The Greek Zodiac, like most Western versions, contains 12 signs connected to ancient Greek gods or goddesses. These signs help individuals understand their personality traits and characteristics. Aries is associated with Ares, the god of rebirth and beginnings, while Pisces, the Fish, represents two figures from Greek mythology: Aphrodite and her son Eros.
The modern understanding of zodiac signs is predominantly influenced by Greek astrology, which is a circle of twelve 30 degree divisions of celestial longitude centered upon the ecliptic. Each group of stars found its way into the zodiac, explaining how each group of stars found its way into the zodiac.
The zodiac signs as Greek gods are intertwined in various theories, helping individuals understand not just the birth and care of Zeus but also the desire for adventure, selfishness, courage, and daredevilishness. Capricorns, born between December 22 and January 20, are typically known as adventurous, selfish, courageous, and daredevilish. They are aligned with the Greek god Apollo, ruler of the sun and master of supernatural healing.
The zodiac’s twelve signs are represented by animals or animals, such as Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. Each sign is represented by an animal or animal, and those born under this sign are commonly linked to the Greek god of Ares.
In summary, the Greek Zodiac is a complex system of 12 signs connected to ancient Greek gods and goddesses, each representing unique character traits and personalities. Understanding these signs can help individuals better understand their own personality traits and characteristics.
The zodiac signs and many other astrological concepts have roots in Greek Mythology. Ancient Greeks were fascinated by the …
Which Greek god is Virgo?
The constellation Virgo has its roots in various mythologies, including Greek and Roman mythology, where it is associated with Demeter, the goddess of harvest and autumn, and her daughter Persephone, the queen of the Underworld and goddess of spring. Another myth explains the formation of Virgo as Parthenos, the daughter of Staphylus and Chrysothemis, and sister to Rhoeo and Molpadia. Apollo impregnated Rhoeo, and her father locked her in a box and cast it into a river.
Parthenos and Molpadia fled, threw themselves off a cliff, and Apollo saved them by placing Molpadia in Castabus and Parthenos in Bubastis. Another Greek myth links Virgo to Erigone, the Athenian maiden and daughter of Icarius, who was murdered by his shepherds and hung herself in grief. Zeus or Dionysus placed them in the sky as constellations.
In Egyptian mythology, the Sun’s presence in Virgo signified the beginning of the wheat harvest, linking Virgo to the wheat grain. In Christianity, the birth of Jesus to a virgin in Bethlehem is symbolically connected to Virgo. The ancient Zodiac began with Virgo and ended with Leo.
What was Jesus’ astrological sign?
The age of Pisces, which began around AD 1 and ends around AD 2150, is associated with the birth of Christ and is often depicted as the fishes. Christ, who bears many traits of a Piscean, is considered an archetype of the Piscean. The twelve apostles were called “fishers of men”, early Christians called themselves “little fishes”, and Jesus’ code word was the Greek word for fish, “ΙΧΘΥΣ ICHTHYS”. This period, known as the “Great Month of Pisces”, is considered the beginning of the Christian religion.
Saint Peter is recognized as the apostle of the Piscean sign. The Venus exalted in Pisces is represented by divine love in Dante’s Purgatorio. Pisces is also the subject of Luca Della Robbia’s 15th-century Plate with the Month of February and Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s poetic work.
What Greek god is Pisces?
Pisces, the twelfth and final astrological sign in the zodiac, is associated with divine figures such as Poseidon/Neptune, Aphrodite, Eros, Typhon, Vishnu, and the Sumerian goddess Inanna. It spans 330° to 360° of celestial longitude and is mutable. The symbol of the fish is derived from the ichthyocentaurs who assisted Aphrodite when she was born from the sea. Some tropical astrologers believe the current astrological age is the Age of Pisces, while others believe it is the Age of Aquarius.
What does the Bible say about astrology?
In Matthew 28:18, Jesus asserts that all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to him. This contradicts biblical wisdom, as chasing after false gods is a sin. There is no biblical evidence that God has given authority to stars or astrologists. Pursuing predictions about our destiny or personality is biblically sinful, as it takes power from God and gives it to something other than God. A horoscope cannot change what God has already ordained before we were even created.
Are zodiac signs Greek or Roman?
The Babylonians created 12 astrological signs, which were later incorporated into the Western zodiac. The ancient Greeks named these signs after constellations and linked them to specific dates based on their alignment with the sun’s orbit. The term “zodiac” originates from the Greek phrase “zōdiakos kyklos”, meaning “circle of animals”. Despite the Greeks’ contributions, horoscopes were not prevalent in ancient Greece.
Instead, the focus was on using the stars to connect with the gods through divination. Over time, Babylonian astrology merged with Greek divination practices, leading to the development of personalized horoscopes.
What Greek god is Scorpio?
Scorpio, a Greek mythological creature, is believed to have originated from the story of Orion, the son of Poseidon and Euryale. Orion and Artemis were hunting partners, and Artemis’s twin brother Apollo was jealous of Orion, sending a giant scorpion to kill him. Zeus placed both of them in the heavens as a constellation, with Antares representing the scorpion’s heart. Various versions suggest that Gaia sent the scorpion to kill Orion because he claimed he would kill all animals on Earth.
Artemis, who had a strong love for Orion, sent her strongest pet, Scorpius the Scorpion, to kill Orion. When Scorpius won the battle, Artemis placed her scorpion in the night sky to reward him, and Orion, the son of Poseidon, was placed in the sky.
Scorpio is most likely best matched with Psices, Cancer, and Virgo, as they are swimmers, Arachoids, and emotionally connected. Scorpio’s strength and water-like nature align with Virgo’s desire to nourish Earth.
Are the 12 zodiac signs Greek?
The zodiac, a system of twelve signs, was first used to determine the time of the year by identifying the days of the year the Sun is in each sign. The system, which has an angular measurement of 360 sexagesimal degrees, originated with Babylonian astronomy during the 1st millennium BC and was later communicated to Greek astronomy and the Hindu zodiac. The time of year in a given constellation has changed since Babylonian times due to the precession of the equinoxes.
The zodiac forms a celestial coordinate system, specifically an ecliptic coordinate system, which uses the ecliptic as the origin of latitude and the Sun’s position at the vernal equinox as the origin of longitude. The name “zōdiacus” comes from the Ancient Greek word “zōdiakòs kýklos”, meaning “cycle or circle of little animals”. The name reflects the prominence of animals and mythological hybrids among the twelve signs.
Is Scorpio Greek or Roman?
Scorpio is the eighth astrological sign in the zodiac, originating from the Scorpius constellation. It spans 210-240° ecliptic longitude and is typically transited by the Sun from October 23 to November 21 in the tropical zodiac. Born under the influence of Scorpio, individuals may be called a Scorpio or a Scorpionic. Scorpio is one of the water signs, along with Cancer and Pisces, and is a fixed, negative sign. According to The Astrology Bible, Scorpio’s colors are deep red, maroon, black, and brown. It is a fixed, negative sign, and its influence can vary depending on the zodiac system used.
What is the beast of Scorpio?
Scorpio, a sign often associated with a scorpion, has other animals like the serpent, eagle, and phoenix. These symbols capture aspects of the Scorpio archetype that may not be present in an average Scorp personality profile. If a Scorp believes in the idea of slowly growing into their sun signs, each symbol can represent a different stage in their Scorpionic evolution. Tali Edut of the Astrotwins provided insight into how these four animals fit into the same sign, despite their seemingly different appearances.
Which god loves Scorpio?
Those born under the astrological sign of Scorpio (October 23 – November 21) revere Lord Kartikeya, a warrior deity and son of Lord Shiva, as a source of spiritual guidance and fortitude. Meanwhile, Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21) venerates Lord Vishnu, the universe’s preserver and personification of compassion and rectitude, who provides guidance to Sagittarius in their pursuit of knowledge, justice, and spiritual illumination.
How do I find my Greek zodiac sign?
The Greek Zodiac Calendar is a system of 12 constellations, each representing a different aspect of the sky. The Capricorn zodiac sign, which is associated with the birth and care of the Greek god Zeus, is derived from the story of Rhea, who took her son to Mount Dicte to nurse him. The constellations are derived from Greek mythology and are based on the constellations of Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, and Leo. The Capricorn zodiac sign symbolizes the birth and care of Zeus, who was raised by a goat nymph, Amaltheia, to protect him from the wrath of his husband, Cronus.
📹 The Messed Up Mythology of EVERY Astrology Sign | Astrology Explained
▽ Timestamps ▽ » 0:00:00 – What is astrology? » 0:01:07 – Aries » 0:08:39 – Taurus » 0:14:57 – Gemini » 0:22:23 – Cancer …
I have a cat named Astraea who is a Taurus and I named her after the Spanish word for star because she has a sprinkle of white stardust on her dark brown almost b😢chest fur and I was not aware of the myth about the OTHER Astrea but every time she hears her name on the article she is lifting her head and sleepily looks around.😊
I concluded before when I was casually reading up on the stuff years ago that one way to be extra familiar with what to supposedly expect with each sign personality-wise is that you have to realize that each season of the year (spring, summer, autumn, winter) is an element unto themselves that you need to consider ALONGSIDE the element of each of the signs. With that, it would mean that (for examples) Aries is the fire sign of the season of Earth, Gemini is the air sign of the season of Fire, Virgo is the earth sign of the season of Air, Pisces is the water sign of the season of Water (yes, double elements can happen in this “theory” I made), so on and so forth. What this further means is that the resulting personality of this pairing of elements will naturally create variety – an Aries may be a Fire sign (which can come out as feistiness) but there’s a grounded-ness you would be able to sense from them unlike in other Fire signs that may just be purely ego incarnate (Leo, double Fire) or energetic but flighty (Sagittarius, season of Air)… or a boiling emotional wreck (Cancer, water sign of the season of Fire).
I don’t really take stock in these kinds of things, but as a Gemini, I can confirm that I definitely do better when I have a buddy or competition, and have often been described as a tomboy (which I’m 100% okay with). Would also add that, when I was younger, I did a lot of artsy things from drawing to bead work.
my wife a literal full-on Virgo is perfect for me, a Scorpio with Sagittarius rising. she is quite tactful. NOT as cold or fussy. and I love her analytical side. It helps keep me better grounded and organized. we make lists which has helped our lives a lot. we’ve been happily married for 30 years. from what I have discerned from astrology most signs are maybe 70% their sign and easily 30% their lived experiences i.e. upbringing, family values, friends, lived pain and adventures…… give or take 10% either direction. I personally have YET to meet any Sign who is EXACTLY like how they are described, whether in astrology books, websites, etc… MY. Final thought is don’t judge someone by their sign. you might miss out on your life long best friend or soulmate… but again this is my observations and two cents…
Thanks for asking for input at the end. I’ll add a bit about Virgo, since it’s a sign that is often maligned — actually, it’s quite a gift. {First, though, I’ll say that astrology is NOT about prediction. It’s about prediliction — astrology illluminates potentials, ones based in free will.} Virgo, in its ancient origin, is ‘she who is complete unto herself’. Whether the human is female or male in form, the idea is that one can be entirely whole, not dependent on others to fulfill this or that. This independence, combined with its intelligent and flexible, go-with-the-flow energy in service, makes it a bit more pure in appearance than most. Thus the title of the virgin, a maiden whose short-skirt virtue is technically (though rarely!) still intact. Humble and modest. Healthy. The sign can be organized and tidy in a detailed way, and all of these traits make it an ideal vessel for sacred energies to flow through, creating healing order, surrendering to divine flow, co-creating with discernment. Again, the notion of service, in this case — if agreed upon — for divine tasks oh behalf of Earth and her inhabitants. Sensual and grounded, Virgo is a magnificent creator goddess. And a Virgo mate is truly devoted. She preceeds all-growed-up LIbra, who follows her on the wheel, the only two gals in the zodiac, both being guided by Astraea. It is an interesting duplex of houses, and Virgo’s pesky doubt (lost in the details) can be similar to LIbra’s indecisiveness (trying to balance and weigh).
The progression/sequence of the astrological signs Aries-Pisces is symbolic of a literal life’s journey & a psycho/spiritual seasonal journey. Aries is the first house of self associated with birth/ Spring/the head & will. Pisces is the 12th & last house associated with the feet, winter, death/underworld or the subconcious. (Not unlike the Fool’s Journey through the Tarot each sign has its challenges & lessons) As well as the 4 elements, the signs are designated as Cardinal, Fixed or Mutable & also masculine or feminine depending on the planetary ruler. Aries is a cardinal fire sign ruled by Mars, so you are getting a triple masculine energy. If you’re a myth head or into the arcane, it’s actually pretty interesting symbolism. As far as charts go, there is also tropical vs sidereal systems of division. It’s a much more complex system than just birthdays if you have a serious interest in it.
sigh AQUARIUS IS MODELED AFTER AN ANCIENT KEMETIC PRINCIPLE OF KNOWLEDGE The Greek Mythos took it and applied it to their culture but Aquarius is actually about learning and sharing knowledge The water means the nourishment of knowledge. The vase is the mind The water is the knowledge The person holding it is the divine masculine of action You’re all welcome in advance Yours truly, an Aquarius ♒️
As a Virgo, I literally end up being the mom of every friend group. All my friends come to me for advice, I definitely don’t go to them for that. I prefer self reliant research. Not only that but we are heavily relied on for attention-to-detail and our commitment to projects. You wouldn’t want to hang out with us? No worries, the feeling is mutual because we actually prefer hermeticism and independence over social bias and reliance. I love a good evening in my own company so I can focus on me. People also hate accountability, so naturally they avoid us because they know if we are going to hold ourselves accountable then of course we hold others in our environment to that same standard. This is not to be taken seriously if you have unhealthy Virgo’s in mind. I am a healthy Virgo by choice and I respect my values too much to stray because of people’s opinions that really don’t matter to me in my waking life. Cool article tho 😌
I know very little of mythology. I’ve died twice in my life. Last August 2023 my heart, half of it swelled due to stress. I passed out two times at the house . The first time I woke up I was blind. When I stood at my kitchen counter and tried to call 911 I fell backwards yanking the phone on the counter with me. Still partially blind I managed to crawl to my living room to call for help. I made it to the hospital but I stood to take a transfer letter from the nurse. she said I looked at her and said I don’t think I’ll be needing that. she said I passed out and I died. They worked on me. the doctors said I was dead for a little over 6 minutes. I was transferred by helicopter to another hospital and had emergency open heart surgery. I had an 11% chance of making it. About that time I began dreaming about the afterlife . I found myself standing in the underworld. I couldn’t figure out how I ended up there. There were a bunch of people that were dead. we were all being ushered down this stone hallway. It opened into a giant room. There was a naked male giant with one horn. There were also a female and male Stone carving that were alive. There were two large Gates. I don’t know exactly what they were made of, iron or steel; they were huge. When you stood at the gates a symbol appeared on them. If the correct symbol appeared the gates would open, but if the wrong symbol appeared then you got stuck in hell / the underworld. You can take the test as many times as you liked but each time you failed they got to torture you and do far worse things to you.
The description of Virgo describes me down to the ground. My husband was sitting next to me when I was perusal this and he even said, “Boy, he’s describing you well enough. Working past your breaking point, Giving everyone help at work so the department will get good reviews, kicking butts while my hands are trying to get everyone to do better and with all of that you never cut yourself the smallest break. My wife, the overachiever! Unlike most wives, you never nag me to do something. You ask me, then remind me, then when whatever time frame you had in your head passes, you go do it yourself! Drives me crazy!” How, through the ages, did the astrologers come up with the traits of the signs? Did they do focus groups? “OK, right down on the top of this papyrus the sun sign you were born under, then we want you to write down things that you are known to do by your family, friends, and others. When you are finished please turn your clay tablets in to Nicodamid on your way out.” Did the astrologers do these groups every 100 years or something to keep the traits updated or what?
I have been a person that was always interested in Astrology.. I’m 62 and after studying Astrology mostly Western some Chinese .. the last year I have been studying Vedic Astrology.. it’s very interesting and a bit difficult when you don’t speak Sanskrit or Hindi.. or any other language but English 🙃so besides releasing old ideas and embracing new .. I found this episode very interesting.. your twisted darkish humor always makes me laugh .. thanks Jon❤
@JonSolo here is some more to go with your article. Leo, Aries, Sagittarius – Fire They are the Spiritual element What is part of their personality is: Will, Passion, power, light, intuition, desire, sexuality, spark, intensity, movement, drive, soul Their Deities are: Oak King, Ra, Horus, Sekhemet, Freya Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces – Water They are the Emotional element What is part of their personality is: Emotion, love, empathy, feeling, healing, dreaming, unconscious, ending, death, ancestors Their Deities are: Osiris, Freya, Aphrodite, Venus, Poseidon, Neptune Aquarius, Libra, Gemini – Air They are the element that’s all about the Mental capacity. What is part of their personality is: Mind, thought, intellect, logic, communication, truth, life, expression, language, abstract, symbolic Their Deities are: Isis, Thoth, Thor, Nut Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus – Earth They are the element that’s all about the Physical What is part of their personality is: Body, home, fertility, material, manifestation, law, healing, money, art, comfort Their Deities are: Gaia, Freya, Green man, Isis, Osiris, Holly King One’s personality is defined not just by the twelve astrological signs. One’s personality is a culmination of where all the planets and astrological signs were when you were born. A birth chart is what you use to find this out. I am a Capricorn but my Moon sign (which astrological sign the moon was in when I was born) and my accending (The sign ascending on the eastern horizon when I was born) are both Leo.
HI Jon, this is the First time I’ve ever been presented with one of Your article’s or Your website. This was very Entertaining. I’m going to Peruse Your website, see if Your information is as Solid and Entertaining in other Words You Do. Thanks for the Distraction from this reality We’re Struggling through at this Point in Time.
Astrology is a calender of the cycles of nature. Stars were just used as markers (like a map). So when spring started they noted that the Sun was in Aries, and they would describe the quality of nature during that time. Because ancients believed that man was also part of nature, they also described the nature of man during that time.
54:39 That’s interesting because during a conversation with a friend they mentioned they believe that Scorpios are personifications of Karma or something like that. We are sent into people’s lives to either help them elevate to the next level or teach them a lesson in the worst way possible. Seeing how Gaia sent Orion a Scorpion due to his boasting. It seems very fitting.
Wiki: Hippocrates (c. 460 BC – c. 370 BC) described several kinds of cancer, referring to them by the term καρκινος (carcinos), the Greek word for ‘crab’ or ‘crayfish’, as well as carcinoma. This comes from the appearance of the cut surface of a solid malignant tumour, with “the veins stretched on all sides as the animal the crab has its feet, whence it derives its name”. Since it was against Greek tradition to open the body, Hippocrates only described and made drawings of outwardly visible tumours on the skin, nose, and breasts. Treatment was based on the humour theory of four bodily fluids (black and yellow bile, blood, and phlegm). According to the patient’s humour, treatment consisted of diet, blood-letting, and/or laxatives. Celsus (c. 25 BC – 50 AD) translated carcinos into cancer, the Latin word for crab or crayfish.
that hercules and chiron bit got me thinking, how maybe the chiron was murdered or died tragically in the company of hercules is because the signs of gemini and sagitarrius are in opposition to one another on the wheel of the zodiac. this came to mind because ive heard how there are stories of a bull and a scorpion being at odds with one another in myths from the middle east. the stories beings ways for describing the movements of the planets against the backdrop of the stars and the houses they pass through. also the relationship the houses have with one another.
I’m an Aquarius, and I was always so confused as to why it was associated with water despite being an air sign. I don’t know that it makes any sense for it to be an air sign, but I do find the lore behind Aquarius and its concept to be super interesting. The Egyptians believing it to be the cup bearer dipping their jar into the Nile is so fascinating. I also never realized that Aquarius was one of the oldest known constellations. So interesting that multiple cultures would all have similar concepts based around it. However, it really does feel like they needed an air sign and decided to make up a reason for it to be one when its entire design is water themed. BTW, can you do one in the 13th Zodiac, Ophiuchus? It isn’t an official constellation of the zodiac, but some people treat it that way. It would be interesting to hear about the lore and real world history behind it.
Cancer rules the stomach ‘souls point of entry into the body’ also considered the portal of men whereas saturn is the portal of the gods. Cancer is at the top of the sign wave or astrology wheel and saturn is at the bottom. Different energetic frequencies for both that are projected different ways through this fractal. (See Santos Bonacci)
Your Sun sign (Aries in your case) alone does not make you who you are, you have to add your rising sign and your moon sign to get the full picture, but all of this is also affected by your environment…nature vs nurture…they affect the end result of what makes you you. I’m a Taurus with Pisces moon and Scorpio rising.
July 18,1975….I’m a cancer SUN,Scorpio MOON,Taurus RISING…..however I resonate more as a Scorpio….nurture side cancer the rest of me is pretty much a Scorpio….my daughter used to tell me all the time I’m too sensitive….but she also is an ARIES I’d just tell her she isn’t sensitive enough 😂😂😂😂….I have a son that’s Pisces, another Virgo son, and my mama was a Pisces, and her partner is a cancer,my partner is a Leo……
I’m an Aries. My wife is a Gemini. She fans my flames a lot, in good ways (pushing me to act on something I’ve been putting off or am not normally willing to do) and in bad ways (when we argue, she can turn me into Ares in the way I yell and fly off the handle). We’re mostly good together and I consider us a danger to others when we’re cornered.
Amigo, so much knowledge you share it’s awesome. Thanks!! Just a question. What about the other sign that was left out but some want to bring back again?? I’m a Sagitario but according to the other formation I’m an Ofiuco. Maybe you can do just a short article on that one. Anyways, keep on keeping on man!!!!
I do love evaluating myself every few years to see if i can remake some of myself. I do love esoteric knowledge. And I’m definitely a Scorpio by birth date. Whether it’s real or not, delving into various aspects of… well, me… is both fun and fascinating. I also know my Eastern astrological sign and my MBTI type. Self exploration is underutilized.
So here is an intersting tidbit…in astrology the 8th house (8 turned on its side is the symbol for infinity) is naturally ruled by Scorpio. The planet that rules Scorpio is Pluto aka Hades. It rules over secrets, the occult, sex, death and regeneration, legacy and transformation. It is known as Hades House the Underworld. The 9th house (the shape is suggestive of “Divine Knowledge” w/ the circle at the top “heaven” and the line pointed to Earth. This house belongs to Sagittarius and is ruled by Jupiter God of Gods. It rules over higher education, languages, philosophy, the depth of profound subjects, travel of mind body and spirit. It is considered Jupiters (Gods) House, Heaven.
If this interests you, look up the Mazeroth. Some say astrology is completely anti biblical but scholars say the zodiac comes from the bible. It’s said God YHWH told the story from creation to the birth of messiah. The Mazeroth has 12 signs, of which only a few differ from the zodiac. There are prophecies in Revelation that sound like it’s explaining cosmic alignments using the Mazeroth. It’s a fascinating rabbit hole to dive down.
I read somewhere years ago that pan was ruler of the earth bc Capricorn was favored by zeus so pan thought since he ruled land he could rule water too and tried to take this domain from pisces. We battled and pisces won but was impressed by the way pan battled so gave him a fish tail to always remember his loss
The versions of the Scorpio myth I read has either Apollo sending Scorpio because he hated that Orion was with his sister and Zeus putting him the sky at her request, or Artemis sending the scorpion as retaliation for him hunting out of season and Zeus putting both in the sky so that Scorpio could chase Orion off at the end of every hunting season
Scoff at astrology if you must, but personally, I have almost always found it to be accurate. The problem is that so many people see something like, “Today is your lucky day,” in the reading for their particular sign, and when they don’t win a million dollars on that day, they deride it. People are often very short-sighted and they often miss the small but very significant good luck things that did happen for them on that day. I know it’s accurate and it works because I am able to really understand it, as many others are as well. So again….scoff if you must, but you’re missing the seemingly insignificant details and therefore, the chance, to change events in their future.
Fascinating. This is the very first time ive ever heard scorpio described like this. Sounds more like Pisces to me, but 🤷🏻♂️ heres hoping i meet scorpios like you described. Im Aquarius Pisces Cusp and it’s been a challenge finding anyone who wants to go through the dark times and evolve! They don’t understand Im choosing this. Its not some game I’m playing 😂
🤣TOTALLY AWESOME 😂 A summation of life that is unexplainable is initiated by great ideas and provide some type of clarity through the rhetoric of humor. I AM THE CLARITY that I receive, when aptly studying words my mind heeds. I greatly appreciate your methodology of teaching. May I be just as crafty!😉.
Back in college I learned that the “signs” were off. Supposedly I’m a Taurus, tho adjusted for the movement of the stars, I’m an Aries? Put simply, between that and the near universal style of horoscope writings, I don’t pay much attention to them… favorite color says more about someone than an outdated social tool.
Wow, I’ve been waking up like 1-2 hours earlier then normal. I’m usually not an early bird. But I’ve known for a while I need yo change my eating and exercise routines. My tourer moment was getting a flat on my way to drop off my sis to airport. Then my spare getting a flat as well. And I’ve been seeing birds on my walks or at work. Cardinals and Blue jay’s mainly
~~LIBRA …that was very accurate and explains sooo much more than I already knew.this is something I’ve always longed to do as I live for the stars,moon,universe…I dont know why ive always been really stressed n to wanting to learn it all and help others learn .there is something huge about all of this … come i can never explain it how im thinking it.?
The signs are very nonspecific because they are relative to everyones conception and not toward their birth. My friend Bill and another friend of his tried to map this out. They found it to be difficult because often nobody really can trace this time to any exact time because when we are young and of mating age, we tend to mate as often as we can and often lose track. I have found that I do have characteristics of all signs from month to month. Most often, Capricorn is the most relative is assumed to be my conception sign. Libra, which is my birth sign, is also relative but only as relative as any other sign. We are a combination these signs not one. They aren’t absolute to predicting any future. They are archetypal designs that unfold as we grow into a combination of archetypes. It’s amazing to me that nobody could put any of this together and see the sygnificance? I have noticed that some signs refuse to acknowledge any influence by planets and constellations inside our universe? Some aren’t represented in a flattering fashion. lol The point is we understand the moon affects the tides. The sun produces waves of light. I would wager that all of the planets produce waves. Venus, Mercury move between the Moon and Sun and we know and experience all of their effects on our lives. We make decisions that are always influenced by our conception (approximately 9 months prior to our birth sign but not always because this depends on the influences of two other signs toward the birth sign).
As a Libra, I confirm the authenticity of this article. 😉 That’s why I believe almost completely in Greek mythology. Their creativity must have come from some inhuman source. There is too much truth, balance and honesty here to be written by human beings, the muse had to be something beyond our imagination. The Greeks are proof of contact with something bigger than us ;).
Dammit Jon. When you said “One of her suitors was a farmhand who was into some reall kinky stuff” my mouth droppend I was buying it 100% lol. Awesome article brother. Edit: I’m a Capricorn and I come from a family fullof Capricorns. The only other sign in our family is my dad (Cancer). That being said I don’t believe in Astrology at all, but I feel pretty well represented by what you said about us.
Those whom judge Astrology have never studied the Subject, the History/Ancient History of the Subject, more than merely 1 version, and/or Quantum Physics. Understanding and Comprehension of a subject is not merely Memorization. This generally applies to any subject, and opinion doesn’t = having a knowledgeable alternative position. B Bartlett Sociologist/Behavioralist and Historian
As for Aquarius the lines of the glyph are said to be representative of the lines of energy that connect us all. Aquarius rules the 11th house governs, groups organizations, societies, friends and aquaintances. It is the house of friendships and political associations. On its highest level it represents the harmonious working together of all people. In modern times it is the house of Networking and bringing people together. Ganymede being the water bearer keeps the flow of energy between the Gods. As he pours he’s collecting knowledge and pouring it out into the river for humanity to drink from.
Super job, Mr Solo, very entertaining in your distllation of eons of myth into a fun romp that actually teaches quite a lot. I, for one — as a big fan of Astraea — never knew of her visitations, interestingly mirrored by our current iteration of the benevolent overseeing goddess, the holy mother, whose visitations in Medjugorje or Fatima or Lourdes, hold similar warnings about how we need to heed our improvement else X*X might be our doom. Thanks as well for the best tip, that of Themis and her Moses-style role. cool! In gratitude, my gift to you is to encourage a peak at H.A. Rey’s book, THE STARS, which is made for kids technically (like his CURIOUS GEORGE), though I carried a decades-tattered version of it on camping treks or travels, having had my Atlas dad (father of the Pleiades — I am the middle of 7 sisters) gift it to me long before. He was a jet pilot who taught us to sail, and he wanted us to be able to read the stars, as he could, for navigation. What delighted him was how Rey took the same bright dots in the sky (I think that’s a reference you use in your Aquarius segment) and drew different lines to link them. The figures Rey crafted were actually more representative of the creatures and features for which they are named. Anyhoo, brava on making the old very digestible in the present day, reviviing our inner world and hopefully encouraging more exploration and pleasure in some of the vibrant culture we’ve inherited as humans. Love, MC
About a year ago I introduced a coworker to your website. Then yesterday, we were talking about about something that led to us talking about the website again (Red Riding Hood), and I realized I haven’t had YouTube suggest any of your articles in a long time. Then TA-DA! Today, this appeared in my suggestions. Trying to be grateful instead of creeped TF out, but I’m not gonna lie, it’s challenging.
Wow my qualities of my sign failed me, lol! I’m a Sagittarius and instead of letting go like I should have, I clung on to the dying relationships XD Both when it came to lover relationships, relation with friends, and family. Now the not focusing on the duties of the now and reality, yeah that hit dead on the head, and loving being in nature is definitely true because while everyone is urging us to sell the land we own, I’m standing my ground that my Maw-Maw and Paw-Paw worked hard for that land and it would be an insult to them to sell and also a dumb move when we can put something back on the land live there ourselves.
I usually find traditional astrology to resonate with me a bit more, excluding all the dignity of planets and whatnot, but this was still very informative. For Capricorn, the take was much better than just the typical ‘workaholic’ hur hur hur, and it does touch on the whole difficult childhood thing, as well as the perfectionist, domineering side, and that we do have a fun-loving side. Regarding the forgiveness aspect 💀 yeah, no, I’m not mature enough for that, like I understand, but I don’t care. How I was treated was unfair, and I won’t change how I feel about it, so therefore I do not forgive. 🫠 maybe it’ll change though later in life.
As an Aquarius, I don’t understand how we went from “prophets, social reformers, and free-thinkers” or solving “complicated problems” to now being seen as weird hippies… smart, savant-like, but usually weird and misunderstood. Like, we’ve always had Saturn as our ruling planet, which I still stand by, as the ancient ruling system actually makes sense visually according to the zodiac. Then, Uranus was discovered, and astrologers said “The modern age! It’s the Age of Aquarius! Inventions! The cotton gin! Exploration! Electricity! Craziness!” …despite the fact that we’re STILL in the Age of Pisces, for at least a few hundred more years… apparently Uranus can symbolize unexpected events, earthquakes, thunderstorms, sudden changes, technology, the future, so it’s the Aquarius ruling planet? I dunno. I say take modern “rulerships” with a grain of salt. Same with Pluto for Scorpio, or Neptune for Pisces. They may have similar qualities as the signs they’re associated with, but think about how little time we’ve known of these three planets compared to the ancients knowing about the seven planets (Sun, Moon to Saturn). I see them as references or influences, but not necessarily ruling planets. The ancient ruling system makes perfect sense if you look at the zodiac, or a birth chart even, and see where the planets all align. If you start at the height of summer, you have the sun (Leo) and the moon (Cancer), the two main luminaries. Then go backwards from Cancer and forward from Leo, the planets align perfectly.
Accurate. I’m a Pisces on the Aries cusp. It’s challenging lol Fire & water, first & last, head & feet. Wanting to be steadfast & headbutt people but also not wanting to confront anything. Running (swimming) away feels better. Hahaa.. I was a Jr Olympian swimmer & I jumped hurtles for my high school track team. My daughter is a Cancer. Shes 28 this yr. Also accurate. Her dad is Sagittarius, also accurate. Idk 🤷♀️ wtf to say. I can’t really attest to the others. How is it possible for these myths legends & lore from the ancients to be accurate for some? Weird. 🎉❤🍿
Well, Gemini was mostly shown as being ferternal twins, I male and o e females, which makes sense because the ruler mercury is an androgynous ” planet” some say that’s both a sun and moon. Which is Masculine and feminine which would make even better sense that gemini would be recognized as the same.
😂 @ requires your imagination. Question, I read recently that ABRAHAM is actually the father of astrology and star reading. There are books of Hebrew origin that discuss maps in which Joseph, and others, used the stars to actually locate people. I cant seem to find anything else on these two things, but can you? Crazy how everyone’s search engine is basically based on their preferences and the highest paying advert.