To improve clairvoyance in dreams, set the intention to have the kind of dreams you want, prepare a dream tea, make a dream pillow, sleep with crystals, pay attention to metaphors, and record your dreams with a journal. Clairvoyant dreams, characterized by the ability to see beyond the ordinary scope of perception, contribute to the multifaceted nature of psychic dreaming.
To strengthen clairvoyant ability, practice visualization exercises, intuitive games, and a 5-minute chakra meditation. Clairvoyants can gather information about people, events, and places that go beyond what’s known in the 3D, usually through flashes of images, visions, and dreams. Practice visualization exercises to strengthen your third eye and focus on the content of your dreams.
Meditating twice a day increases the power of perception and intuition, as all these powers are emanating from the brain. At least two dreams illustrated keys to recovery, one was a super-elaborate escape from imprisonment similar to a concentration camp.
Matt Fraser decodes dream messages from the other side, bridging the gap between psychoanalytic findings and neuroscientific findings on trauma. In this article, Matt Fraser decodes dream messages from the other side, focusing on the difference between intuition and dreams.
Severe anxiety and worry about the future, fear of being hurt, and overthinking about oneself can be signs of clairvoyance. To develop a deeper relationship with God, pray, sacraments, and Scripture reading. Pay closer attention to your dreams and ask yourself questions or focus on a specific dream.
📹 Dream Interpretation at Psychic Source
In this video, Psychic Source Advisors share the power of a psychic dream interpretation. They explain that understanding your …
How to enhance precognitive dreams?
Empowering your precognition involves making dream recall a top priority, revisiting precognitive dreams, living your dream, gathering proof, trusting, meditating daily, presenting, and making predictions. Most dreams contain precognitive themes, showcasing potential future events, emotions, or mindsets. Having experienced déjà vu or reviving elements of a memorable dream in your waking reality is personal proof of your precognitive nature.
To energize your precognition, write down your dreams every night before going to bed. Place a notebook and pen beside your bed, and on waking, keep your eyes closed until dream memories bubble to the surface. Write down any words, stories, symbols, sounds, or images that come to mind, and if nothing comes to mind, write down the feelings you have on waking.
Don’t try to make sense of the dreams, just write down the precognitive impressions first thing. This will help you become more aware of your dreams and their potential future events.
What is the precognitive dream ability?
Dream-based precognition, also referred to as foresight via dreaming or oneiric precognition, represents a sub-power of oneiromancy and a variant of precognition. This ability enables the user to perceive future events in dreams, whether symbolic, direct, or from another perspective.
What are the psychic abilities?
Clairvoyance is the ability to see distant events and objects using a sixth sense, while dowsing involves locating water using a dowsing rod. Dermo-optical perception is the ability to perceive unusual sensory stimuli through the skin. Dream telepathy allows for telepathic communication through dreams. Precognition, including psychic premonitions, is the ability to perceive or gain knowledge about future events without using induction or deduction from known facts.
Psychometry or psychoscopy is the ability to obtain information about a person or an object by touch. Remote viewing, telesthesia, or remote sensing is the ability to see a distant or unseen target using extrasensory perception. Retrocognition or postcognition is the ability to supernaturally perceive past events. Telepathy is the ability to transmit or receive thoughts supernaturally.
Various sources have explored the concept of parapsychology, including books on astral dynamics, astral dynamics, and parapsychology. Some notable works include “After Death: How People Around the World Map the Journey After Life” by James Randi, “Precognition” by Gilles-Maurice de Schryver, “ESP and Psychokinesis: A Philosophical Examination” by Stephen E. Braude, and “Parapsychology: a Concise Empathy History” by John Beloff.
In conclusion, parapsychology encompasses various abilities such asclairvoyance, dowsing, dermo-optical perception, dream telepathy, precognition, psychometry, remote viewing, retrocognition, postcognition, and telepathy. These abilities have been studied extensively in various fields, including medicine, parapsychology, and the search for life after death.
How can I improve my lucidity in my dreams?
In order to achieve lucid dreams, it is essential to engage in consistent practice. Methods for practicing and enhancing one’s ability to lucid dream include reality testing, the Mindful Awareness through Relaxation and Sleep technique (MARS), the Wake-Back-to-Bed method (WBTB), dream journaling, and creating a conducive environment for lucid dreaming.
How common is precognition?
Most humans dream for at least two hours each night, leading to some vivid or unsettling dreams. Precognitive or premonition dreams, which seem to predict the future, must meet certain criteria. These include recording or telling others about the dream before it is fulfilled in real life, having a significant number of unique details, not being self-fulfilling prophecies or influenced by existing knowledge, and dream telepathy, or communication with others via dreams, cannot influence the dream. These dreams are common among 17. 8 to 38 percent of people.
Is precognition psychic?
Precognition is a psychic phenomenon that involves seeing or becoming aware of future events. Despite lack of scientific evidence, it is widely considered pseudoscience and violates the principle of causality. Despite this, precognition has been widely believed in throughout history, and it remains a topic of research and discussion within the parapsychology community. Despite the lack of scientific evidence, many people continue to believe in precognition and continue to explore its potential.
How do you trigger vivid dreams?
Stress and anxiety can lead to vivid dreams due to various factors such as personal problems, big events, traumatic events, sleep issues, and changes in sleep schedules. Vivid dreams can be triggered by problems with friends, family, school, or work, as well as traumatic events like death or sexual abuse. Anxiety is particularly associated with an increased risk of disturbing and intense nightmares. Sleep issues like insomnia and narcolepsy can also increase the risk of vivid dreams.
Why do I see things in my dreams before it happens?
The phenomenon of precognitive dreams, which appear to foreshadow future occurrences, is widely believed by many individuals. However, there is currently no scientific evidence to substantiate the existence of such dreams. Some theoretical frameworks posit that these dreams may operate via a number of different mechanisms.
What types of clairvoyance are there?
Clairvoyance is a paranormal ability to see distant people and events, divided into three classes: precognition, retrocognition, and remote viewing. It has been claimed in various cultures throughout history, with stories of individuals seeing distant objects common in pagan religions. Clairvoyance is often used in prophecy, particularly when future events are predicted. This ability has been attributed to a higher power rather than the person performing it, and has been a part of various religions, particularly in pagan oracles.
What kind of person is a clairvoyant?
It is commonly held that individuals with clairvoyance possess psychic abilities and higher levels of insight than those who rely solely on the five senses. Such individuals are purported to be able to foresee future occurrences through a variety of means, including dreams, visions, Ouija boards, and crystal balls. Prior to 1851, the term “clairvoyant” was used to describe an individual who was “clear-sighted” and possessed sensitivity to phenomena that fell outside the scope of natural perception.
How rare is dream reality confusion?
Individuals experiencing fatigue tend to exhibit increased sleep depth and dream vividness, which can result in dream-reality confusion (DRC). This phenomenon is observed in approximately 15% of healthy individuals, with an increased prevalence observed in individuals with narcolepsy (83%) and borderline personality disorder.
📹 Psychic Dreams & Premonitions – Matt Fraser Tells All!
Spirit Visits in Your Sleep? Matt Fraser Decodes Dream Messages from the Other Side. Visit for Online …
I wanted to ask why i remember all my dreams. Some have had a meaning to it and brought me messages but i want to learn how to be more in tune with the dream and see what are the signs for me remembering every dream. I don’t write them and they stay fresh (like if i had those dreams as memories and not dreams.)
The night after my father passed, I had dozed off on our couch and was dreaming. The man in my dream was walking down the steps of a stairway. He got to the bottom, looked at me, and then turned, and walked away. I was ticked because my husband woke me up just as the man was walking away. I didn’t know who this man was. My dad had bad knees and couldn’t have walked down steps like that. It wasn’t until my dad’s wake that I realized who the man in my dream was. My sister had brought multiple pictures of my dad throughout his life and some were when I would have been toddler age, and wouldn’t have remembered him looking like this. When I saw one picture in particular, I said, “That’s him, that’s the man that was in my dream. It was dad!” He also sat in front of me months later at a mass that was said for him, but he looked exactly like he did when he passed as an elderly man.
Hi Matt! I have had prophetic dreams many times. However, a few mornings ago I dreamed my grandfather visited me, he was invisible but he held my hand and spoke very clearly but I dont remember what he said. Also in the dream my dad who is alive was to my left and i put my grandfathers invisible hand with my dads hand and all three of us were holding hands. I woke feeling so invigorated! It was almost like experiencing oneness but different! Also, months ago I saw my grandfathers face morph over an elderly man that looked just like him and he look right at me! I walked by but now i wished i would have stopped to talk to this stranger. I kept walking and as i was crossing the parking lot a little elderly lady with a hunched back was next to me! She spoke to me! She looked exactly like my grandfathers wife (my deceased grandma)! They visited me via living people who resembled them! ❤
In one dream my daughter was in the hospital and we were trying to get her things together so she could leave. An aunt of mine who had passed away appeared in the doorway and blocked us. She used to be a nurse. She said my daughter must see the Doctor again before she will be allowed to leave. So we said OK, if you insist. That dream saved my daughters life because she had just had a procedure done and the Dr. had cleared her for release but she still didn’t feel well. Because of that dream I insisted that she go see that Dr. again and have him listen to her complaint and check her again and he found a life threatening infection for which she was treated. Thank you Aunt Joan.
35 years ago when I was 17 years old I had a really vivid dream with my dead grandmother. I can’t remember exactly what we talked about but I do remember telling her that nobody will believe me that I met with her. She told me that she understood this and that when I wake up I needed to go to a closet in the house I lived in and in the back of the closet was a box, open the box and you’ll know the dream was real. When I woke up I went to the closet and found the box and in it was a blue bandana that my grandmother would wear when she painted pictures(she was an artist). I absolutely believe I met my grandmother in the afterlife.
I had a dream about my mom after she passed. I know it was a visitation because she looked so peaceful and young the way I remember her when I was a child. Just glowing in peacefulness. She didn’t say much but it was set at my aunt’s which is where she died. I asked her”how are you here right now?!” And she said “I’m always here.” I was talking so excitedly at her and I have no idea what was said. It just felt as comforting as a long visit. Then I hugged her and it was a real hug. I woke up then and just wanted to go back. I immediately laid back down and DID go back. I just sat with her and didn’t wake again till morning and it just tapered off to a normal sleep. I pray for another visit all the time!! I miss her so much.
I dream in color, and I feel it the entire day when I am awake. I get visitations from my mom & dad I can’t really hear them talking about? But my mom believed in this too, my dad came to her almost nightly because they were soul mates. I am very open. And I see my parents so well and glowing like I remember before they got older and my dad was sick. I know it’s all real & so fortunate to be able to get this visitations. I talk them every day, and we had a very close bond when they were alive. 🙂 Ty for all you cover in your vlogs, you are truly an Earth Angel and ty for all you do for all of us!! Ty, Matt!! I booked two more on line readings, pre birthday gifts to ME!! 😉 Love your readings. God bless you & your family
My son came to me in a dream several months after he crossed over to ask me to tell his younger brother to laugh, have fun and enjoy life and how important that is. In this dream we were talking and I knew it was him but didn’t turn around to look at him but promised to pass along the message – we both stood there perusal his younger brother playing some game like field hockey with a bunch of friends. The dream was VERY real….he’s VERY creative and comes to me in so many ways all the time which I’m really grateful for. I’ve heard that mothers are always connected to their children that have passed on through the strong connection of the umbilical cord energy.
About one week after my dad passed I had this dream that was different from any other dream because I could not hear nor see anything just felt my dad warning me about an account. I even woke up told my husband and went back to sleep and I felt it even more. I called my mom and brother and told them about the warning and I felt crazy doing so but my dad was desperate. The next day the bank put holds on my parents bank account and my poor mother had no access to anything. I helped mom get everything handled and I definitely felt dad’s helping hand.
I love my dreams when l see my loved ones. I get excited but only a cple of family members know what I’m talking about. My girls uncle passed last year & l dreamt about him. He was standing behind my girls dad, smiling & waving. I knew in my dream, it was real. I forced myself to go up to him, l gave him the biggest cuddle bc I’ve never had that chance to touch my loved ones except for my grandson who was a still born. The next day, there was a viewing for my girls uncle & oh emm gee, he looked exactly how l saw him in my dream. I told my eldest daughter bc before l went to the coffin, l had no idea how he was going to look & there he was… he looked exactly how l saw him in my dream 😮🥰🥰🥰 l love these dreams of my loved ones… l know that I’ve been to this beautiful amazing peaceful sanctuary where’s there nothing but ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ It’s beautiful & l have seen that very bright white light… ohh l have been so blessed to have all that when it comes to me… ❤❤ Hi Matt, yes l couldn’t help it, l love to talk as well 😅 l get excited 🥰🥰🥰🤣
Premonitions. When I was married I had two separate dreams my husband was with other women. I am not insecure or jealous in any way. Two dreams different times. I was with him 19 years. and saw the women. These events did happen. And women did look like they did as in the dreams. Even though I was shown these dreams there was nothing I could do in the in between time. I divorced after the second affair he had. Events did happen!
I had a clear premonition one morning when I was sitting on the bus going to school. I seen my grandpa in a casket and another casket open but nobody in it. The next day, in the evening, we got the news that grandpa had been killed in a car accident and his cousin was with him. He died a few minutes later at the hospital.
I once had a dream visitation from my guide that i had to drink more water. It happened when I was in a 3 year depression and i was so worried, stressed, angry and all those things that i forgot about my health, so my guide reminded me of that i had to drink more water, till this day im still so so grateful to have this visitation, it changed everything. ❤️
A few months ago I had dream that I was in my favorite childhood TV show, I appeared inside a school and standing in front of a window was my great grandma. She had on this long dark blue dress and small blue flowers in her hair, she looked so beautiful. I ran into her arms sobbing and as she pulled me into a hug I said “I’ve missed you so much” and her response was “I love you” I felt her hug me tight and I didn’t want to leave. She was one of my best friends and the relationship I had with her was so special to me. I always wonder what she would say to me if she was still here and I sometimes talk to a picture of the two of us.
My aunt càme to me in a dream she asked me how I was feeling told her I was sad she gave me the most amazing warm loving hug iv never experienced before when i woke i just wanted to stay with her she probably saw the hard times im going through at the moment sending warm vibes and wishes from Ireland ✨🕊️☘️ love you Matt
Matt, back in the year 1994, I came home from work, and it was a typical evening supper and a little t.v. then to bed. I fell off to sleep fairly quickly, and I woke up the next morning remembering everything in my dream that I had. In this dream I was glancing around my surroundings and I never had ever seen this kitchen before it was small and very clean the way I would have it and it had a counter small counter separating the kitchen to the small table set.The table was sitting right up to a single window and it had 3 chairs,one on each end and one back to to the counter and no chair in front of the window. I sat down and noticed it was dark outside, and for lighting, there was a soft light on above the kitchen sink. It had a calming feel to it.I gazed out the window again from where I was sitting next to the window, and I saw this tiny bright light from far away in the sky so I kept looking at this tiny light and it comes closer and than it appears to be be zooming right towards where I am than at the fasted speed ever it zooms right in through the window and is in front of me in the air like maybe 10 inches from my face and it was no longer a light once it came through the window it was approximately 4 inch little man wearing a 3 piece suit and he had a bald head. I said nothing, I just stared at him and then he spoke he told me don’t worry everything will be alright. That was it he went out through the widow the same way he came in, and I watched the light go up into the sky than faster and faster up into the sky, and the light had gotten so tiny it vanished.
My daughter passed of Cancer at age 20 two years ago but when she was 1 year old I was at the hospital trying to find out why she wouldn’t walk all of a sudden The night before the doctors saw her then I dreamt she had a tumour on her spine The next day when all these doctors took me into a room to break the news they were surprised I took it so well even though I was devastated for my daughter It was like spirit prepared me for the shock of the diagnosis Amazing🙏
Ive had so many preminisons,once of a loved one being murdered,i spoke out for his protection Later when he came to visit i told him what i had seen,he turned very pale and said how did you know? No one was there but me and the other person,but everything you are saying is exactly what happened, except the gun got jammed!!! I am grateful for my abilities,and I do my best to use them for the right reasons!!
My father came to me soom after he died, and his first wife, who died young, was with him. He wanted to help me because I was in such deep painful grief. I didn’t tell anyone for years, because I thought they would think I’d lost my mind. It was so important to me, and I learned so much from it! Not like any other dream my whole life, and I’m not young!
I had a dream of my dad a few months after he had passed. In my dream I was walking at night thru a field of tall grass, it was damp, I was holding up the bottoms of my pajama pants and bare foot. I noticed a house with a huge porch and my dad sitting in a rocking chair staring at my mom’s house across the road. I asked him what’s wrong, he didn’t say anything but I could feel and I knew he was sad because he wanted to be with my mom. He was sad that he had to leave her. I woke up and could still feel the wet coolness on my feet. It was so real. Miss you dad ❤
I don’t know if you’d call it a physic.dream or what, but almost a year after I moved into my apartment here in WI. I woke up sobbing just as hard as I did shortly after Victer passed. I just knew I had been with him that night. I had worn his wedding ring behind mine from the time he passed until that night. I woke up and realized that I wasn’t wearing either ring. And with the way my fingers are, my wedding ring cannot just fall off. I tore my place apart looking for the rings. It wasn’t until later that day almost into the evening that I found my ring under the sheets in the middle of the bed. But not Vic’s, I finally found his ring under the bed. directly under where I had found mine. I took that as his way of telling me to stop wearing his ring. It is rather large, he was 6 feet tall after all. His ring now sits on top of the little hear-shaped puzzle box that holds a bit of his ashes. The rest are in the Dallas/Fort Worth National Cemetary in our niche waiting for the day my ashes are interred there. He was a US Marine Veteran and I’m a USAF Veteran, I still wear my wedding ring even though Victor has been gone since February 19, 2018.
Yes in my vision yesterday my grandma. Took me back to their last home on the lake. She was wearing her cute housecoat looking super well and very happy. Went back into her bedroom she showed me the fuzzy green blanket we would lay on us kids, then around the corner her vanity with with cosmetics and perfume we used to play in. Grandpa was smiling in the living room. Like we are still here. It felt so real just touring the house I literally felt like I was there. I wasn’t asleep. My other GP, aunties my Dad were all there in some desert canyon with a blue storm cloud sky. Afterward, i wrote a poem about being released into the wind and nature. They said when it’s my time all of them will be there for me.
My uncle passed away and the next night he came to me in a dream it felt so real. It was amazing I had never had a dream like that before. During the dream I didn’t even feel like he had even passed. But when I woke up I was so upset because it hit me that he was no longer here.He hasn’t came back to me since.
This week I woke at about 4,am and had the most rael dream/dreams. And wrote two pages of what had happened before I forgot. My love was there again, but this time he was even more perfect, like porcelain and he gave off peace and happiness, it was like he had been promoted to something higher since I last saw him.. It was a wonderful dream, he always seems to have two people or beings behind him, can they be his angels… This time I think he was more like them.
My son died 3 10 2020 he has come to my dreams every nite since he died we are building things working on homes we are so happy in my dreams. Him and I use to work on things alot while he was living since he passed I only can’t remember a few nites that he hasnt been in my dreams and it may be that I just can’t remember. My mom has also came a few times with him. And my sister has also, but he told me while he was living that he would never leave me.i have another online with Matt again Oct 3rd been on tnere 16 times more or less
Hi Matt, my wife has had dreams in which there is a same very old man who would tell her things or would give her hints which would turn out to be true in the near future. It happens a lot to her. However, she does not know this old man from anywhere in the past. She could only describe him as someone who lived in the past centuries, wearing long pale white/beigish old styled dress almost covering his ankles, bare footed. He always appears with a very bright bright light surrounding him in her dream. He literally disappeared after he has conveyed the messages. My wife is from Vietnam and she doesn’t speak good English and the old man in her dream communicates with her in English. He would try his best to explain things to her, sometimes by using signs to help her to understand what he was trying to convey. She first dreamt of his old man when we were about to move from our first home in 2018 and still has dreams of this old man till now. I think it’s a blessing for us to have someone who would provide some guidance in such a special way. However, I just don’t know who is this special old man? We would normally thought it is our loved one who had passed looking out for us. Not in this case with my wife. Hope you or someone who has same experience could shed some light. Love from Canada!!!!!!
Hi Matt, I dreamt many things ahead of time. I dreamt my mother’s death. In the same dream I saw my two daughters. I was in primary school when I had that dream. I dreamt September 11th. I dreamt a lot of things I’ve seen on YouTube. I dreamt Rosemary Thornton”s NDE -her near death experience when I was about for of five years old. I named my doll after Rosemary. I also dreamt of another person’s NDE, his name escapes me, Tony something. I was so enthralled when I saw them when I had seen them so many years ago. I am 59 years old so these things I saw more than 50 years ago in my dreams. When mum died I felt her sitting next to me as I spoke to someone at the Parish as I organised her funeral. Thank you for sharing. It all helps.
It s nearly 3 yrs since my mum passed away from cancer(4/9/23) She passed away on their 60th wedding anniversary,we all believed in spirits and the afterlife but my dad used to say we re all crazy lol(I think he believes a little bit.Before my mum passed she told my sister that she was worried my dad would meet someone else cause he s a good looking man( 80 yrs old).Since her death he s been getting visits and dreams from her,1 he said she was scribbling green crayon on a ladies face,he said ut was like the green eyed monster….I think she thought 1 of the ladies where we were living at the time liked him.The last 1 was only a few days ago,he said she was holding up a curly blonde haired 3 yr old child? But when he looked sgsin they were gone.He s now got 3 more grand children coming,but he s not sure about who this curly haired toddler is . Love your website Matt❤️❤️🙏🙏
A week before my love crossed over he came to me in a dream. I was so excited to see him. I jumped on him. He rolled out from underneath me, got up and limped away, holding his right leg. Eventually he stopped and turned around and looked at me for a minute, and then he turned and left away, and I never saw him again.
I had premonitional dreaming when I was a teenager and a few in my 20’s. I’m 68 and it hasn’t happened in a long time but last year my husband had a triple bypass and I was okay with it. I came home from the hospital one night and while fixing something to eat I had a hug from behind from my mom. My mom died 36 yrs ago. I felt gray after that. I have felt other relatives but never my mom. Since then I have felt her again kiss the back of my neck. Has made my days since.
I had a dream of my mom hugging me when I was laying down in bed…My own arms were wrapped around myself and I was dreaming of her hugging on top of me. It felt so real!!!! I was so happy…she didn’t say a word…I then just gently woke up and felt so happy. It felt so real…I think it is exactly what Matt is talking about! I am a believer! and I miss my mom.
Excellent article as usual 🙏🏻 thank you Matt. It’s my favorite topic; since I am not psychic and I connect to my passed dogs in my dreams. Not as often as I wish, but every now and then. I can hug, carry, kiss and feel them it’s awesome and consoling. 🐶🐶 Thank you for making all the articles, it’s very appreciated and good that you are doing it now, if you have 3 kids you will be too busy 😂 Good vibes and blessings to you and your lovely family! ❤
I had such a real dream of someone who passed – it felt like he was sitting beside my mind and once I realised he was there he stood up and it was so real I was trying to find a phone for a selfie!! However it seemed my arms went through his body as I tried to put my arms around him and squeeze his arms then suddenly he was walking away and I was saying, I don’t want you to go! And I sensed from him the words along the lines of it’s different now…. Then I was asking other people to confirm that I had just seen him and a lady turned slightly to the side and gently said yes. I felt she confirmed it for me. I didn’t recognise who she was.
I have always believed in the after life from a very young age, telling my crying grandfather at my grandmothers funeral that ‘dont cry grandad you will see nanny again’ with an unquestionable certainty. The first dream i had was years ago when my grandparents were saying goodbye to me at a train station i was a grown woman but felt like a child in the dream but i remember it vividly. i dreamt again that my mum visited e shortley after she passed and my father visited me twice after he passed … no matter how many years pass i can remember these dreams vividly … but since my parents have passed i have lost any belief in the after life my heart now tells me they are all just gone … and im now convincing myself that they were simply just dreams. how can i go from having an unquestionable belief in the after life to having no belief at all.
Aww, Matt. You look dapper & don’t need to diet. I’ve had pretty cool dreams, like going back in time in a dream, going into parallel universes, or flying from planet to planet in a space ship, even seeing ghosts in dreams as well as seeing my grandparents who had passed with my neices and nephews who they never got to meet. Oh, then there was the time I had a nut hatch in my dream the night I found out my parent’s dog had died, next morning I saw a nut hatch. : ) yes, my fears & anxieties have showed up in my dreams before. A fun dream I had as a kid was when there was a bunch of soapy bubbles in the school cafeteria, and we were all running and slip n sliding across the cafeteria. It was so fun!
I’ve had a visitation from my grandma, mom & Cindi. They were so real! Clear & absolutely beautiful. When I saw my best friend I kept telling her how beautiful she looked. I was like giirrll! Your hair, makeup & jewelry are on point!! Her skin was glowy even. Cindi was was like yeah thanks but she wanted us to shop. I was like yeah sure great let’s bust out the credit card. We were having the best time then I said wait-? This isn’t right. Didn’t you die? She kept trying to change the subject but once I realized it was just a dream I woke up. I was angry at my conscious self for ruining our shopping trip….lol
I had a dream that there was a leak in my daughter’s ceiling. In this dream i was led by my hubby to the room and he pointed to the ceiling. Water was dripping down. I woke up and told my daughter and we looked at the ceiling – nothing there. A month later my ac unit stopped working and I had it replaced. A few days later I’m walking down the hall and the carpet is SOAKED! I look up and there’s water dripping from the ceiling above right outside her bedroom. This was a clear warning but I still don’t know how I could’ve prevented it. My daughter thinks it was just a way for my hubby to let me know he’s perusal out for us.
Matt, I haven’t caught you live yet 🙁 but I watch all of your articles. I hope you someday come to SLC! I will come if you do. I just want to say when you tell us you were teased as a child it breaks my heart. Those people missed out! You would definitely be a friend of mine! I consider you so now perusal your articles. I just want you to know you are a wonderful person. I enjoy all you share. Thank you.
So I am a Empath-I can see and hear things-I can also tell the future and remember the past of someone I don’t know. Sometimes I remember my dreams and sometimes I don’t-for the most part when it comes to my parents, I remember those dreams. ❤❤ 7:20 Does this make sense? I also take on other peoples energy, when I walk into a room even people I don’t know, which causes headaches for me. I can’t help it. I can’t turn it off.
So backstory: I live in Europe and my friend lives in Canada, I moved out of Canada in 2017 and only visited once in 2022. Anyhow, during the pandemic, my friend got married and by the time I came to visit in 2022, my friend had been trying to have a baby. They had failed with IUI and were going to have a break and start IVF in April 2024. In September of 2023, I have a random dream about her and dreamt that she was making cookies for her son’s first birthday! (I hadn’t even been thinking of my friend for a few weeks)…so I sent her a message about this dream. In September she was in the early weeks of pregnancy and didn’t even know it yet! In October she sent me a message that she was pregnant, but she didn’t think it was a boy…it turns out, yep, a boy! The boy was born a bit prematurely (in March, but was supposed to be born now in May), but everything is fine and he is home now! — My cousin often has strange dreams, and when she was younger she dreamt that her fam (my aunt, uncle and other cousin) would be in a car accident and she really didn’t want to go on that particular road trip. On the way back home, they were in an accident, their car flipped over, but nobody was hurt! So yeah…
Matt, I was born on Long Island NY, my mother had five kids in six and one half years, after my youngest sister was born my mother had a nervous breakdown and the Doctor said she would never be able to raise her children, so my dad sold everything and moved to Alabama for my grandparents to raise us. We drove to New York to visit her twenty five years later. She died when I was thirty one and a week later she appeared to me or brought me to her I saw her, my grandmother who had passed and many other people and children. We communicated telepathically and she told me she was so happy and her mother was there with her, she said she would always be perusal out for me and that my dad would join her soon. I cried for two days. My dad died three months later. Can you tell me what kind of communication this was? I am signed up on your live for February 24th.
Yeah,dreams,I had the nightmare of my ex wife having a miscarriage and a week later it happens,I was expecting it but couldn’t tell her about it,I suppose I was being prepared for it but not nice at all,I knew the day before I found out my brother was dead as I could feel that he wasn’t on this planet anymore and that’s the thought and feeling I had the day before the news,My dad was very ill with cancer but I knew his time was up 2 days before he died and I cried my eyes out before he died,I’m not psychic but I knew these things and I was right.
Matt, can you do a article on reincarnation? What you know and think about it? My daughter is 3 and for the past few months she has been terrified of the dark, which of course is a normal stage alot of kids go through) but if a stranger comes to our door she becomes scared and clings to me all day. She tells me that the stranger is going to get her and her friends (not sure what friends because she’s barely 3 and doesn’t have any). Not sure where she got any of this from and it all started around the same time. We certainly don’t let the kids watch anything scary, all we watch in this house are cartoons. Is it possible that she had a traumatic past life and still remembers it?
About a month before my love went to the other side, I had a dream in which he told me he had to go away… It was so real that I asked him the next day if he was thinking of goingany where because of the dream had had, and he laughed and said he had no intention of leaving and he laughed at it….. A month later he went to the other side.. 5 yrs ago.. After I knew I had been receiving warnings all year that he was leaving. He even left lots of 5hi gs ready even though he had no idea he was going to die. Maybe you could talk about these signs one day.. Now I see them clearly but then I didn, t.
I dont dream much. But when i do its always extraordinary. One time a loved one who passed came to me in a dream. It wasnt long after her death but she was always a quick learner. Ill never forget what the sky looked like in that dream. The next nights sky looked exactly like the one in my dream the night befor. No one had to explain what happened to me. Ill never forget what the sky looked like and ive never seen it again.
I had a dream about my mum. It was quite a journey to get to her house. I know it was her, but i never saw her face. I hugged her. I was also sad because there were dogs but not her dog that I looked after for years. I remember being sad about that, then the dog coming shortly after & i hugged the dog. I felt this was a visitation dream.
I was standing on my deck this afternoon and a swivel chair, at the table,, started spinning then it stopped..I then said to myself I’m going to ask a question..I said, Hi can you spin the chair in the opposite way ?” Gosh darn it !!!… the chair started moving in the direction that I asked it for and it did!!..2 complete spins!!! I tried to article tape I got some of it ! OMG what a great moment!!
I had a dream of my son who passed at 3 mos. But he came to me as 3 years because it was 3 years after his death. I worried about him he was a baby but he came to tell me he was ok and not to worry. He was so bright blonde hair and huge wings sounds crazy but I tried to wake my husband at the time I shook him he wouldn’t wake up. But then my son and I talked with our minds. At the end he was being called back he told me he had to go I cried ( cry still 22 years later) I wanted to go with him, he simply told me you can’t mom but I will come for you when it’s your time to go. And he had to go I never saw who was with him but from then on I never worried about him. Now I waited for my two sons who committed suicide 7 years ago 3 months apart to come through. They were into ghost stuff so I am sure some kinds of crazy noises to scare me they will do to be funny!!
I’ve had a visitation in my room from my grandma (she always visits me in my dreams) but this time it was physical and in my room. I was in a deep sleep until I was awakened by the sound of her voice calling me from downstairs but it was faint, and she kept calling my name. I had woke up up believing that she was really calling me and in the corner of my bed I see her standing there very vividly. I’m paralyzed at this point but in some way it’s intimidating because I’d never seen her appear like this. I’m terrified but she also brought the same calm presence as she did in real life. She got closer to the bed and I kept shaking my head as a “no” because I was scared, but she insisted she walked closer. Then she walked to the end of my bed frame and started waving at me with a smile until I waved back and so I did. I felt happy like she was really there, I couldn’t tell if it was a salute or goodbye but I spoke to her. In Spanish I told her,” Can you wake up my mom she’s in the room next door”, and so my grandmas says good bye to me and walks out the door. I wake up my mom to tell her about the whole visitation and said she had woken up randomly from her sleep.
My dog Roxy was poorly and I new at any moment or days that I’d have to make a decision,she was 10 years old struggling to breathe and Cancer in her stomach,I dreamt she was telling me telegraphly, subconsciously,she’s was ready to go,I didn’t just have one dream,2 dreams the same,I took that as a message from hear soul to soul to me,3 days later I had to make the decision,I was so souly connected to her,I believe this was real,💯💔💫
I am of the view that people can train themselves to remember their dreams: in that it’s not hopeless for people who don’t recall them. I think the technique I learned came from the book “Sleep on It and Change Your Life” by Jane Anderson. I rarely recall dreams, unless I work at it (I had the odd premonition dream as a child though). Training myself to remember my first waking thought or feeling, was an almost immediate way for me to access dreams, on a regular basis. And keeping a notepad and pen by my bed on which I’d scribble notes in the dark (very sketchy, but it was enough). I went from remembering one or two a year, to remembering up to 7 per night, but I did have to work at it.
Matt thank you for all these articles, I look forward to perusal this latest one 🙂 In the future do you think maybe you could speak on your work with victims of crime? I am curious how that worked. Did families seek you out? Did you seek out families? Did victim come to you? etc. Also too, you’ve mentioned when you walk down street you can see loved ones with others. Does that ALWAYS happen? Can you say “hey guys I just want to go buy some eggs, can I get some alone time?” How much control do you have? Are you always ON? Finally do you ever wonder if the “family gift” preceded your grandmother and maybe no one knew as it was so hush hush back then? <--- kind of nosey, just curious. Thank you again Matt for all your insights! Have a great weekend!!
I had a dream that I had visited my love ones in heaven. I dont recall any of ‘the visit’, nor the faces or conversations had while there. I just recall ‘leaving’ the visit and walking down stairs by myself and ‘returning’ to my life on Earth. What does that mean? Was I given ‘internal’ knowledge and ‘comfort’ while there? I know within my being that I gained ‘comfort’. That I could feel and recall. Nothing else. What does that mean? Also, I could right a book on the dreams I have had where they had ‘visited’ me and I remember those dreams and daydreams and messages like it happened yesterday! What does that all mean? And what is the difference between being ‘visited’ vs ‘visiting’? Is it all just a dream of not feeling like I belong here and that I relate to more of ‘their’ way of thinking than others I live on Earth with? Please advise. Via here or email. And thankyou for being the being you are and showing that this can all be managed and manifested here and that we all have this gift to some level. Please ground me with your knowledge. I want to feel like I belong here or have the feeling ofr understanding as to why I feel I dont. Thank you in advance for your time Matt! ❤️❤️❤️
My psychic dreams are always of something sad, or something bad that will happen. I just had a dream of a leader, but I was so shaken up about it that I kept saying in my dream that I didn’t want to see the words (It was showing a youtube thumbnail), then I got the sense that this person was going to pass away. I searched for the article immediatly, but couldn’t find it.
This is very interesting to me. I’m not exaggerating when I say my mom is in every dream I’ve had for the past maybe 2 years. She passed in 08 I am widowed twice and more often than not one of my late husband’s will be in my dream not ever at the same time. There’s so much more I would love to get feed back on .
I had a dream once & in my dream I was talking to my maternal great aunt, Deannie (pronounced Dee Nee) She was sitting in a lazy boy & I was standing next to her. She didn’t look so good so I asked her, ” what’s wrongy” she replies, ” I don’t know. I keep having these seizures” to which I say ” Are you going to be ok?” She says, “I don’t know” but in the dream we both understood she was dying. When I woke up the first thing I did was call my mom to tell her about the dream. My little sister answers the phone. I immediately say, ” let me talk to mom” little sister replies, ” Mom is not here she caught a late flight last night to go to Florida bc Deanie is on her death bed.” Obviously I was shocked. It felt like my body had been flipped inside out. This was a great aunt who I knew of course but had only really been around on a couple of occasions. She is one of my maternal grandfather’s sisters.
Subconscious Dream: I worked during the day trying to reconcile a huge bank account but I could not get it to balance. That same night my dream kept working on the reconciliation until I found it. I go in the next day to work, look at the same place where I found it in the dream and, sure enough, I got it to balance. Thank you Heaven.
I have dreams that’s come true Sometimes it’ll not be the exact person that it happens to or it is either the next morning or weeks or years down the road the dream happens. When I’m on no medication my abilities are a lot stronger . 1 dream i woke up I seen my granddads head at the end of my sisters bed then he was sitting on curtain rocking in his chair, he passed week later . 40:20
I was with my mum when she passed .on holiday 1998 .but i knew iwas going to be with her .she came to me few weeks later in a dream .and just much she loved me ..and me to her it was so real but it was her way to comfort me cause id felt so bad i couldnt do any .thing .i kiss her and ido 3am prayer .❤❤
MATTTT!!! 😲😱 My son has asked me to please NOT SHARE any of the links to your readings or Heavenly experiences with him again, because he says that it’s like forcing him to go to church! 🤭😁🤣🤣 HA HA HA Oddly enough, when he was very young, he’d see things that I couldn’t, and he’d explain them in great detail. When I tried to remind him of this, he asked me to please not do so, because such “things” scare him. I don’t care what he thinks though, I never miss any of your articles. 💪😍👏👍🤗🕺🥰
I had an intense dream where I actually went back in the past. It started out where the world was about to end and was in bad condition. Earth quakes were happening & you could see the land cracking apart. Well, some parts of land would start jolting up hundreds of feet in the air forming these huge cliffs . So, my sisters & I happened to be on a piece of land that started jolting up in the air from these earthquakes so all of a sudden we’re stuck on a small chunk of land going hundreds & hundreds of feet up in the air. My sisters decided to jump off & commit suicide, because they thought they were going to starve to death so why live. I, on the other hand, had chickened out since I was too afraid of heights to be able to jump off with my sisters, so now I’m stuck alone thousands of feet up in the air stranded on this junk of land with a tiny spider. Well, for the next few days this spider grew and grew until it was practically my size or bigger. Then the spider comes to grab me, & I freak out thinking it was going to eat me. But instead eating me, the spider grabbed me and took us down off of this elevated chunk of land we were on by using its spider web to safely hoist us down thousands of feet using its spider web so we could both land safely at the bottom. When I realized that this spider actually saved my life, I felt so much love and felt so touched by this spider’s act of kindness that I actually went back in time again at the beginning of the dream i was having, when my sisters were still alive and we were about to go up hundreds of feet in the air again on a small piece of land.
Shortly after my mom died i dreamed about her. She was inher apartment at her dining room table and she said ” i don’t like this being dead mess. You can’t do anything”!! And i couldn’t believe I’d dreamed about her, and i woke up. Dreamed about my was- bund and he was at my gramas house. It was a bed in her dinning room then he showed up. Then he was smiling and and put his arms around me and i can’t say anything else about or I’ll be banned from utube. But i dreamed about my aunt, she was in a junkyard sitting in a old beat up car. She said to me ” you look like i thought you would. I was crushed. I really was. My best girlfriend yelling at me that i needed to die bc she had kids, like i didn’t. Never dreamed about her again. She burned up in her apt. She was in that house again. I saw her shadow box behind her with her boyfriend and her on a photo.
Hi Matt I’m hoping you can answer my question. I have been a “dream psychic” my whole life. I remember every single dream every night. I even remember dreams from when I was a child that I had. I had one dream where an Angel said I would get pregnant April 2023. Well I did but I had a miscarriage. What do you think this means? Why would an Angel tell me that jsut for it to end tragically. I also had a dream in April 2022 that my brother was found dead from a heroin overdose… he ended up dying of a fentanyl overdose in December of 2022. I feel like it was meant for me to have done something to help and I hold on to thag all the time. I have had several dreams of him since he died. Funny thing is you said you had a dream of your grandma hugging you and it felt so real. When he died I had a dream he wrapped his arms around me and I even FELT it and saw his arms around me and he kept saying “I’m fine I’m fine!!”. I def feel like I have premonition.. I also had a dream my mom had a heart problem which I didn’t tell her and then she ended up having a heart problem. So crazy?!
Matt, as a police officer, I had a preliminary dream of me being killed on a traffic stop . It was so real, even though during the dream, I knew it was a dream, and I kept saying to myself that it’s a dream and let’s let it playout and see what happens. And when i was approaching the vehicle a SHOTGUN BLAST came out 90″s VW Rabbit convertible roof’s plastic rear window…. Well, the next night, it happened exacted in the same area as the dream, except I didn’t stop the vehicle in the area and ran the vehicles plate – finding out the owner was recently wanted out of Seattle, Washington for 7 related murders.!!!! I didn’t get that felony want until I was 2 miles infront of him, way out of sight…. It was only super HD 4k dream I had that included sounds smells and feeling the heat off the running engine when walking past the front wheel trim ****** SCOTT WEHRMAN
When I was 11 I had a dream that put me in my parents bed in hives for free nights. I dreamt that I was in a old dark house with flocked wallpaper, a consul TV and recliner, and then the kitchen. They were all these peasant women that were wailing over a pine box, laid out on the kitchen chairs. Three days after I had this dream we received a telegram saying that my grandfather in Italy had died that night. We went to Italy three weeks later. We walked from my grandmothers house to my grandfathers house with a little old peasant ladies. When we got to my grandfathers house, my father forced me to go inside . I freaked out completely. Everything was exact as it was in my dream with the exception of there was no pine box on the chairs. My grandfather saw me for the only time when I was only four days old and yet, I witnessed his body before his burial.🤯
My last thing is my mom died July 31st 2022.anyways I took pics out my back window and I told my daughter it won’t be nothing in this picture.when I looked down to pic I couldn’t believe what I seen .my mom and a angel in my newborns back yard looking at me.I got up next morning to check my pictures to make sure it happened.there also is a baby in a sonogram too.
Most if not all of my dreams are premonitions…. Dreamed my mother had a stroke, a week later she had a stroke, I dreamed I was in a car driving with a couple and I commented that the terrain looks a lot like New England, a month later I’m in a car with a couple I was being picked up at the airport in Sweden, and I commented that the terrain looked like New England …another dream I had I was in a van with a group of ppl, it was fall and I asked, in my dream where are the mountains, the ll in the van said only hills here no mountains,, cut to me In Sept f the same year, I was doing a Christmas show In Wisconsin and we were in a van on our way to recording studio, and I’m in the van asking the same exact question. I asked in my dream …there are countless other dreams that come true, and visitations from, my Father, Mom, Grandmother’s non stop
What are dreams that feel completely real? Like I was sitting in the kitchen with my father-in-law, and I asked him if he knew that his wife fell off a little stool and broke her leg under her knee. She moved in with my husband and me after rehab. He smiled and said “I didn’t want her to be alone”. Does this mean that he caused her to fall? I haven’t told my mother-in-law about this. It felt completely real, not a dream at all.
I had a dream that my Uncle died, an is body was displayed in a cardboard box on the front porch. He was dressed his gown on from the hospital. I was so upset that he died, an why was he in a cardboard box dressed in his hospital gown, I was confused and upset. I was also confused because he was very much alive and he wasn’t dead. So when I woke up, I was shaking, but I just thought it was a dream, I didn’t think about it anymore. But a year later, he had a sudden heart attack. I don’t know where. And so we went to the funeral parlor, and I walked through the room and there he was in a blue card board box wearing a blue hospital gown. I wanted to throw up because that scene was in my dream. And I can remember the dream like it was yesterday. Wow was he telling me ahead of time that he was about to die? Through a dream, was I supposed to warn him or the family? 😢😢 just to say in the dream he was on the front porch, but the funeral home was up the street from my house walking distance.🙁
This is going to sound weird but I went out for a meal yesterday and the restaurant is near our airport and I saw an airplane going over a field of trees I said to my nephew there’s a plane and my niece said there’s know plane you’re imagining it i even saw the name of the airline on it I know what I saw but it was that low any lower it would have clipped the tree tops but there wasn’t any noise so I don’t understand I wasn’t dreaming it was only 4-30 in the afternoon.✈️✈️ I thought about it all night because I can’t understand why I saw it and nobody else did or hear anything an I going crazy.
i also had a dream my brother in a car accident and on the night i dreamed it my brother died in a car crash on the same night and i was told in the morning by my younger brother’s that we lost one of how younger brother’s in a car crash but unfortunately I’m a true believer in the invisible world’s but unfortunately that’s my opinion everyone to their own as their opinion
Is it true that before we are born and come into the world, we choose the family we want to live in and the life we will live? And when we decide to be born in this world, then we forget about what was happening in heaven and why we made such a decision and not another? If it’s true, then why do many souls “consciously” decide to choose such a difficult life, in a pathological family or a life full of health problems or being lonely?
Hi Matt. I really enjoy perusal your articles, as they give me a lot of further insights. I had a stroke 4 1/2 yrs ago now & ever since I woke up from being unconscious, I’ve hardly ever been able to remember my dreams. Whereas prior to my stroke, I remembered dreams dating back to when I was in my primary school years, like ages 5-9. I used to have a lot more premonitions, too. Whereas I’ve only had 2 since my stroke 1 came true very, very 😥 sadly. The other I didn’t go as I had a migraine & I wasn’t feeling the best. Also, my sibling & I both have psychic abilities, which are passed down hereditary from my mum’s line. Although not everyone in her line, as far as we knew, was gifted. My question to you, Matt, is how do you actually hear your spirit guides? I’ve tried meditating for hours… nothing. I have tarot cards but I’m almost afraid to use them & I point blank refuse to do seances or wegee boards as I made a promise to my mother not to do that as she had a really bad experience when she was younger. Thank you for listening to me Matt,
I had a really sad dream about my husband. 😢 I dreamt I saw hike at a weight lifting competition. Long story shirt, he touched NY face so perfectly loving. And tried ti kiss me like 3x but I rebuffed bc I b was so confused and was trying to ask him.what tf Somehow we were in a different room and he then tells me he wanted a different life. 😭 he had a job he wanted and he had a 3 story house.
My dreams are getting more interesting & at the same time bothers me so much. It started when I was in secondary, even I can dream someone who is dying in the future. I want to stop it cos im scared. Not once, twice, or thrice. Multiple times. I have people to confirmed it cos i will tell them if i dream of it. The next day, or next next day, sooner, it will happen. In my dreams i cant see how they will die, but its kind of unpleasant dream where a water is mnvolve, like were in the lake, river, ocean, something with a lot of water. I can dream people who passed away, their presence is in their in the dream but i never heard them talk. Only one recently, my dad..these make me feel so uneasy really. Premonitions i think? 😔
I feel like I only dream about people that are alive. And some of those dreams of people that I have really connected with are weird and concerning. Can your dreams be trying to tell you when your friends need some help?? Or are they just random craziness in my head?? Dang, then you go and talk about this sort of thing at the 25 minute mark.