Might and Magic: Heroes VI is a popular mod series that has been developed over the years, with various mods and patches available for download. One such mod is the Shadow of Darkness (SoD) mod, which introduces two additional heroes with unique models per faction. Another mod, MAW Nightmare, is an immersive and game-changing addition to the game.
The Chaos Conspiracy (TCC) is a massive mod for MM6 that includes new mobs, quests, story, progression, and end-game area. It was created by BDJ, Vladimir-Maestro, Jeff, and others. The Ultimate Mod for Heroes IV by NimoStar provides wide screen support, UI spell optimizations, new abilities, spells, and units.
Despite these mods, Heroes VI remains a dead game with almost non-existent modding. A modification to the Shades of Darkness expansion adds additional heroes to the playable pool and fixes campaign problems in the base game. The new patch 2.1.1 from today allows all DLCs to be unlocked, even if the player only owns the base version of the game.
The Might and Magic 6 Mod offers more enjoyable and balanced gameplay, with options for normal monsters with +10 HP or +25 HP, and enhanced monsters with extra ranged/melee attacks/spells. However, due to the decommissioning of online services for Heroes of Might and Magic 6, players will be unable to use the online features of the game.
In summary, Might and Magic VI offers a variety of mods and patches to enhance gameplay and improve the overall experience.
📹 Might and Magic VI (Re)Review | Dementia™ Edition™
Special thanks to Paul Anthony Romero. Buy the entire Might & Magic Series, up to 85% off: https://www.gog.com/magicsseth …
This game is very famous in Korea for a different reason. It was because the translation was ridiculous and a very hilarious sentence was made. It is a style that was carefully translated by a human translator one by one without a machine help, and it is now called the ‘Waldo style’ named after a trap hunter who became famous for meme picture.
11:52 actual wikipedia edit Incident The game would generate infamy after two devoted players og Might and Magic VI, having recently lost their jobs, beat a homeless Indian man to death. Apparently, these two men, later identified as Samuel Hyde and Jon Jaffari, both influential imams of an infamous white sharia sect of Wahbbi Islaml, were convinced that the man they had recently beaten to death was, in fact not a poor indian man, but in fact a spellcaster in the article game which serves the in-game Cult of Baa. Both men have since walked free, somehow not sparking riots over such a clear breach of justice.
“Because nostalgia is a Hell of a drug, and my emotional cortex is holding me hostage, falsely associating the first time I played these games with the positive connotations of being a child… because they played before life got complicated, and they relate it to a simpler time.” Dang this Sseth vid just got a little too real lol
If people wonder about the massive reputation shifts from quests… it’s specifically in the MM6 part of the Merge. From what I understand, and recall from MM6, what’s going on is that MM6 used a different scale for reputation than the later games, with each individual point meaning less, so quests in turn had higher numerical values for the shifts. The Merge uses the MM8 scale but the original values for quest reputation gain/loss, with the result that in MM6 what was a ‘people distrust you a bit more’ quest becomes a ‘people hate you’ quest (and vice versa for reputation gain). Fixing this would require editing every single quest that gives or takes reputation in MM6, which haven’t been done. Yet, at least.
Great mod to be sure! I’ve had the privilege of giving the idea for the extra potions as well as the damage values for the different weapons and armors (so that youv’e got 15 different ones rather than say, 3 sets of 5 in terms of stats), also did some minor apparel repaints for the belts and crowns. Fun times!
Finally completed this game after many years, starting, of course, when I was too young to remember. I’ve tried twice before—as an adult—only to lose my save files. Played the vanilla experience, it took 47hrs. My reward? A certificate saying I’d beaten the game and access to this article. It was 100% worth it. Thanks Seeth!
I have no idea why youtube recommended this article today of all days. I’m not into RPG articlegames. My dad does though, and I think Might and Magic VI was the first one he played and completed several times. Today I found out that I only have a few days left with him. This brought back a lot of old memories, of him playing this game (which I thought looked lame) until very early in the morning, and the sound cues during fights, when time stops for turn based combat, I think. He was even planning on replaying this game recently, out of nostalgia, before falling irreparably ill. It hurts, man.
I Remember buying Might and Magic 3 in 1991 for my Packard Bell 286. Unfortunately, the Packard Bell 286 only 640 k of RAM. I had to upgrade to a full megabyte of RAM for about $125. I did this just to play that damned game. That is how my addiction to the franchise began. I still regularly play HOMM 2 and 3. I bought the 6 pack on GOG a couple of years ago, but had no idea about the mod. Now I have something to do tonight. Thanks, bro!
I’m not sure if these events are the reason for Seth’s prolonged absence but it’s certainly the most notable thing that has happened as of recently. Apparently, a small group of individuals doxed one of Seth’s friends, who was acting as one of his Discord moderators for the Merchant’s Guild, which led to his close family members getting harassed and the company he worked for getting faxes depicting loli porn – eventually driving him to file a police report. This culminated in Seth nuking his Discord. Another reason may be is Seth also getting doxed. Seth revealed on a stream that he was a Med student and recently published a paper using his real name (obviously); people put the two and two together and found out his real name and face and started posting it online (Though this doesn’t appear to be the first time Seth accidently doxed himself so it’s unlikely that this is the reason for his absence). In regards to the rumors surrounding the doxing. As far as I’m concerned, the people responsible for the doxing were just a bunch of extremely toxic shitheads. There is no evidence to suggest that the ones responsible were the developers of CoQ (Though it is no secret that the two communities are at odds with one another). On the bright side, it does appear that Seth is making another article.
Sseth I hope these last three months have been kind to you. As you can see myself and my fellow autists are eager for new content. However, even if you NEVER RETURN because a disgruntled ID Software employee shanked you with a sharpened 3.5in floppy disk, I hope you know that you have made me and other omega-males laugh like a fucking moron and I’m grateful for that.
10:08 Actually you do not need the telekinesis scroll there. They’ve likely put it there to make the players life easier, but you have also the option to go to the other end of the dungeon to search the other small switch which will lower the wall so you can use the button without a scroll or spell. I know it because I recently played through MM6 and I’ve gathered the knowledge of the other switch via the allmighty internet. I have no idea how people managed to beat the game back in the days, I tried but I was too stupid to solve all puzzles and quests in MM6 + 7 still great games if one can look up solutions if needed.
Greetings and salutations! Oh, this sure brought back memories! Love that there are others, too, that remember a whole lot of objectively pointless trivia, but endearing in nostalgia, of these quirky & strangely compelling games. My wife and I have a running joke of that one bug in Castle Ironfist, where upon going to the castle you were presented with a repeating “Let them pa – let them pa – let them pa”. You had to reload, no other way around it.
I haven’t played the mod in a while. I do like the graphical upgrade. You are right about some of the weather too especially the white-out conditions. What broke it for me was going into the first area shops only to find end game armor. Whoever did that doesn’t know the RPG crack formula that makes a game addictive. I would play again if I could just get the graphical updates plus bug fixes and nothing else. Don’t mess with perfection especially the sentimental kind.
“You’re refrigerator can run this game. Twice.” Imagine going to the fridge and getting a jug of milk while there’s a fish lady with big mommy amphibious mommy milkers on the screen. That’ll do things in the brain I’m sure. Shoutout to Chad Paul Anthony Romero for being an absolute chad. Picking this up for the OST just from his appearance and 9 takes. That dedication and passion that deserves it.
I had so many fond memories of HOMM\\MM series along with many other games in 90s and 2000s. I feel like that was the best years of PC gaming. You seemed to play every game I played when I was younger and that is fucking awesome. One game that I was curious if you or anyone else viewing my comment played was rage of mages 2. If so, I would love to see an review 🙂
There are a lot of weird similarities between Might and Magic lore and Stargate lore, Halo lore, and Warhammer lore. In Might and Magic, an advanced race of aliens known as the Ancients seeded life across the stars. They created a web of worlds linked by celestial gates that allowed instantaneous travel between them. During their expansion, the Ancients were attacked by a race of devil like aliens, the Kreegans. The Ancients seem to have disappeared but during their war with the Kreegans, they tried to collapse their celestial gate network to slow the Kreegans down. Many of the worlds seeded by the Ancients lost their technology and fell into barbarism. People are now rediscovering the lost history of the Ancients and Ancient technology is highly prized and seen as powerful magical/religious artifacts.
3:50 I’d rather have a joke about narcolepsy than nothing at all, since I think exposure to the general public is valuable. However, narcolepsy is always used as the butt of a joke. There was even a (car insurance?) commercial that made fun of narcolepsy. As someone with narcolepsy, it’s unfortunate that not many know of the disorder. But it’s perhaps worse that many have negative connotations with it or think it’s not a serious condition because it’s often used for humor. I love your vids and approve the joke, just wanted to rant.