In Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, there is a new method to shiny hunt Pokémon without Herba Mystica farming. The Indigo Disk DLC offers a new type of meal that can be purchased to increase the chances of catching Shiny Pokémon. One method involves finding other types of Herba Mystica, found exclusively as a substitute for Salty Herba Mystica.
To increase your chances of finding Shiny Pokemon, you can try eating sandwiches and breeding Pokemon from different countries. However, you don’t need Salty Herba Mystica to find Shiny Pokemon. To obtain the Shiny Charm, you must complete Paldea’s Pokedex, which requires owning or capturing all 400 unique Pokemon in the base game.
To find Shiny Pokémon in Scarlet and Violet, you can use various items and methods to improve your odds. The Shiny Charm is essential for shiny hunting, and Herba Mystica is a great alternative. If you don’t have Herba Mystica, you can get a few if you don’t have them.
Outbreaks can be used to increase your chances of finding Shiny Pokémon. A combination of two Herba Mysticas, such as tomato, green pepper, or red pepper, can be used to make the process easier.
📹 The Best Shiny Hunting Sandwiches WITHOUT Herba Mystica
Edited by @blippyjacob #majinphil #shinyhunting #pokemonscarletandviolet.
📹 How to get Shinies WITHOUT Herba Mystica – Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
This is the method i have used to get over 50 Shiny Pokemon in Scarlet and i hope this video show you its possible to get shiny …
It’s funny, I was trying to get a shiny magikarp, going around beating magkarp in an outbreak when my younger cousin, who was doing a lot of shiny hunting, told me that it’s not a good idea to beat up the pokemon in an outbreak. I just shrugged and stopped fighting the magikarp but i got tired of waiting around for one to spawn (I didn’t realize you could get them to respawn by setting up a picnic at the time) when i went to the snowy area around the town with the ice gym leader or wherever Cetoddle spawns. I saw one Cetoddle looking a little darker than the others but I thought it was just how it was nigttime in the game so I just caught it anyways and it was a shiny lol I also caught a shiny diglett on accident when training near the one town with all the fields at.