The third eye chakra, also known as the Ajna chakra, is a central energy center in the brain, located at the brow, above the base of the nose. It is associated with higher knowledge, intuition, and the sixth sense, which helps perceive a cosmic vision beyond the physical world. In Hinduism, the third eye is often represented by a tilaka, a small mark at the center of a person’s lower forehead, and is considered to be your gateway to prophetic vision, psychic intuition, and seeing the future.
The third eye chakra is related to the “supreme element”, which is the combination of all the other chakras. It is often represented by a tilaka, a small mark at the center of a person’s lower forehead, and is considered to be your “supreme element”. In Buddhism, the third eye is often marked by the red dot known as bindu.
The third eye chakra is also associated with higher consciousness and emotional healing. When balanced, it enhances intuition and sharpens our sense of intuition. It is located in the center of the head, level with the eyebrows, and is responsible for the “internal screen” where memory, fantasy, images, archetypes, intuition, and imagination are displayed. From this, we create meaning and consciousness to everyday life.
The third eye chakra is often associated with religious visions, clairvoyance, the ability to observe chakras and auras, precognition, and out-of-body experiences. Third eye activation offers a crystal-clear understanding of one’s thoughts and emotions, promotes discernment of true intentions, and is responsible for inspiration and awareness. Opening the third eye is an allegorical reference to becoming enlightened, getting easy access to peace-of-mind and happiness.
In conclusion, the third eye chakra is a significant energy center in various religions, focusing on increasing intuition and awareness. By utilizing the techniques provided in this guide, individuals can unlock insights into their intuition, perception, and spiritual awareness.
📹 These Are the Signs That Your Third Eye is Opening
In this video you will learn about the most prominent ways you can tell if your Third Eye is opening. The 3rd Eye is activated once …
What does the third eye mean spiritually?
The third eye is a symbol of mystical intuition and insight, representing an inner vision beyond the physical eyes. It is traditionally depicted in the middle of the forehead and is associated with Shiva, a powerful Hindu god, representing wisdom and enlightenment. The term was first recorded in English in the early 1800s. Russian occultist Helena Blavatsky later claimed that the third eye was a non-physical capacity for “inner vision” possessed by humanity’s ancestors, and connected it with the pineal gland.
The third eye is also connected to one of the chakras, spiritual energy centers in Hindu tradition, specifically the Ajna chakra, located in the forehead. In the 1960s, Japanese scholar Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki described the overcoming of ignorance as opening the third eye. The Atlantic explored the connections between the third eye, chakras, the pineal gland, and new states of consciousness in a 1966 article titled “LSD and the Third Eye”. The third eye has also permeated more recent popular culture, such as San Francisco rock band Third Eye Blind.
What does a third eye mean spiritually?
The third eye is a symbol of mystical intuition and insight, representing an inner vision beyond the physical eyes. It is traditionally located in the middle of the forehead and is associated with the pineal gland, a spiritual energy center in Hindu tradition. The term “third eye” was first recorded in English in the early 1800s. Russian occultist Helena Blavatsky later claimed that the third eye was a non-physical capacity for “inner vision” possessed by humanity’s ancestors, and it was connected to the Ajna chakra, located in the forehead.
In the 1960s, Japanese scholar Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki described the overcoming of ignorance as opening the third eye. The Atlantic explored the connections between the third eye, chakras, the pineal gland, and new states of consciousness in a 1966 article titled “LSD and the Third Eye”. The concept of the third eye has also permeated more recent popular culture, such as the San Francisco rock band Third Eye Blind, formed in 1993.
Is it good to open your third eye?
Activating the third eye can potentially reduce anxiety and depression by increasing intuition, clarity of thought, and awareness of surroundings. Holistic practitioners believe that this leads to a decrease in anxiety and depression, promoting inner peace. Additionally, Griff Williams, founder of MindEasy and a qualified meditation teacher, suggests that opening the third eye can improve creativity, imagination, focus, and self-understanding. Overall, promoting the pineal gland activation can lead to a more balanced and positive mental health.
How do I unblock my third eye?
The third eye, an energy center located between the eyebrows, is thought to be activated through the practice of yoga and meditation. In religious traditions such as Hinduism and Taoism, the third eye is associated with mindfulness and awakening. In Hinduism, the third eye is represented by a tilaka, which is considered to be the sixth primary chakra. In Buddhism, the third eye is associated with mindfulness and the state of being awakened.
What is the emotion of the third eye chakra?
The third eye chakra is linked to the emotional body, promoting clairvoyance, intuition, and self-awareness. It is associated with visualization, discernment, and imagination, and helps develop an impersonal mind. The chakra helps us transcend thoughts, worries, and fears, and deepen our understanding of ourselves. The mental body is connected to the third eye, which holds a unique combination of facts, fears, personal experiences, and memories buried deep within the subconscious mind.
When activated, both hemispheres of the brain work together, helping us transcend dualistic thinking and achieve a deeper connection to our inner self. This chakra is essential for balancing and unblocking the power within the body.
How do you know if your third eye is blocked?
A blocked third eye chakra can cause physical symptoms like blurred vision and sensitivity to light, as well as difficulties staying focused and maintaining concentration. This chakra is associated with physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances. To heal a blocked third eye chakra, it is essential to address the physical and emotional imbalances associated with this energy center. Some effective ways to heal this chakra include awareness of symptoms, addressing physical and emotional imbalances, and practicing yoga and meditation.
Some yoga asanas can help activate the third eye chakra, such as the downward dog pose, which can help in reducing stress and anxiety. By addressing these imbalances, we can improve our overall well-being and overall well-being.
How to unblock the third eye chakra?
Meditation is a powerful tool for realigning energy and strengthening intuition. It involves practicing yoga, deep breathing, pranayama breathing, mindfulness, dream journaling, positive affirmations, and spending time in the sun. To activate the third eye chakra, sit in a quiet, comfortable location, close your eyes, and focus on the point between your brows. Allow thoughts to come and go, whisper a phrase or word to help open the third eye, and chant the sound om or aum while meditating.
Use hand mudras to channel energy, such as making a heart with your hands and lifting your middle fingers into a triangle. Make meditation a part of your daily routine to keep your third eye open and active every day. By incorporating these practices, you can improve your overall well-being and enhance your ability to see things more clearly.
What are the signs of the third eye opening?
The opening of the third eye has the potential to facilitate spiritual growth. However, it may also result in heightened sensitivity to light, overwhelming sensations, or vivid dreams. The implementation of grounding and protective practices can assist in the management of these experiences. The activation of the third eye can be achieved through various practices, including meditation, visualization techniques, and specific yoga postures that target the ajna chakra.
What is the power of the third eye?
The third eye is a symbol of enlightenment and spiritual growth, particularly in Eastern spiritual practices. It is often associated with religious visions, clairvoyance, and the ability to observe chakras and auras. In Hinduism, the third eye is the ajna chakra, located around the middle of the forehead, slightly above the eyebrow junction. Hindus place a “tilaka” between the eyebrows as a representation of the third eye, which is also seen on expressions of Shiva.
The “Tryambaka Deva” or the three-eyed lord, with his third eye symbolizing knowledge and evil detection, is also depicted with three horizontal lines in the middle of his forehead. In Buddhism, the third eye is considered the “eye of consciousness”, representing the vantage point from which enlightenment beyond physical sight is achieved. Buddhists use an urna to represent the third eye, and it is discerned on the deity Buddha.
Is it OK to open your 3rd eye?
Activating the third eye can potentially reduce anxiety and depression by increasing intuition, clarity of thought, and awareness of surroundings. Holistic practitioners believe that this leads to a decrease in anxiety and depression, promoting inner peace. Additionally, Griff Williams, founder of MindEasy and a qualified meditation teacher, suggests that opening the third eye can improve creativity, imagination, focus, and self-understanding. Overall, promoting the pineal gland activation can lead to a more balanced and positive mental health.
How powerful is the third eye chakra?
The sixth chakra is a vital energy system that influences our perception of the world. It is responsible for our intuition, memory, and perception of our surroundings. When open, it leads to a strong imagination and a clear understanding of our desires. Conversely, when closed, it can lead to insensitivity, poor memory, and difficulty visualizing the future. This can result in denial or monopolarization, where one sees only one way and believes it’s the only right way.
A deficiency in the third eye chakra can make it difficult to follow intuition, make decisions, visualize the future, or achieve goals and dreams. Therefore, it is essential to maintain a balance between the six chakras to ensure optimal functioning and growth.
📹 What Does The Bible Say About Opening The Third Eye?
How To Open Your Third Eye,Third Eye,Pineal Glad,Third Eye Pineal Gland,Minds Eye Bible,Jesus and the Third Eye,Pineal …
I’m so happy Sarah is on the scene speaking about these esoteric topics in an accessible way. I was in the process of leaving the high-demand religion I was raised in, and it was during that time my third eye started opening. I distinctly remember years ago holding and rocking my toddler son while preparing him for his nap, when I felt that extreme pressure in my forehead. It happened a handful of times while I was going through that ritual of hugs and rocking to settle him in for sleep. I understand now the timing of that event and why it unfolded as it did. It all makes sense.
I feel so “child-like” in this spiritual awakening. In one aspect it’s a beautiful feeling of innocence and wonderment. In another, the obtainment and embodiment of these teaching’s feel so far away; just as a child cannot fully comprehend themselves in adulthood as they dream of the self grown-up and matured. It can be a frustrating process. This density can be so illusive and heavy, but I’m forever trying. I highly value your teaching’s Sarah. Thank you for sharing with us ❤
Absolute truth every last bit of it right down to the pounding headaches! I’ve noticed that once you get past the level of the Christ complex you start to develop a humility. And then you see yourself as the conduit for the universe. When you share that energy all-you-can experiences is gratitude for the Awakening. It’s an extremely humbling experience. There is Unconditional love for those that you share this knowledge with. And the best part of it is that you don’t have to walk door-to-door, Those that are seeking will ultimately find you, it happens that way all the time! Thank you Sarah
I think that it is important to note that emotions and states of being are fleeting. I have had all of these signs and the next day be in a situation where I am back in a primitive state. My point is that it is extremely hard to remain in an enlightened state. The one verse in the Bible, I hold on to and others find comfort in, “This, too, shall pass”. Not just the pain, situation, happiness, or sadness but enlightenment, too. You can always remember it, but feeling it is elusive. ❤
Love this! I had a physical manifestation while I was going through a very intense and probably manic awakening where I got a sore spot between my eyebrows where my third eye is, and then it proceeded to become a painful open sore which scabbed up and everything. My doctor did tests because she thought it might be one of those flesh-eating bacteria or something but the test came back showing nothing at all, just a seemingly random sore, so now I have a hypo-pigmented white spot between my eyebrows. I’m still integrating it all but for a while there my dreams were suuuper vivid and my senses were on high. Now I just need to learn to let it in in a more balanced manner…💚
Thank you Sarah, i can actually see my third eye open, what i mean is when i close my eyes, i see another eye open, it feels so strange to actually see it. secondly i see energy all around me, the most tinyest particals moving like shimmering lights, the first time this happend i was 40 years old standing on a beach in blackpool uk and my nose just quite litrally started to bleed and i fainted. the energy was so strong. i must admit though i have been able to feel energy my entire life, but you have just given a perfect example of how this happens, thank you so much.
I’ve had a pain (sharp pressure) in my third eye region since I was a child. The pain would be magnified however when there were sharp corners in a room as if they were cutting into the region. I’d have to cover it with my hand or clothing sometimes. It still happens time to time but I’ve been meditating and diving deep into consciousness for more than a decade now and my meditations revolve around focusing on the third eye for sometime now.
I am in such appreciation for your wisdom being shared. As I flow through my spiritual journey, I am trusting in the right people, Lincoln Gerber who websites Higher self has been a God sent. His teaching feels very true and heart centered to me. It has been a long decade, with many highs and lows until I have gotten to this point. Having another true teacher like yourself in my Arsenal has given me more confidence to use discernment in a more sure footed way. I don’t know what to make of some of these new terminology, Stareseed, Lightworker ect. but I am sure they will come to light if meant to be known. I am starting to see, and feel how blessed I am within the struggles and that life is truly Perfect! 💮
I have things, including visions, that happen. Nothing has scared me, but a few times I’ve jumped bc I wasn’t prepared for what happened. This morning was the 1st I had high pitched ringing in my left ear. I let it do what it was going to do. It lasted 20-30 seconds. This was very specific, as in I could “feel” the ringing along with hearing. The collective is busy and a very exciting time to be here on earth. I do sage and block all negative energy on the regular. S.M.I.L.E 💚 Sending My Infinite Love Everywhere 💫💚💫
My guru said « Morality is the base for *sadhana, without yama and niyama (inner and outer conduct) sadhana is an impossibility, hence the Lords command is also to follow Yama and Niyama *Sadhana; inner and outer wellbeing, spiritual effort to merge with God, meditarion Thanks for sharing the knowledge Sarah Namaskar 🙏🏼😛💙
All of those symptoms plus the ear ringing. Never both ears at same time. Has been on and off last couple weeks but generally at least twice a day ear ringing in my right ear. Lasts approximately 8 to 10 seconds. Occasionally in my left lately it’s been louder or higher pitched. .. I AM presense is beautiful & peaceful. Thank you Sarah 😊 💓 beautiful loving light
I relate to a lot of the stuff about developing a sense of morality or right action (dharma), and having a messiah complex, but that mostly happened to me when growing up as a kid and later as a teenager, around the time I achieved self-realization. But somewhere along the line I went astray and it closed up due to trauma, negative experiences and general ignorance. Now I’ve been having to put in all the work to open it up again, and have been feeling occasional pressure in my forehead, but it’s been a long process, with a lot of ups and downs. And it sorta comes and goes.
I just could never feel the pressure people refer to, and I am sure mine is activated. I deal with intense high pitched ringing in the middle of my head, accompanied with a “light” mind, and a feeling that I am about 1 foot out of my own body, extreme knowing, and more recently my subconscious being very much communicating to me in thought forms and impressions. I know it’s not me because I can communicate back to it. And at any point that I express doubt, it will instantly come up with a new way to communicate the same concepts using something I know no matter how much I ask. This is not in a voice, but sometimes I feel like there’s something between that makes it something i understand clearly in words. I’m an engineer and never believed this stuff so it’s all wild
Thank you I really enjoyed that. I’ve been lost after leaving Jehovah’s Witnesses 12 years ago and then going down the divisions of every other religion. I’m willing to open up my 3rd eye and experience the oneness you’re talking about. Your light shines and that’s what I want. I’ve spent my whole life looking for spiritual truth.
I feel a crackling like snap crackle pop in my brain and a slight discomfort of cracking open of the heart and extreme crown chakra tingling and energy. Yes the Neo thingy is going on big time right now along with going into the heart and aligning with soul and really so aware of the voices of the mind now, they are so separate right now from my conscience. This is a very exciting time, also a little tiring and a little like being in wonderland, thanks
I had to laugh at that last part the Neo thing that was me at 20 remember telling me telling my girlfriend how lucky she was to have me as her boyfriend,.. I didn’t go into detail with her why that was,… You’re absolutely right character development is a necessary safeguard to be able to handle these higher energies,.. without the necessary morality or character it could be dangerous.. And unhealthy,…thank you Sarah for this article, you always bring more light to everything,… bless you.
Balance and right action. 💜Jesus Christ I’m so happy that this is coming online. Sometimes right action may not feel kind or nice. Bringing guilt and shame. Or the feeling of doing something that may look like you should be punished for. I’m realizing once we are successfully anchored in our right actions clears all that insecurities related to right action. Sarah you have done it again. I ask and I receive. Much gratitude my dear. 💜⭐️💜 I’ve literally been so unbalanced. Really questioning the way that I perceive things. Been seeing a chiropractor that does sacral cranial therapy and this has been very helpful. I find my mind is so over loaded with information it’s difficult to see through the activity. make decisions are difficult. I was asking this about my eyes, pulsing so much. The pupils stay fixed very small. 💜⭐️💜
Thank you dearest 🕊💫💝🙏🏼💝💫🕊 a while ago I experienced a profound moment, where I truly felt the oneness with all, quite all of a sudden, it was startling and amazing, felt complete and totally without judgement on anything or anyone. Hope to experience this more often in near future. Hope every “seeker” to experience this (and for a longer period of time) in near future🕊💫💝🙏🏼💝💫🕊
So awesome that I just now have this article pop up in my feed when just earlier I was asking myself if indeed my third eye’s been opened and the energy I am seeing is in fact due to that or if I had an ocular floater. Thankfully what you’ve described in this article resonated 100%!!! Spot on. Just spot on. Thank you.
Madam Sarah Thank You Sharing Amazing knowledge. Excellent work. Learned how to Travel in Time. I have cracked Pharaohs 3rd Eye Activation instantly In 15Seconds with full control over it. It’s easier then switching on your computer. Amazing. Every Time I watch your articles every time or again and again gaining mystical knowledge I wish to join your academy. Please keep up Thanks
I get migraines when the pressure changes in the weather. I don’t see auras etc but I will stare at clouds in the sky in amazement and my heart will race. My dreams though are ridiculously vivid and I remember tons of things. I think I process things that I am working through during the day. Thank you Sarah💫. I am at peace with my third eye opening when it’s ready to. I have had some things happen to me though… early 20s.. I don’t want to put detail, take too much space. I was laying down,.. something inside my heart and mind.. burst open, hard to explain. I started crying, my body was flooded with energy I couldn’t move. I was telling my Mom that God, the Source loves everyone and will save the world.. I kept repeating that love will save the world. I felt like I was wrapped in a warm blanket full of love. I don’t have any frame of reference for what happened. It felt like I was suddenly connected to God directly. It happened while I was grieving about my life, the animals, people and world. Afterwards I had a sense of peace.. and a bit of WTH just happened LoL. ✨❤️✨🐾👣🌍💯✨
Since I commenced this journey upon your “accidental” entrance in my life Sarah, absolutely crazy experiences have unfolded…more reactive to my environment?…whoa. Changes in diet?…whoa. Weird “comes & goes headache” between the eyes…whoa. New foreign routines that have come out of nowhere?…whoa. I can’t take credit as I’m simply following my gut & blindly absorbing as many vids/courses I can get my hands on. I do know this…I feel connected to something wayyyy more powerful & I’m in for the long haul. Knowing is the enemy of learning so I’m a very content idiot at present. Next I suppose is the vid on practices to open the 3rd eye. Namaste’
It truly IS as you described, when this experience was happening to me several years ago, it was so difficult to integrate and balance these energies, but what truly helped was realising it was not I, but the desire to make me an instrument of His Peace on earth, not my will but Thy Will be done. Humility is the key. ❤
In just over 12 minutes you’ve answered questions I’ve had regarding recent “symptoms” I’ve been experiencing. I was excited but also concerned. This is all new to me and happening very fast. I have been asking questions as to whether or not what I was experiencing was normal. If the symptoms would increase, change, or if more symptoms would present themselves. Heightened senses – check Visual movement – check It’s like I can see molecules alive and moving/waving in my peripherals. Comes and goes. I often will look in the direction of movement. Head pressure – check Dream activity – check I’ve always experienced this one on a more active level. Morality – Been calling this an emotional complex, and would like to learn more about this. Food sensitivity – check I’ve also experienced a higher level of fatigue. This was the only symptom that wasn’t touched on. It’s possible this one is unrelated though.
The key I believe is what was mentioned in the beginning of the article that the energy needs to come from an awakened heart center. That seems really challenging. I even read in a medical article that we cannot feel pain in the heart, what we feel is what is called referred pain. So even on a physical level we are in our ordinary consciousness disconnected from our hearts.
i actually experienced these feelings you describe of pressure and pounding in my third eye, as if something was expanding in the middle of my brain. It even blinded me. Happened a few times once i remember while meditating another time i was listening to a great lecture by an amazing professor. I long wondered if what was happening to me was related to the third eye but you now confirmed it for me. wonderful! i do feel like a messiah sometimes lol
Yes. I can feel energies. I could feel a pressure in my third eye years ago and still get this now. I can still remember when I started to snap out of the programming properly, I was perusal a article that showed seal clubbing and I cried my eyes out and that night when I went to bed I dreamt of the eye in the sky just above a pyramid and it was perusal me everywhere. I ran in to a pyramid to get away from it and saw some figures in some robes stood in a circle, I remember thinking there was 13, I snuck past them and climbed up a rope that was in the middle of the circle then woke up from my sleep.
Hi Sarah, this is kind of random ( or is it ? ) but I’ve noticed that a lot of the spiritual teachers & speakers that I’ve been perusal lately have a similar beauty mark/birth mark on their lower necks- such as you do. I also have one on the lower right side of my neck. I was wondering if you have any thoughts about this…? Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and thank you for your content, you help me tremendously. 💚
Thank you for this beautiful and informative content…I have been experiencing a third eye awakening for the past year or so during my trauma healing process. I didn’t know that’s what it was until now. That last sign of the messiah complex was quite confusing and even scary…I had dated men from Muslim, Christian, and Jewish roots so I literally thought I was the Buddha incarnate in an Asian female body and/or the antichrist lol. Not sure about the pressure, but definitely more sensitive to people’s energy and way less tolerant of toxic people, foods, topics, sounds, pollutants, etc. The vivid dreams have been challenging because while I can definitely sense the beneficial recalibration between sleep and wake consciousness, I have had some intense astral projections after my aya ceremony in which I have made contact with deceased loved ones, demonic entities, and my wounded inner child. Overall it has been an enormously healing and beautiful awakening ascension, but it has required some courage, tenacity, and a lot of faith!
I’ve experienced this energy flowing up my spine. At first it just happened without really knowing how to control it. Now i can control it. It comes with an intense sense of pleasure running from the base of the spine up to the top of the head (also felt in the legs). It mostly runs up the backside of the body, rather than the front. 🙏🌎❤️🔥
This has been my experience. Today I noticed that objects are glistening and much more vivid in colour. I am also having thought forms enter my mind that I experienced in childhood. There are a lot of pleasing visuals traveling through my mind of various levels of vibrancy, colour and movement that strike me as indication of third eye opening.
I had a perfect working 3rd eye and then my left orbital socket came into direct hard contact with concrete when I tripped in darkness & fell 5 years ago. For years when I closed my eyes to meditate, all I could see was black for the longest time. It was very challenging. Finally began seeing things about 4-5 months ago again I guess it is healing.
My intuition and spiritual connection to God or Source was close from early childhood. In 2020 my awakening went into TURBO drive. Coincidentally (or not) in 2021 I was diagnosed Narcolepsy with Cataplexy. I literally go into REM sleep within 5 minutes at any given time of day. The landscape of my “reality” and my “dreamscape” is most definitely blurred. Even prior to this time my dreams have been very detailed and I always woke up tired. It sounded really crazy in the past, but I felt like I never had a break! I worked during the day and I went to sleep to work my Night Shift in another entirely different reality. The storyline continued. The dreams did not repeat. However, I can’t choose what happens in the dreams. It’s very scary sometimes. I’ve never been drunk in my entire life, but I’ve had many times I go to sleep and wake up in a different part of my bed, with my things relocated. To make things more interesting, since November 2019 to November 2021, I had 5 near death experiences. I’ve been picking up the pieces since. I spent nearly one month hospitalized with COVID-19 pneumonia. In 2022, I was diagnosed with sleep apnea. Just these two sleep disorders make my wake/sleep cycles very interesting. It’s scary not knowing where I am when I wake up. All this chaos has surrounded me, but I have my children nor I have lacked. I’m abundant in joy, spirit & love. At times I do wonder why? Can the neurological damage found on the MRIs be related to the spiritual awakening? I know I’m living the consequences/results of neglect/abuse of pushing through all challenges.
Thanks for this interview. திருமந்திரம் says consoiusness can’t be explained. The song is. 2944 முகத்திற் கண்கொண்டு காண்கின்ற மூடர்காள் அகத்திற் கண்கொண்டு காண்பதே ஆனந்தம் மகட்குத் தாய்தன் மணாளனோடு ஆடிய சுகத்தைச் சொல்லென்றால் சொல்லுமாறு எங்ஙனே. Meaning of this song is no one can share or copy the sexual experience of husband and wife. Specially a mother to her daughter. Still you can get your own experience by opening the. (துரியம்) agna point during meditation process ( needs 15-20yrs years to open) ..
Great article . Greek “neos”, new, young, fresh, recent…… . my 3rd eye hums this ecstatic feeling, perfect tone, not like a tinnitus ring it did at first years ago now it’s the most pleasant hum. When im connected to source in this present moment, the awakening is just a consequence of remaining in the present moment, this present moment is inevitable it cannot be any other way. I try not to get to attached to the visions, there is no color smell taste etc in source. The space between the space allows one to see the illusion.🙏
Hi Sarah. Great article. I’ve been going through the awakening process for about 8 years now. About 2 years ago I had a very strange feeling in my head. It felt like a wall was moving in the middle of my brain – Like it moved into position and clicked my 2 hemispheres together. I was wondering if you have ever heard of this?
Merci, tu apportes des reponses aux questions que je me posais, comme une pression a l’occasion sur le front, gonflement au niveau de la digestion, des halucinations au reveil de depuis plusieur années. J’adore tes explications qui complete ou confirme ce que je sais. Je suis entrain d’écouter tout tes articles, avec le traducteur malheureusement. Je t’adore, merci encore! 😘
I am Aqua & work out 6 days a week for 3 hours a day. At about two hours my forehead starts feeling like a pressure is shooting out. I use my knuckle to push against the pain and it goes away in about two minutes. Happened tonight about 4 times. Next weird thing, I commented to a brown eyed friend tonight that I could see Blue in the center of her eyes and did she have contacts in? No. I stared and it came and went a couple times, I said maybe it’s just the fluorescent lights and no blood in my brain from exhaustion… now I just watched your article and wonder if I saw magic coming out of her eyes. Fun stuff!
My third eye opens about 10 minutes into meditation – the negative image of an eye begins to pulse open & closed. Then the image fills with blue in the center surrounded by orange. That’s when animal images begin appearing which I intuit to be my spirit guides. Anyone else experience something similar?
As i was listening to you i suddenly remembered a recent dream where i saw hundreds of eyes. I have been feeling sensations on my forehead and doing intense healing on myself and feeling a lot of energymovig thru my body for the last 7 weeks. Wonder if this is all related, at the time i just wondered why there were so many eyes looking at me. Just found your website in the last few days. Thank you.
Thank you Sarah this article was very helpful. What are the “chains” or “threads” of light energy called? I first began seeing them after about 6-12 months after starting regular meditation. They float in the air. I’ve also seen flashes of white light. Sometimes blue light. I get pulses of energy in my forehead too. If I meditate a lot I become more aware of movements out of the body during sleep.
Huge Question??? Have you ever heard of a waking dream? I was sleeping and dreaming and I woke to use the restroom. I was awake and I closed my eyes and in full color and all detail I was finishing the dream!!! I have never had this or heard of this. It was amazing and mind blowing at the same time. I want to know more about this. Has anyone here had this before?
This was great….had every symptom of tbis. My dreams are off the chart for years I would dream it then would happen but has calmed down a lot! Also was just talking to my other psychic friend what are the sparkles I see every where out of the corner of my eye.? She said 3 rd eye as opening as well. I see it everywhere and looks like streamers some days. I am more clairvoyant, empath and remote viewer. Now these sparkles ✨ are everywhere!! Is this just more of my neo cortex opening. ?
Thank you, very interesting. While I don’t ever recall having experienced pressure in the region of my third eye, or any dramatic changes associated with it, I do seem to have a lot of the characteristics of one who has an opened third eye. As a matter of fact, as long as I can remember I have been able to read energy and know things that other people didn’t. I’ve always felt sovereign and had pretty good discernment and awesome guidance. So I’m guessing some people can be born with a third eye open, at least to a certain degree, but my question would be does it continue to expand?
recently got to the point where I can feel that “pressure” between my eyebrows on demand. And now whenever I sleep and dream, everything is hyper realistic as if I am sleep walking. Sometimes I’m just floating above my bed in the darkness of my room. Or just sitting there in my room. been pretty cool so far.
Morality: Do no harm to any sentient being. This includes ourselves. Discernment is key, one must know who one’s self is, and where those boundaries of self are in order to discern influences that come from outside the individual. Self knowing is essential, and morality is the first common denominator for establishing those definitions of “self” with a solid moral compass. Many of us have been required to “reset” that moral compass due to the lies we are all drowning in. Start by looking at your own thoughts, words, actions through this lens; Do no harm to any sentient being including yourself. Look inward friends. The world outside has lied about the nature of reality, and our place within it.
Hi. Let me tell you brief summary of how I began to open my third 👁 I was on the path for many years, but still living a life of a street sage and somewhat masochistic. I got killed by 3 guys but had an experience I wrote a book about then suddenly woke up in an ambulance alive and with seemingly less injuries than I thought I endured. Then last year, the physical trauma from that night was haunting me and I was living alone and isolated in a rural area. I allowed myself to drink again..not for long. I said. Oh no. I Know a terrible thing has to happen to me if I keep doing this.. And a couple of weeks after starting again after not drinking for 4 years…I unusually drank a bottle of whiskey and drove into a telephone pole at 50 mph. As soon as I crashed, I was set free of alcohol. I made sure no broken bones were sticking out…lol…then looked in the rear view mirror at myself and said “Thank you God for not killing me again this time” then I remembered. My third eye truly began to open this glorious night, as my truck smoked and the telephone pole crashed down on my truck with love wires landing nearby. Every story in our lives I great. Since then, my only work has been to continue to eliminate the 7 deadly sins from my heart. That’s just one of an infinite way of putting it. I look forward to meeting with Sarah someday soon and I visualize us talking to eachother on stage for everyone to hear us. Thank you to anyone who read this. I love you. If you watch any of my old articles, I want to let you know.
Dearest Sarah, i hve a question to ask, it happened a couple of times already, when i take my afternoon nap, lying on my back i would get these very vivid beautifull bright coloured images by my 3 rd eye space and then i would kind wake up a bit, and it’s like i don’t want it to stop, so i keep my eyes close and then get other images as well and then eventually it fades, please explain what this means?? Thanks, love & blessings 😇😇😇🤗🤗🤗💕💕💕🙏🙏🙏
As a Tibetan let me explain an ancient learning. Ancient monk Tibetan used to spend 7 years deep meditation, detaching themselves from everything’s family society work friend food or clothing. They would live eat as simple as possible barely talk just meditation sleep and working in silent inside the monastery. After these 7 years sometime more or less if you have exceptional attitude the great monk will make the process of the third eye open. Step by step within 21 days it will ne open. Nowdays people think that everything is like fast food quick and easy. Illusion has become reality in your believing in madness… Peace the mind switch off your television which is lies for your vision, mobile with it’s blue light which is no good for your brain receptors, turn off the sounds not to hears nonsense and read good books deep your mind with good spirit and be patient very patient.
Going through some change and a deeper realization of taking nothing personal. As it is our selves that choose (unconsciously) to indentyfy with the words or behaviors of others as they reflect not only themselves but as you reflect yourself from who you think they are and what you think and feel from your own perspective and vice versa. Take nothing personal, don’t assume, be impeccable with your word and do your best. Anyway listening to music having a reflective day of doing my best to feel my feeling (as of lately I tend to avoid them). We are creators of our reality in such a way that at this moment in time “I” can’t seem to believe we are such indepth creators I have an idea but the concept is so unbelievably large that …..well you get the point. Listening to music and all of a sudden I hear this voice and it’s a spoken word poem. Jail break by Sarah Elkhaldy and the synchronicity of it was a perfect reflection of my inner monologue. It’s small/ big things that help reinforce the idea that we are creating everything. Anyway Sarah, thank you for your words. They help me remember. Peace to you
Hi Sarah, I am Jeff, I have been having some strange things happening lately and that is nothing new I have seen beings thru the veil for along time,not to mention cryptic beings, ships and beings not from here, but lately like this afternoon I started perusal your article on the third eye mine is open been open a long time, I am listening to what you are saying,the first couple of minutes of your article and after a couple of minutes of you talking you started repeating everything again ! It’s like I know what your gonna say,what you are wearing, and everything about your article after a couple of mint it’s starts all over again. Does that make sense ? My mind tells me what your gonna say just like I am perusal the article and then after a couple of minutes it’s starts all over again so I listen to the first two minutes twice and I only started the article once it almost every day . Very strange . I don’t know what to make of it,. I know that I am very powerful and also a energy healer . I would like to know your thoughts . I feel like it is something I need to open up more .
I have been dreaming dreams sense childhood and i have had loud ringing in both ears my whole life. I have major headaches my life and pressure on my forehead. I have a sense of knowing i am not alone but yet physically Iam alone. I crave water nature peace and quiet. I watch less and less TV and i deleted all social media. I don’t use a cell phone. I know some things are off and yet I am tired after over stimulation around people. I first prayed at age 3 but at age 10 i began asking TMHYAH who i am and why am i here?
My spiritual journey is awesome. I do it home by myself and I practice witchcraft and I bless myself and environments everytime. I meditate whever I do a ritual. I’m actually texting you after doing a ritual of attraction. My morality is almost strict, indeed everybody says it, but are always so marveled by it❤I talk with living beings in animal bodies a lot, I attract them as much as I do with any other living being. I love this, because also my grandma is a witch. A herbal one mostly, like me, but I also attract energies. I can feel the energies somebody sents me eveytime and according to that, it influences my mood. It is really awesome, because I know I can help, as much I know that they have to believe in themselves and not seeking for somebody to solve their problems. Cause help is always there, but you CAN DO IT❤❤even without anybody’s help but yours. Becuase your help is the first one coming up❤❤❤ And asking for help IS helping yourself❤
Doing good darling. Keep working at it. 🙂 That’s what I figured. I remember quickly laughing when I concluded,”So that means I must be Jesus.” It was funny because, I had no idea who or what Jesus was. I told my self,No, it is obviously a trait of higher vision. So I started thinking how to save the world. It ended in me being kidnapped, and eventually I escaped. My advise is; writing an itinerary doesn’t seem to help when naked at 7-11. Also it doesn’t matter how many guns you bring, no one cares. And so, the super computers didn’t get my message until later. So later as God ..
i have had a pressure over eyebrows for months now also I have been looking into the skys and noticing a lot of things I can’t explain and seeing orbs frequently when others don’t seem to notice.. I am very aware of morality and I have had numerous people that need some sort of help come to me not even asking for things sometimes but I recognize what they need and am able to help most
If one compares symptoms of schizophrenia and 3rd eye awakening you’ll find they have a lot in common. If one is coerced you may be better off as opposed to awakening unknowingly. Awakening in toxic environments can have a psychotic effect. (I’d like to hear more about the positive and negative effects of coercion in another article)
I had chronic migraines most of my life since I can remember so imagine those two hemispheres never talking to each other well……….and even then could feel and see it but the pain. Clinical EFT Techniques, it’s amazing how tapping on the meridians of the body aligns all parts and start making the juices flow right. That fear problem you were talking about two articles ago………alos not a problem when regularly tapping and shadow work is not that scary either cause you can use all negative stuff and it gets realigned and integrated. Not sure why only a few million people use them when they are so easy, free and effective. eft universe, learn them right and free~
For a long time I get a chill/tingeling feeling when animal notice me, feel it the most when wild animals see me. I was aware of the feeling and played around with it. At one time during a walk i felt the tingle and I looked a few 100 meters ahead of me, and there was a cat staring at me. Is this a vibration the animal send out or how is it explained? 🙂
Omgoodness, how do u know everything to say. I would be stuck still in furocious Quantum Entanglement if it weren’t for ur leadership. I thank God for u. My heart is immensely pure, I never never say anything mean, hurtful or that’s not uplifting. My comment was intended to inform people that ‘one would ‘feel’ unquestionably different than just a normal state. Ud know. At those Times remain humble un-boastly. C then . Peace Luv Cheer Unity
How do we relieve the 3rd eye pressure ? And what could it mean to feel a tingling in the lower back region the morning during sleep usually followed by a darker or more “scary ” dream that wakes me up. Why the tingling and why a negative dream after that? Thank you! Any info would be greatly appreciated
I’ve been having sinus, neck pain, dizziness and headaches. All my life I’ve been aware of odd things happening in my life which goes back to before I was in school and possibly before or just before I was born. I also get premonitions 0f things that actually happen once in a while. Is there anybody out there that can help me with some advice even though I don’t see these things as negative. I would like some insight.
So true, I was from extreme happiness, to total panic attack, seeing beings everywhere, even stopped eating at all because the food had eyes 🤣, the paradollia was massive. Then blocked again, in the last solar flares became open, but not full, just now I was trying to see your shapeshifter avatar, and almost did but still too fantasmagoric, not factual as the first time I saw the beings.
Has anyone ever experienced a very loud buzzing and distortion in the head during meditation? It scared my analytic mind so bad I pulled out of my meditation a bit. It was so powerful my ear buds I was listening with went distorted as well. Not sure what was happening but thought I’d see if anyone could relate: I do deep energy center meditations but this was a first for me as I pulled lots of energy from the root up to crown..: thank you in advance
Thank you, Sarah. Is the throbbing always a sign of the third eye opening, or a Tumor…? This is my fear. All joking aside: what are your thoughts on Psychedelics in aiding in this opening. Some writings such as the Kybalion, Kundalini, and others advise against them, stating that the forcing open of the eye could be damaging to both the third eye and your relation to the unconscious. Thoughts? Thanks much!!
The energy for my third eye is actually kind of crazy aside from the usual chi energy spinner exercise meditation projection demonstration etc that I do, I’m also able to place stones of all sizes and wait so long as they are relatively flat on one side, and I can keep it there all day while I’m working or whatever. I’ve seen a lot of Tik-Tok articles but I haven’t seen anybody talk about or make a article doing it to yet . Keep in mind that I am 33 years old and my birthday is August 10th, I’ve been open to this stuff since 2013.. if you have any thoughts that would be greatly helpful 🙏🙏🤘🤘☯️♾️❤️❤️🙏😇🎶🎵🎶🎵
I do not know anything about the third eye I’m here to figure out why I feel like something is slightly moving between my eyebrows I have tried researching about it but found nothing so I decided to type third eye on YouTube hoping that I will find an answer. I seen literally all the Angel numbers sometime I see them like this 1212 the 1221 1313 1331 etc
Mine was being able to perceive energy but it was almost like I could feel all the energy around me and then I would have this understanding of why people were experiencing everything they were experiencing or why they were doing the things they were doing. It was almost like seeing the code in the matrix like Neo except it was an intuitive energy perception.
im stalked with 3rd eye opening while im asleep drom people i know i had No idea what wasvhappening to me in alot of pressure pain but my mind was open sn i stared realizing things i bever knew now just trying to control it. it was done shile i was aslerp. i opened my 3rdcete by mysekf after this happenedvsn ut opened aright upbi was almost scared but it was unreal!!
It’s funny, I could tell you have alot of real world experience with this process because I was able to open mine about 7 years ago I wasn’t even trying to it just happened while meditation. When it first happened to you did you feel a massive explosion in your forehead ? I did and although at the time I didn’t know much about the third eye I knew exactly what just happened.
I used to have an awakening third eye as it was pounding frequently. Unfortunately, I used a toothpaste to clear my pores on my face 2 weeks ago and by the same night, there is a small bump on the 3rd eye area and I now started having very bad mouth ulcers. Not sure all these are related but, I still have the small bump on my forehead. What should I do?
What if i have the knowingness of Oneness, higher intuition, willingness to Service to others, seeing higher truths and perspectives etc. But just do not have any images, visions of energies, colors, seeing any beings or even any pressure to the Third eye? Being practicing meditation and other spiritual works. But never had any sensation to my third eye but yet have a certain kind of knowing that is not through physical energy centers. No physical sensations to the third eye or any other physical senses at all…but do have a 5D concept of reality that does not need any proof. Its like, i am guided by an invisible force. But yet, third eye don seemed to have any signs at all. So in this case, is my third eye open or not? Anybody who knows, please help me with this. Immense appreciation🙏
Ive felt that “busting out” one time, quite literally. When i tried ayahuasca in 2016. Interestingly though, i was on SSRI back then and had only weened myself off of them for like three days beforehand, dont know if that was the cause of me having a minimal trip otherwise. But the pressure on the third eye-region was distinct and pronounced. Sufficiently so that I thought about it both during and after the ceremony, one of the main yakeaways from the retreat which is saying a lot when talking DMT-infused cocktails tbh. I’ve since SMOKED dmt quite a few times but never felt that same sensation on my forehead :)🤷♂️ Very interesting
Is it possible to have a joint eye? I mean two people get in one eye? and how long will this ring last in the ear? I also had training at the secret school, but I’m not sure if it’s the third eye.because my master who is in me always says that this is a devil When I breathe I get nauseous and salty air Sometimes my ear vibrate, when i feel good
❤Please if anyone know anything!!!!!! ❤ I got this “scar” or line behind the skin between my left eyebrow and left ear which I cannot explain,, when I meditate I cannot sense anything between my eyes, but I experience a tingling, almost like a soft touch on this “scar/line” and after days I have this feeling on my right side as well, but there’s no scar or line that I can feel, like I can on the left, but none else seams to actually feel the line/scar…. Anyone else experienced this, or have a clue? Mutch love💗 but also much light💛
When I lie in bed with my eyes closed, it sometimes seems like my eyes are open and I sometimes see a kind of ‘balls’ in front of me in a large room. Then open my eyes and it’s gone. Heard it in a podcast today by chance that that is an energy, is there also a way to strengthen it? because subconsciously something told me that it is the 3rd eye.
Once I open my third eye I noticed. When im in a dark room or close my eyes i see almost a black hole surrounded by colors that shift through every single color. Also i can see what I assume is the astral relm.. if i think of something it appears before me as though it’s really there.. also there’s caterpillar like beings there.. at first they were like humans and can take on any form.. almost to make me comfortable. then once I wasn’t frightened and could see there core they look like caterpillars with a million legs.. is anybody else experiencing this? Now I can even feel them physically touching me. It’s almost like a static electric feeling.. i can feel there energy every where.. its crazy.. and every time I try to talk to people they just think I’m crazy..
Is that possyble to open my third eye through extreme stressy situations, like kind of an “automatic defense mechanism” of the mind? I had a really bad day in work and just stopped a bit and take a big breath boom than my mind is reseted. And I felt joy and freedom like feeling. My speach also changed talked way more lot and started loving peoples around me😅. I knowed that I will loose this state. And yes I lost it after few day. But I want to go back and stay there forever! How is that possible? I am experinced in meditation. But I only doing when I want to solve something in my life. I am give up the daily meditations years ago. Any dakini here to help me please?🙄 🙏
Hi, I have done third eye meditations in the past and experience vibrations on my third eye chakra area every day. It happens when I clear my thoughts and very frequently at night when it’s bedtime. I’m not sure what it means, and I’ve also seen purple light when closing my eyes, but that doesn’t happen anymore. Can anybody explain what this is?
Nevermind sleep paralysis flashes of images or sometimes the super real images. I’m a child of Yahweh and a follower of my Lord Yeshua and his spirit guides me. It’s impossible to hate anyone. Forgiveness, mercy, and compassion over flows from my heart for people. All this stuff started happening when I went back and read what Christ taught. I then had the desire to worship him with all my heart so I broke free from the dream world and praised him there. After that I had this dark evil presence hounding me but when I spoke the name of my Lord it got extremely angry then it started to flee from me. Now my supposed to be nightmares trigger me to break free from the dream line, so now I harass the supposed to be evil😅😅.. One dream there was these beast attacking people, so I played like I couldn’t get away (I’m lucid at this point) I wanted to punch one in the nose but i guess they knew what i was doing because they avoided me. I can go on and on about my lucid dreams and what I call the unseen world.
I know with this opening there is a cycle from the Christos oil going down the spine and resting in the dead sea to rise again to be crucified and then the marriage occurs. I’m noticing symptoms of these occurrences yet the men’s cycle is pretty cut and dry abstain during the time when the moon enters your sun but there is a lot of confusion about the female’s cycle according to when it’s occuring. Either during menstruation or during when the moon enters our sun sign. Do you have knowledge to impart on us ladies to honor and protect this cycle please
have everyone noticed that when you open youre 3rd eye you cant see out of it but its like a door opened in you let beings in to attck you, maybe its just me can anyone see out there 3rd eye because i cnt, but i still opened a door for being to come in and have a big influence on my life good or bad, maybe because i put pressure on my 3rd eye in forced it open, maybe it wasnt ready to be open, please tell me why this is hsppeneing to me
I’ve previously had an experience when I was in the forest where I could see ripples of energy coming from the leaves of plants, almost like a heat wave coming off asphalt. Does this sound anything like what you are talking about? Before this I had a 2 week long experience that I won’t be lengthy about, but part of it had a lot to do with light, it felt as if I could look at a light bulb and absorb the light. And I had light in my pupils in the shape of a 3 pointed pyramid. I was experiencing a heightened sense of awareness and was functioning at a higher vibration. Since then, I’ve lost that feeling of almost like nirvana and I’m on a journey to experience that again, although I’ve been told that it was a bipolar manic episode. This all might,and does, sound very strange, but I feel that you if anyone can understand. I told my doctor that we live in a dimension of duality and that each of us are bipolar because that’s the Law of Polarity. He didn’t quite know what to think about that. Do you have any suggestions how I can again raise my vibration? When I had this experience, I had kind of accidentally sent myself on a Vision Quest, without actually realizing this is what I had done. It was a mind blowing 2 week experience that I want to experience again. I am of the conviction that the rise in certain types of mental illness such as bipolar is actually part of our human evolution. Do you have any thoughts about this? I really love your website.
The body was made not to see. The eyes can only see 0.035% of the electromagnetic light spectrum. If one takes into account the new discoveries of ‘dark matter’ the eyes see only 1 part of 3 trillions of this light. This clearly is not seeing and IS only the ability to perceive in darkness an unreality that is not actually there. It is why the term ‘to awaken’ is used. The body is part of a dream ( it makes the dream seem real) and the world we see is only the dream we are projecting from within us. The third eye has nothing to do with the body and everything to do with the Mind. Learning to see who we are requires an opening of our minds. When the mind starts to open we begin to see our own Reality within ourselves. We begin to see that the Real meaning of Christ is within us. It is this Seeing, that we are the Son and the Light of a Loving Creator, that shows us that we are Whole, Healed and Holy. From this comes only Blessings as all cruelty born of fear is finally seen as unwanted.