CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has sparked numerous conspiracy theories, including fears of creating black holes, opening portals to other dimensions, and even causing earthquakes. A mix of conspiracy theorists, researchers like Larson, and regular people have been searching for an explanation for this collective cognitive dissonance and false information. The LHC was first opened on July 5, 2022, and experiments were conducted that initially annihilated electrons and their antimatter counterparts, positrons, so that their light-speed kinetic energy was reduced. As people await the April 8 total eclipse, conspiracy theories about a Switzerland-based nuclear research facility have some social media users on edge.
CERN particle physicist Clara Nellist took to TikTok to dispel conspiracy theories circulating on social media that the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva was used to manipulate the brand. Numerous conspiracy theories flooded TikTok this summer leading up to the third run of the LHC in July 2022. Old footage of an opening ceremony is being wrongly attributed to CERN to push a groundless conspiracy theory about the European nuclear research centre.
Despite its powerful capabilities, the energy reached by the LHC is modest by nature’s standards. Invisible dark matter makes up most of the universe, but we can only detect it from its gravitational effects. News of the upgrade and maintenance prompted conspiracy theories to spread online, with people speculating what might happen after the upgrade. Operators of the LHC are gearing up to battle conspiracy theories.
📹 What’s Really Happening At CERN
On the border between France and Switzerland is the biggest science experiment humanity has ever built. Over a 100 meters …
📹 VERIFY | Is there paranormal activity related to CERN particle accelerator?
News of the upgrade and maintenance prompted conspiracy theories to spread online, with people speculating what might …
They have an article on their site stating they are searching for the entity that is holding everything together.. this is some weird spiritual thing. They have a statue of Shiva outside their headquarters. If you follow Bible prophecy this makes sense and I’m pretty sure won’t be insignificant in the grand scheme. For God so loved the world that he sent His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16
The darkness never overcomes the light. There dark matter dosnt matter because we are the light. My brothers and sister in Christ stand tall. For our enemy has prepared for the days ahead since the fall of he and man.. None who lives on earth today was there in the beginning. We wasn’t there when Noah’s family entered the ark, none witness Moses and his staff through the power of God part the red sea, none among us walked the earth when God himself walked it in flesh as our Lord Jesus Christ. Yet we are some of the most blessed for we have lived and grown in this time of grace. Where our believing in Jesus has sealed us for all eternity as one of his. Now we are also privileged to be the last generation of Christians. Chosen to battle against our enemy as he gains strength and appears from the darkness. From where he has been heald for so long until now man is about to make it’s biggest mistake and release him. The battlefield is being set and the enemy is powerful. Our Reinforcement are coming with strength and numbers unimagined. We must hold the line until they come. Just as Elijah and John tb we must make way for the true king Jesus Christ!! All fear must be put to rest that is of the enemy. That is not the spirit of the Lord in which he has gave us. Remember the Lord is working even when we don’t understand have faith in him and he chose us for this time. God bless!!!
Revelation 9 talks about Apollyon, the angel over the bottomless pit. Bet these guys are hiding their true intentions to try to open up the bottomless pit. They even have a statue of Shiva, a creator and DESTROYER “god” doing the Nataraja (DANCE OF DESTRUCTION) outside their building. People are advised not to keep an idol doing this dance in their house for the same reason (it’s a dance of destruction).
Gee thanks, that little bit of info just made me feel better🤔🙄 … Ever seen the movie The Avengers? – remember the scene where Loki had that thing called a Tesseract – he used to opened a portal (to another dimension) … Well CERN is similar to the Power of the Tesseract, only larger. … It may not cause a Black hole, but it could definitely destroy the outer protective layer around earth, and open a portal to Darkness; the darker dimension which is held back by the protective layer(The Protector) … We’ll surely know (Verify) when unexplained phenomena; Chaos & violence increases and “Stranger Things” start happening.
It is creating paranormal activity, regardless if”they” know it is or not… One of the most significant events was the full body entity that came through, in the ignorance of it all, they didn’t see the smaller one come through on it’s back(piggyback ride), they know about it… Now, it looks and reads benign, but in its current state it hasn’t gained enough power yet… Coming out as dark drops, collecting into a pool… For a relatable visual, think of “venom” without a host body… They have tested it and deemed it not to be a threat… Wrong again… They really need a stronger empath onsite/payroll… Feels like alot is being missed, possibly on purpose…
If you read some of the theories before they turn that thing The very 1st time they turned it on. It does say Is that theoretically it can create micro black holes. Of course since it spread fear they retracted their statements. So they correctly told you it will not create a regular black hole. But microblack holes are possible. But they say they’ve fade away in seconds
Two things, regardless of sceptics and nay-sayers… One: Cern needs natural born gifted and chosen… Two: enough was said in the previous comment/post to cause Me to “disappear”, which neither bothers or concerns Me… What was spoken is true and the question at hand is how much more is known and how is it known???…
Me parece que no han explicado bien la posibilidad de el agujero negro. El riesgo de que apareciera un agujero negro era debido a que en la colisión se podría formar un átomo súper súper pesado cuya gravedad fuera capaz de engullir los átomos circundantes que crearía una reacción en cadena tragándose a todo el planeta.
Being “active” now… The “knowing” of being stronger together than being apart is key… Gifted and chosen, born with it( doing it before knowing what doing “it” was/is) will make an unstoppable force… “We” (gifted and or chosen) didn’t fail the experiments, the administrators of them failed Us by Not Knowing what they were doing/are doing…
Act Of Consecration of the Human Race to the Sacred Heart Of Jesus by Pope Pius XI Most sweet Jesus, Redeemer of the human race, look down upon us, humbly prostrate before Thine altar. We are Thine and Thine we wish to be; but to be more surely united with Thee, behold each one of us freely consecrates ourselves today to Thy Most Sacred Heart. Many, indeed, have never known Thee; many, too, despising Thy precepts, have rejected Thee. Have mercy on them all, most merciful Jesus, and draw them to Thy Sacred Heart. Be Thou King, O Lord, not only of the faithful who have never forsaken Thee, but also of the prodigal children who have abandoned Thee, grant that they may quickly return to their Father’s house, lest they die of wretchedness and hunger. Be Thou King of those who are deceived by erroneous opinions, or whom discord keeps aloof and call them back to the harbour of truth and unity of faith, so that soon there may be but one flock and one shepherd. Be Thou King of all those who even now sit in the shadow of idolatry or Islam, and refuse not Thou to bring them into the light of Thy kingdom. Look, finally, with eyes of pity upon the children of that race, which was for so long a time Thy chosen people; and let Thy Blood, which was once invoked upon them in vengeance, now descend upon them also in a cleansing flood of redemption and eternal life. Grant, O Lord, to Thy Church, assurance of freedom and immunity from harm; give peace and order to all nations, and make the earth resound from pole to pole with one cry: Praise to the Divine Heart that wrought our salvation: to it be glory and honour forever.
Dear reader, just repeat it out loud with me and everything will be alright again: JUST BECAUSE I DON’T UNDERSTAND CERN, DOESN’T MEAN IT CAN CREATE GHOSTS OR CHANGE REALITY. An in case this isn’t enough, also repeat with me: NELSON MANDELA IS NOT REAL, HE CAN’T HURT ME! Well done, now here’s a cookie to distract you while Nelson Mandela turns on Cern and laughs in an evil way.
In nazi Germany when the Windsors toured Germany with Adolf the Nazi regime had just recently taken total control of the German stock market and had done away with speculation and replaced it with state controlled valuation. Taking control of stock markets has always been a precursor of the height of the cycle of Tyranny (failure) and shows a preparation of a newly guised slave cycle (Structure) this cycle is also inclusive of the most early developments of society’s and Share trading that goes back as far as the many global Pyramids. It should be noted that this cycle is easily recognisable if you simply address the transparency of those large financial entities that were/are trading the exchange at that (this) time. We all know the results of the Nazis party’s actions in Germany and the rest of the world, but are we all aware of the Windsors unilateral support of, and pre-planned outcomes that were also paved by way of these secretive collaborations and misuse of judgments hate? The Windsors wanted absolute financial control of the world, along side absolute control of advancements in technologies and scientific development in Europe (therefore the world at that time) to achieve this they created the conditions (of War) where the world (the rest of free life) would be easily fooled into thinking that it would be for its own benefit to place entity’s such as the IMF, UNICEF, United Nations in total control of all Global actions and decisions. Conventions such as the Geneva conventions (continuation of the 1848 slavery sham) “re-labeled” were formed that in tow bought Neutrality to its newly protected neutral Lands and financial systems (after its own large scale globalised thefts and genocides) so they could fund and continue the development of Nuclear sciences and weapons, this financing (theft) was how CE66 6RN was founded and formed, All Countries signed off under the guise of a protection of their freedom, except one country that ironically (or not so) happened to be Japan, Japan was the only country that refused to sign and follow the structure of the Geneva convention only to later be the first known Country to experience the full rectifications received by way of CE6 66RNs sciences.
This comment section makes me lose all hope in humanity. One of our greatest achievements being disregarded and demonized by people who couldn’t pass calculus 1 (to understand this stuff, you need a bare minimum of calculus 4…) Take a physics class first… then get back to me with your theories about demons and cosmic black holes and 666
Abaddon awaits. Your worlds will eat themselves alive; and infernal beauty and cathartic tremors shall forever consume throughout the endless cycle of holy tyranny. Praisen thy Holy Wood, Ave Zalvethet. If one of you gaze upon this spectacle, then alert yourself of the significance of such a speech, for I stand as your immortal tyrant.
I the wordsmith-ing and the redirection is very interesting. The headline “Is there Paranormal activity related to CERN particle accelerator?” So the unidentified man say, “It;s been a week since the collider was turned back on and no NEW paranormal phenomenons. Why did he say “NEW” so the old ones are still there? Also, when you do just a little research you will see the first month is simple testing and calibration. BUT the bulk of the story is done about black holes. Wordsmith-ing and redirection all the nice little trick taught to journalists IOT to lead you to the conclusion they want you to have and away from the truth. I don’t know what the truth is BUT since they are wordsmith-ing and redirecting I will assume there is Paranormal Activity surrounding the collider.
Look this is Schrodinger’s cat guys all possibilities are happening all at once got to got to type thing okay just turn the damn thing on get it over with science dictates you ain’t going to know until you actually observe so let’s bring it on the end of universe look I’m being sarcastic and I understand people’s concerned but it’s concerned based off of not knowing and guessing and not looking for information and that’s a problem today’s generation needs to do that go research
Real doubtful the small stable mass of a particle would do much BUT package a hydrogen atom in a proton ball and push it through the collider and should explode before it reaches the speed of light, probably 1/137 like the electron natural velocity. The explosion could be very violent so don’t be within 100 miles when you do it or start with a hydrogen ion first. The real fun would be to set the explosion off in a Cherenkov Radiation sector of the tube. ( that would cause a reverse time explosion (
Why does nobody says something about the CERN logo? The shiva statue the destroyer of worlds in front of CERN too. And the just released series 3 body problem. Something is up and does not feel right, they are planning something. Oh and NASA is launching 3 rockets today all on the same day. April 8 the solar eclipse CERN its just weird..
Seek salvation in God, he’s created every single one of these “smart scientists” and will absolutely judge them for their works. John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. Seek Jesus before it’s too late because were 100% in the last days.
My real question is why does CERN have tablets written in sand script ( literally a dead language no one can translate)thru the tunnels and main room where the collider is … what part do they play in this science experiment or they their for Aesthetic purposes?? Y’all can literally look this up I’m not even kidding .. weird af if you ask me.
Will the late Stephen William Hawking, one of the most Brilliant Minds to ever live, didn’t think it to be such a crazy idea a black hole could be created. A matter of fact he even warned about it. Of course other scientists and physicists claims that even if it did create a black hole it would be so small it would evaporate quickly and not cause any harm.
A cosmic black hole isnt the same thing as the big bang. Why would an accelerator have to be as big as the universe to create something(a hole) that millions exist and are smaller than the universe. If an accelerator had the mass of a big star and was usable it would create a hole. You dont even know what youre looking for so how would you know what new particulates do that are flying into gold plates… What is that red tongue looking thing on the NASA emblem