whether that is day to day or part of a research program. her only fault is skill in deflecting media questions that mean nothing in substance. she needs a few lessons with Nigel Farage
Sounds to me like a whole bunch of gotcha questions trying to trip up Sarah Palin she knows what you Gotta do to get things done she’s been doing it for quite a while sure she’s goofy funny but she also knows how to get things done when all the talking is over in the work begins she does know how to get things done sorry folks laugh at her all you want she does get things done