The water fluoridation controversy stems from political, ethical, economic, and health concerns regarding the fluoridation of public water supplies. International and national agencies and dental associations worldwide support the safety and efficacy of fluoridation, as it is a safe way to reduce tooth decay. The anti-fluoride arguments have evolved from conspiracy theories in the 1940s and 50s to a science-based debate today. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and multiple expert groups endorse water fluoridation as a safe way to reduce tooth decay.
The debate over fluoride has evolved from conspiracy theories to science-based debates. Proponents of fluoridation do not claim that fluoride is “necessary”, but they do defend its myriad of benefits. The CDC claims that drinking fluoride is beneficial for adult teeth.
Conspiration theorists have railed for seven decades against fluoride, suggesting it was a government mind-control trick. However, new research shows that topical fluoride from toothpastes, mouth rinses, and fluoride treatments are important to help adult teeth fight decay. A recently-released study from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences connects fluoride in drinking water with higher levels of fluoride in drinking water.
The debate over fluoridation goes back roughly 75 years to when communities began fluoridating water to prevent tooth decay. Misinformation campaigns increasingly target the cavity-fighting mineral, and the debate over fluoridation continues to evolve.
📹 Questions for Pseudoscience | Does Fluoride Lower IQ?
There’s a few times where I say “fluorine” or “fluorination” instead of “fluoride” or “fluoridation”. that’s my bad. Chalk it up to getting …
📹 Why The Government Puts Fluoride In Our Water
The government puts fluoride in our water, but what is the purpose of doing this? Read More: What wears down tooth enamel, and …
I’m sorry, you were saying? NEW YORK (AP) — A U.S. government report expected to stir debate concluded that fluoride in drinking water at twice the recommended limit is linked with lower IQ in children. The report, based on an analysis of previously published research, marks the first time a federal agency has determined — “with moderate confidence” — that there is a link between higher levels of fluoride exposure and lower IQ in kids.
Fluoride itself is not the cause of lower IQ rather the deficiencies it causes when taken. Fluoride antagonizes both iodine and magnesium which both are very essential in mental health. When you take fluoride everyday which is the case in many people. People take it in water and toothpastes not mentioning the dental fillings used in dentistry that releases more fluoride. Iodine deficiency which fluoride consumption promotes causes symptoms like weight gain, hair loss, fatigue and memory loss. Magnesium deficiency causes sleepiness, fatigue, loss of appetite, etc. These deficiencies setup an individual to a poor state of mental health. It’s advisable to increase your iodine and magnesium intake if you’re going to take fluoride.
I might have missed this but it is also a misconception that fluoride is always added to the water. The levels in most of those countries are adjusted to be within certain safe limits. This of course means in some places the natural amount of fluoride is so high that some of the fluoride is removed from the water before it goes to the homes.
7:28 Wait, wait, wait. Only five times more? Not more than a hundred times more? Only five times more is within the range of possible exposure as a result of water fluoridation. Before perusal this article I wasn’t worried about fluoridation, but if this is what passes for analysis in that meta-study and everybody is citing it as evidence, I am now very concerned.
Hey love your article! I undertook this research during a university project of mine, a small note to add: Most of the countries shown in 9:50 that does not have water fluorination have naturally high levels of fluoride. I used Denmark as an example in my project, where the concentration of fluoride in drinking water is similar to US, therefore contributing to the similar tooth decay rate. P.S. I used the average values in my studies, I know the concentration profile of fluoride exposed to the enamel have spikes and dips through out the day, depending on various factors like eating and other activities, that would have made a difference on whether spikes of fluoride intake is enough so long as the total amount is taken in, or having constant small exposure through out the day is more effective. Either way, it’s a 30 mark project, so if I could get away with less effort I’m taking that option.
Yes, fluoride is probably safe in a concentration of 1ppm, which IS the usual concentration of fluoride in drinking water. The rats were exposed to 5 times that, but we can also end up actually consuming as much. Fluoride is in everything, and just because we put 1ppm in our water, doesn’t mean that is our total fluoride intake. A wide variety of foods and beverages as well as toothpaste also contain fluoride, which goes over the 1ppm limit in total. If you look into the history of fluoride, you will see that it is a toxic byproduct of aluminium production, and it literally melts concrete. The idea that fluoride is completely harmless is one if not the greatest propaganda campaigns of history. Fluoride is a byproduct of aluminium production. It was considered completely useless before we found it’s effect on teeth. Before this newfound use, ALCOA, an aluminium company in the US, tried it’s best to avoid getting sued for unsafe practices linked to fluoride (hundreds of sick/dead workers due to fluoride and fluoride fumes every year). During WW2, the government needed fluoride and ALCOA obliged. This need for fluoride created a huge mess for both ALCOA and the government, but they were on the same side now because if fluoride was unsafe, the government would be to blame too. It is during this time that Frederick McKay (funded by ALCOA after they found out what he was doing) discovered fluoride’s dental properties. ALCOA and the US govt jumped on this opportunity to make fluoride completely safe in the eyes of the public.
So 3x to 5x the amount of fluoride compared to the 1ppm (mg/l) US-drinking water standard can cause harm and possible even lower IQ in rats – that seems like a very low safety margin, since the amount of water we consume varies drastically. Imagine a worker who brews himself 4 liters of black tea with tap water everyday to rehydrate while working in summer..
As you mention fluoreide makes tooth stronger, but only on surface. It is important to note that you must take fluoride while tooth is in development to affect the inner parts of enamel and dentin structure. So use it when you need it (mineralization proces) and don’t overuse it and get stuck with fluoride stainings (which makes enamel structure more prone to abrasion (weird to take right?)).
Soo… From your article it does lower iq, the study with the mouse 5 times the concentration is a lower dose equivalent to humans because you need to do dose convertion because of higher metabolic rate. And also from the studies presented has a very low savety margin sometimes of 2 up to 10. You don’t get fluoride from plants, it is the category with ultra micro elements found in plants, same category with uranium where the concetration in plants is trace amounts. I thought that the stable compounds made by floride pases through you without any problem, but it seems i was wrong. In conclusion is true, the floride does lower IQ.
Well.. to me the study of children being affected by fluoride exposition does have sort of a significance: even though the diluted fluoride did not present a correlation, the free fluoride amount did. When we study chemistry in school, we learn that fluorine is the most electromagnetic non-metal. Which means, if by any chance it gets free electrons while inside our organs or circular system, it may destabilize many proteins or cell structures, affecting its function. The animal body has a very complex built-in biochemistry that is all the time taking electrons without necessary providing one back in the same form : in general organic elements and some minerals have that (like calcium, which is very much needed). Another big problem of fluoride is that it is a combination with CALCIUM and fluorine. When this over exposition to calcium reaches specific organs, it may even be detrimental, such as leading to a calcification where it shouldn’t. Be aware of what you consume.
“The average loss in IQ was reported as a standardized weighted mean difference of 0.45, which would be approximately equivalent to seven IQ points for commonly used IQ scores with a standard deviation of 15.* Some studies suggested that even slightly increased fluoride exposure could be toxic to the brain. Thus, children in high-fluoride areas had significantly lower IQ scores than those who lived in low-fluoride areas. The children studied were up to 14 years of age, but the investigators speculate that any toxic effect on brain development may have happened earlier, and that the brain may not be fully capable of compensating for the toxicity.”
Ask chat gpt if fluoride in water is safe for human consumption. It’ll tell you that it’s safe because of of small quantities. Ask it if fluoride is safe in large quantities, and it’ll tell you that it is not safe, and will list TERRIBLE side effects. Ask it if fluoride able to accumulate in human body in large quantities from daily consumption, and it will tell you that it can. Ask it again if it’s safe, and it’ll tell you that it is.
Please address the differences between calcium fluoride and sodium fluoride when discussing the published research. I have read the scientific literature myself and in every case the study of benefits of fluoride are in reference to calcium fluoride. Sodium fluoride is always toxic, specifically neurotoxic. This is where the controversy and distrust of the government has come into play with regards to adding sodium fluoride to water/dental products.
Why is this an issue? Just use fluoridated toothpaste. The fluoride in water is probably not harmful, but it doesn’t really help either. And who knows, measuring IQ is not like measuring height – it’s probably hard to detect small differences (you would need very highly powered studies to show a difference, if there is one). For babies and toddlers too young to know how to brush and spit, just brush regularly using non-fluoridated toothpaste. Tooth cleanings come with fluoride paste anyway and will do more for their enamel. And they don’t have adult teeth yet. By the time they do, they’ll be using fluoridated toothpaste.
Fluoridated water is also used to process food. Can’t that significantly increase fluoride salt contents in the food? If so, could eating fluoridated food AND drinking flouridated water approximate the high fluoride content of the rat study? Addition of food processed with fluoridated water and fluoridated water might lower cognitive functions. Fluoride from three meals plus snacks plus fluoridated water may approximate the 5 times concentrations in the rat study. Processed food uses municipal (fluoridated) water.
The way I see it, pseudoscience is proof that ordinary people are trying to do science. That’s a good thing. Their theories might be somewhat wrong but science is never completely correct. Do you think people always knew how things worked? No, of course not.. they had to figure it out themselves which is what these people are doing
in light of the new report, I still can’t see an issue with this article. it is clearly to demonstrate there is no problem with low levels of fluoride in the water. the obvious issue is when there is too much fluoride in the water, and at the amount that is in the US drinking water, it is very very likely not causing any problems. the article doesn’t say it doesn’t cause ANY problems at ANY dose, it is saying that there is no evidence to demonstrate that it causes problems at the dose we use in the USA. even the new report lists the problem at 1.5mg per liter, and the US has lowered the mg per liter to 0.7 in 2015 from the previous 1.2mg. even if you are reaching the exact threshold of 1.5mg, I cannot imagine that the IQ effects are significant. it is likely dose dependent and more good than bad at low doses.
This is the worst type of propaganda. You gloss over things so quickly and make it seem like your point is accepted, but you completely failed to examine the ‘meta analysis’. The meta analysis ruled out many of the studies that showed a causal link between fluoride and impaired cognition without just cause. For example, the China study was discounted because ‘China has different values for fluoride’ and they live near mines? The people who live near mines were adjusted for because, hey, guess what? People in the western world also live and work in mines. They chose those areas to match western areas and then adjusted for different rates of fluoride in the water to do a comparative analysis. Further the study in Scotland was discounted because it didn’t rule out other things in the water “like lead and arsenic”. That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard in my life. I live in Scotland, and we have some of the cleanest drinking water in western society, commonly known for its low contaminants. They didn’t test for arsenic and lead, because it hasn’t been allowed in the water supply for over a hundred years..We aren’t living in the dark ages. They also didn’t test for plutonium and mercury. That is the most ridiculous reason to just casually write off almost every causal study. Scottish water is often touted as some of the best drinking tap water in the world. UK. As a whole has fairly great tap water, but Scotland in particular is singled out in the uk as having the best by far, taken from mountain reservoirs and is at a much higher quality than bottled water.
Pray tell, what benefit can be gained by consuming fluoride? Especially since the evidence is clear, that fluoride can only benefit teeth via direct contact/ Thus ingestion can only help teeth as it passes by them via the mouth. Now, please explain, to what benefit does an infant receive from ingesting fluoride?, When they have no teeth to decay. Would it not make more sense to provide to the public, free of charge, fluoride mouthwash? Rather than forcing mass medication? One more question, can eliminating one neurotoxin from your diet be worth it, even if there are millions of studies proving that toxin to be safe to ingest?
But with all that my son who had very little sugar, ate organically grown veg straight from the garden. Home made bread. Etc. Yet had caries at age 7. Dentist asked if hed had measles aged 2 to 3. Yes. Luckily not badly because hed had the measles vaccine. This virus attacks developing tooth enamel leaving tiny cracks.
Is there a study that proves that it doesn’t lower IQ? Surely a study/experiment could be conducted in a way that pleases all the snobby, fragile egoed, scientific process scoffers. The same patronising tone could of been applied to sceptics of tobacco consumption and associated health issues about 100 years ago when science was not conclusive, and experts actually promoted the product as a betterment to health.
Dangerous fertilizer waste that could not be cheaply disposed of is called “Fluoride” and dumped into the water supply. It reminds me of the problem that Larry Silverstein had in the Twin Towers in Summer 2001 regarding asbestos removal. “Hmm, how can I cheaply rid myself of this problem?”, asked Larry. And Bibi and the CIA had the answer.
People aren’t concerned much on the natural Fluoride found in caves and such. People want to know about the byproduct fluoride, ( hexafluorosilicic acid (HFSA) that is not in nature and infact a toxic man made molicule. It is a chemical by-product of aluminum, steel, cement, phosphate, and nuclear weapons manufacturing. Before the public was convinced that adding fluoride to their water was for their own good, the metal and chemical industries had the problem of disposing of their highly toxic fluoride waste.
had no idea anyone argued lower IQ. what i argue- i’m drinking water, not washing my mouth, i shouldn’t ingest fluoride. i don’t care so much about the suicide rate of the population enough to think targeted deposition of industrial waste products into the drinking water is a sane thing to do, either. we shouldn’t be drinking dental products and solutions. okay article but misses the main issue-don’t poison people for their “own good.”
Man I would be very pleased if you did a covid vaccine article. I know people that won’t take the vaccine because they think is way riskier than the exposeru to the disease itself. I almost kills me to hear those things, and even if this article don’t change their mind, it would still give some hope and inner peace
Bruh I didn’t know you could be deficient in fluoride until recently. I was beginning to slouch, my nails were brittle and my teeth looked thin. I begin taking vitamins but that didn’t really help. Then instead of getting water from the water filter I drank from the tap instead out of laziness. Then it clicked, I hadn’t drank tap water in ages. Started drinking it again and surprise my teeth stopped aching.
Seems pretty pointless, since you a get it from food, black tea( which I drink a lot of) and toothpaste. So does it cost the tax payer money to have fluoridated water? Seems like a potential save in funds to not have it. Also let me get this straight, the higher doses are infact bad for me and my little baby…. Andddd peoples teeth are NOT better where the water has none? I see several reasons to have water free of fluoride.
I have a strong sense of mental difference (creative clearness) when I drink water without purifying it with a shungite crystal and just drink from my tap. Even just one drink. It may sound crazy of course for people who don’t “believe” these kinds of possibilities or literally aren’t able to sense these kind of things like energies of crystals etc. BUT shungite purifies negative energy and specifically this crystal needs to recharge in a live plant after a while, but when I put it next to my tap water (which in all, is good water) that I have in a gallon metal thermal jug, the water becomes very smooth to drink and very “clean” and basically feels healthier. My mental creativeness is very clear and active compared to the near instant “forgetfulness” of even a couple sips of tap water… You don’t have to believe me, but I’ve paid much attention to this for the past couple years and I can say I have a valid conclusion.
If scientific results show cognitive reduction in rats in high doses imagine what it does to the pineal gland in high doses and the effects of homeopatic doses on the totality of the population. Your model of proving your points is a religious one. (Scientism) Oh and why don’t you research MK-ultra “the drug program” lsd, fluorode etc. and how fluoride was used in gulags and in the vietnam war to keep inmates docile and more susceptibe to their slavery. Make a article about it and see if youtube gets you as many views on it as this article.
Ok lets say that fluoride isnt as bad as people say it is, its still odd that they even put it in water anyway. Toothpaste strictly says not to swallow it and the main ingredient is fluoride. Why would we want this stuff in the water?? Why do we want anything in the water? We should push for pure water from both sides of this debate…
They seriously gave us fluoride tablets in elementary school. I remember that they sent out forms for the parents to sign asking for permission. Saying it was all for the benefit of preventing cavities and that there was no harm. I only remember a couple kids in my class that didn’t take the pills. Their parents never signed the form. One tablet every day…..
Here is just one of the endless examples of how fluoride may be affecting you. Fluoride has been successfully prescribed by doctors to lower thyroid function in people with overactive thyroids(hyperthyroidism). The daily amount prescribed is the same as the daily amount people get from their drinking water in countries with fluoridated water(like the U.S.). Therefore, the amount of fluoride in drinking water will lower thyroid function in otherwise normal thyroid functioning …people. in 2010, the second most prescribed drug of the year was Synthroid (sodium levothyroxine) which is a hormone replacement drug used to treat an underactive thyroid. Do you have an underactive thyroid? Some symptoms include depression, fatigue, weight gain, muscle and joint pains, increased cholesterol levels, heart disease, dry skin, thinning hair and impaired memory.
Most fluoride added to drinking water is actually hydrofluorisilic acid, not pharmaceutical grade fluoride like most people believe. Hydrofluorisilic acid is a highly toxic by product of the phosphate fertilizer industry. Before water fluoridation began in the USA, the phosphate fertilizer corporations were having to pay massive amounts of money to properly contain and dispose of the fluoride gas that was being produced during the manufacturing process. Before they were taking measures to contain the fluoride gas it was reeking havoc on the surrounding environment, crops and livestock. The gas from the fertilizer plants would get carried by the wind and in many cases, caused entire herds of cattle to die, slowly wasting away until they finally succumbed to fluoride poisoning. Entire fields of crops were also devastated by this highly toxic gas. These corporations were sued by the farmers and other people who were negatively impacted by the clouds of toxic gas they were unleashing upon the land and eventually had to come up with a way to trap the fluoride gas before it escaped into the surrounding environment. Even after they had found a way to contain the fluoride, they still had to pay massive amounts of money to find a way to properly dispose of the toxic by product. How’d they do it you ask? Well, they charged towns and cities all across the nation a pretty penny to take it off their hands and add it to the drinking water, you know, for health reasons! While some of the fluoride used for water fluoridation is actual sodium fluoride, much of it is actually the toxic by product hydrofluorissilic acid which contains lead, arsenic and mercury along with radionucleitides.
i went to a Private Dentist, a young guy, who quietly told me that you can repair the cavities in your enamel by eating the right foods, as long as fluoride isn’t impeding the re-mineralisation. He referred me to how we evolved, nutritionally, and so the more natural our diet the better. I remember learning in school that calcium, phosphorous and vitamin d help lay down teeth and bone, from what I’ve gathered fluoride also interferes with it, and leaves your teeth looking like they have been in outer space! Of course fluoride displaces iodine in your thyroid because it is a halogen element, leading to multiple related health risks, eg. higher risk of cancer. Type in to Youtube “How fluoride can cause hypothyroidism” for a short article that explains halogen displacement by fluoride. It is such a pervasive element.
My family stopped drinking fluoride over 3 years ago and we went to non fluoride tooth paste as well. My wife lost over 50lbs and her life long migraine headache spells went away completely. The kids went from B, C, students to honor roll and went from getting a couple cavities every year to absolutely no cavities in 3 years. I feel great and my teeth feel stronger then ever. Not sure if all of these great results are just a coincidence but life is much better…
Generally disagree with mass medication on principle. Used to see no issue with fluoride and recognise it has benefit to caries but lately heard that as a halogen it can block iodine’s binding sites and perhaps interfere with thyroid function or mask thyroid issues being detected. Also saw some brain scans of calcified pineal glands which seemed worrying. Did you find anything out about that?
This guy obvious doesn’t know the distinction between sodium flouride, calcium flouride, and Hexafluorosilicic acid, which is extremely toxic, and is the “byproduct that comes from phosphate fertilizers”, is imported from China mostly and lobbied to be added to water supplies. Sodium fluoride and calcium fluoride are barely harmful flouride salts, however, they still don’t need to be added to water supplies because people can choose how much fluoride they wish to intake. Oh yeah, and you don’t need to drink it for the health of your teeth. You can just apply it in low dose concentrations, like they do at the dentist office.
Saying fluoridation helps teeth is the main excuse given as to why it is demanded by industry and, in effect, government. Perhaps the primary reason is money however it is quite startling and concerning that fluoridation causes people to absorb heavy metals much more easily – it is this fact that may lead some exposed to fluoride to lower IQ scores.
if it is a product that is considered toxic waste if it is spilled in the environment it should not be put in the drinking water also if the government care that much why don’t they just add some calcium and potassium just couldn’t put some vitamin A and C and just put all that stuff in the water that way we can all be healthy LOL or maybe get some consent first
whether or not an individual wants to consume fluoride should determine whether or not he does. the one huge problem with flourinating water is that it prevents a person from choosing. choice, i believe, is the most important freedom a being can have. having said that, it would make much more sense to, rather than dispersing it into the water, have it available to the public in some form that they can dissolve it into their own water.
Much of the EU, including the countries I grew up in, does not fluoridate its water. There’s just no point, no justification for the effort or the cost, let alone the minimal risk, to fluoridate water in an age where it is practically impossible to buy fluoride-free toothpaste in shops. At least I’ve never seen it sold in recent times-it’s something that died in the early 90s.
5 facts about fluoride: 1. Fluoride levels are not easily measured once put into municipal water supplies. Even if there was a ‘safe’ dose of fluoride (which there really isn’t), there is absolutely no way to regulate this. Furthermore, if you eat a bowl of cereal with milk and a Coke, you have likely overdosed on fluoride, likely exceeding the American Dental Association’s recommended daily dose by 230%. When excessive amounts of fluoride are consumed, it can be a killer a carcinogen that causes bone, lung, and bladder cancers. The “it” is fluoride, a common additive in most American communities’ drinking water and an ingredient in the vast majority of commercially produced adult toothpastes. Why add it to your drinking, and bathing water also? 2. There are often other dangerous toxins in fluoridated water. NSF, the corporation that developed drinking water standards, stated that the ‘most common contaminant in (fluoridated water) is arsenic.’ Consumer Reports recently said there were also traces of arsenic, otherwise known as rat poison, in your food, too. Its in baby cereals, juice and rice. Arsenic has also been found in commercially raised chicken. It can cause serious health conditions. 3. Fluoride is an industrial waste. Fluoride could only be legally disposed of at a great cost to companies who created it with industrial practices. As Dr. Bill Marcus explains: “There are prescribed methods for disposal and they’re very expensive. Fluoride is a very potent poison. It’s a registered pesticide, used for killing rats or mice.
I’v been drinking rain water since i was 3. 4 years ago i switched from fluoridated toothpaste to alternating between charcoal and non fluoridated toothpaste and every time i go to the dentist he is impressed with my level of oral hygiene. If you want to use fluoride that’s your decision but don’t force everyone else drink the stuff. Your toothpaste and good brushing technique is all you really need. If you don’t look after your teeth you deserve to have them rot and fall out.
I’ve heard claims that fluoride in the water does everything from nothing, all the way to either damaging the pineal gland as well as having negative, toxic effects on the brain. All I know is that even though I brush twice a day along with ingesting our fluoridated water, I still wound up with a cavity!!! So, who knows what gives? It may not even have any effect on preventing tooth decay…
Thankfully where I live, there isn’t any fluoride added to the water, and since I stopped using fluoride added tooth paste, my teeth are much more healthy. No white-ish spots. I am the living proof among many that fluoride isn’t good for your teeth. So it makes you ask yourself why they even bother to put it if it ain’t for your teeth.
This topic has been tearing at me for years. When I first heard it was bad for the brain I stopped using fluoridated toothpaste. I almost never drink tap, even before I heard of this I was drinking bottled spring water. Ever since I stopped using fluoridated toothpaste my teeth have really started to sort of go bad. I thought maybe I was just doing something wrong. Over the last 3 or so years I’ve changed the ingredients of my home made tooth paste many times and even gone back to previous recipes that worked better but were still not as effected as I think I remember fluoridated to be. The current recipe works best out of all the other natural/fluoride free home made pastes but alas I think I may need to go back to using fluoridated tooth paste. My teeth have taken a lot of damage through these years of trial and error, yet surprisingly it has also gone through some repairs of it’s own. Will test out fluoride again soon. Hopefully this will be the fix that I’ve been missing.
if the water has fluoride then why do we still need to brush our teeth with more fluoride in tooth paste? If tooth paste is working for us why do we actually need more fluoride from water? Why do we need fluoride in our water if we’re DRINKING the water and not gargling it out like mouthwash? Hands down, it is definitely shady
Fluoride is an element that is commonly added to the water of many municipalities in the unnatural form of either fluorosilicic acid, sodium fluoride or sodium fluorosilicate. Although water fluoridation is known to be harmful and is banned in most countries across the world, the United States and Canada still promote the practice. Despite the fact that fluoride has been promoted as a boon to dental health, in actuality, fluoride is a proven neurotoxin that has the ability to cause permanent disfiguration of teeth as well as a host of other health problems. Types of Fluoride Furthermore, the type of fluoride that is added to water, sodium fluoride, is known to be 80 times more toxic than calcium fluoride, the type of fluoride that occurs naturally. By and large, water fluoridation is all part of a grand scheme to dispose of unnatural forms of fluoride. These unnaturally-occurring compounds are nothing more than waste products that come from aluminum, steel and cement manufacturing. Now that you know just how dangerous fluoride is to your health, it’s time to do something about it. The only problem is that fluoride compounds are formed by extremely small ions, and, for the most the most part, they cannot be filtered out. This is precisely the reason why water filter sales literature tends to avoid the subject. One thing that you can be sure of is that if you see a water filtration system that does not specifically state that it removes fluoride, it doesn’t.
What is the composition of the flouride they add vs what nature adds? Chemical values matter (oxidative states, isomers, etc) And how fastidious are they about testing the ppm in our supplies? Frankly, I say NO to public additions to water. That precludes individual rights and classes us as animals at a feeding trough. If I want flouride, I will take it. If toothpaste works, why add it to the water? I smell a GOVT:BIG BUSINESS:PHARMA racket.
This isn’t scientific at all but just an observation. Years ago my wife and I regularly had to get fillings for cavities. We couldn’t understand why since we both brush and floss regularly. We don’t drink sugary stuff like pop either. My dentist about 3.5 years ago suggested I start using high fluoride toothpaste. Stuff was expensive at about $14 for 85g. The following 1.5 years saw even more frequent cavities despite not changing any habits. Then I decided to go in the other direction. Installed an RO water filter and started using fluoride free toothpaste. Have not had a cavity since. It’s been 2 years and I actually feel better than I did before. I feel happier and more creative. Same is true for my wife. the dentist thinks it’s because of the high fluoride but I won’t tell her I switched.
It makes me so happy to see so many smart people in the comments :-0 I’m working on a picture book for children to encourage them to stay away from sweets if they can or at least brush their teeth well and often. That’s why I’ve found myself here after perusal some cute animation from TED ED. After reading the comments I had some sneaky idea.
The amount of fluoride in our tap water is so miniscule that it could be replaced with cyanide and still have little adverse health problems for any average adult. The governmental recommended maximum for fluoride in drinking water is 0.7mg/l, of course that’s the maximum. The average for US drinking water is much much lower than that, around 0.3mg/l. Cyanide has a half life of 2-3 hours in the body, with some cases even saying 1, and there is a 50% chance for ~360 mg to kill a 160ib person within 3 days. Using the US’s maximum recommended fluoride amount would mean you’d need to drink 514 liters of water. 500 ml or 16.9 fl oz is the average content for any normal sized water bottle. So well over 1,000 water bottles that you’d need to drink all within 2-3 hours just to reach the 50% fatality mark. You’d die of kidney failure from too much water intake well before that however. Of course that’s just death, long term effects may seem much more dangerous, however goats were given 0.3-3mg of cyanide a day per kg of weight, and only in higher dosages were noticeable effects present. Since goats can weigh 20-140kg, at the bare minimum they’d receive at least 6mg of cyanide per day, still way more than any average human would drink of water, unless drinking 20 liters of water is your hobby. Fluoride in our water isn’t a problem. If something that is universally accepted as being extremely toxic, cyanide would only pose problems in small children and pregnant women in that same dosage.
Trace: With all due respect, I think you might have misstated the chemical form of Floride in water systems. NaFl is what you get from the Dentist. Please check, I understand the florine compound in our water is a halogenated organic produced as a toxic byproduct of an industrial process. Please check and by all means correct me if I’m wrong.
why do we need fluoride to flush the toilet, wash the dishes, water the garden, water the soccer fields and local parks, have a shower, fill our swimming pools? Even factories use tap water as coolants and other needs. This is a lot of water that is not being consumed, like we are talking more than 99.99999 percent of water. Do we need to fluoridate all tap water?
We should not fluoridate the water supply. There are many reasons. We cannot control an individuals’ dosage, because of foods/beverages made with fluoridated water. No other medicine is delivered this way, For a substance known to cause disease in bones, kidneys, thyroid, joints, etc. at levels just a few times higher than the recommended dosage, it is a rather health precarious policy, isn’t it? We won’t ever know whether this bone or thyroid cancer or that arthritis was caused by fluoride or not. Since everyone is exposed, we can only compare statistics with other places to discern the possible elevated levels of disease and their connection to the public policy. Many people want to be able to make their own choice in the matter, oftentimes because they mistrust conclusions labeled science due to the many cases of corruption (usually from industry) of the scientific process that evaded public awareness for years. There are so many people strongly, emotionally averse to considering unpleasant, but plausible, falsifiable possibilities that mentioning such a thing as I am about to do would shut their “open” minds as fast as they can experience fear/disgust, rejection and use their computer input devices. Try to consider such disgusting ideas without believing nor disbelieving, a rather emotionally, not intellectually, difficult task initially. Note that some adverse effects of substance exposure require study of thousands of people over time to be perceived and so the average person wouldn’t necessarily perceive these effects, or rather, the cause of their diseases, without such studies in public hands.
It is very simple: When I drink water I expect it to be JUST WATER ..with maybe some chlorine to control bacteria but without any other additives. I believe that every intelligent human being would choose the same. So, government officials: please stop being extra nice forcefully putting fluoride to care for my teeth! I do that well by myself.
Hello. What is the propaty of flouride water? Is it accumulative or desolves from our body? It is okay as they say in small portions, however of food we eat made on flouride water wont it accumulate to danger amounts? If water in the well nature flouridated, why would goverment add more of it in the nature water?
Here’s a good business idea – sell fluride-free bottled water. Buy from the water company before it’s been flurodated and bottle it. Make it clear on the lable it’s fluride free and make it its main selling point. I know i’d be buying it as i’m currently using filtered water which is a pain to make and probably expensive. Sell the fluride-free bottled water at a low cost undercutting the competition but still making a profit.
Well, there is one “benefit” to having fluoride in water. If you have it in your water from a young age, it can cause fluroriosis. This causes white spots on your teeth, which makes it kinda weird, but it does make it stronger and have a less likelihood of getting cavities. Really bad for your body though.
I’ts like this Government : Finds a substance that might be helpful for teeth People : It is questionable we do not know the full effects of it on the human body and there is research that shows otherwise, we should test this more ! Government : LETS PUT FLUORITE IN EVERYONE’S BODIES BY PUTTING IT INTO THE MAIN WATER SUPPLIES !
The Nazis pioneered fluoride use in concentration camp water supplies, just because the Nazis were so concerned the inmates might develop cavities. In the USA this was seized upon by a public relations man named Edward L. Bernard who was hired to solve the legal problems of two industries which produce high levels of fluoride pollution. The aluminum and the uranium enrichment industries. He solved two problems by putting fluoride into water and toothpaste. He found a use for waste that was expensive to dispose of and now could be sold as a commodity and gave people the perception of safety making it more difficult to sue for fluoride damage. Brilliant but evil.
Fluoride is a neuro-toxic substance which is harmful to ingest or to use it topically.Since toxicology is not the area of expertise of the dentistry it is not right for the Dental Associacions to issue reports of recommendations. Fluoride is not disposed by the body and instead it tends to be built in pineal glands .Pineal glands is known as the regulator of circadian cycle and it secretes melatonin hormones and it’s other functions yet to be discovered.It also has to do with the process of reproduction. Fluoride is reported to cause calcification of the pineal glands . Well..just look at the suppliers of fluoride and you decide.. Industrial wastage which was once the most troubling problem for the chemical industries in discarding their waste by-products is no more a problem but a fat source of income. In US the chemical industrial companies were paying heavy fines for discarding their waste by products in waters or other public areas.The geniuses among them thought up to turn this costly business of discarding their side products into a fruitful source of income thus the contracts between fertilizer companies and governments.. Cleaver eh😉
You state there were benefits, which you laid out nicely. But also controversy, which you did not. The I saw the comments. Whether .8 to 1.2 ppm is consistently maintained seems to be key to its benefit, yet increasing laxity of standards in quality water supply makes me wonder that some municipalities may have had sufficient flouride to “harm I.Q.”. Perhaps it’s time for a rethink on this policy.
It’s just how we get rid of pollution from the aluminum industry. Only usa and canada still fluoridate. He said fluoride was already in all sorts of things so why do we need to also add it to our water? You can help end it. Check if your state has laws requiring fluoridation. Get together and bother the water person and governor and mayor and so on
Fluoride was given to Vietnam prisoners in concentration camps, to dumb them down. *Also check out the studies of fluoride in your drinking water, and it’s affect on frogs. Although I’m sure some shill or bot will try and dispute what I have stated, do your homework/research before spewing any utter nonsense my way.
This is a war on our spirituality, our autonomy and our humanity. We must not let them vanquish the seat of the soul. Our pineal gland is the forefront of our health and controls each and every other gland in the endocrine system. It is solely responsible for secretion of melatonin in the brain and can cause myriad of health conditions if not taken care of. A dysfunctioning pineal gland can cause insomnia, depression, inflammation, hyperactive intestinal issues, and in women has been shown to cause early onset menopause. It’s not just fluoridated water that’s the issue, it’s the diet of processed foods that causes calcification.