The Dreaming, also known as Dreamtime, is a spiritual concept that connects Indigenous Australians to their land and ancestors. This connection is intrinsic to Aboriginal beliefs about the afterlife, with ancestors often depicted as the first beings created by the earth. After death, rituals and ceremonies guide the spirit back to the spiritual realm, such as smoking ceremonies and funeral rituals.
The Eternal Dreaming is a worldview that reflects the relationship between the spirit, our physical environment, and our earthly bodies. Death may be sad for loved ones, but it is also connected to economic, political, and cultural beliefs. The Ndebele ritualize death and dying in a quest to create harmonious relationships with the living dead, sometimes creating tensions.
The Dreaming is the worldview that structures many Indigenous cultures, providing Indigenous Australians with an ordered sense of reality. The rituals and ceremonies aim to maintain this connection, as the deceased joins ancestral spirits in the Dreaming. The land is regarded as part of a longer journey, and when a person dies, their spirit returns to the Dreaming, the spiritual realm.
The Dreaming represents Aboriginal concepts of “Everywhen”, during which the land was inhabited by ancestral figures. Sorry Business is a period of cultural practices that take place after someone’s death, including ceremonies held around the bereavement and/or mythological stories. These practices are essential for maintaining harmony with the living dead and fostering understanding among Indigenous Australians.
📹 Nikola Tesla: “Every night, at precisely this time, I do this ritual.”
“They appeared before his eyes as functioning realities that he could stop and start as though they were really there.” In Memory …
Why are sacred sites important to the Dreaming?
Sacred sites are vital sources of life force, with ceremonies often re-creating events from The Dreaming to encourage the life force to continue thriving. Failure to perform ceremonies can lead to dormant life and the loss of new life. However, mining has led to the destruction of sacred sites, polluted water holes, and the cessation of ceremonies, affecting native flora and fauna. Indigenous species have disappeared since European arrival, with Indigenous explanations differing from Western scientific explanations. Evidence supports both Aboriginal and Western explanations, emphasizing the importance of cultural competence in Indigenous Australians.
Why are death and dying rituals so significant?
The funeral ritual is a traditional and symbolic way to express our beliefs and feelings about the death of someone loved. It acknowledges the reality of the death, provides testimony to the deceased’s life, encourages grief in line with cultural values, supports mourners, embraces faith and beliefs about life and death, and offers continuity and hope for the living. However, our mourning-avoiding culture has neglected these crucial purposes.
As a death educator and grief counselor, I am concerned that individuals, families, and society will suffer if we do not reinvest ourselves in the funeral ritual. To teach about the purposes of authentic funeral ceremonies, I suggest framing them in the context of the “reconciliation needs of mourning”.
Why are rituals important after death?
Death rituals are not only for the benefit of the dead person but also for those left behind, as they can influence the atmosphere, psychological well-being, and quality of life. Every culture has its own type of rituals for the dead, with some focusing on settling certain psychological factors of their near and dear ones. However, the Indians have developed elaborate methods that have been unique in their understanding and depth of death.
In the past, people created systems to help a person die in the most beneficial way, extracting the most out of life from every possible angle towards liberation or mukti. They created powerful rituals for the dying and the dead, and today, these rituals have become even more important due to the increasing number of people dying in unawareness without the necessary understanding of their life mechanisms within themselves.
In the olden days, most people died from infections and diseases, so people created a whole science to help them beyond their body. After their death, they wanted to help them dissolve quickly, which evolved into the meaningless rituals we see today.
The first thing disembodied beings go towards is adolescence, as it is the easiest and most vulnerable human life around. Adolescence is like a human version of molting, with rapid growth and vulnerability to influence. If there is any positive or negative energy around, adolescents are the first people to absorb it. Therefore, proper care of the dead is crucial for the well-being of adolescents and the overall quality of life.
What happens if we see religious place in dream?
Astrology suggests that the placement of planets in our birth chart can impact our spiritual beliefs. Dreaming about temples in a dream may indicate a desire for deeper meaning or a desire to connect with our inner selves. The type of temple in the dream can also provide clues about its meaning. For instance, a Hindu temple might symbolize devotion and faith, while a Buddhist temple might symbolize peace and understanding. The appearance and feel of the temple can reflect the astrological vibes in our lives.
The planets and zodiac signs in our birth chart can further complicate the meaning of a temple dream. Jupiter, the planet of growth and wisdom, may indicate a readiness to explore new spiritual paths. Neptune, the dreamy planet, may indicate a search for deeper truths. The overall state of the dream is also crucial. A calm and peaceful state may indicate spiritual progress, while fear or unease may indicate inner struggles.
What is the purpose of burial rituals?
Funerals are a crucial part of grief, as they help counteract the initial effects of shock, numbness, and disbelief. They reinforce the reality of the death and provide a safe space for sharing feelings, establishing the foundations for healthy grieving. Funerals are seen as the right time for people to talk, support each other, reminisce, and pay respects. This support is vital in the weeks and months after the funeral, as the reality of the loss starts to sink in and we must adapt to a life without someone who mattered to us.
What is the psychology of death rituals?
The rituals associated with death reflect the cultural values and attitudes that are transmitted from parents to children, which individuals learn as members of society. An analysis of mortuary practices provides insights into the behavior of kin and the community as a whole.
What is the significance of sacred sites?
Sacred sites are crucial to the cultural heritage of the Northern Territory, providing meaning to the natural landscape and anchoring cultural values and spiritual relationships. They often derive their status from their association with ancestral beings who created our physical and social world. The stories, songs, and dances of these sites have been passed down through generations, linking different Aboriginal groups across the Northern Territory and Australia.
Sacred sites can be visible or inconspicuous, and some may be restricted to certain groups, such as women or men, in accordance with Aboriginal tradition. Revealing the existence of such sites to the opposite gender is considered dangerous and potentially life-threatening.
How do Aboriginal ceremonies and rituals connect to spirituality?
Sacred Sites, also known as Dreamtime or Dreaming, are significant locations within Aboriginal culture that hold special significance. These sites are spirit centers for Aboriginal people, animals, and plants, and are formed by mythological events. To enter a sacred site, a person must be initiated and ceremonies related to the mythological event are held. The purpose of these ceremonies is to send out the life energy or spirits of the sacred site, allowing them to cooperate with nature during specific seasons when species increase.
There are male sacred sites (men’s business) and women’s sacred sites (women’s business) in Australia. Important Aboriginal sacred sites include Uluru (Ayers Rock) and Kata Tjuta (the Olgas) in Central Australia.
Initiation is a crucial process for young adolescent male Aboriginals between the ages of 10-16 years. This process allows them to learn about the past, such as mythology and Dreamtime stories, and share in the embodiment of their ancestors. Physical elements such as circumcision, tooth avulsion, plucking of hair, scarification, and pulling out of fingernails are used in initiation to test the initiate’s ability to endure pain and pass on the secrets of the tribe.
In conclusion, Sacred Sites are vital for the survival of Aboriginal culture and the transmission of knowledge and wisdom from Aboriginal elders.
How are dreams significant in Indigenous culture?
Indigenous cultures have developed sophisticated methods for interpreting and analyzing dreams, often using symbols and metaphors. Dream analysis can provide insight into one’s spiritual path, life purpose, and relationship with the natural world. It can reveal hidden fears, desires, and emotions that may impact one’s waking life, helping to resolve them and achieve greater emotional balance. Dreamtime stories and myths often involve dreams as a way to form the world or pass down important knowledge, featuring animals, spirits, and other supernatural beings offering guidance and wisdom. These stories reinforce the idea that dreams are a powerful tool for spiritual growth and connection with the divine.
What happens 13 days after death?
Pind Sammelan, also known as Spindi or terahvin in North India, is a Hindu ritual performed on the 13th day of death to place the departed soul with their ancestors and deities. This ritual is part of the samskaras (rite of passage) based on Vedas and other Hindu texts, performed after a person’s death for their moksha and ascendance to Svarga (heaven). The cremation ground, called Shmashana, is traditionally located near a river, and those who can afford it may visit sacred places like Kashi, Haridwar, Prayagraj, Srirangam, Brahmaputra, or Rameswaram to complete the rite of immersion of ashes into the water.
What is the significance of burial?
The act of burial holds significant emotional and spiritual significance for the living, as it represents a final act of love and respect towards the deceased. It is a crucial part of the mourning process and provides insight into the past.
📹 Duncan Trussell Explains Ritual Magick to Joe Rogan
Taken from JRE #1444 w/Duncan Trussell:
It was a Godamn shame what happened to this genius Tesla. He was silenced as many of his inventions would have been beneficial to Mankind. When he died Trumps uncle was one of the Official Posse to go into his Hotel and remove some of his crates containing his Lifetime Work. All numbered by Tesla. Only 60 out of 80 crates full of Ideas, Creations and Patents were released (that’s what we’re told) Isn’t it strange how those in power have sat on all of this information for a very long time then all of a sudden there was an explosion of all of his Patents. Did the Government think that we would forget so easy ????? Don’t think so as it is so obvious what’s going on. Daylight Robbers and some folk are getting very very rich with all this information. The Government KNOW how to produce free electricity for everyone but will not do it as it would not be financially beneficial to them or their cronies. Shame on them. RIP Nikola Tesla. Hope all the people that did you wrong will receive KARMA that will eventually land at there door 😡
We are being controlled now by our Governments. They know to transmit wifi signals that interfere with the magnetism of the universe and our brain receptors. We have been trained to desire constant entertainment and not let our mind wonder. There may never be genius ever again unless we unplug ourselves from this trivial distraction .
The world was thanking Tesla for all he gave to the world .. at a dinner???…. he was isolated in a hotel room in his last few years., surviving only on buttermilk and crackers.., the result of the powers of the elite who buried his miraculous FREE ideas and discoveries. He died alone in obscurity. Yeesh stop making things up!
This is called demon possession. All man made technologies were ideas whispered to them by demons in their dreams. We having free will can only be tempted to over reach and misstep by seeking and excepting this forbidden knowledge which has purposely been removed each earth age during it’s reset/ revival because man is not ready collectively to properly use or understand God’s knowledge. The Tower of Babel is continually reconstructed as we attempt to find God by becoming him on Earth before understanding our true inate powers and purpose on this level. Live simply, cultivate love and be humbled by the raw beauty and ferocity of the untamed wild. Our challenge is to be patient and serve each other not ourselves or selfish desires. There is no such thing as “free energy”. All energy is transfered and transmuted, all of which comes with often unseen/unconnected consequences. Just because there’d be less pollution (as we know it) and presumably less resource wise to fight wars over, better believe it would be controlled, modified, monetized and fought over, no matter what the technology. Besides that, let’s say this “free energy” is completely environmentally friendly and comes with no known (science and perceptions of scientific discoveries drastically change historically given new info) side effects, even then what we as societies and individuals choose to do with this “free energy” will have more to do with our personal, interpersonal and collective values. If we put today’s selfish, short term, capitalistic minded views/ways into a world of unlimited power and possibility, who’s to say greater weapons of war and more suffocating cities with little thought to development over merely growth for the sake of growth in the name of profit over humanity wouldn’t be the result?
Is that why fiveGEE was created & put up while we were sleeping (COVID 19) even though it far exceeds our needs,? Perhaps its an attempt to ‘dumb down’ our electrical impulses? Think depopulation – think mindless working slaves…as Slavery never truly ended… it simply evolved to encompass us all! Btw The Moon does not control the Tides… this is a myth! Firstly, not All waters are affected, also the Moon doesn’t differentiate – they’re not all created equal as some tidal forces are quite minor while others hold great fluctuations with no bearing on the depths of the bodies of waters involved. GOD BLESS 🌿💕🌿
So what we suppose God is a kind of wifi? We must respect it, body is a like a dress, it’s the soul I feel, In Hinduism it was told planets are gods and are real but only now I see what I doubted… I mean it’s said planet affects your future and the birth time(astrology), so planets have a resonant frequency, and sun also God which has electrical signals. So the things said aren’t clear because most the scriptures are destroyed and rest burnt when British invaded India and destroyed… Only the little knowledge passed also about Ramanujan said Goddess (Namagri Devi 🙏) would come in his dream and he also wrote ideas and he introduced the concept of 0/1 which is undefined and formula for black holes and infinity Ramanujan Summation. About kalyug continuing it’s true the vibration is less and so we are helpless. Now do believe in god and just some doubts but most of them are cleared. Also the OM vibrates at 432Hz (4+3+2 = 9, the number of higher dimensions). And it was said everything is made from OM and reciting it for long helps neuros connect and think which means strong connection to the wifi… The number 9… We are making it vibrate, he also prayed to God all his life though changed a bit after 50.. and other god belief but that has nothing to do with me, do Deeds, good Deeds.