Planetary degrees are crucial in astrology, as they determine the strength and influence of planetary placements in a birth chart. Each zodiac sign takes up 30 degrees, making a 360-degree wheel. To calculate planetary positions, astrologers use an astrological degree calculator, which takes into account the precise coordinates of celestial bodies at the time of an individual’s birth.
The degree theory looks at a zodiac wheel as consisting of 360 degrees, divided by 12. Each sign spans its own 30-degree space. To create a natal chart, place your index finger on the column marked 0 at the top and run it down the page until you come in line with figure 57 in the minute column.
The birth chart calculator displays your Personal Astrology Horoscope and planetary transits for the next three years, which describe major events. Input your birth date, precise birth time (hour/minute), and birthplace into the calculator to receive your free birth chart.
To calculate planetary degrees, count the number of whole signs between your two planets (x30) and add the degrees of the signs they’re in, only including the degree that is in the sign. The calculation method includes planets in signs, houses, conjunctions with angles, and rulers of the sun/moon/asc/mc.
📹 Manual Calculation of Planetary Positions – Jyothishya Basics (English)
Learn the basics of Vedic Astrology on Sri Vidya – Jyothishya Basics Youtube channel. This video is on manual calculation of …
📹 Degree of planets and Ascendant in Astrology
Detailed discussion on Degree of plants & Ascendant : An Insight.
Sir u have explained the basics of degree very well.. in the example given if 2° sun in lagna is weak for lagna..& because it’s remaining degree is in 12 th house(bhav chalit it will be in 12th I suppose) . so how will be the 12 th house sun results? weak because of its basic 2° or strong Because of remaining degree movement in 12th house.
सर मेरी लगन 9 नंबर की है, सूर्य(23. Degree) लग्न में है,(10 नंबर यानी 2nd हाउस में बुद्ध(7 degree) है,( 11 नंबर यानी 3rd हाउस में शनि देव(14 degree) है, 12 नंबर या चतुर्थ भाव में चंद्रमा( 16 degree) है 1 नंबर या पंचम भाव में केतु(17.36 degree)है पांच नंबर या नवम भाव में मंगल(8 डिग्री 41′) 11 नंबर या एकादश भाव में राहु(17 degree) और सर 12th हाउस में या द्वादश भाव में गुरु (12.20′) एवं शुक्र (6.41′) है सर आप कृपया जरूर बताए क्या मेरी government जॉब होगी या नहीं या मुझे कोई बिजनेस करना चाहिए 😒🙏🙏🙏🙏
Sir, I have a small doubt about the degree calculation plz help me out. If Kanya lagan’s 4th house is occupied by a guru (27 degrees) and Ketu (3 degrees) as we know that guru in Kendra along with Sagitarus will be the strong. As per the degree, it is an old state (Merit avastha) so how we can calculate the results. Will it give 100% results? Because of the guru in Kendra. Thank you in advance.